Hiking Date: Jan. 28 (Sat) Fine
Destination (mountain): Mt. Jiri/CheonWangBong (1915m)
Hiking course: BaengMuDong – Chamsaem Spring – SoJiBong – Lodge JangToMok – CheonWangBong – BeomGeSa Temple – Rotary – The Entrance of the temple – (Shuttle Bus) – Parking Lot (13 km, 7 hours)
Partner: 44 AhToSan members
March 1, 2004, I climbed CheonWangBong with Alan and other Taejeonhikers. That time we stayed overnight at a lodge at JungSanRi, the foot of the mountain, and climbed the mountain next day. We celebrated Alan’s 72 year old birthday on previous night.
Since we expected long hiking hours, we left at 6 a.m. at Expo South Gate in Daejeon. There was no vacant seat at all.
We arrived at BaengMuDong before 9 a.m. I succeeded to take a group picture, this time, and I tried to follow the top group, but soon, I became late.
[The group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체사진]
However, this time, a group of people, including “Yoro” the leader of last group, waited for me from time to time, so I could complete the hike, not being left alone.
The altitude of BaengMuDong is 540 meters. The top of CheonWangBong is 1915 meters. Therefore the defference of the altitude is 1375 meters.
There was no snow when we began climbing the mountain. After walking for about one hour, we saw snow on the trail, and at the point of altitude 900 meters, the trail was covered with snow. We all wore climbing irons.
[At the point of altitude 900 meters,標高900m付近にて、표고 900m 부근에서]
We found a sing board which said “keep off”because they protected “jewelweed.”The language of the flowers for “jewelweed”is “Do not touch me.”
The next place where they waited for me was “Chamsem”Spring where we could drink tasty water. Yoro gave me a dipperful water for me.
[At "Chamsem mark-post, 「チャムセム」の里程標にて、참샘의 이정표에서]
[A short break with makgeolli, マッコリタイム、막걸리 타임]
[At the ridge near JangToMok Lodge, ジャントモク山荘近くの稜線にて、장터목대피소 근처의 능선에서]
When we arrived at Lodge JangToMok, most of AhToSan members already finished their lunch. But this time, I had companies with me to have lunch together.
[The lunch table at JangToMok Lodge,ジャントモク山荘で昼食、장터목 대피소에서 점심식사]
We left the lodge at 1 p.m. I had to decide whether I should climb CheonWangBong, or began decending to JungSanRi at this point. I was encouraged by the group of the people who had lunch together, and decided to climb Mt. CheonWangBong.
[The guide post showing the direction of CheonWangBong, 天王峰まで1.7kmを示す里程標、천왕봉까지 1.7km을 가리키는 이정표]
I never regret this decision, because the scenary from the lodge to CheonWangBong was the best I have ever seen!
[With Hiking Leter, Jeongjeong & President, JeonDaUm, チョンジョン山行大将、及びチョンダウン会長と共に、정정 산행 대장님,및 정다운 회장님과 함께]
The trees were covered with snow, some completely and some, partically. The rocks were covered with snow, some completely and some, partically. They were just fantastic and beautiful. The color of the sky was deep blue and I could see the peaks of other mountians near and faraway.
[On the way to Mt. CheonWangBong, 天王峰へ行く稜線にて、천왕봉에 가는 능선에서]
I arrived at the peak of CheonWangBong at around 2:30. There was a nice stone mark of CheonWangBong, but it was so poplular, many hikers were taking turns to take pictures with the mark.
[We are near the top of CheonWangBong, あと少しで天王峰に到着するぞ、조금 더 가면, 천왕봉에 도착한다.]
[At the top of Mt. CheonWangBong(I got a cramp in my leg at the moment, 天王峰頂上にて(撮影の瞬間、私の足が攣った)、천왕봉 정상에서(촬영의 순간, 나의 발이 쥐났다)]
I began decending the mountain at around 2:30 p.m. The trail from the peak to JungSanRi I remembered it well. It remined me of Alan and things of 8 years ago.
I arrived at a beautiful temple called “BeomGeSa”Temple at 3:30. They say that the temple is located highest in Korea.
[On the way to go down, 下山路にて、하산로에서]
We turned left at the Lodge Rotary, and came down along the river.
[The mountain gate of BeomGeSa Temple, 法界寺の山門、 법계사의 산문]
When we arrived at the entrance of the temple, it was at 4:30. We took a shuttle bus from the entrance to the parking lot.
[The members waiting for the shuttle bus, シャトルバスを待つアトサン会員たち、셔틀 버스를 기다리는 아토산 회원들]
When we joined the most of the members, it was already 5 p.m. So, it took me 8 hours to complete the 13 km course.
The menu of “Wrap-up Party” was “rice-cake soup.” One of “jongmu”members, “Minju” cooked the food. The soup contained oysters and “Ttok” or Korean rice cake tasted very good. But since we came late (I gues one hour late than main group) only a few left.
[At the table of "Wrap-up Party", 打ち上げのテーブルにて、뒤풀이의 식탁에서]
We left JungSanRi parking lot at 5:30 and came back to Expo South Gate before 8 p.m.
It was my 5th hike for the year 2012, and 266th AhToSan regular hike as total for me.
登山コース:白武洞(ペンムドン백무동)~チャムセム(참샘)~ソジボン(소지봉)~ジャントモク退避所(장터목대피소)~天王峰(천왕봉)~法界寺(법계사)~ロータリ(로터리산장) ~ 法界寺入口 (법계사입구) ~ 中山里(중산리)駐車場 (13 km, 7時間:私は8時間かかった。)
[The group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체사진]
[It is always difficult to keep up with others for up-hill trail, 最近、上り坂はいつもきつい、요즘, 오르막은 언제나 힘들다.]
[At the point of altitude 900m, 標高900m付近にて、표고 900m 부근에서]
[The warning sign "Keep out" for the purpose of protection for "jewel weed."「フナツリソウ自生区域につき立入禁止」の標識、「물풍선 자생 구역에 대해서 출입금지」의 표식]
<<“Jewel weed” blooms during the mid-summer. The shape of the flower looks like lips of a lady, opened. It looks like the flower of balsam, but this species grow in the wet-land. So, in Korean laguage, it is called “water-balsam” or “jewel weed.” It is also called “touch-me-not.”한여름에 피어나는 분홀색 통꽃은 여인의 벌어진 입술처럼 생겼습니다.
여자들이 손톱에 물들이는데 쓰던 봉숭아와 모양이 비슷하지만 물가에 자란다하여 물봉선이라 합니다. 물봉선의 꽃말은 ‘나를 건드리지마세요’입니다.真夏に咲くピンクの花は女性の広げた唇のようににみえます。 女性たちが爪に染めるのに使った鳳仙花と形が似ているが水辺に育つので水鳳仙花(ツリフネソウ)といいます。 ツリフネソウの花言葉は「私に触らないで下さい」です。>>
["Yoro" is dipping water for me, チャムセムで水を汲む「ヨロ」、참샘에서 물을 긷는 「여로님」]
[At "Chamsem mark-post, 「チャムセム」の里程標にて、참샘의 이정표에서]
[The lunch table at JangToMok Lodge,ジャンとモク山荘で昼食、장터목 대피소에서 점심식사]
[On the way to Mt. CheonWangBong, 天王峰へ行く稜線にて、천왕봉에 가는 능선에서]
[At the top of Mt. CheonWangBong, 天王峰頂上にて、천왕봉 정상에서]
[At the mountain gate of BeomGeSa Temple, 法界寺の山門にて、 법계사의 산문에서]
[At the stone mark which shows the entrance of "BeomGeSa" Temple,法界寺入口を示す石柱にて、법계사 입구를 가르키는 석주에서]
[There was still some "Ttok-kuk Soup," wrap-up party meal remained, 打ち上げのご馳走『雑煮』は、まだ少し残っていた、뒤풀이의『떡국』은, 아직 조금 남아있었다]
I like hiking very much. I used to go hiking with a Korean hiking club named “AhToSan.” This blog introduces mostly my hiking activities in Korea and Japan, and Sydney in Australia. As of January 2020, I live in Sydney suburb. I go Blue Mountains and bush walk in Sydney area. 私は2003年から2014年まで韓国の大田(テジョン)に住んだ日本人である。11年間、週末は主に「アトサン山岳会」に参加した。14年4月に帰国したが、2020年以降はおもにシドニーで暮らし、時折、日本へ帰国する程度である。したがって最近の記事はSR(Sydney Report)としてブルーマウンテンのトレッキングを中心に書いている。
About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서
Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
120121 Mt. Unjangsan雲長山(ウンジャンサン운장산1126m), Jinan鎮安(チナン진안), Jeonbuk全北(전북)
Hiking Date: Jan. 21, 2012 (Sat.) Snow
Destination (mountain): Mt. Unjangsan, Jinan, Jeonbuk
Hiking course: Piammokjae – Hwalmokjae – Seobong – Jungbong – Dongbong - Naecheosadong
Partner: 42 AhToSan members
Korea celebrates Lunar New Year, just the same as China, Vietnum, Mongol and some other Asian countries.
This year, Lunar New Year is Jan. 23. Therefore, the 3 days from Jan. 22 to Jan. 24 are national holidays in Korea.. Korea practice 5 day working system since the latter half of 2004. (AhToSan was established when they introduced this system in 2004.)
So, practically, Jan. 21 is the first day of the big holiday of Lunar New Year in Korea. Yet 43 people applied this hike. It was a big surprise for me.
After 4 weeks of my absence at AhToSan, it was my pleasure to see my AhToSan friends again.
There were some old faces among the participants. One of them, called “GangHanSan” was really a big pleant surprise for me.
[The strong hiker, "GangHanSan," 強いハイカー、「カンハンサン」、강한 하이커, 「강한산」]
["GangHanSan" and "SanSalang", 「カンハンサン」と「サンサラン」、"강한산"과 "산사랑"]
The new president, JeongDaun introduced him as the person who introduced AhToSan to her 4 or 5 years ago.
“Jeongejong” who is one of the strongest AhToSan leaders, also commented “GangHanSan” as her “mentor.”
Besides the introduction of “GangHanSan,” they celebrated the 50th participation by “Kkachi” or “magpie” on the way to the destination.
[They celebrated Kkachi's 50th hike with AhToSan, カッチの50回目登山を祝う、까치의 50반째 등산을 축하]
“Kkachi” joined this hike with his son. He looked very happy when he blew the candles off on the cake.
[Kkachi and his son, 「カッチ」と息子、까치님과 아들]
We arrived at the entrance of the trail at 8:50 a.m. It was snowing heavily there. We needed to wear climbing irons and spats from the beginning.
[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체사진]
It was my first time to wear these gears for this season and I was a bit too slow. So when they got ready to take a group picture, I failed to use self-timer picture when my traipot fell down. (My digital camera was broken at this moment and it took me 80,000 won to fixt it. Anyway, I carried a spare camera. So, I used this spare camera that day.)
[The trail was covered with snow, 登山路は雪で覆われていた、등산로는 눈으로 덮여 있었다.]
[AhToSan hikers were happy with snow, 雪を喜ぶアトサン会員たち、눈을 기뻐하는 아토산 회원들 ]
My condition was not good that day. I was not completely recovered from the hike to Mt. Ohyama. Moreover, I felt my legs were very heavy mostly because of the climing irons and snow. So most of AhToSan members went ahead and I was left behind.
[I was the last person among all members, 私は参加者の中でビリ、나는 참가자중에 꼴찌]
There was another member who walked slowly because of his condition was also bad. His nickname was “Hojeong.”So, I walked with “Hojeong”until the top of the mountain.
When we arrived at the top of the mountain, most of the members already finished their lunch time. They were ready to decend the mountain, so I gave up my lunch there.
When I caught up with the main group at noon, I proposed to take a group picture with my traipot and self-timer function. This time I succeeded to make it with my spare camera.
[I caught up with them, 私は頂上でみんなに追いついた、나는 정상에서 모두에게 따라잡았다.]
I also offered “grapes” and “small tomatoes”and warmed “sake” which I brought from Japan. They liked them all.
I skipped my lunch and began decending the mountain with other members. But I was much slower than others, and I became the last person to finish the hike at 2 p.m.
Most of the members walked only for 4 hours, but it took me 5 hours to complete the hike. I thought I should train myself harder from now on.
“Ttempi” cooked “Dongtae Soup” for “after the hike party.” Jeongdaun gave me some rice for me. So I added the rice to the soup. It was delicious.
The bus left at 2:20 and came back to Expo South Gate in Daejeon at 4 p.m.
Most of AhToSan members hurried to their homes to prepare Lunar New Year. I went my studio apartment by 5 p.m.
This was my first hike in Korea in the year of 2012. It was my 265th AhToSan regular hike as the total.
["GangHanSan" and "Jeong-jeong", 「カンハンサン」と「チョンジョン」、「강한산」과 「정정」]
[Kkachi and his son, 「カッチ」と息子、까치님과 아들]
[At the starting point of the hike, 登山の出発地点にて、등산 출발 지점에서]
[Near the top of the mountain, 頂上付近にて、정상부근에서]
[I caught up with them, 私は頂上でみんなに追いついた、나는 정상에서 모두를 따라잡았다.]
[I began descend the mountain, 下山開始、하산 시작]
[At SamJangBong (1133m)、サムジャンボンにて、잠장봉에서]
[The soup with rice, トンテチゲとライス、동태 찌개와 밥]
今回は今年韓国での最初の登山であり、アトサンの通常登山は265回目だ。 ----------------------------------------
Destination (mountain): Mt. Unjangsan, Jinan, Jeonbuk
Hiking course: Piammokjae – Hwalmokjae – Seobong – Jungbong – Dongbong - Naecheosadong
Partner: 42 AhToSan members
Korea celebrates Lunar New Year, just the same as China, Vietnum, Mongol and some other Asian countries.
This year, Lunar New Year is Jan. 23. Therefore, the 3 days from Jan. 22 to Jan. 24 are national holidays in Korea.. Korea practice 5 day working system since the latter half of 2004. (AhToSan was established when they introduced this system in 2004.)
So, practically, Jan. 21 is the first day of the big holiday of Lunar New Year in Korea. Yet 43 people applied this hike. It was a big surprise for me.
After 4 weeks of my absence at AhToSan, it was my pleasure to see my AhToSan friends again.
There were some old faces among the participants. One of them, called “GangHanSan” was really a big pleant surprise for me.
[The strong hiker, "GangHanSan," 強いハイカー、「カンハンサン」、강한 하이커, 「강한산」]
["GangHanSan" and "SanSalang", 「カンハンサン」と「サンサラン」、"강한산"과 "산사랑"]
The new president, JeongDaun introduced him as the person who introduced AhToSan to her 4 or 5 years ago.
“Jeongejong” who is one of the strongest AhToSan leaders, also commented “GangHanSan” as her “mentor.”
Besides the introduction of “GangHanSan,” they celebrated the 50th participation by “Kkachi” or “magpie” on the way to the destination.
[They celebrated Kkachi's 50th hike with AhToSan, カッチの50回目登山を祝う、까치의 50반째 등산을 축하]
“Kkachi” joined this hike with his son. He looked very happy when he blew the candles off on the cake.
[Kkachi and his son, 「カッチ」と息子、까치님과 아들]
We arrived at the entrance of the trail at 8:50 a.m. It was snowing heavily there. We needed to wear climbing irons and spats from the beginning.
[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체사진]
It was my first time to wear these gears for this season and I was a bit too slow. So when they got ready to take a group picture, I failed to use self-timer picture when my traipot fell down. (My digital camera was broken at this moment and it took me 80,000 won to fixt it. Anyway, I carried a spare camera. So, I used this spare camera that day.)
[The trail was covered with snow, 登山路は雪で覆われていた、등산로는 눈으로 덮여 있었다.]
[AhToSan hikers were happy with snow, 雪を喜ぶアトサン会員たち、눈을 기뻐하는 아토산 회원들 ]
My condition was not good that day. I was not completely recovered from the hike to Mt. Ohyama. Moreover, I felt my legs were very heavy mostly because of the climing irons and snow. So most of AhToSan members went ahead and I was left behind.
[I was the last person among all members, 私は参加者の中でビリ、나는 참가자중에 꼴찌]
There was another member who walked slowly because of his condition was also bad. His nickname was “Hojeong.”So, I walked with “Hojeong”until the top of the mountain.
When we arrived at the top of the mountain, most of the members already finished their lunch time. They were ready to decend the mountain, so I gave up my lunch there.
When I caught up with the main group at noon, I proposed to take a group picture with my traipot and self-timer function. This time I succeeded to make it with my spare camera.
[I caught up with them, 私は頂上でみんなに追いついた、나는 정상에서 모두에게 따라잡았다.]
I also offered “grapes” and “small tomatoes”and warmed “sake” which I brought from Japan. They liked them all.
I skipped my lunch and began decending the mountain with other members. But I was much slower than others, and I became the last person to finish the hike at 2 p.m.
Most of the members walked only for 4 hours, but it took me 5 hours to complete the hike. I thought I should train myself harder from now on.
“Ttempi” cooked “Dongtae Soup” for “after the hike party.” Jeongdaun gave me some rice for me. So I added the rice to the soup. It was delicious.
The bus left at 2:20 and came back to Expo South Gate in Daejeon at 4 p.m.
Most of AhToSan members hurried to their homes to prepare Lunar New Year. I went my studio apartment by 5 p.m.
This was my first hike in Korea in the year of 2012. It was my 265th AhToSan regular hike as the total.
["GangHanSan" and "Jeong-jeong", 「カンハンサン」と「チョンジョン」、「강한산」과 「정정」]
[Kkachi and his son, 「カッチ」と息子、까치님과 아들]
[At the starting point of the hike, 登山の出発地点にて、등산 출발 지점에서]
[Near the top of the mountain, 頂上付近にて、정상부근에서]
[I caught up with them, 私は頂上でみんなに追いついた、나는 정상에서 모두를 따라잡았다.]
[I began descend the mountain, 下山開始、하산 시작]
[At SamJangBong (1133m)、サムジャンボンにて、잠장봉에서]
[The soup with rice, トンテチゲとライス、동태 찌개와 밥]
今回は今年韓国での最初の登山であり、アトサンの通常登山は265回目だ。 ----------------------------------------
投稿 (Atom)