About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
ラベル Class Reunion(同窓会) の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル Class Reunion(同窓会) の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


130720 Visiting Late Tomio’s Grave, and Class Reunion of Tamanawa Elementary School

Date of Events: Saturday, July 20

“The Second Anniversary of Mr. Uchida’s Death”

Mr. Tomio Uchida passed away on July 20, 2011. I regarded him as my mentor. Many of his friends felt the same way as mine.

[The gate of the temple, 晴雲寺の正門、청운사의 정문]

Five of such people including myself, gathered in front of Mr. Uchida’s grave at Seiunji, Hiratsuka on July 20, 2013.

[Lotus flowers at the temple, 晴雲寺の庭のハスの花、청운사 정원의 연꽃]

[Bulletin board of the temple、寺の掲示板、절의 게시판]

One of us, who visits his grave the 20th of every month, Mr. HK, prepared incense sticks and flowers and shared with us.

[The grave stone of the Uchida Family, 内田家の墓石、우치다 가정 묘비]

Mr. HK is CEO of an automobile repair factory. Yet he is studying Buddhism seriously. He read proper Buddhist sutra, while we listened to him. Then he told us that when we prayed we should talk to late Mr. Uchida, at least for 30 seconds.

[The visitors of the grave, 墓の訪問者、무덤의 방문자들]

All of us followed his suggestion. Then we went to a nearby family restaurant “Loyal Host.”

He said the value of grave did not depend on how big it was, nor the direction of it, but the number and prayers of the visitors.

I happened to see a warning plate in front of the nearby grave of Mr. Uchida’s. It was written that if any relatives of the grave owner, did not contact the manager of the graveyard, for a certain period of the time, the grave would be destroyed and the grave stone should be take away.

[The warning to the grave owner, 墓の所有者への警告、무덤의 소유자에게 경고]

That means the grave has not been visited by anyone for many years.

Mr. HK’s story, and the warning plate at the grave which nobody visit, made me think of my parents’ grave in Ofuna.

I built my parents’s grave on the hill of Ofuna Kannon about 40 years ago, with the help of my 5 siblings’ help.

I am the only boy among 6 children my parents had. (I am the youngest, and I used to have 5 elder sisters.)

Two of them already passed away and one of remaining three, has been dementia for decades.

Since I was baptized about 35 years ago, I would prefer to be buried in church’s graveyard. Then I am worried about my parents’ graveyard.

I wonder if I could take their remains with me into the church’s graveyard, so that I could return the graveyard to the temple.

This must be my homework until I can find the solution.

Anyhow, old friends of Mr. Uchida, after visiting his grave, went to Loyal Host and talked about our memories about Mr. Uchida, and our recent activities over lunch.

[At Loyal Host, ロイヤルホストにて、로얄호스트에서]

“Class Reunion of Elementary School”

We were in the same class called “Umegumi” at Tamanawa Elementary School 47 years ago.

They held class reunion several times, but since one of my good old friends, Tsutomu, found out that I have been living in Korea, he organized class reunions during my stay in Japan since 2010.

So, this is my 4th attendance of the same class reunion. This time I saw two people for the first time since we left the school 47 years ago.

The person who organizes the class reunion is Tsutomu. Tutom and I went not only the same elementary school, but also middle school in Ofuna and even the technical high school in Yokosuka.

[Walking toward the restaurant, バスを下車して食堂へ向かう。버스를 하차 후 식당으로 향했다.]

Tsutomu and I went to Yokosuka Municipal Technical Highshool. He took the architecture course, while I took the course of mechanical engineering.

[Tsutomu welcoming us, 主人が我々を迎えた。주인이 우리를 맞이했다.]

Tsutom is an architect. He still opens his own office, but one of his sons owns pizza restaurant, named “PIZZWRIA Jiyudokoro.”

[Draft beer and appetizers, 前菜と生ビール、전채와 생맥주]

They offer fresh pizza as well as fresh sashimi and other dishes and all kind of beverages.

[Roasted turban shell, サザエのつぼ焼き、소라 구이]

Tamio was the boss among kids. He owns a construction company passed over to him from his father.

[A group picture of the class-reunion, 同窓会の集合写真、동창회 단체 사진]

He is one of the most interesting characters. He knew the people in dark world, such as “yakuza” and those women who worked at “Akasen” or sex industry immediately after World War Two in Ofuna.

[A picture of elementary school days, 小学校の時の写真、초등학교 학생 때의 사진]

Mr. Ōyama’s story was even more shocking. His nationality was Korean. He attended a special class for Koreans during elementary school days.

[A picture of elementary school days, 小学校の時の写真、초등학교 학생 때의 사진]

He even became a teacher at Chōsen gakkō (Japanese: 朝鮮学校; Korean: 조선학교).

[Shochu, "Shobei", 日本焼酎「庄兵衛」、일본 소주 "쇼베이"]

Later he preferred to be a professional engineer, and took various qualifications such as an operator of heavy equipment for construction sites.

Mr. Ōyama happened to see Tamio at a construction site. So they came to our reunion party together.

[At the party, パーティにて、파티에서]

The new comers were Mr. Usui and Ms. Hirai. I saw them for the first time after 47 years. Yet I could recognized them well.

[At the party, パーティにて、파티에서]

Mr. Usui has been suffering from lung emphysema, therefore it was hard for him to climb even a gentle stairs. He said his wife has breast cancer.

At our age, big topic are matters of our health. Mr. Ōyama seems strongest. He said he practiced martial arts with his son.

He showed how to train his abdominal muscles by using special gear. I followed him and I could do at least 10 times. I felt pain in my abdominal muscles next day. So it works!

[Mr. Oyama shows how to use the gear, O氏が器具の使い方を示している。O 씨가기구의 사용법을 가르치고있다.]

I may use this gear when I return to Japan next April.

Ms. Hirai was a daughter of vice-principal. Later, herself became an elementary school teacher. She used to be a president of the class. She looked smart as she used to be.

I am thankful for my health and my life so far. I thought of people who were attracted to North Korea in 1950s and went to the country and could never return.

Mr. Ōyama told that 80 to 80% of Koreans who went to North Korea after the war, they were South Koreans. In these years, North Korea looked much better than South Korea. I felt sorry for those people who were deceived by propaganda.

[A group picture at the end of the party, 最後に集合写真、마지막으로 단체 사진]

After the class reunion, I went to Shibuya to see my wife. Both of us took a overnight bus to Tsuruoka, her hometown in Tohoku Region.






[Lotus flowers at the temple, 晴雲寺の庭のハスの花、청운사 정원의 연꽃]

[Bulletin board of the temple、寺の掲示板、절의 게시판]


[Mr. HK is taking care of the grave, 内田家の墓とHK氏、우치다가의 무덤 및 HK 씨]


[Mr. HK is reading the sutra, HK氏がお経をあげている、HK 씨가 경을 읽고있다.]







したがって現在、墓参りをする子供は現在3人である。 青雲寺の内田家の墓のすぐ近くにある「O家の墓」の前に撤去予告を告げる通知が建てられていることから、私も両親の墓をどうするか決めなくてはならないと思った。


[Mr. KK's Coupe、ロイヤルホストへ向かうKK氏のクーペ、로얄호스트로 향하는 KK 씨의 쿠페]









店は鎌倉から逗子へ行くバスの路線の中間にある「小坪」のバス停のそばで、「PIZZWRIA 自遊人処」という。

[The name board of the restaurant,「PIZZWRIA 自遊人処」の看板、"PIZZWRIA 자동 유인 처 '의 간판]




「PIZZWRIA 自遊人処」はこの3年間の同窓会の主催人物であるTK氏の息子が自前の窯を使ってピザを焼く店である。

[At the entrance of the restaurant, 食堂入口にて、식당 입구에서]


[A kind of side dish, つまみの一種、안주의 종류]


[A group picture of the class-reunion, 同窓会の集合写真、동창회 단체 사진]


[A picture of elementary school days, 小学校の時の写真、초등학교 학생 때의 사진]

また、大船には赤線があり、そこではたらく女性たちにかわいがってもらったという話しなどは、私はまったく知らない世界の話だ。 もっとも衝撃的だったのは今になって知ったO氏の国籍である。彼は在日であり、小学校の時は在日の子供だけが行く特殊学級があったということだ。

[A picture of elementary school days, 小学校の時の写真、초등학교 학생 때의 사진]


[A kind of side dish, つまみの一種、안주의 종류]


[At the party, パーティにて、파티에서]



[Mr. Oyama shows how to use the gear, O氏が器具の使い方を示している。O 씨가기구의 사용법을 가르치고있다.]

私もこれをやってみたが、10回は軽くこなせる。私は韓国で毎日上体起こしの腹筋運動を100回以上やっているのだから当然と言えば当然。 しかし、実際にやってみると翌日腹に軽い痛みを覚えた。来年4月から日本で暮らすようになった場合、この運動具を使えば腹筋を鍛えることができると思った。

[A group picture at the end of the party, 最後に集合写真、마지막으로 단체 사진]




120804 Class reunion of elementary-school(小学校の同窓会 초등학교 동창회)

Event: Class reunion of elementary-school

Date: Augst 4 (Sat), 2012

Place: “Shoya (庄や)” and “Dou(童)” in Ofuna

Participants: 5 graduates (all men)

Ben planned Class-Reunion again during my vacation in Japan. Tami and Sagara joined again, but no lady this time. In stead, Ohyama came to see us for the first time (at least, to me.)

When I saw him last, it was 53 years ago, yet I remembered him and he recognized me when we saw each other.

That day, I went to “Yukai-sokai-Taya” one of many “Super-Sento” which locates close to my house in Ofuna.

I like this “Super-Sento” very much, and during my stay in Ofuna, I visit this hotspring almost every day.

I got “evening shower” a semi-torpical shower which came in the afternoon in Kanto area that day. So, I went home and changed my clothes and went to Ofuna Station.

The meeting time was 6 pm in front of the ticket gate of Ofuna Station. All members, except Ben came to the palce on time. But Ben had business in Tsujido that day, and he joined us 15 minutes later.

Ben indicated the restaurant where we were supposed to have the party, but the restaurant “Dou” was full with customers. Ben had not reserved our seats. So, we had to find an alternative restaurant until “Dou” had enough space for us.

Tami recommended an “Izakaya” near Ofuna Station. The name of the “Izakaya” was “Shoya” and the location was the 2nd floor of the building at which ex-theater called “Odeon Theater.”

It’s a very nostalgic name for all of us, since it was a movie theater closed about 30 years ago.

[We waited at Shoya, 我々は『庄や』で『童』の空くのを待った、 우리는『셔야』에서 『동』의 자리가 나는 것을 기다렸다 ]

Anyway, according to Tami, “Shoya” provides good fresh foodstaff (esp. sea products) with reasonable price.

He was right! When we saw a memu with colorful pictures, a big dish of “sashimi” looked very good. It costs only 2000 yen but full of nice looking “sashimi.” We ordered this “sashimi-moriawase” and acturally it WAS good. Devided by five means only 400 yen for each!

[2000 yen "All sashimi in one dishl", 2000円の『刺身盛り合わせ』、2000엔의 『생선회모듬』]

We ordered draft beer, and enjoyed that “sashimi” while waiting for our seats in “Dou.” (The owner of “Dou” is a nephew of Ben, so we can enjoy for a long time with reasonable price there.)

[At "Shoya" for the 1st party, 『庄や』にて一次会、『셔야』에서 일차회에서]

Ben got a call from the owner of “Dou”(one of his nephews) and we went to the Korean-style BBQ restaurant, “Dou.”

[We left "Shoya" and headed for "Dou.我々は『庄や』を出て『童』へ向かった、"우리는 『셔야』를 나가서 『동』에 갔다.]

We enjoyed Korean-style BBQ while watiching a football game between Japan and Egypt in London Olympics on TV.

[We went to "Dou" and began our 2nd party with "Cheers!", ようやく『童』に入って、二次会を開始した、드디어 『동』에 들어오고, 이차회를 시작했다. ]

Our talks/chats were naturally about good old days of 1950s while we were elementary students. To my great surprise, Ohyama is a Japanese Korean.

[We enjoyed Korean BBQ while having talks about "Good-Old-Days", 昔の話をしながらBBQを楽しんだ。옛날 이야기를 하면서 BBQ를 즐겼다.]

He was once a teacher at Korean University in Japan! He said he used to attend Korean Class at Tamanawa Elementary School from which we graduated, 53 years ago.

Come to think of it, there were so called “Chosen Buraku” or “Korean villages” back in 1950s or even 1960s in Ofuna and in my neighborfood. He must have commuted from such villages back then.

Ohyama said that he though he could earn more money if he had technical quolifications concerning electricity or mechanical engineering, so he studied hard and acquired such quolifications and quit the job at the Korean University.

He said he happened to see Tami at a construction site when he was working as a mechanic to operate a crane. Tami has been working at construction sites as a leader of the group/company for all his careers.

Story told by Tami was most interesting and surprised me. He said when he began to understand things, he saw men with tattoos in their whole bodies, or men who were addicted to “Philopon” (Methamphetamine, also known as metamfetamine, meth, ice, crystal).

He even mentioned about “Akasen” and he talked with women who worked at such district in Ofuna.

“Akasen” is Japanese slang and a collective term which was used to identify districts in Japan where prostitution and the sex industry flourished until 1958, specifically during the period of January 1946 through March 1958. (Wikipedia)

It was abolished in 1958, when we were in 5th grade of elementary school. So, it must be true that he talked with women who worked at such a place.

To my surprise, all other guys except I, knew the fact of “Akasen” in Ofuna. And the world of “Yakuza,” men of tattoos.

The class-reunion was over when the football gave between Japan and Egyt was over with the victory of Japanese team (male) in London Olympics. It was 10:30 p.m. and we promised to see each other again when I came back to Japan next time.














[At "Shoya" for the 1st party, 『庄や』にて一次会、『셔야』에서 일차회]


[The entrance of "Dou"(Left), 『童』の入り口(左側),『동』의 입구(왼쪽)]

[We enjoyed Korean BBQ while having talks about "Good-Old-Days", 昔の話をしながらBBQを楽しんだ。옛날 이야기를 하면서 BBQ를 즐겼다.]










[Ohyama ordered "Gukpap" and it looked delicious, Oは最後にクッパを注文したがとてもおいしそうだった。O는 마지막에 국밥을 주문했는데 매우 맛있게 보였다.]




Class reunion of middle-school and total solar eclipse 「中学校の同窓会」と「金環日食」、「중학교 동창회」과 「금환일식」

Event: Class reunion of middle-school and total solar eclipse

Date: May 19 and May 21 of 2012

Place: Italian restaurant “La Pattola” in Ofuna and from Kyushu to Kanto area in Japan

Participants: 16 graduates of the same class and 80 million Japanese.

“Class Reunion of Middle School”

["La Pattola" in front of "Kamakura Geijutsukan" 鎌倉芸術館の前の「ラパットーラ」가마쿠라 예술관 앞 「라팟토라]

I finished middle school in March 1963, just 50 years ago.

Since I moved to Korea in 2003, I rarely attended class-reunions of any school, except the elementary school held duing my vacation last year.

[A male MC, giving a toast, 男幹事が乾杯の音頭をとった、남자간사가 건배를 외쳤다]

When I got the information by postcard in April, I did not think of attending the party because I have classes in Korea.

This time, however, one of my snailmail penpals, whom I met 12 years ago, strongly recommended that I should attend the party. She wrote it would be the last chance to see good-old-faces this world.

[The female MC, introducing herself, 女幹事の自己紹介、여자간사의 자기 소개]

I tried to rearrange my classes at Daejeok College in Daejeon. It was rather easy to change my schedule. Only the airticket, I had to sacrifice more than half of my monthly income.

[A group picture of the class reunion, 同窓会参加者の集合写真、동창회참가자 단체사진]

Anyway, I met 15 classmates who have changed drastically, and some of them, I could not recognize their old faces 50 years ago.

It was very interesting to hear what they have done and what they are doing now.

It seemed to me that those all retired people, looked senile while those who were working now, looked young.

At the party, we all introduced ourselves, one by one, and what we were doing now.

The most impressive introduction was MF who used to be “Shadow Leader of School Gang” who boasted his inteliigence.

He confessed that the was the leader of school gangsters, but he succeeded to be looked as a good boy among teachers.

He went to a presitigious high-school and university, and entered a big company and been promoted well. Therefore he could save up enough pension (half a million yen a month) and retired at the age of 60. But he got subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) several years ago and became half-paralized.

His story reminded me of a Biblical story written in Luke 12:17-21.

But fortunately for him, that he recovered from the illness, and now he looked as powerful as ever.

We finished the party at around 4 p.m. and moved to a karaoke shop.

[After the party, we walked toward "karaoke" shop, 同窓会後、カラオケショップへ向かう、동창회를 끝낸 후, 노래방으로 향했다.]

MF invited all of us, saying “I cannot live long, so I should use my money while living on earth.”

All of us, but the mail MC, followed him. We enjoyed the 2nd party with drinks paid by MF for two hours.

[At "karaoke" shop, カラオケにて、노래방에서]

The first song I ordered was “Kokosan-nen-sai” or “The 3rd graders in high school” which was poplular in the middle of 1960s.

“total eclipse of the sun”

I went back to Korea next day. The next day of my return to Korea, May 21, there was total eclipse of the sun in Japan.

I saw a parcial eclipse of the sun in Korea last year. It was a rare chance for Japanese who chould see the total eclipse of the sun. It happened to those who lived in Honshu, 129 years ago. Next time, it is 2035 in a part of Kanto in Japan. (I would be 88 years old.)

A friend of my wife, Ms. K took nice pictures of this total eclipse of the sun and kindly sent to me.

I got permission to upload to my blog.

[The pictures of total eclipse of the sun by Ms. K, 妻の友人、Kさんが撮影した皆既日食、아내의 친구, K씨가 촬영한 개기일식]

My German friend, Tobias, happened to be in Jeju island, and he also sent me the pictures he took. Tobias is one of my hiking friends in Korea and he is an astronomer in Korea.

[The pictures taken by Tobias in Jeju, 済州島でトビアスが撮影した部分日食、제주도에서 토비아스가 촬영한 부분 일식]










[MCs are preparing for the party, 幹事が事前打ち合わせをしている。간사가 사전합의를 하고 있다.]




[A group picture of the class reunion, 同窓会参加者の集合写真、동창회참가자 단체사진]






[After the party in front of the restaurant, 同窓会後、レストランの前で、동창회를 마친 후, 레스토랑 앞에서]



[MF paid all cost of the karaoke, MFが全費用を払った、MF가 전비용을 지불했다.]










[The pictures of total eclipse of the sun by Ms. K, 妻の友人、Kさんが撮影した皆既日食、아내의 친구, K씨가 촬영한 개기일식]



[The pictures taken by Tobias in Jeju, 済州島でトビアスが撮影した部分日食、제주도에서 토비아스가 촬영한 부분 일식]