About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


2.3.3 Communication Constraints

2.3.3 Communication Constraints

Barriers to Effective Communication

Barriers to effective communication block the message from being successfully transmitted and may include:

environmental factors such as noise

the needs of the other person are misunderstood

language barriers

poor communication skills

confusion caused by the way a message is relayed.

ACTIVITY 30636 The Wrong Impression People can give the wrong impression when they are communicating. For example, has someone ever asked you a question and when you replied they’ve said, ‘There is no reason to be so grumpy’, and you have wondered what gave them that impression? Perhaps you were busy and looked a little annoyed when they interrupted you. Perhaps you used a harsher tone than you normally would. These things may have made the person think you were grumpy. Your tone of voice, choice of words, facial expressions and gestures are all very important when communicating. You should consider:

・ your tone of voice and whether it is pleasant, friendly, annoyed or angry

・ the volume of your voice and whether it is loud or soft

・ the pace of your voice and whether it is fast or slow

・ your body language and whether you are smiling, frowning, nodding your head in agreement or pointing your finger, crossing your arms, or rolling your eyes

・ the words you use, and whether you are using words the other person can understand.

Paying attention to all aspects of communication is essential when you are establishing a new relationship or maintaining an existing relationship with a client. If you are handling a difficult situation, your body language could make the situation worse; for example, if you start to point your finger and shake your head at someone.

Open and Closed Questions An open ended question has any possible answer, for example, what is your favourite colour? The answer could be any colour you like. With a closed question, there are only two possible answers: yes or no. For example, did you eat lunch today? Think about how a conversation would develop with each of these questions: Open: How was your weekend? Closed: Did you have a good weekend? With the open question, it opens the door to a variety of responses and stimulates communication. With the closed question, the response will only be 'yes' or 'no', and then the conversation may die out unless another question is asked. Do your own research and write one open ended question and one closed question. They can be about anything you like! Make sure your verbal and non-verbal communication messages are always respectful to the people you support and the people you work with.

2.3.4 Communication Techniques

Having some knowledge of communication techniques will greatly assist you in working in disability support environments, with a range of diverse people, both as coworkers and people you provide support to.

Communication techniques are wide and varied, but may include:

・ open ended questions (as opposed to closed questions)

・ affirmation

・ reflection

・ summary

・ motivational interviewing

・ coercive approach

・ collaboration.

Open and Closed Questions

An open ended question has any possible answer, for example, what is your favourite colour? The answer could be any colour you like. With a closed question, there are only two possible answers: yes or no. For example, did you eat lunch today?

Think about how a conversation would develop with each of these questions:

Open: How was your weekend?

Closed: Did you have a good weekend?

With the open question, it opens the door to a variety of responses and stimulates communication. With the closed question, the response will only be 'yes' or 'no', and then the conversation may die out unless another question is asked.

Do your own research and write one open ended question and one closed question. They can be about anything you like!






・ 雑音などの環境要因

・ 他の人のニーズが誤解されている場合

・ 言語障壁

・ コミュニケーションスキルが劣っている場合。

・ メッセージが伝達される方法に起因する混乱。




たぶん、あなたは忙しそうで、彼らがあなたに質問した時に、あなたは少し迷惑そうに見えたのかもしれません。 おそらくあなたは通常よりも厳しい調子で答えたのかもしれません。 これらのことから、あなたが不機嫌だと思ったのかもしれません。 コミュニケーションの際には、あなたの声、言葉の選択、表情、ジェスチャーが非常に重要です。 次の点を考慮する必要があります。

・ あなたの声の調子、それが楽しい、フレンドリーなものであるか、それとも、迷惑そうな、怒っているようなものか

・ あなたの声のボリューム、それが大声であるか柔らかいか

・ あなたの声のペースと、それが速いか遅いか

・ あなたの身体の言語とあなたが笑っているかどうか、眉をひそめて、あなたの頭を一致させたり、指を指したり、腕を横切ったり、目を回転させたりする ・ 他の人が理解できる単語を使用しているかどうかを確認することができます。

あなたが新しい関係を確立したり、クライアントとの既存の関係を維持したりするときは、コミュニケーションのあらゆる側面に注意を払うことが不可欠です。 あなたが困難な状況に対処している場合、あなたの身体の言語は状況を悪化させる可能性があります。 例えば、あなたが誰かを指さしたり、あなたの頭を誰かに振ったりしていないか。


2.3.4 コミュニケーションの技術











オープンな質問には、たとえばあなたの好きな色は何かなど、考えられる答えがあります。 答えは好きな色にすることができます。 閉じた質問では、答えは2つしかありません:はいまたはいいえです。 たとえば、今日は昼食を食べましたか?




オープンな質問で、さまざまな反応への扉を開き、コミュニケーションを刺激します。 閉じた質問では、応答は「はい」または「いいえ」になるだけで、別の質問がない限り、会話は終了する可能性があります。