About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
ラベル Dure Ten Day Fasting (禁食修練会/두레 금식 수련회) - Part 1 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル Dure Ten Day Fasting (禁食修練会/두레 금식 수련회) - Part 1 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


DR #200 Dure Ten Day Fasting (トゥレ教会禁食修練会/두레 금식 수련회) - Part 1 (Outline)

DR #200 Dure Ten Day Fasting, Part 1

Date: March 20 – 29, 2014

Place: Dure Abbey in Dongducheon, Gyonggido, Korea

I had been living in Korea for 10 years and 11 months (From May 2003 to March 2014).

I wanted to know the meaning of my living in Korea for such a long period. So, I applied to the ten-day fasting prayer meeting at Dure Church, Gyonggido, in February.

[I went to Seoul by KTX, KTXでソウルへ向かった。KTX를 타고 서울로 향했다.]

Dure Church: durech.org

Dure Abbey: dureabbey.org

[I got off at Jihaeng ST. 地下鉄一号線紙杏駅で下車した。지하철 지행역에서 내렸다.]

Since I applied to the meeting, I began attending the early morning prayer meeting at the local church in Daejeon as my own preparation.

[At Jihaeng Station, 紙杏駅前にて、지행역에서]

I also began reducing my meal at three times a day.

I went to Dure Church on March 20 from Daejeon. First, I went to Seoul by KTX, then I took the subway to Jihaeng.

[During the orientation, オリエンテーションにて、오리엔테이션에서]

The shuttle bus came to Jiaeng Station at 4:30 pm. 13 people including myself took the bus.

[During the orientation, オリエンテーションにて、오리엔테이션에서]

The orientation began at 5 pm at the church. They allocated the dormitory rooms. Each room has accommodation of 4 people. My room-mates were Mr. Park from Daejeon, Bruce from Colorado, USA and Mr. Helmet from Los Angels, CA, USA.

[Pastor Jinhong Kim, 金鎭洪牧師、김진홍 목사님]

There were 40 participants aging from 20s to 70s. There were Koreans from abroad such as USA, Germany and Japan (4 ladies from Tokyo). I was only the foreigner.

During the orientation everyone did self-introduction (one minute to 10 minutes). During this session, the specialist consulted with each participant for his/her health condition.

[The medical check by the specialist, 専門医による健康診断、전문의에 의한 건강 진단]

Since I have diabetes and high blood pressures, I also consulted with her. She said that it would be all right to go fasting without taking any medicine.

The application fee was 600,000 won including the accommodation, a bottle of enzyme juice, a mattress for “Nishi-Shiki” exercise with a bag, and a couple of books including “Healing Code” and “Prayer of Jesus.”

Preparation for the 10 day fasting: They required all participants to reduce meals for two weeks before March 20. I had also attended the early morning prayer meetings (5:10 - 5:40 am) at my local church since Feb. 12.

The program for the fasting training.

6:00 – 6:40 am: Early Morning Prayer Meeting led by Pastor Myongwan Lee. Pastor Lee came from California for this fast-prayer meeting. He used “Letter to Philip” all through this meeting until the 10th day.

8:00 – 9:00 am: Cheonjo Exercise led by Pastor Lee.

9:00 – 10:30 am: Bible Study Part 1 led by Pastor Jinhong Kim

10:30 – 12:00 Nishi-shiki Calisthenics (Stretches)

14:00 – 17:30 7-km trekking 19:00 – 20:30 Bible Study Part 2 led by Pastor Jinhong Kim 20:30 -21:00 Cheonjo Exercise and Healing Code led by Pastor Lee.

The above is the daily schedule. Besides this program, we had 3 special lectures during 12:00 – 14:00.

We also had a special medical project namely “Cleaning of Liver” in the evening of the 8th day and the morning of the 9th day.

I participated until the early morning prayer meeting on the 10th day (March 29) and headed for Daejeon without attending the fellowship luncheon party with brown rice porridge.

[The Verse of the Bible for the Abbey: Luke 3:21-22]

21 When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened 22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”


分類:DR 200号トゥレ教会禁食修練会(두레 금식 수련회)-パート1 (概要)






[I took subway at Seoul, ソウルで地下鉄に乗り換えた。서울에서 지하철로 갈아 탔다.]

私は韓国における10年余の生活の意味を知る上でも以前から興味があったトゥレ修道院(두레수도원)の禁食修練会(두레 금식수련회)に参加することにした。

[I got off at Jihaeng ST. 地下鉄一号線紙杏駅で下車した。지하철 지행역에서 내렸다.]

この断食祈祷会のことは主宰する韓国改新教(プロテスタント)の金鎭洪牧師が毎日配信するメルマガ「金鎭洪牧師の朝の黙想(김진홍 목사의 아침목상)」で知った。

[At Jihaeng Station, 紙杏駅前にて、지행역에서]

[At Jihaeng Station, 紙杏駅前にて、지향역에서]


[At Dure Abbey, トゥレ修道院にて、두레 수도원에서]



[During the orientation, オリエンテーションにて、오리엔테이션에서]

また、期間中の早天祈祷会に備え、私の地元の教会「夢或る教会(끔있는 교회)」の早天祈祷会(5:10-5:40)に2月12日から当日の3月20日まで毎日出席した。

[Pastor Jinhong Kim, 金鎭洪牧師、김진홍 목사님]


[Pastor Myongwan Lee, 李明完牧師、이명완 목사님]





[The dormitory, 林間創意力学校の寮、숲속 창의력 학교 기숙사]





[A father and his son from USA, 米国から来た父子、미국에서 온 아버지와 아들]


[The medical check by the specialist, 専門医による健康診断、전문의에 의한 건강 진단]


6:00~6:40 早天祈祷会。担当牧師は米国カリフォルニア州から来た李明完牧師。聖書の教材は「ピリピ人への手紙」

8:00~9:00 天助運動及びヒーリングコードの指導。担当は李明完牧師

9:00~10:30 金鎭洪牧師指導の聖書の学びⅠ:創世記~

10:30~12:00 西式柔軟体操。担当は李明完牧師

14:00~17:30 天助運動後裏山7kmのトレッキング。担当は李明完牧師

19:00~20:30 金鎭洪牧師指導の聖書の学びⅡ:創世記~

20:30~21:00 天助運動及びヒーリングコード。担当は李明完牧師


