About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140110 Takaosan(高尾山다카오산599m), Hachioji-shi(八王子市), Tokyo(東京都)

Date: January 10, 2014 (Friday) Fine

Mountain: Takaosan(高尾山다카오산599m), Hachioji-shi(八王子市), Tokyo(東京都)

Transportation: JR Ofuna – Tokyo – JR Takao/Keioteito Takao – Takaosanguchi…Cable Car Kiyotaki – Takaosan

Hiking Course: Takaosan Station (Cable Car) – Observation Deck – Takosugi (Octopas Ceder) – Yakuoin (薬王院) – The Summit of Takaosan (599m) - #4 Route – Miyama Bridge – Cable Car Station - #2 Trail – Biwa Waterfall – Takaosanguchi Station (About 10 km, 4 hours)

[A map of Yakuoin and "Rokkonseki" 薬王院と六根石の配置図、야쿠오인과 육근석 배치도]

I got “Seishun 18 Ticket” from my second son, Ryo when I came back to Ofuna from Fukushima previous day.

Ryo got the tickect from Susumu, my brother-in-law when we visited Tsuruoka from 1/1-1/4 this year.

Seishun 18 Ticket:

I wanted to utilize this ticket at most, so I decided to climb Mt. Takao in Hachioji, Tokyo.

[The platform of JR Takao Station, JR高尾駅プラットフォーム、JR 다카오역 플랫폼]

[The platform of Keio Takao Station, 京王高尾駅プラットフォーム、게이오 다카오역 플랫폼]

Mt. Takao (Takaosan) is located about 1 hour train ride from Tokyo. There is a famous historical temple called “Yakuouji(薬王寺)” in the mountain.

[Keio Takaosanguchi Station, 京王帝都高尾山口駅、게이오 태이토 다카오산구치 역]

[The sightseeing map of Takaosan, 高尾山観光地図、카오산 관광지도]

[A huge "Tengu" mask, 巨大な天狗の仮面、거대한 텐구 가면]


Since it was designated “Three Star Tourist Attraction” by The Michelin Guide in 2007, there are many foreign visitors as well.

[A traditional shop and a persimmon, 伝統的な店と柿の木、전통적인 상점과 감나무]

It is said that there are over 2.6 million visitors to the mountain a year. The most visited mountain in the world.

[The sign of the temple at the foot of Takaosan,『高尾山薬王院』の石柱、"다카오산 야쿠오인"돌기둥]

I arrived at JR Takao station at 11:10 am. I changed trains to Keioteito Line and got off at Takaosanguchi(高尾山口) at 11:16.

[A statute of flying squirrel,ムササビの像、날다람쥐 동상]

I walked from the train station to the cable car station and took the cable car “Aoba” at 11:31.

[Cable Car "Aoba" ケーブルカー『あおば号』、케이블카 "아오바 호"]

The cable car was open in 1927. The present car was in the operation since 2008. It goes a steep slope of 31.25 degree, the steepest in Japan.

[Takaosan Station of Cable Car, ケーブルカー『高尾山』駅、케이블카 "다카오산"역]

Since I jumped in the last minute, it was jam-packed. I had to stand up but it took only 6 minutes to the top station.

When I got off the top station, I could see a good view of Tokyo from the observation deck.

[A guidepost near the station, ケーブル駅近くの里程標、케이블역 근처의 이정표]

[A view of Tokyo near the station,ケーブル駅の近くから見た東京、케이블 역 근처에서 본 도쿄]

[A view from the observation deck, 展望台から麓を見る、전망대에서 산기슭을 보았다.]

There was a restaurant behind the station on a small hill. I climbed up to the hill, and there was another observation deck, naturally higher then below. I could have better views of Tokyo from this observation deck.

[A view from the observation deck, 展望台から見た山々、전망대에서 본 산맥]

I saw advertisement of “Tengu-burger”at the restaurant. It was a hot-dog with an extraordinary long sausage.

It cost 500 yen, a bit expensive, but I bought it and drank “sake” with this Tengu-burger.

After taking a short break, I began strolling along the main trail to “Yakuouin” Temple.

[Shops along the main street, 表参道沿いの店々、오모테 산도를 따라 가게들]

Along the main trail, there are many interesting things, mostly religion-related things. Among them, there are statutes of great-youths which I saw at Ohyamadera(大山寺), in Kanagawa prefecture.

[The statute of "Kongara" youth, 矜迦羅(こんがら)童子の像、콘가라 동자의 동상]

[The statute of "Jikenba" youth, 持堅婆(じけんば)童子の像、지켄바 동자의 동상]

There are “Monkey Zoo” and “Wild Flower Garden” along the trail, but I did not go in the facilities this time.

[Monkey Zoo and Wild Flower Garden, サル園と野草園、원숭이원과 야생초원]

There was a big ceder tree (450 year old) called Takosugi (octopus ceder) because its roots looked like octopus tentacles.

["Takosugi" or "Octopus Cedar",タコ杉、문어 삼나무]

[Request from "Octopus Cedar"、タコ杉からのお願い、"문어 삼나무"의 부탁]

There were many objects related to octopus along the main trail and at the temple.

[The object of "Hipparidako" 『引っ張り蛸』のオブジェ、"끌어 당기고" 문어의 오브제]

I found the funniest business related to octopus was charms named “Okuto-pasu” which means “If you put this, you will pass the exam.” “Okuto-pasu” sounds like “octopas,” hahaha.

[Sales of "Octopus-charm", 『置くとパス』お守り、"두면 합격" 부적]

There were many religion-related objects along the trail and within the temple.

["Reiki Manzan" Gate、『霊気満山』門、"영기 만산"문]

I found many “Rokkon-seijo” objects. “Rokkon” means Six Roots: Five Roots related to five senses (sight, hearing, smelling, taste, touch) and “consciousness.”

["i" of "Rokkon-seijo", 六根清浄の『意』、육근청정의 "의"]

["Gan" of "Rokkon-seijo", 六根清浄の『眼』、육근청정의 "안"]

If you have all six senses clear, you will be enlightened, and that is the most desirable state you aim through hard training.

[Stone Wheel of "Rokkon-seijo"、六根清浄石車、육근 청정 돌수레]

[The explanation of Stone Wheel, 『六根清浄石車』の説明、"육근 청정 돌수레" 설명]

It was a serious religious idea, I thought.

Another interesting teaching was “The Ten Commandments” in Buddhist version.

[The Ten Commandments of Buddhist、十善戒、십선계명]

1. Don’t kill living creatures.

2. Don’t’ steel.

3. Don’t commit adultery.

4. Don’t tell a lie.

5. Don’t speak useless talk.

6. Don’t use rough words,

7. Don’t drive a wedge.

8. Don’t be greedy.

9. Don’t get mad.

10.Don’t have wrong opinion such as denying good and evil fate, the samsara, etc.)

These teaching is also worth learning, I thought.

On the other had, another interesting things I saw were the list of contributors along the trail. The names of contributors were written on wooden plates together with the amount of “seedlings of cedar” they contributed.

[The list of contributors, 杉苗奉納者のリスト、삼 모종 바치는 사람의 목록]

If they really plant so many seedlings, there would be full of ceders in Kanto Plain.

Among the names of contributors, I saw “Kitajima Saburo” the famous enka singer who contributed 100,000 seedlings.

However the contribution of "seedling of cedar" has been practiced for hundreds of years. Some cedar trees are nearly 1000 years old, not only 450 years old.

[Line of huge cedar trees, 巨大な杉の並木、거대한 삼나무 가로수들]

[The explanation of Takaosan "Suginamiki", 『高尾山杉並木』の説明、"카오산 삼나무 가로수"의 설명]

At the entrance of Yakuouin, there was “The Gate of Four Heavenly Kings” which is common in Korean temples, but rare in Japan.

[The Mountain Gate of Yakuouin, 薬王院山門、야쿠오인 산문]

["Jikokuten" one of 4 Heavenly Kings, 持国天、지국 천왕]

["Tamonten" one of 4 Heavenly Kings, 多聞天or毘沙門天、다문 천왕 or 비사문 천왕(]

There were also “Nio-mon” and many Tengu statues at the temple.

[Stone statue of "Tengu", 天狗の石像、텐구 석상]

It was a mixture of a temple and mountain worship religions.

[The golden statute of "Hachidai-Yuou", 八大龍王、팔대 용왕]

I could see many religion related businesses, besides “omikuj(おみくじfortune telling)” or “enmusubi (縁結びwishing good marriage)” as well as “passing exam charms” as “Okuto-pasu.「置くとバス」”

[Marriage Shrine, 縁結神社、결연 신사]

[Sale of "Nadegi"『撫で木』の販売、"쓰다듬어 나무" 판매]

[Sale of "Omikuji" おみくじの販売、 제비뽑기의 판매]

[Lucky "Octopus" 幸運のタコ、행운의 문어]

[Sales of Tengunohana Karinto, 『天狗の鼻かりんとう』の販売、"텐구의 코 막과자」판매]


[Residence for Takao-monks, 高尾山大本坊、다카오산 스님 숙소]

[Takaosan Main Shrine, 高尾山御本堂、다카오산 본당]

[Tengu statute at Nio Gate, 仁王門の天狗の像、인왕문의 텐구 목상]

[Nio at Nio Gate, 仁王門の仁王様、인왕문의 인왕]

[The embossed carving of Gyoki, the founder, 高尾開山行基菩薩の像、다카오 개산 행기 보살의 조각]

[The shrine of "Aizenmyo-ou" or "Rāgarāja", 愛染明王神社、애염 명왕 신사]


After having a sightseeing around the temple, I walked to the tral to the summit behind the temple.

[The trail to the summit, 山頂への登山路、정상으로 가는 등산로]

It was not very far from the temple, less than 30 minute walk, I reached at the summit of Takaosan.

[A view from the summit, 高尾山頂からの展望、다카오산 정상에서의 전망]

[The guide for the views, 展望案内図、전망 안내도]

[The guide of "nature-study" trails, 自然研究路の案内、자연 연구로의 안내]

There was a ground-wide observation deck on the summit, and I could see Mt. Fuji clearly as well as the Tanzawa Montains.

[Mt. Fuji and Mt. Tanzawa, 富士山と丹沢山塊、후지산과 탄자와 봉우리들]

I had a late lunch at the summit. Then began descending the mountain.

[At the summit of Takaosan, 高尾山の頂上にて、다카오산 정상에서]

[Mt. Fuji, 富士山、후지산]

[The summit of Mt. Takao, 高尾山頂上、다카오산 정상]

I took #4 route from the summit to the cable-car station via the suspension bridge named “Miyama Bashi.”

[The guidepost of #4 Trail, 4号自然研究路の標識、4호 자연연구로 표지판]

[#4 Trail, 4号自然研究路、4호 자연연구로]

[Miyama Bridge, みやま橋、미야마 다리]

[A guidepost near Cable-Station, ケーブル駅近くの里程標、케이블역 근처의 이정표]

Then I walked across the number one route, and took number 2 route to “Biwa Waterfall.”

[Near Biwa Waterfall, 琵琶滝にて、비파 폭포에서]

[Near Biwa Waterfall, 琵琶滝にて、비파 폭포에서]

There were a few hikers along these trails. When I passed the Biwa Waterfall, I saw a big hotel-like building.

[#2 Trail, 2号自然研究路、2호 자연연구로]

[Near the asylum, 精神科病院付近にて、정신과 병원 부근에서]

Later, I found it was an asylum named Tokyo Hospital.

Passing the hospital, I saw many jizo-bosatus with red aprons.

[A group of "Jizo" statutes, 地蔵菩薩石像群、지장 보살 석상 군]

Then soon I came out to the Cable Station at the foot of Takaosan, then went back to Takaosanguchi Station. It was 3 pm.

[Cable-Car "Momiji" 、ケーブルカー『もみじ号』、케이블카 "단풍 호"]

So, my 4th hiking this year was about 10 km and 4 hour hike.






登山コース:ケーブル高尾山駅~展望台~タコ杉~薬王院~高尾山山頂~4号路~みやま橋~ケーブル駅~2号路~琵琶滝~高尾山口駅(10km, 約4時間)

[A map of "Rokkonseki", 六根石建立図、 육근석 건립도]




[The platform of JR Takao Station, JR高尾駅プラットフォーム、JR 다카오역 플랫폼]


[Keio Takaosanguchi Station, 京王帝都高尾山口駅、게이오 태이토 다카오산구치 역]


[A map of Takaosan Stores, 高尾山書店街案内図、카오산 상가 안내도]

[A statute of flying squirrel,ムササビの像、날다람쥐 동상]


[Takao Station of Cable Car, 高尾山ケーブル駅、다카오산 케이블 역]


[Kiyotaki Station, 清滝駅、키요다키 역]


[The inside of cable car, ケーブルカー内部、케이블카 내부]

[Cable Car "Aoba" ケーブルカー『あおば号』、케이블카 "아오바 호"]


[A view of Tokyo near the station,ケーブル駅の近くから見た東京、케이블 역 근처에서 본 도쿄]


[Tengu-burger and a bottle of sake, 天狗バーガーと保温瓶、텐구 버거와 보온 병]

[A view from the observation deck, 展望台から見た山々、전망대에서 본 산맥]


[Shops along the main street, 表参道沿いの店々、오모테 산도를 따라 가게들]


[Monkey Zoo, サル園、원숭이원]


["Takosugi" or "Octopus Cedar",タコ杉、문어 삼나무]

[The explanation of Octopus Cedar, タコ杉の説明、문어 삼나무 설명]


[Lucky "Octopus" 幸運のタコ、행운의 문어]


[The statute of "Shishie" youth, 師子慧(ししえ)童子の像、시시에 동자의 동상]

[The statute of "Shokomyo" youth, 小光明(しょうこうみょう)童子の像、쇼코우묘우 동자의 동상]

[The statutes of "Jizo", 地蔵菩薩の像、지장 보살의 석상들]


[Tengu-sitting-cedar, 天狗の腰掛杉、텐구의 의자 삼나무]


["Shin" of "Rokkon-seijo", 六根清浄の『身』、육근청정의 "신"]









[Stone statue of "Tengu", 天狗の石像、텐구 석상]

[The explanation of Takaosan Tengu, 高尾山天狗の説明、다카오산 텐구의 설명]


[The Ten Commandments of Buddhist、十善戒、십선계명]

不殺生(ふせっしょう) 故意に生き物を殺さない。

不偸盗(ふちゅうとう) 与えられていないものを自分のものとしない。

不邪淫(ふじゃいん) 不倫をしない。

不妄語(ふもうご) 嘘をつかない。 不綺語(ふきご) 中身の無い言葉を話さない。

不悪口(ふあっく) 乱暴な言葉を使わない。

不両舌(ふりょうぜつ) 他人を仲違いさせるようなことを言わない。

不慳貪(ふけんどん) 異常な欲を持たない。

不瞋恚(ふしんに) 異常な怒りを持たない。

不邪見(ふじゃけん) (善悪業報、輪廻等を否定する)誤った見解を持たない。



[The list of contributors, 杉苗奉納者のリスト、삼 모종 바치는 사람의 목록]




[The Mountain Gate of Yakuouin, 薬王院山門、야쿠오인 산문]

["Zojoten" one of 4 Heavenly Kings, 増長天、증장 천왕]

["Koumokuten" one of 4 Heavenly Kings, 広目天、광목 천왕]


[Marriage Shrine, 縁結神社、결연 신사]

[The explanation of "Marriage Shrine", 縁結神社の説明、결연 신사 설명]



[Sale of "Nadegi"『撫で木』の販売、"쓰다듬어 나무" 판매]


『このお塩は、お護摩の火炎により御加持された、御本尊飯縄大権現様の菩提心(仏さまの心)を表す御浄塩で、目に見えぬ災いや、不浄を清める力が込められています。火渡りの際には、両手を胸の前に合わせてお持ちいただき、ご自身でお加持いただく事により、更なる功徳が得られます。ご自宅の四方、鬼門にあたる場所、駐車場、盛塩など、ご家庭に於いて全てのお清めに お使い下さい。』(薬王院のHPより)

[Sale of "salt for purifying", 清めの塩、정화의 소금]

["Shugyo Taishi" Shrine, 修行大師(弘法大師)神社、수행 대사 (고보 대사) 신사]

[Nio Gate of Yakuouin, 薬王院仁王門、야쿠오인 인왕문]

[Residence for Takao-monks, 高尾山大本坊、다카오산 스님 숙소]

[Takaosan Main Shrine, 高尾山御本堂、다카오산 본당]

[At Takaosan Main Shrine, 高尾山御本堂にて、다카오산 본당에서]

[Tengu statute at Nio Gate, 仁王門の天狗の像、인왕문의 텐구 목상]

[Nio at Nio Gate, 仁王門の仁王様、인왕문의 인왕]

[Founder of Takao, "Gyoki", 高尾開山行基菩薩、다카오 개산 행기 보살]

["Wagou-Kangiten" Shrine, 和合歓喜天神社、화합 환희천 신사]

Kangiten: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangiten


["Okunoin" and the trail, 『奥の院』と山頂への登山路、"오쿠노인"과 정상으로 가는 등산로]

[The trail to the summit, 山頂への登山路、정상으로 가는 등산로]


[The Map of No. 4 Trail, 自然研究路4号路の案内図、자연 연구로 4 호로 안내도]

[The summit of Takaosan, 高尾山山頂、다카오산 정상]


[Mt. Fuji beyond the clouds, 雲がかかった富士山、구름이 걸린 후지산]

[Mt. Fuji, 富士山、후지산]

[Mt. Fuji and Mt. Tanzawa, 富士山と丹沢山塊、후지산과 탄자와 봉우리들]


[A picture of "Yamagara" or "Varied Tit", ヤマガラの写真、곤줄박이 사진]


[#4 Trail, 4号自然研究路、4호 자연연구로]

[The guidepost at Miyama Bridge, みやま橋の里程標、미야마 다리의 이정표]

[At Miyama Bridge, みやま橋にて、미야마 다리에서]

[A guidepost near Cable-Station, ケーブル駅近くの里程標、케이블역 근처의 이정표]


[Near Biwa Waterfall, 琵琶滝にて、비파 폭포에서]


[Caves along #2 trail, 2号路の洞窟、2 호로의 동굴]

[The entrance of #2 trail, 2号登山路入口、2 호 등산로 입구]

[Near the asylum, 精神科病院付近にて、정신과 병원 부근에서]


[A group of "Jizo" statutes, 地蔵菩薩石像群、지장 보살 석상 군]
