SNCC News 14-08 (2014/2/23)
Dear SNCC News Readers,
Praise our Lord that SNCC held the inauguration ceremony for Pastor Murakami as the pastor of SNCC in the afternoon on Feb. 16.
(I uploaded the pictures in my blog as below. The back number of SNCC that I uploaded before, if you click the category SNCC News, you can see them all. )
I uploaded the group pictures with those pastors who supported SNCC as messengers, during the absence of our own pastor from April 2013 to Jan. 19, 2014.
They held the regular morning service in the morning of Feb. 23.
They had 3 CS classes for 1) Adults, 2) Youth and 3) Elementary school kids after the service as usual.
They held the fellowship luncheon after the CS classes.
They also had a prayer meeting among Group Four members.
After these activities done, they held the general meeting for the budget of fiscal year 2014.
Below is the report on SNCC activities on Feb. 23, 2014.
1. Sunday Morning Service
a. Messenger: Pastor Masamichi Murakami of SNCC
b. MC: Ms. Watanabe
c. Bible: John 2:1-11
d. Message Title: “He revealed his glory” or “神のみわざが現れるため”
e. Piano: Ms. Odagawa and Ms. Minori Tachibana
2. Congregation for the service: 32 adults and 4 kids (3/16)
3. Prayer requests.
3-1. For the seekers among people who come to SNCC regularly. Some of these people wish to have baptism and preparing for it. Also for the family members of SNCC members who have not accepted Jesus as their savior.
3-2 For those who are in difficult situations physically as well as spiritually including members of SNCC and their families. Esp. for Ms. Kaoruko Yamamoto who has been in depression.
3-3 For entrance examinees of SNCC. May they seek God’s will and accept the result of the entrance examination correctly.
3-4 For the Inheritance of Christian faith, as well as the growth of their faith who come to SNCC. Also, those kids who are away from the church now.
3-5 For those of lost souls and saved souls in Tohoku district which had hit by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.
3-6 For the political leaders, esp. Abe Administration, not going farther away from our Lord’s will any more. Also for the Tokyo Mayor Election, may the right person be elected so that no unfair persecution to the the occasion of raising the national flag and/or singing national anthem.
3-7 For those missionaries who are working overseas, and those working for Bible translations in Japan, esp. those whom SNCC are supporting such as Tomoko Matsuoka in Indonesia.
3-8 Unspoken prayer request for Reito Odagawa
Thank you for your kind attention.
In Jesus,
George Suzuki@Daejeon, Korea
SNCC Newsのフォトギャラリー/Photo Gallery of SNCC News/ SNCC 뉴스의 포토 갤러리
[Testimony by Tomoko Matsuoka, a student of Japan Bible Seminary on Jan. 5, 2014 松岡知子神学生の証し]
I like hiking very much. I used to go hiking with a Korean hiking club named “AhToSan.” This blog introduces mostly my hiking activities in Korea and Japan, and Sydney in Australia. As of January 2020, I live in Sydney suburb. I go Blue Mountains and bush walk in Sydney area. 私は2003年から2014年まで韓国の大田(テジョン)に住んだ日本人である。11年間、週末は主に「アトサン山岳会」に参加した。14年4月に帰国したが、2020年以降はおもにシドニーで暮らし、時折、日本へ帰国する程度である。したがって最近の記事はSR(Sydney Report)としてブルーマウンテンのトレッキングを中心に書いている。
About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서
Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
"My Two Year Experience at Military Service" 「私の2年の軍生活」 "나의 2 년간 군 생활"
My Two Year Experience at Military Service
By Hyongwu Kim
I was enrolled into No. 102 Supplement Corps on Feb. 8, 2011. While I was in Supplement Corps, I was designated to No. 27 Division in Hwacheon, Gangwondo, as a trainee soldier.
No. 27 Division was called “Igija이기자” Unit, and every soldier wore “Igija Mark” in which, the word “Igija” in it. “Igija” means, “We shall win the battle.”
I had been trained for 5 weeks at No. 3 Battalion of N. 77 Regiment, in #27 Division of Korean Army.
[The 1st Training Center]
For the 1st week, I got close - order drill. All I remember during this drill, was that I had to walk and walk and walk.
For the 2nd week, I got shotting drill. I was also trained to disconstruct K-2 assault rifle, then construct it again.
I also learned how to use bayonets. The hardest thing for me was to run to the field with the rifle.
For the 3rd week, I had to learn how to use grenades, and how to cope with chemical attack and bioarms and nuclear weaponry.
I was also trained “individual combat” and had to live outdoors for 2 nights and 3 days under – 16 degree centigrade circumstance.
For the 4th week, I had to walk 15 km, and 30 km with fully-armored style.
For the 5th week, we had to practice “commencement ceremony” and it was the hardest during the 5 week train.
[The 2nd Training Center]
After completing the first training center, I was sent to the 2nd training center.
During the 2nd training center period, I was trained to use equipment since I was assigned as communication solider.
I got physical build-up training, and a 40 km night marching. Since I already experienced 30 km marching at the 1st training center, I could stand this hard training.
Besides these training, I was trained to shot with gas-mask. All these trains were higher level than I got at the 1st training center.
[Buck Private (or The 2nd grade soldier)]
When I completed all these trains, I became “buck private” from trainee soldier. Then I was moved to the assigned unit, No. 79 regiment of No. 27 Division.
Since the 2nd training center belonged to the same regiment, I was only 20 minute walking distance.
There was a formal ceremony for the move. In front of 31 seniors and 3 offiers, I was enrolled into No. 79 regiment and received a rifle.
Soon after the enrollment to No. 79 regiment, we had a big RCT training. During RCT training, we were mobilized, and slept in the mountains.
But because of this hard training, I became close to the seniors and I could accommodate myself.
The result was the victory of our regiment over other regiments with big difference.
After RTC, I received guerrilla training, and it was the hardest training I experienced during my 2 year military service.
[Junior Technician (or The 1st grade soldier)]
I became a junior technician in August. I got several junior soldiers. During my junior technician period, the training during the fierce cold season was the most difficult training.
I got frostbitten foot, and moreover, I sprained my ankle during the return marching. I had to wear plaster cast for several weeks.
[Private first class (or the upper grade soldier)]
Then I was promoted to be a private first class. I was in charge of training my juniors. They became soldiers 11 months later than I was. Since they were not trained enough to support my work, I only had to train them for a while.
My daily duty was to manage the general work at the communication center, and to exchange communications at the communication board.
[Sergeant, (or The top soldier)
For the last 2 months, I became sergeant. Most of my work was handling over my task to my juniors, and I was involved in the project to build a basket-ball field, and storehouse for my juniors, with the soliers who joined military as the same time as mine.
At the very last of my military service, I was involved in an army corps level training called KCTC and I was discharged from the military service.
I have a feeling that those who spent our lives together for 24 hours a day, siniors and juniors, we would be a life-long friends in our future.
By キム・ヒョンウ / 金炯佑
▶ 私は2011年2月8日102補充隊に入隊しました。102補充隊にいるときに軍服務地域が決められ、訓練兵として訓練所に入所しました。私の服務地域は江原道華川にある27師団でした。
27師団はイギジャ(이기자)部隊 と呼ばれて 戦えば勝つという 意味を2つの色の7角形部隊マークの中にイギジャ(이기자)単語を入れて部隊マークに 意味を込めました。
私は転入後に先任31人と幹部3人の前で転入と銃を受ける式をして正式に部隊の末っ子になりました。 転入後すぐに大きな訓練のRCTをしました。1ヵ月は眠りもまともに寝られず出動と山の中で寝るなど大変でしたが先任とすぐ仲良くなるし適応にできました。 結果は我々の部隊が7師団の部隊を圧倒的な差で勝利しました。
そしてRCTが終わった後に 遊擊をしました。 これが軍生活の中で最も大変でした。
▶ 上等兵になった時は私が上等兵になって、 すべての事に責任を負って 後任を教える立場になりました。
私のすぐ下の後任が11ヶ月も差があるので 私の補職の仕事を一緒にできなくてしばらく教育だけしました。
[兵長時代] ▶兵長の時はすぐ除隊だから私が管理して作業していたことを、引継ぎをして私は2ヶ月間一緒に除隊している同期たちと一緒にバスケットボール場と後任が使う倉庫を作りました。
나의 2 년간 군 생활
▶ 나는 2011년 2월 8일 102보충대에 입대했습니다. 102보충대에서 군 복무 지역을 정하고 훈련병으로 훈련소에 입소했습니다. 저의 복무 지역은 강원도 화천에 있는 27사단이었습니다. 27사단은 보통 이기자부대로 불리며 2색7각의 부대 마크 안에 ‘이기자’ 라는 말을 넣어 싸우면 이긴다는 의미를 강한 의지를 담았습니다.
▶ 27사단 77연대 3대대 훈련소에서 5주동안 훈련을 받았습니다. 1주차에는 제식 훈련을 받았습니다. 기억에 남는 것은 걷는 것이 대부분입니다. 2주째는 사격 훈련을 했습니다.저는 k-2를 분해, 조립하는것과 총검술과 사격도 했습니다. 가장 힘들었던 것은 사격장까지 총을 들고 뛰어가는 것이었습니다. 3주째는 수류탄과 화생방 구급 법 등을 훈련했고 각개 전투와 숙영을 했습니다., 영하 16도라는 추운 날에 2박 3일 모든 생활을 밖에서 했습니다. 4주차에는 15km와 30km완전 군장으로 행군을 2번 했습니다. 5주차에는 수료식 연습을 했는데 생각보다 힘들었습니다.
▶ 제1훈련소를 수료하고 제2훈련소로 옮겼습니다. 4주 훈련을 하였고 보직은 통신병이니까. 장비를 다루는 훈련을 했습니다. 그리고 체력 훈련과 40km야간 행군을 했는데 30km를 이미 경험한 바 있어서 견딜 수 있었습니다. 그 외에도 방독면을 쓰고 사격을 하거나 제1훈련소보다 강도 높은 훈련을 받았습니다. 수료식을 하고, 겨우 훈련병에서 이병이 되었습니다 그 후 동기들과 떨어지고 각자 부대로 배치되었습니다.
▶ 저의 부대는 27사단, 79연대, 통신 중대였습니다. 제2훈련소도 79연대이므로 걸어서 20분 거리였습니다. 나는 전입 후에 선임 31명과 간부 3명 앞에서 전입신고와 총기수여식을 한후에 정식으로 부대의 막내로 되었습니다. 불행히도 전입후에 큰 규모의 훈련인 RCT를 했습니다. 1개월은 잠도 제대로 못 자고 출동과 산 속에서 자는등 힘들었지만 힘든만큼 선임과 금방 친해지고 부대 적응이 되었습니다. 결과는 우리 부대가 7사단의 부대를 압도적인 차이로 승리했습니다. 그리고 RCT가 끝난 뒤 1달 후에 유격을 했습니다. 이것이 군 생활 중 기억에 남는 훈련중 하나였습니다.
▶ 8월에는 일병으로 진급하였고, 제 후임도 몇명 생겼습니다. 일병 때 훈련 중 2012년 1월 겨울에 한 혹한기 훈련이 힘들었습니다. 혹한기 훈련에 너무 추워서 발이 동상에 걸렸습니다. 그리고 복귀 행군할 때 발목을 삐끗했는데 무시하고 도착하면 상태가 심각해 몇주간 깁스를 했습니다. 혹한기 훈련때 새벽에 텐트를 치는데 어둡고 땅이 얼어서 말뚝이 안박혀 고생했던 기억이 납니다.
▶ 상병이 됐을 때는 제가 선임의 입장이되어 모든 일에 책임을 지고 후임을 가르치는 입장이 되었습니다. 저의 바로 밑의 후임자가 11개월 차이가 나기 때문에 일을 가르쳐도 미숙하기 때문에 같이 일을 못해서 한동안 교육만 했습니다. 통신소의 전반적인 관리와 연대 통신망과 인트라넷 망을 관리하고 교환대에서 전화 연결을 해 주는 게 일과였습니다.
▶ 병장 때는 곧 제대라서 제가 관리하고 작업했던 현황을 인수인계를 하고 저는 2달간 동기들과함께 후임들이 사용할 농구장과 장비를 넣는 창고를 만들었습니다. 그리고 제대하기 전 KCTC라는 군단급 훈련을 마지막으로 제대를 했습니다. 21개월동안 24시간 함께 생활한 선임, 후임이었던 전우들과는 평생의 친구가 될 수 있을거 같습니다.
「私の2年の軍生活」のフォトギャラリー/Photo Gallery of "My Two Year Experience at Military Service"/ 나의 2 년간 군 생활의 포토 갤러리
By Hyongwu Kim
I was enrolled into No. 102 Supplement Corps on Feb. 8, 2011. While I was in Supplement Corps, I was designated to No. 27 Division in Hwacheon, Gangwondo, as a trainee soldier.
No. 27 Division was called “Igija이기자” Unit, and every soldier wore “Igija Mark” in which, the word “Igija” in it. “Igija” means, “We shall win the battle.”
I had been trained for 5 weeks at No. 3 Battalion of N. 77 Regiment, in #27 Division of Korean Army.
[The 1st Training Center]
For the 1st week, I got close - order drill. All I remember during this drill, was that I had to walk and walk and walk.
For the 2nd week, I got shotting drill. I was also trained to disconstruct K-2 assault rifle, then construct it again.
I also learned how to use bayonets. The hardest thing for me was to run to the field with the rifle.
For the 3rd week, I had to learn how to use grenades, and how to cope with chemical attack and bioarms and nuclear weaponry.
I was also trained “individual combat” and had to live outdoors for 2 nights and 3 days under – 16 degree centigrade circumstance.
For the 4th week, I had to walk 15 km, and 30 km with fully-armored style.
For the 5th week, we had to practice “commencement ceremony” and it was the hardest during the 5 week train.
[The 2nd Training Center]
After completing the first training center, I was sent to the 2nd training center.
During the 2nd training center period, I was trained to use equipment since I was assigned as communication solider.
I got physical build-up training, and a 40 km night marching. Since I already experienced 30 km marching at the 1st training center, I could stand this hard training.
Besides these training, I was trained to shot with gas-mask. All these trains were higher level than I got at the 1st training center.
[Buck Private (or The 2nd grade soldier)]
When I completed all these trains, I became “buck private” from trainee soldier. Then I was moved to the assigned unit, No. 79 regiment of No. 27 Division.
Since the 2nd training center belonged to the same regiment, I was only 20 minute walking distance.
There was a formal ceremony for the move. In front of 31 seniors and 3 offiers, I was enrolled into No. 79 regiment and received a rifle.
Soon after the enrollment to No. 79 regiment, we had a big RCT training. During RCT training, we were mobilized, and slept in the mountains.
But because of this hard training, I became close to the seniors and I could accommodate myself.
The result was the victory of our regiment over other regiments with big difference.
After RTC, I received guerrilla training, and it was the hardest training I experienced during my 2 year military service.
[Junior Technician (or The 1st grade soldier)]
I became a junior technician in August. I got several junior soldiers. During my junior technician period, the training during the fierce cold season was the most difficult training.
I got frostbitten foot, and moreover, I sprained my ankle during the return marching. I had to wear plaster cast for several weeks.
[Private first class (or the upper grade soldier)]
Then I was promoted to be a private first class. I was in charge of training my juniors. They became soldiers 11 months later than I was. Since they were not trained enough to support my work, I only had to train them for a while.
My daily duty was to manage the general work at the communication center, and to exchange communications at the communication board.
[Sergeant, (or The top soldier)
For the last 2 months, I became sergeant. Most of my work was handling over my task to my juniors, and I was involved in the project to build a basket-ball field, and storehouse for my juniors, with the soliers who joined military as the same time as mine.
At the very last of my military service, I was involved in an army corps level training called KCTC and I was discharged from the military service.
I have a feeling that those who spent our lives together for 24 hours a day, siniors and juniors, we would be a life-long friends in our future.
By キム・ヒョンウ / 金炯佑
▶ 私は2011年2月8日102補充隊に入隊しました。102補充隊にいるときに軍服務地域が決められ、訓練兵として訓練所に入所しました。私の服務地域は江原道華川にある27師団でした。
27師団はイギジャ(이기자)部隊 と呼ばれて 戦えば勝つという 意味を2つの色の7角形部隊マークの中にイギジャ(이기자)単語を入れて部隊マークに 意味を込めました。
私は転入後に先任31人と幹部3人の前で転入と銃を受ける式をして正式に部隊の末っ子になりました。 転入後すぐに大きな訓練のRCTをしました。1ヵ月は眠りもまともに寝られず出動と山の中で寝るなど大変でしたが先任とすぐ仲良くなるし適応にできました。 結果は我々の部隊が7師団の部隊を圧倒的な差で勝利しました。
そしてRCTが終わった後に 遊擊をしました。 これが軍生活の中で最も大変でした。
▶ 上等兵になった時は私が上等兵になって、 すべての事に責任を負って 後任を教える立場になりました。
私のすぐ下の後任が11ヶ月も差があるので 私の補職の仕事を一緒にできなくてしばらく教育だけしました。
[兵長時代] ▶兵長の時はすぐ除隊だから私が管理して作業していたことを、引継ぎをして私は2ヶ月間一緒に除隊している同期たちと一緒にバスケットボール場と後任が使う倉庫を作りました。
나의 2 년간 군 생활
▶ 나는 2011년 2월 8일 102보충대에 입대했습니다. 102보충대에서 군 복무 지역을 정하고 훈련병으로 훈련소에 입소했습니다. 저의 복무 지역은 강원도 화천에 있는 27사단이었습니다. 27사단은 보통 이기자부대로 불리며 2색7각의 부대 마크 안에 ‘이기자’ 라는 말을 넣어 싸우면 이긴다는 의미를 강한 의지를 담았습니다.
▶ 27사단 77연대 3대대 훈련소에서 5주동안 훈련을 받았습니다. 1주차에는 제식 훈련을 받았습니다. 기억에 남는 것은 걷는 것이 대부분입니다. 2주째는 사격 훈련을 했습니다.저는 k-2를 분해, 조립하는것과 총검술과 사격도 했습니다. 가장 힘들었던 것은 사격장까지 총을 들고 뛰어가는 것이었습니다. 3주째는 수류탄과 화생방 구급 법 등을 훈련했고 각개 전투와 숙영을 했습니다., 영하 16도라는 추운 날에 2박 3일 모든 생활을 밖에서 했습니다. 4주차에는 15km와 30km완전 군장으로 행군을 2번 했습니다. 5주차에는 수료식 연습을 했는데 생각보다 힘들었습니다.
▶ 제1훈련소를 수료하고 제2훈련소로 옮겼습니다. 4주 훈련을 하였고 보직은 통신병이니까. 장비를 다루는 훈련을 했습니다. 그리고 체력 훈련과 40km야간 행군을 했는데 30km를 이미 경험한 바 있어서 견딜 수 있었습니다. 그 외에도 방독면을 쓰고 사격을 하거나 제1훈련소보다 강도 높은 훈련을 받았습니다. 수료식을 하고, 겨우 훈련병에서 이병이 되었습니다 그 후 동기들과 떨어지고 각자 부대로 배치되었습니다.
▶ 저의 부대는 27사단, 79연대, 통신 중대였습니다. 제2훈련소도 79연대이므로 걸어서 20분 거리였습니다. 나는 전입 후에 선임 31명과 간부 3명 앞에서 전입신고와 총기수여식을 한후에 정식으로 부대의 막내로 되었습니다. 불행히도 전입후에 큰 규모의 훈련인 RCT를 했습니다. 1개월은 잠도 제대로 못 자고 출동과 산 속에서 자는등 힘들었지만 힘든만큼 선임과 금방 친해지고 부대 적응이 되었습니다. 결과는 우리 부대가 7사단의 부대를 압도적인 차이로 승리했습니다. 그리고 RCT가 끝난 뒤 1달 후에 유격을 했습니다. 이것이 군 생활 중 기억에 남는 훈련중 하나였습니다.
▶ 8월에는 일병으로 진급하였고, 제 후임도 몇명 생겼습니다. 일병 때 훈련 중 2012년 1월 겨울에 한 혹한기 훈련이 힘들었습니다. 혹한기 훈련에 너무 추워서 발이 동상에 걸렸습니다. 그리고 복귀 행군할 때 발목을 삐끗했는데 무시하고 도착하면 상태가 심각해 몇주간 깁스를 했습니다. 혹한기 훈련때 새벽에 텐트를 치는데 어둡고 땅이 얼어서 말뚝이 안박혀 고생했던 기억이 납니다.
▶ 상병이 됐을 때는 제가 선임의 입장이되어 모든 일에 책임을 지고 후임을 가르치는 입장이 되었습니다. 저의 바로 밑의 후임자가 11개월 차이가 나기 때문에 일을 가르쳐도 미숙하기 때문에 같이 일을 못해서 한동안 교육만 했습니다. 통신소의 전반적인 관리와 연대 통신망과 인트라넷 망을 관리하고 교환대에서 전화 연결을 해 주는 게 일과였습니다.
▶ 병장 때는 곧 제대라서 제가 관리하고 작업했던 현황을 인수인계를 하고 저는 2달간 동기들과함께 후임들이 사용할 농구장과 장비를 넣는 창고를 만들었습니다. 그리고 제대하기 전 KCTC라는 군단급 훈련을 마지막으로 제대를 했습니다. 21개월동안 24시간 함께 생활한 선임, 후임이었던 전우들과는 평생의 친구가 될 수 있을거 같습니다.
「私の2年の軍生活」のフォトギャラリー/Photo Gallery of "My Two Year Experience at Military Service"/ 나의 2 년간 군 생활의 포토 갤러리
140222 Seonjaryong (仙子嶺/선자령1,157m) in Pyongyang (平昌/평양), Gangwondo(江原道/강원도), Korea
Date: Feb. 22 (Sat), 2014, Fine, then cloudy
Mountain: Seonjaryong (仙子嶺/선자령1,157m) in Pyongyang (平昌/평양), Gangwondo(江原道/강원도)
Trekking Course: Daegwanryong (832m) – Entrance of Guksaseonghwangdang – Observation Deck of East Sea – Seonjaryong (1,157m) – Spring – Forest – the entrance – Daegwanryong (About 12 km, 5.5 hours)
Participants: 45 AhToSan members
The hiking location was in Pyongchang where the Winter Olympics of 2018 would be held.
Pyongchang is regarded as one of the locations where the heaviest snow fall, and lowest temperature recorded in South Korea.
It is one of the most popular hikers’ attractions in Korea, so all seats of AhToSan bus were fully reserved by the morning of Wednesday.
It takes 4 hours from Daejeon, so we left the South Gate Bus Stop at 6 am.
I went to the bus stop by bycicle. It was quite cold in the morning.
I got a window seat on the 3rd row, and a big male member sat by me.
We stopped at the service area called “Geumwang, about one hour bus ride from Daejeon IC.
I had my breakfast at my studio apartment, so I saved a pack of bean rice AhToSan provided for the breakfast.
When they stopped again at the next service area, I got ready to wear my boots and spats.
We arrived at Daegwanryong Parking Lot at almost 10 am. Daegwanryong is already on the altitude of 832m with a lot of snow.
It was clost to the boundary between Pyongchang and Ganreung facing the East Sea (Sea of Japan).
This area is also known as the strong wind blowing through the year. I saw a big wind mile on the hill near the parking lot.
We took several group pictures, then began trekking.
Soon I noticed a Pojangmacha(포장 마차 )like restaurant, and they were hanging a lot of Alaska Pollock.
Alask Pollock is called “Myongdae” in Korean language. They called the same fish by different names according to the states: Raw Myongdae is called “Saengtae”, Frozen Myongdae is called “Dongtae” and Half-dried as “Kodari” and Completely-dried as “Bugo” and “Dried-melt” repeated called “Hwangtae.”
If they dried the smaller “myongtae” less the 3 year-old, they call “Nogari” and it was served as side-dish for alchohol drinks.
The fish I saw might be in the process of being “Hwangtae” or if they were too small, they could be “Nogari.”
Passing this interesting restaurant, I soon came to the fork point. One direction says “Seonjaryong” and the other direction says “Entrance to the trail.”
I was about to turn left for “Seonjaryong” but Ruchi said, we should go right to “Entrance to the trail.”
Ruchi was right. Soon we came to a big stone monument on which “ Entrance of Guksaseonghwangdang” was written.
“Guksaseonghwangdang” is a kind of shrine where “Mountain God” was enshrined.
Anyhow, after taking pictures at this big stone monument, we came to the another fork point.
This hike, our trekking course was a big loop. So, after arriving at Seunjaryong, we will return to the original point, taking the different trail through forest.
First, we walked on the gentle ridge to the East Sea Observation Deck, then to Seonjaryong.
So we turned to the right to the ridge course. There was still the paved road until the building with several antennas.
This time, I was not the very end of the whole hikers. I was between the middle group and the last group.
About 50 minutes after starting at the parking lot, I caught up with the middle group at this antenna facilities.
I offered my grapes for them. Then I waited for the last group.
It was “Suzuki Time” in my definition.
Then I walked ahead of the last group.
It was a fine day, and I could see gigantic wind mills (each about 100 m high from the bottom to the top of the wind turbine) on the hill well.
But when I arrived at the East Sea Observation Deck, it suddenly became cloudy. Heavy fog covered my site and I could not see the East Sea at all.
When I left the observation deck, it cleared for a while.
It was almost noon. The middle group hikers were having “Makgeolli” break. The big guy who sat next to me on the bus was offering side dishes for “Makgeolli” called “Jeon” [(also spelled jun or chon), or buchimgae or jijimgae].
["Jeon" for makgeolli, マッコリのつまみ、『ジョン』、막걸리의 안주, "전"]
They are really good for makgeolli.
Then someone said, “Let’s have lunch here.” We all agreed to this proposal.
It was on the snow-covered hill, wide enough to sit down all AhToSan members, here and there.
I joined the hikers such as Ruchi, Grace, Goodman, Jaemi, etc. The mixture of the middle and last group.
What I prepared was a bottle of hot water and a cup ramen. I could utilize the pack of bean rice AhToSan provided in the morning, for lunch. They were enough for my lunch.
Korean hikers are all generous, they share their food. So, I picked up whatever I liked among their food. This is a big difference from Non-Korean hikers.
I brought two cans of Japanese beer; Kirin and Ashahi, but they were not very poplular among hikers.
Rather, they enjoyed home-made wine of diffent kind. This time, I tasted a home-made red wine from grapes.
It was partially fine until 1:30 pm. When we arrived at the big stone monument on the top of Seonjaryong, it was very crowded with many hikers.
I could hardly take good pictures of the front part of the monument. But I could take the back side of the monument with AhToSan hikers.
After taking the pictures, we went dwon from the summit, then we began “returning to the original place” but the middle group and last group people took the wrong way!
After walking for a while (about 15 minutes), we noticed that we took the wrong way.
So all of us (more than 20 members) went back to the fork point which we missed.
We took the narrow trail. There were many people taking this narrow trail. So when we passed each other, we had to step aside in the snow.
When we went to the forest, the heavy fog fell down and it covered the forest.
So it was fantastic. We enjoyed ths fantastic trekking, but we felt a bit long time.
We came to the edge of a pasture, then we went down a bit steep hill.
After the hill, soon we came up to the paved road, then the fork point we passed in the morning.
When I passed the Pojangmacha-like restaurant, they were grilling the dried fish, “Bugo” or “Nogari.” They looked delicious.
It was 3:30 when I returned to the bus. Since it was a national park, we were not allowed to eat at the parking lot.
So, we had “wrap-up party” on the bus. It was very unusual, but we ate dellicous “oden” which Mrs. KS cooked.
We lef the parking lot at 4:30 and returned to Sough Gate Parking Lot at 8 pm.
It was my 10th hike for this year, and my 342nd hike of AhToSan regular hike.
コース:大関嶺SA ~ 大関嶺国師城隍堂 (국사성황당) 入口 ~ 東海展望台 (동해 전망대) ~ 仙子嶺(선자령1,157m) ~ 泉(샘터) ~ 防風害植林地 (풍해조림지) ~ 大関嶺国師城隍堂 (국사성황당)入口 ~ 大関嶺S A (約12km, 5.5時間)
中間グループと後尾グループの間を歩き、アンテナ設備の下で中間グループに合流した。 ここで、ブドウを出し、「スズキタイム」を宣言。中間グループが出発した後、後尾グループを待って、ほぼ空にした。
> この地点は上りの分岐点に近く、分岐点にはちょうど3時半に到着した。
駐車場へ戻る前に、朝、見かけた屋台の前では、干したスケソウダラを炭火で焼いていた。これは酒の肴になるのだろう。 朝通った同じ道を通って駐車場に着いたのは3時38分。今回は食堂を借りることはなく、KSが準備したおでんをバスのなかで食べ、マッコリも2杯もらって4時過ぎに大関嶺を大田に向けて出発した。
仙子嶺(ソンジャリョン)のフォトギャラリー/Photo Gallery of Seonjaryong/선자령의 포토 갤러리
Mountain: Seonjaryong (仙子嶺/선자령1,157m) in Pyongyang (平昌/평양), Gangwondo(江原道/강원도)
Trekking Course: Daegwanryong (832m) – Entrance of Guksaseonghwangdang – Observation Deck of East Sea – Seonjaryong (1,157m) – Spring – Forest – the entrance – Daegwanryong (About 12 km, 5.5 hours)
Participants: 45 AhToSan members
The hiking location was in Pyongchang where the Winter Olympics of 2018 would be held.
Pyongchang is regarded as one of the locations where the heaviest snow fall, and lowest temperature recorded in South Korea.
It is one of the most popular hikers’ attractions in Korea, so all seats of AhToSan bus were fully reserved by the morning of Wednesday.
It takes 4 hours from Daejeon, so we left the South Gate Bus Stop at 6 am.
I went to the bus stop by bycicle. It was quite cold in the morning.
I got a window seat on the 3rd row, and a big male member sat by me.
We stopped at the service area called “Geumwang, about one hour bus ride from Daejeon IC.
I had my breakfast at my studio apartment, so I saved a pack of bean rice AhToSan provided for the breakfast.
When they stopped again at the next service area, I got ready to wear my boots and spats.
We arrived at Daegwanryong Parking Lot at almost 10 am. Daegwanryong is already on the altitude of 832m with a lot of snow.
It was clost to the boundary between Pyongchang and Ganreung facing the East Sea (Sea of Japan).
This area is also known as the strong wind blowing through the year. I saw a big wind mile on the hill near the parking lot.
We took several group pictures, then began trekking.
Soon I noticed a Pojangmacha(포장 마차 )like restaurant, and they were hanging a lot of Alaska Pollock.
Alask Pollock is called “Myongdae” in Korean language. They called the same fish by different names according to the states: Raw Myongdae is called “Saengtae”, Frozen Myongdae is called “Dongtae” and Half-dried as “Kodari” and Completely-dried as “Bugo” and “Dried-melt” repeated called “Hwangtae.”
If they dried the smaller “myongtae” less the 3 year-old, they call “Nogari” and it was served as side-dish for alchohol drinks.
The fish I saw might be in the process of being “Hwangtae” or if they were too small, they could be “Nogari.”
Passing this interesting restaurant, I soon came to the fork point. One direction says “Seonjaryong” and the other direction says “Entrance to the trail.”
I was about to turn left for “Seonjaryong” but Ruchi said, we should go right to “Entrance to the trail.”
Ruchi was right. Soon we came to a big stone monument on which “ Entrance of Guksaseonghwangdang” was written.
“Guksaseonghwangdang” is a kind of shrine where “Mountain God” was enshrined.
Anyhow, after taking pictures at this big stone monument, we came to the another fork point.
This hike, our trekking course was a big loop. So, after arriving at Seunjaryong, we will return to the original point, taking the different trail through forest.
First, we walked on the gentle ridge to the East Sea Observation Deck, then to Seonjaryong.
So we turned to the right to the ridge course. There was still the paved road until the building with several antennas.
This time, I was not the very end of the whole hikers. I was between the middle group and the last group.
About 50 minutes after starting at the parking lot, I caught up with the middle group at this antenna facilities.
I offered my grapes for them. Then I waited for the last group.
It was “Suzuki Time” in my definition.
Then I walked ahead of the last group.
It was a fine day, and I could see gigantic wind mills (each about 100 m high from the bottom to the top of the wind turbine) on the hill well.
But when I arrived at the East Sea Observation Deck, it suddenly became cloudy. Heavy fog covered my site and I could not see the East Sea at all.
When I left the observation deck, it cleared for a while.
It was almost noon. The middle group hikers were having “Makgeolli” break. The big guy who sat next to me on the bus was offering side dishes for “Makgeolli” called “Jeon” [(also spelled jun or chon), or buchimgae or jijimgae].
["Jeon" for makgeolli, マッコリのつまみ、『ジョン』、막걸리의 안주, "전"]
They are really good for makgeolli.
Then someone said, “Let’s have lunch here.” We all agreed to this proposal.
It was on the snow-covered hill, wide enough to sit down all AhToSan members, here and there.
I joined the hikers such as Ruchi, Grace, Goodman, Jaemi, etc. The mixture of the middle and last group.
What I prepared was a bottle of hot water and a cup ramen. I could utilize the pack of bean rice AhToSan provided in the morning, for lunch. They were enough for my lunch.
Korean hikers are all generous, they share their food. So, I picked up whatever I liked among their food. This is a big difference from Non-Korean hikers.
I brought two cans of Japanese beer; Kirin and Ashahi, but they were not very poplular among hikers.
Rather, they enjoyed home-made wine of diffent kind. This time, I tasted a home-made red wine from grapes.
It was partially fine until 1:30 pm. When we arrived at the big stone monument on the top of Seonjaryong, it was very crowded with many hikers.
I could hardly take good pictures of the front part of the monument. But I could take the back side of the monument with AhToSan hikers.
After taking the pictures, we went dwon from the summit, then we began “returning to the original place” but the middle group and last group people took the wrong way!
After walking for a while (about 15 minutes), we noticed that we took the wrong way.
So all of us (more than 20 members) went back to the fork point which we missed.
We took the narrow trail. There were many people taking this narrow trail. So when we passed each other, we had to step aside in the snow.
When we went to the forest, the heavy fog fell down and it covered the forest.
So it was fantastic. We enjoyed ths fantastic trekking, but we felt a bit long time.
We came to the edge of a pasture, then we went down a bit steep hill.
After the hill, soon we came up to the paved road, then the fork point we passed in the morning.
When I passed the Pojangmacha-like restaurant, they were grilling the dried fish, “Bugo” or “Nogari.” They looked delicious.
It was 3:30 when I returned to the bus. Since it was a national park, we were not allowed to eat at the parking lot.
So, we had “wrap-up party” on the bus. It was very unusual, but we ate dellicous “oden” which Mrs. KS cooked.
We lef the parking lot at 4:30 and returned to Sough Gate Parking Lot at 8 pm.
It was my 10th hike for this year, and my 342nd hike of AhToSan regular hike.
コース:大関嶺SA ~ 大関嶺国師城隍堂 (국사성황당) 入口 ~ 東海展望台 (동해 전망대) ~ 仙子嶺(선자령1,157m) ~ 泉(샘터) ~ 防風害植林地 (풍해조림지) ~ 大関嶺国師城隍堂 (국사성황당)入口 ~ 大関嶺S A (約12km, 5.5時間)
中間グループと後尾グループの間を歩き、アンテナ設備の下で中間グループに合流した。 ここで、ブドウを出し、「スズキタイム」を宣言。中間グループが出発した後、後尾グループを待って、ほぼ空にした。
> この地点は上りの分岐点に近く、分岐点にはちょうど3時半に到着した。
駐車場へ戻る前に、朝、見かけた屋台の前では、干したスケソウダラを炭火で焼いていた。これは酒の肴になるのだろう。 朝通った同じ道を通って駐車場に着いたのは3時38分。今回は食堂を借りることはなく、KSが準備したおでんをバスのなかで食べ、マッコリも2杯もらって4時過ぎに大関嶺を大田に向けて出発した。
仙子嶺(ソンジャリョン)のフォトギャラリー/Photo Gallery of Seonjaryong/선자령의 포토 갤러리
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