About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


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140810 Mongolia Wild Life Experiences #1 モンゴル「荒野の体験」몽골 "광야의 체험"

140810 Mongolia Wild Life Experiences #1

Date: Aug. 10 & 11, 2014

Itinerary: 3/10: Narita – Incheon (Joining Dure Church) - Ulan Bator 3/11: Hotel in Ulan Bator – Souvenir Shop - The Camp at Terelji National Park

[Aug. 10, 2014]

I joined a summer camp organized by Dure Church(두레 교회) in Korea. Dure Church organizes 10-day fasting Prayer Meeting every two months in 2014. I joined this fasting last March.

I liked this fasting experience, so I decided to join the summer camp in Mongolia planned by the same organization.

I left Narita Airpot at 12:30 and arrived at Incheon Airport at 15:30. There I joined the Korean group and waited for boarding to Ulan Bartor with Korean members.

It was raining when I landed on Incheon Airport. It stopped later and I saw beautiful rainbow while I was waiting for boarding.

[A rainbow at Incheon, 仁川空港の虹、인천 공항의 무지개]

The flight was delayed because of the bad weather. It finally took off at around 20:00.

[In front of the boarding gate,仁川空港搭乗口にて、인천 공항 탑승구에서]

On board, I saw a Japanese movie “ Like Father, Like Son (2013 film)” and I enjoyed this movie very much.


We arrived at Ulan Bartor at almost midnight. A chartered bus was waiting for us at the airport and we checked in the hotel near the airport after midnight.

[Chinggis Kaan International Airport, チンギス・カン国際空港、칭기즈칸 국제 공항]

[Arriving at the airport in Ulan Bartor, ウランバートルの空港へ到着、울란바토르 공항에 도착]

My roommate was Mr. Kim, former statesman of Korea and he was the director of a Ward of Seoul.

Later, I found out that he was one of three roommates during the summer camp at “Gel” in Mongolia.

The hotel room was spacious and comfortable. I could sleep well.

[Aug. 11, 2014] Fine

I could sleep well and got up at 6 am. The breakfast time was from 7 am at the dining room on the 1st floor.

Mr. Kim had an appointment with his Mongolian accentance, so I had breakfast alone.

When I almost finished my breakfast, I noticed that Mr. Kim was having breakfast with his Mongolian counterpart.

He invited me so I joined them. The Mongolian gentleman has experiences of living in Japan and North Korea.

He said he lived in Osaka for 3 years in 1990s. He had been in Pyongyang, North Korea for long time from Mongolia and had learned Korean language there.

He spoke good Korean language, so we all conversed in Korean language.

Internet service was available at the hotel. Later I found out that it was not available at the summer camp. So it was my last chance to use the internet in Mongolia.

We left the hotel at 11 am. We headed for the summer camp resort in Gorkhi-Terelji National Park.


[Grassland of Ulan Bator suburbs,ウランバートル郊外の草原、울란바토르 교외의 초원]

On our way to the summer camp, we stopped at a kind of “service area” in Mongolian style. There were two big eagles and a kind of shop.

[A Steller's sea eagle, オオワシ、참수리]

[At a shop on the grassland, 草原の土産物屋、초원의 기념품 가게]

[A souvenir with Genghis Khan picture, ジンギスカンの肖像付き土産物、징기스칸 초상 기념품]

The birds were big and great. There was a “gel” used as a shop for sightseeing goods and a simple toilet which reminded me of Chinese toilet about 10 years ago.

[A simple toilet, 草原の簡易トイレ、초원 간이 화장실]

The scenery was beautiful with a lot of flowers in the field and nice shaped mountains.

[Alpine flora with edelweiss、エーデルワイスなど高山植物、에델바이스 등 고산 식물들]

We arrived at the camp site at 12:40 and had lunch at the dining room of the main facility.

[The "gels" at the camp site, キャンプ場の『ゲル』(家屋)、캠프장의 "겔"(주택)]

When I entered the dining room of the main house, I noticed a sumo doll. It was "Asashoryu(朝青龍)" the first Mongolian Yokozuna before "Hakuho(白鵬)." I used to like watching his matches.

[Asashoryu doll, 朝青龍の相撲人形、아사쇼류 스모 인형]

[Near the camp site, キャンプ場付近にて、캠프장 부근에서]

[Near the camp site(Stoat?), キャンプ場付近にて(オコジョ)、캠프장 부근에서(족제비?)]

[Near the camp site(Stoat?), キャンプ場付近にて(オコジョ)、캠프장 부근에서(족제비?)]

We had free time until 15:00. I saw some cute animal in the field.

[Walking around the camp site, キャンプ場付近の散歩、캠프장 근처 산책]

The altitude of the camp was about 1500 m, so many flowers might be alpine flora.


[A kite near the camp site, トビ、솔개]

At 3 pm, we all got together and began trekking over the field and hills and returned to the camp by 5:30 pm. It was a pleasant trekking on the grassland. There were many alpine flora and cattle and horses and sheep.

[Neighboring camp site, 近隣のキャンプ場、주변 캠프장]

[On the grassland, 草原にて、초원에서]

[On the grassland, 草原にて、초원에서]

[On the grassland, 草原にて、초원에서]

We walked toward a pass, then we had a short break.

[Near the pass, 峠付近にて、고개 부근에서]

[Dianthus or sweet william, ナデシコ(撫子)、패랭이꽃]

[Asteroideae or "Nogiku", 野菊、국화과]

There were camels for sightseers and grazing cattle on the grassland.

[A cow on the grassland, 草原の牛、초원의 소]

[A camel for tourists, 観光用ラクダ、관광객 용 낙타]

[Beautiful Mongolian mountains, 美しいモンゴルの山々、아름다운 몽골 산]

There was a turtle-like rock at the middle of our trekking course. We took some group pictures in front of the rock.

[The Turtle Rock, 亀岩、거북 바위]

There were about 50 participants and we were organized into 6 groups.

[A group picture at Turtle Rock, 亀岩の前で集合写真、거북 바위 앞에서 단체 사진]

The leader of the camp was Pastor Jinhong Kim, same as the 10-day fasting.

He was born in 1941 in Tokyo and went back to his parents’ country, Korea in 1945.

He retired as a pastor at 3 years ago when he became 70 years old. Pastor Kim bought a mountain area in Dongducehon, Gyonggido, about 70 minute train ride distance. He built a cloister and opened an educational institution for mostly young people who are so-called “drop-out” students. Many of them are addicted to Internet games.

He successfully operates this institute to re-educate such students, and has them succeed to get qualification of taking entrance examination for universities.

He also organized “Ten-day Fasting Training Sessions” every other months in 2014. I attended one in March. The effect of the fasting on my health was amazing. I almost forgot that I had diabetes and high blood pressure problems.

That was one of the reasons to attend this summer camp in Mongolia, organized by Pastor Jinhong Kim.













[In front of the boarding gate,仁川空港搭乗口にて、인천 공항 탑승구에서]


[A rainbow at Incheon, 仁川空港の虹、인천 공항의 무지개]



[Arriving at the hotel, ウランバートルのホテルに到着、울란바토르 호텔에 도착]







[Breakfast at the hotel, ホテルの朝食、호텔의 아침 식사]






[Grassland of Ulan Bator suburbs,ウランバートル郊外の草原、울란바토르 교외의 초원]

[Mountains beyond the grassland,モンゴルの山々、몽골 산들]



[A Steller's sea eagle, オオワシ、참수리]


["Mongolian Post" and Souvenir shop, 郵便局兼土産物屋?、우체국 겸 기념품 가게?]

[Inside of the "Gel" or "Yurt", 『ゲル』の内部、"유르트(겔)"내부]

[At a shop on the grassland, 草原の土産物屋、초원의 기념품 가게]


[A simple toilet, 草原の簡易トイレ、초원 간이 화장실]


[The "gels" at the camp site, キャンプ場の『ゲル』(家屋)、캠프장의 "겔"(주택)]


[Asashoryu doll, 朝青龍の相撲人形、아사쇼류 스모 인형]

[Near the camp site(Stoat?), キャンプ場付近にて(オコジョ)、캠프장 부근에서(족제비?)]

[Near the camp site(Stoat?), キャンプ場付近にて(オコジョ)、캠프장 부근에서(족제비?)]





[A kite near the camp site, トビ、솔개]




[Edelweiss on the grassland,草原のエーデルワイス、초원의 에델바이스]



[Walking around the camp site, キャンプ場付近の散歩、캠프장 근처 산책]

[On the grassland, 草原にて、초원에서]

[Near the pass, 峠付近にて、고개 부근에서]


[Near the pass, 峠付近にて、고개 부근에서]

[Dianthus or sweet william, ナデシコ(撫子)、패랭이꽃]


[Tree cows on the grassland, 草原の三頭の牛、초원에서 세 마리의 소]

[A camel for tourists, 観光用ラクダ、관광객 용 낙타]

[The Turtle Rock, 亀岩、거북 바위]


[A group picture at Turtle Rock, 亀岩の前で集合写真、거북 바위 앞에서 단체 사진]












