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Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


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140814 Mongolia Wild Life Experiences #4 “Rituals at the tabernacle” & “Performance of Mongolian traditional dance troupe" モンゴル荒野の体験その4: 「幕屋の儀式」とモンゴル伝統舞踊団「天のリズム」の公演"성막의 의식"과 몽골 전통 무용단 '하늘의 리듬'공연

140813 Mongolia Wild Life Experiences #4 “Rituals at the tabernacle” & “Performance of Mongolian traditional dance troupe"

Date: Aug. 14 (Thu) Fine

It was the last day (night) of the camp in Mongolia. It was a bit cold in the morning, but no additional woods in the stove.

[The sunrise in Mongolia, モンゴルの夜明け、몽골의 새벽]

We had “Heaven Support Exercise“ under the leadership of Pastor Lee from 7 am and had breakfast at 8 am. They provided Western style breakfast, but also Mongolian style milk tea. Some members provided “kimchi” from Korea. So, I also had rice with kimchi.

["Heaven Support Exercise", 天助運動、천조 운동]

[Breakfast, 朝食、아침 식사]

We had the last horse-riding session, and this time, all together, 50 participants rode on 50 horses at the same time.

[The last horse-riding, 最後の乗馬、마지막 승마]

My horse went on as one of the top group, as well as Mr. Giok Kim’s horse.

[The last horse-riding, 最後の乗馬、마지막 승마]

A pretty young lady who is studying Master Course at a theological seminary in Chicago, was also in the top group. So we could talk each other while we were horse-riding.

Since this was my 3rd time to ride on horse, I could get used to it very much. I could make my horse trotting, stop, turn either way much easily. It was fun.

After horse-riding sesstion, we had “Healing Code” session undter the leadership of Pastor Lee. Then we had “self-introduction” by The Group of Number Six.

The most of the members in this group were couples. The first couple were in the business of “Health Food.” The second couple were missionaries to Uganda, Africa. They said that they suffered from malaria two times.

Then we had Bible Study Sessiion by Pastor Kim. The text was Revelation and he explained the four animals (Lion, Calf, Man, Eagle) as 4 gospes (Mathew, Mark, Luke and John).

So Jesus as the king (Lion), Jesus as the sacrifice (Calf), Jesus as a man and Jesus as God.

We also learned the structure of Tabernacle and the meaning of Jesus washing diciples feet, etc.

[Last lunch at the camp, キャンプ地で最後の昼食、캠프에서 마지막 점심]

After lunch, we got together in front of “Tabernacle” at the parking lot. It was a small size of “Tabernacle” which a disciple of the Korean missionary to Mongolia, built for us.

[Study about "Tabernacle" 『聖なる幕屋』の学び、"거룩한 장막"의 공부]

Pastor Kim explained the structure of “Tabernacle” and how the Jews performed the rites in the wilderness.

[Study about "Tabernacle" 『聖なる幕屋』の学び、"거룩한 장막"의 공부]

[Pastor Kim explains "Tabernacle." 金牧師が幕屋を説明、김진홍 목사님이 장막을 설명]

The Korean missionary introduced his Mongolian disciple, Odogoo to me because he married a Japanese.

[Odogoo, Mongolian student, モンゴルの神学生『オドゴー』と、몽골 신학생 "오도고"과 함께]

He was born in 1968 and married a Japanese lady who was born in Tsuchiura. He goes to a theminary in Mongolia and will be a pastor in Mongolia in the future.

He is a father of two kids. He said he would come to Japan with his family next summer. I hope I can see him and his family in Japan next year.

After the study of “Tabernacle” we went out to the field trekking. We separated ourselves into two groups; one climbing to the mountain, and other, just walking around the camp site.

I went to the mountain, of course, with about a dozen of people. Pastor Lee led the group. We walked toward the pass to “Turtle Rock” then went toward the mountain.

[The last trekking, 最後のトレッキング、마지막 트레킹]

We went up to the point of great view from which we could look down the field. Some trees were standing dead, but the view was great.

We did not go further, but returned from that point. When we returned to the base camp, it was 5:50 pm.

We had the last dinner in the camp. We ate “Baozi” and something like “Jiaozi” for dinner.



[After the supper with Pastor Kim, 夕食後、저녁 식사 후]

After the dinner, we had “Healing Code” and Bible Study.

The theme of the study was “Prayer” from Luke 11. Pastor Kim called the chapter as “Chapter of Prayer.”

He analyzed “Lord’s Prayer” as 3 prayers concerning the heaven (Lord): 1) Hollowed be your name, 2) Your kingdom come, 3) Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven, then concerning to man, 1) Food, 2) forgiveness to each other, 3) Free from trial and evil.

The three points concerning to prayer: 1) Prayer is custom, 2) Listening to God is more important to speaking your wishes, 3) Concentration is important. We can learn about these things from Luke 11.

Simple prayer is also important for practice. It is recommendable to repeat “Lord’s Prayer” and more simply, “Lord, please have pity on me.”

After the Bible Study session, we had Lord’s Supper ceremony. They used bread and “real” wine for the ceremony.

In the evening, after the Bible Study and Lord’s Supper ceremony, we enjoyed special performance by a Mongolian group named “Rhythm of Heaven” which consisted of 4 men and 2 women (A singer and a dancer).

[The Mongolian singer, モンゴル人歌手、몽골 가수]

They played the traditional Mongolian musical instruments and the songs and dance performance were also good.

I especially like the acrobatic dance performance with dishes on her head. To my surprise, there was milk in the container on her head. She poured the milk into the dish after dancing.

[A Mongolian dance, モンゴルのダンサー、몽골 무용수]

The songs reminded me of Japanese folk songs and Korean “Pansori” songs. They played Western music such as “‘O sole mio” and “Hungarian Dances.”

[Mongolian singer and dancer,モンゴル人の歌手とダンサー、몽골인 가수와 무용수]

The man playing the flute-like musical instrument tooted with a long breath and it surprised the audience very much.

They go around the world for their performance, therefore, all of them spoke good English. Their performance ended at 10:40 pm.






[A yak near the camp site, キャンプ場近くのヤク、캠프장 근처 야크,]


["Heaven Support Exercise", 天助運動、천조 운동]


[Breakfast, 朝食、아침 식사]


[The last horse-riding, 最後の乗馬、마지막 승마]



[The last horse-riding, 最後の乗馬、마지막 승마]







[Last lunch at the camp, キャンプ地で最後の昼食、캠프에서 마지막 점심]


[Study about "Tabernacle" 『聖なる幕屋』の学び、"거룩한 장막"의 공부]


[Study about "Tabernacle" 『聖なる幕屋』の学び、"거룩한 장막"의 공부]


[Odogoo, Mongolian student, モンゴルの神学生『オドゴー』と、몽골 신학생 "오도고"과 함께]



[The last trekking, 最後のトレッキング、마지막 트레킹]






[After the supper with Pastor Kim, 夕食後、저녁 식사 후]







[Mongolian orchestra "heaven' rhythm"、"モンゴルの楽団『天のリズム』、몽골 악단 "하늘의 리듬"]


[A Mongolian dance, モンゴルのダンサー、몽골 무용수]

[A Mongolian dance, モンゴルのダンサー、몽골 무용수]





140813 Mongolia Wild Life Experiences #3 “Assembly of the gel” & “Passover” 「モンゴル荒野の体験その3:ゲルの組み立てと過ぎ越しの祭り」 몽골 광야 체험 3 : “게르 조립 및 유월절”

The 3rd day of the camp in Mongolia was almost the same as the 2nd day except “assembly of the gel" and “Passover.”

[The morning at the camp cite, キャンプ地の朝、캠프장의 아침]

We had delicious breakfast and self-introduction of participants according to the group.

[Breakfast at the dining room, キャンプ地の朝食、캠프장의 아침 식사]

Before my self-introduction, the MC introduced me as “a special participant” from Japan.

[Participants' self-introduction, 参加者の自己紹介、참가자의 자기 소개]

I introduced myself as follow: I retired from a company in Japan 12 years ago. Then I came to Korea to work for 11 years. Before leaving Korea in April, I joined the 10-day fasting at Pastor Kim’s cloister and met Pastor Kim.

I liked this program and that was why I joined this summer camp.

Then we had Bible Study time: Leviticus of the Old Testament. We learned “Jewish holidays,” meaning of each festivity and esp. “Passover.”

After the Bible Study, we had “horse-riding” and “trekking on the grassland.” I joined the group of horse-riding first.

[The 2nd horse-riding, 二度目の乗馬、두 번째 승마]

It was my 2nd experience, so I got used to it much better. I could take many pictures while riding the horse, but I felt pain on my bottoms after riding for more than an hour.

[A view from horse-back, 馬の上からの風景、마상에서 본 풍경]

We had delicious lunch after the outdoor activities. The lunch menu was “Western style.” Then we all went out again and had the study of “Passover.”

[Lunch, 昼食、점심 식사]

We built Mongolian “gel” first. Actually it was not “built” but we “assembled” the pieces of the gel.

[Building the gel, 『ゲル』の組み立て、"게르"을 조립]

It took only half an hour to assemble the gel.

Then they brought “sheep” and killed it and took its blood. Then we put “absinth” a kind of grass, into the blood, and drew “cross” at the door of the gel.

[The sheep for the sacrifice, 犠牲の羊、"희생"의 양]

[Killing the sheep, 羊を屠る、양을 죽였다.]

[A crow and kites, カラスとトンビ、까마귀와 솔개]

This symbolized “Passover” when Jewish people did before “The Exodus.”

[Preparing for "Pass-over", 『過ぎ越しの祭』の準備、"유월절" 준비]

[The ceremony of Pass-over, 過ぎ越しの祭、"유월절"]

Then we separated ourselves into two groups; one for horse-riding and the other for trekking on the grassland.

[Hiking around the camp, ハイキング出発、하이킹 출발]

This time, I joined the group for trekking. We walked toward the hill behind the camp site, the same as the previous day. Then from the top of the hill, we went down to the opposite direction of the previous day.

[On the grassland, 草原にて、초원에서]

[On the grassland, 草原にて、초원에서]

There was a nice rocky mountain. The views from the rocky mountain were very good, just like picture cards.

[On the grassland, 草原にて、초원에서]

Then we walked down to the camp site on the grassland. There were many beautiful alpine flora in the field.

I saw a group of yaks on my way back to the camp. They look amazing. They are larger than cows and they have long hairs. They move very slowly.

[Herd of yaks, ヤクの群れ、야크 떼]

When we were back to the camp, they were ready to serve dinner.

They service dinner with the lamb meat which was killed for the “Passover” study. They also service wine according to the description in Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers.

The dinner was delicious, but it was too much in volume. I could not eat them all.

[Dinner at the camp, キャンプの夕食、캠프장의 저녁 식사]

After the dinner, we had “Healing Code” practice, then had “self-introduction” time.

When a 14 year-old boy introduced himself, I was quite astonished. He is total-blind, yet he sounded full of joy.

His mother is a big fan of Pastor Jinhong Kim. The mother bought message tapes of Pastor Kim, and let him listened to the tapes. Thus the boy got hopes from listening to the tapes.

Beside his testimony, I heard many more testimonies in the form of self-introductions, including two young ladies. They are the daughters of pastors. After the self-introduction session, we had Bible Study session as well.

Pastor Kim talked about “Four Biblical Contracts”; Contract of Noah (Rainbow), Contract of Abraham (Circumcision→Baptism), Contract of Moses (Ten commandments), Contract of David (Savior→Jesus Christ.)

According to Pastor Kim, the bridge verses of the Bible between Old Testament and New Testament is Jeremiah 31:41, which is also written in Matthew 26:26-28.

After the Bible Study, we had “Heaven Support Exercise” by Pastor Lee, and we went out to the hill behind the camp site.

We could see the moon of sixteenth in the sky. I expected to see many stars and the Milky Way, but because of the bright moon, we could not see many stars as I expected.

[The moon-rise, 草原の月の出、초원의 문라이즈]

[The 16th Moon, 十六夜月、이자요이 달(16일 밤의 달)]






[The morning at the camp cite, キャンプ地の朝、캠프장의 아침]

[Breakfast at the dining room, キャンプ地の朝食、캠프장의 아침 식사]


[Participants' self-introduction, 参加者の自己紹介、참가자의 자기 소개]




[The 2nd horse-riding, 二度目の乗馬、두 번째 승마]


[A view from horse-back, 馬の上からの風景、마상에서 본 풍경]


[Lunch, 昼食、점심 식사]



[Building the gel, 『ゲル』の組み立て、"게르"을 조립]

[Killing the sheep, 羊を屠る、양을 죽였다.]

[A kite, トンビ、솔개]

[Preparing for "Pass-over", 『過ぎ越しの祭』の準備、"유월절" 준비]

[The ceremony of Pass-over, 過ぎ越しの祭、"유월절"]


[On the grassland, 草原にて、초원에서]




[On the grassland, 草原にて、초원에서]


[On the grassland, 草原にて、초원에서]




[Herd of yaks, ヤクの群れ、야크 떼]



[Dinner at the camp, キャンプの夕食、캠프장의 저녁 식사]






また、これまでに目を引いた長身のアガシとちいさいアガシは二人とも牧師夫妻の娘で、長身のほうは高校のときにIdentity Crisisに陥り、そこからクリスチャンとして立ち直ったという話をした。






[The moon-rise, 草原の月の出、초원의 문라이즈]



[The 16th Moon, 十六夜月、이자요이 달(16일 밤의 달)]

[ネットより引用 http://www.lunarembassy.jp/meigetu/fun02.html]