About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


Sydney Report #3 Cultural Activities シドニーレポート第3号「文化活動」

Sydney Report #3 Cultural Activities

I came to Sydney alone and stayed with my son’s family for three months last year (2016.) During my stay, I did not attend any cultural activities, except Bible Study once a week. There are about 10 members, mostly Caucasians.

Now this time, I came with my wife. Soon after we joined my son’s family, she explored several cultural activities including “social dance” circle.

First of all, we joined a civil choir circle at a church (St. Stephan's) in our neighborhood.

One of my church friends, Dr. Francis introduced us to the group. We practice several songs including a Swahili song titled "Yesu ni wangu" with about 20 to 30 neighbors (mostly Caucasians.)

About one month later after coming to Chatswood, I happened to know that there is a ukulele circle, and I bought a ukulele and joined the circle.

[Multi-cultural Center "MOSAIC", マルチ文化交流センター、멀티 문화 교류 센터]

Then the man who introduced me the ukulele circle also introduced us to a big choir called Sydney Sakura Choir (SSC).

Sydney Sakura Choir:


[The church building for the practice, 合唱団の練習場の教会、합창단 연습장의 교회]

[SSCの指揮者、The director of MMC, 시드니 사쿠라 합창단의 지휘자]

It is really a big choir, and to my surprise, all of them are Japanese.

[SSC practicing, 合唱団の練習風景、합창단의 연습 모습]

The leader and the conductor is Mr. Sadaharu Muramatsu and he directs us in Japanese.

They get together at 6 pm every Thursday, and it ends at 9 pm. I am not good at any activities at night, and I found out that it is rather hard practice every time.

Yet, we enjoyed this activity.

And lastly, I joined a circle where they practice “Tai Chi” in Japanese.

[At Tai Chi Class, 太極拳教室にて、태극권 교실에서]

My wife joined this club first, and I followed her. I found “Tai Chi” quite interesting.

To me, playing the ukulele, singing in a choir, and practicing “Tai Chi” are all new.

[At Xmas party of MOSAIC,MOSAICのクリスマス会にて、MOSAIC의 크리스마스 파티에서]

Beside these activities, I go to bush walking with two different Korean groups twice a week.

I like all these activities and I thank God for my happiness from the bottom of my heart.








[Multi-cultural Center "MOSAIC", マルチ文化交流センター、멀티 문화 교류 센터]



[The church building for the practice, 合唱団の練習場の教会、합창단 연습장의 교회]

[SSCの指揮者、The director of MMC, 시드니 사쿠라 합창단의 지휘자]





[The Aussie Ukulele, オーストラリアで購入したウクレレ、 호주에서 구입 한 우쿨렐레]

[At Xmas party of MOSAIC,MOSAICのクリスマス会にて、MOSAIC의 크리스마스 파티에서]

