About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


SR #21 “Visiting Edogawa Garden in Gosford,” “The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Commemoration 2020” and “The Influence of COVIT-19 infection in Sydney” 「ゴスフォードの江戸川庭園探訪」、「東日本大震災復興支援イベント」および「COVIT-19感染症のシドニーにおける現況」

SR #21 “Visiting Edogawa Garden in Gosford,” “The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Commemoration 2020” and “The Influence of COVIT-19 infection in Sydney”

“Visiting Edogawa Garden in Gosford, Central Coast”

Gosford City (population about 3500 as of 2016) in Central Coast, about 80 km north of Sydney and Edogawa Ward in Tokyo held sister city agreement in 1988.

As a token of goodwill, this 4000㎡, traditional Japanese garden was built and given to the city by Edogawa Ward, and has been open to public since September 1994.

[Edogawa Commemorative Garden in Gosford, ゴスフォードの江戸川庭園、고스포드 에도가와 정원]br />

Next to the garden stands Gosford Regional Gallery, and the entrance of the garden is in the restaurant attached to the gallery.

[Gosford Regional Gallery, ゴスフォード地域美術館、고스포드 지역 박물관]

My wife and I became members of “Yourside” which is an agent supported by “Aged Care,” the organization of NSW government.

Yourside organized a bus tour to Edogawa Garden and Gosford Regional Gallery on March 10. About 30 members took on the bus in front of Chatswood RSL (Returned and Services League of Australia).

We stopped at Hornsby RSL for a short rest, and arrived at the garden and gallery in Gosford at around noon. We had lunch first at the restaurant, and I had “fish & chips” as I ordered at Hornsby RSL.

[At Hornsby RSL.ホーンズビーのRSLにて、혼스비의 RSL에서]

[At Hornsby RSL.ホーンズビーのRSLにて、혼스비의 RSL에서]

The fish & chips looked like “tempura” for me, and it tasted good. (The total participation fee was A$ 20.)

[Fish and Chips for lunch, 昼食に注文した「フィシュ・アンド・チップス」、점심 "피쉬 앤 칩스"]

After the lunch, a knowledgeable guide took us to “Shuyu (strolling style)” course, explaining the landscape, carp pond, and even “kare-san-sui (枯山水dry-landscape garden).”

[Guide post of Edogawa Garden, 江戸川庭園の案内板、에도가와 정원의 안내판]

There was a tree of “sarusuberi(サルスベリ)” or crape myrtle with full blossoms. The blossoms were so many and heavy, the branches were hanging down.

[The blossoms of crape myrtle in full bloom, 満開のサルスベリの花、만개 한 백일홍의 꽃]

The guide explained the three rocks as “heaven,” “earth,” and “human” and white gravels as “water” or “the sea,” therefore they present universe.

["Kare-san-sui" in Edogawa Garden, 江戸川庭園の「枯山水」、에도가와 정원 "카래산수이#"]
#물을 사용하지 않고 지형으로써만 산수를 표현한 정원

After “strolling” around Edogawa Garden, we also entered the gallery and a staff member of gallery guided us, but only a few members of “Yourside” followed her.

[At Gosford Regional Gallery, ゴスフォード地域美術館にて、고스포드 지역 미술관에서]

There were several events planned by “Yourside” but all other events after this were cancelled due to the spread of COVIT-19 inflection.

“The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Commemoration 2020”

The fund-raising event sponsored JCS Rainbow Project has been held since 2012. My wife and I attended this event last year and this year. Actually my wife supported as a volunteer, together with one of our grand-daughter and made “dadacha-mochi(だだちゃ餅)” green soy-bean pasted rice cake.

[My wife and our granddaughter made "dadacha-mochi", 妻と孫娘が「だだちゃ餅」を作った。아내와 손녀가 "다다 챠 떡"을 만들었다.]

[At the support event venue, 復興支援イベント会場にて、부흥 지원 이벤트 회장에서]

[At the support event venue, 復興支援イベント会場にて、부흥 지원 이벤트 회장에서]

The main event was showing two movies: 1) “Hitorijanai https://hitorijyanai.com/” or “Not Alone” and 2) A documentary movie “Life 「生きてゆく」 http://life-movie.main.jp/

[A scene from the documentary, ドキュメンタリー映画の1シーン、다큐멘터리 영화의 한 장면]

The first movie is about a man who lost all his family members by the tsunami and living alone apathetically. He happened to help a young woman who was cycling alone and got trouble with her bicycle. After a brief encounter, he regain hope and power to live on.

[A scene from the documentary, ドキュメンタリー映画の1シーン、다큐멘터리 영화의 한 장면]

The second movie is a documentary movie about one couple who lost the husband’s parents and 2 kids by the tsunami. Since their house was close to the Fukushima Daiichhi Nuclear Power Plant that was melt down after the tsunami disaster, they could not start searching the victims.

[A scene from the documentary, ドキュメンタリー映画の1シーン、다큐멘터리 영화의 한 장면]

It is difficult to hold tears, even now, just think of the people.

During the event, my wife happened to see Mr. Roger Pulvers, an Australian playwright, theater director, and translator. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Pulvers

My wife is a big fan of Kenji Miyazawa, and so is Mr. Pulvers who translated the master pieces of Kenji including the famous poem “Amenimo Makezu (雨ニモマケズStrong in the rain).”

[With Mr. Roger Pulvers, ロジャー・パルバースさんと、로저 빠루바스 씨와 함께]

Mr. Pulvers recommended two of his books 1) もし、日本という国がなかったら (Moshi nihon to iu kuni ga nakattara = If There Were No Japan) 2) 賢治から、あなたへ 世界のすべてはつながっている (Kenji kara anatae sekai no subete wa tsunagatteiru)

I bought the first book in kindle version and read through within 2 weeks. As he said that might put the title of this book 「紆余曲折の人生」or “It’s a life of ups and downs” it is the introduction of his life (autobiography,) very interesting and intriguing.

As for the 2nd book, 「賢治から、あなたへ 世界のすべてはつながっている (Kenji kara anatae sekai no subete wa tsunagatteiru)」sounds very interesting, but there is no kindle version. So I may buy it when I return to Japan.

“The Influence of COVIT-19 infection in Sydney”

Australian government has been doing well to cope with this threat. It stopped all foreigners from China, not only from Muhan, on Feb. 1st. Japan followed the similar restrictions on March 5, a few hours later when Prime Minister Abe released the news that China and Japan agreed the postponement of Xi Jinping’s visit on Japan.

[Notice of "Temporary Closed" at Makoto Sushi-shop, まこと寿司臨時休業の知らせ、마코토 스시 임시 휴업 안내]

But as of March 25, the number of infections in Australia reached 2,252 (1,029 in NSW), and the 429 infections on the previous day alone alerted the government, and now it banned all operations of restaurants, theaters, and even church services!

[List of limited items, 購入数量制限品目、구매 수량 제한 품목]

It seems serious matter. It is important, of course, that not to be infected by the corona virus. We need to reduce the risk of infection as low as possible. But at the same time, we should keep our physical and mental health, and strengthen “immunizing power” with intake of nutrition and exercise.

[No rice on the shelves of Coles, スーパーの米棚は空っぽ、슈퍼 쌀 선반은 매진]

We are here in Sydney, surrounded by beautiful nature, abundant sunshine, and so we should thank God, the creator of universe, and live happily now on and eventually overcome this crisis.


SR #21 「ゴスフォードの江戸川庭園探訪」、「東日本大震災復興支援イベント」および「COVIT-19感染症のシドニーにおける現況」 「ゴスフォードの江戸川庭園探訪」



[Edogawa Commemorative Garden in Gosford,ゴスフォードの江戸川庭園、고스포드의에도가와 정원]

隣接してゴストフォード市の美術館(Gosford Regional Gallery)があり、庭園の入り口がレストランとなっている。

[At Gosford Regional Gallery, ゴスフォード地域美術館にて、고스포드 지역 미술관에서]

妻と私はNSW州のシニア市民支援組織である「Aged Care」に登録し、その外郭団Yoursideの主催する「ゴスフォードの江戸川庭園および美術館行きバス・ツアー」に参加した。参加費は昼食込みでA$20(約1400円)だった。

この日(3月10日)9:30 amにチャッツウッド駅前のRSL(Returned and Services League of Australia)にマイクロバスが来て約30人の参加者をピックアップした。

[Inside of the micro-bus, マイクロバスで出発、마이크로 버스로 출발]


[At Hornsby RSL.ホーンズビーのRSLにて、혼스비의 RSL에서]

Gosford Regional Galleryには12時ごろ到着。早速ホーンズビーのRSLで注文したランチが出た。メニューのなかからFish & Chipsを注文していたが、てんぷらのような盛り付けの一品はなかなか豪華でおいしかった。

[Fish and Chips for lunch, 昼食に注文した「フィシュ・アンド・チップス」、점심 "피쉬 앤 칩스"]


[Carp in Edogawa Garden, 江戸川庭園の鯉、에도가와 정원의 잉어]


["Kare-san-sui" in Edogawa Garden, 江戸川庭園の「枯山水」、에도가와 정원 "카래산수이#"]
#물을 사용하지 않고 지형으로써만 산수를 표현한 정원

[In front of "Kare-san-sui", 「枯山水」の前で、"카래산수이"앞에서]


[At Gosford Regional Gallery, ゴスフォード地域美術館にて、고스포드 지역 미술관에서]



[“The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Commemoration 2020”,東日本大震災および福島復興支援イベント、동일본 대지진 및 후쿠시마 부흥 지원 이벤트]

[At the support event venue, 復興支援イベント会場にて、부흥 지원 이벤트 회장에서]

[A scene from the documentary, ドキュメンタリー映画の1シーン、다큐멘터리 영화의 한 장면]


[My wife and our granddaughter made "dadacha-mochi", 妻と孫娘が「だだちゃ餅」を作った。아내와 손녀가 "다다 챠 떡"을 만들었다.]

 今年のメイン・イベントの映画上映は、孤独死をテーマにした一人残された男の人と一人で自転車旅行を続ける若い女性との出会いを描いた ①「一人じゃない」と、津波で家族を失い、原発事故で1年以上捜索できずにいてかつ5年にわたり探し続けた人のドキュメンタリー映画 ②「Life 生きてゆく」だった。

[A scene from the documentary, ドキュメンタリー映画の1シーン、다큐멘터리 영화의 한 장면]


[With Mr. Roger Pulvers, ロジャー・パルバースさんと、로저 빠루바스 씨와 함께]

ロジャーさんは数多くの著書のなかから次の2冊を妻に勧めた。①「もし、日本という国がなかったら」、②「賢治から、あなたへ  世界のすべてはつながっている」の2冊である。



。 2冊目も興味深いタイトルで、すぐにでも読みたいのだが、Kindle版がないのが残念である。


[ オーストラリア政府は新コロナウィルス(COVIT-19)の中国内での感染拡大にともない、いちはやく2月1日から中国から外国人が入国するのを禁止した。


しかし、オーストラリア内の感染者数が3/25現在で2252人(うち死者8名) (NSW州内の感染者数1029人)でしかもこのうち昨日(3/24)の新感染者数が429人という現実は、日本以上にアウトブレークが起こっていると言わざるを得ない。

[Inside of the train heading for the City during the rush-hour, シティに向かう平日のラッシュアワーの電車内、시티로 향하는 평일 러시아워의 전철 안에서]


[Special Mask sold out, 高級マスク売り切れ、고급 마스크 매진]고급 마스크 매진 それには免疫力を高める食事と、光と新鮮な空気と運動が欠かせない。
