SR # 38 "Lockdown in Sydney for 3 Months" "Trekking with Marshal in Castle Cove" "Trekking in Lane Cove National Park with Noah"
SR # 38 "Lockdown in Sydney for 3 Months"
Finally, the death toll from this pandemic in Australia has exceeded 1,000. The NSW government was quick to declare the lockdown on June 26 in response to the infection of the new Corona Delta strain in Sydney in mid-June. However, the number of newly infected cases continued to increase day by day and finally exceeded 1,000 at the end of August.
[Cumulative number of infected cases in Australia, 豪州の累積感染者数、호주의 누적 감염자 수의 추이]
The current situation as of August 31 is as follows.
Cumulative total number of infected cases; 53,662 (including 1,006 dead), hospitalization:1300(highest)
Lockdown regulations have been gradually tightened, and after July 3rd, even when going out for exercise purposes, the range of movement is within 10 km, and the group is limited up to two people. The range of movement was further shortened, within 5 km, and the exercise time was limited to 1 hour.
Under these circumstances, the Australian Government announced on August 22 an "opinion" on an exit strategy entitled "When to shift the focus from the number of cases to the number of hospitalizations."
However, the number of hospitalized patients is now well over 800, compared to 400 two weeks ago. (As of 8 September, over 1200.)
In addition, deregulation of lockdown will be considered when more than 70% of the total population have been vaccinated, so it will take a considerable amount of time from the current 34.4%.
[The number of hospitalized people,入院患者数の推移、입원 환자 수 추이]
Last week, it was announced that vaccination of junior high school students aged 12 to 15 would start on September 13. As in Japan, the mainstream of infected people is becoming younger, and vaccination of young people is urgent.
Maintaining human relationships in such a feeling of obstruction is important for maintaining individual health. The greatest salvation of the prolonged pandemic is the maintenance of fellowship by utilizing zoom technologies.
The zoom meetings I'm currently involved with are:
(1) Sunday service by the local church (Chatswood Presbytarian Church) (10: 45-12: 00) English
(2) English chatting by ESS in Hiratsuka (every Sunday 18: 20-19: 40) English
(3) Chorus Practice by local volunteers group (every Monday 19: 30-20: 20) English
(4) Bible Study Group by Local Church (Every Wednesday 10-12: 00) English
(5) Japanese Association Tai Chi Practice by local government (Every Wednesday 13-14: 00) Japanese
(6) Learning English by ESS (Day-KEC) in Kamakura (every Thursday 10: 30-12: 30) English
(7) Intermediate Chinese class by local government (every Friday 11: 30-12: 45) English / Chinese
(8) Learning English by ESS (KEC) in Kamakura (every other week 19: 00-21: 40) English / Japanese
Of these, the English learning group (6) has held presentations twice a year in August and December for the past 20 years, and this was done by zooming last year and this year. This year, in addition to regular members, students from Vietnam, Indonesia, and Turkmenistan also participated in an interesting presentation.
[Group picture of Deprec on 29 Aug., 8月29日のDeprecプレゼンテーション、8 월 29 일 Deprec 프레젠테이션]
Also, many of the presentations by other ESS participants were wonderful, especially those who have been working on the original English translation of Old and New Stories (Konjaku Monogatari) for many years.
I tried to recite the English translation of Kenji Miyazawa's "Ame ni Mo Makezu", an Australian writer, Roger Palberth, and the English translation of "The Song for the Pilgrimage of the Stars".
The former was introduced in SR #32 so here I will introduce "The Song for the Pilgrimage of the Stars" that Shinobu Otake sang with the children at the end of the closing ceremony of the 2020 Olympic Games.
Can you see the red eyed scorpion?
and the Eagle spreads his wings so wide
Over there the blue-eyed little dog
Do you see the coiled up snake of the light
Orion sings to us from far away
It drops it’s dew and frost from the sky
Can you see the cloud of Andromeda
looking just like the lips of a fish
See The Great bear’s pawn up in the north,
Take five steps south and you will find
The shining little bear’s head is the key
guiding us to the soul of the sky
Translation Reference:
"Trekking with Marshal in Castle Cove"
Chatswood, where I live, is located about 12km north of Sydney's Central Station along the Pacific Ocean. Heading south, it's a luxury residential area facing beautiful Sydney Bay, such as North Sydney, and heading north, via Hornsby, there is "The Great North Walk" which leads to New Castle, 260 km away.
[Marshal in Flat Rock Gully, フラットロックガリーにてマーシャル、플랫 락 협곡에서 마샬]
Heading toward west, you'll follow the intricate Sydney Bay, passing through Parramatta and Penrith, then to the Blue Mountains.
Due to the strengthening of lockdown after midnight on July 3, it is completely impossible to go trekking with Korean hikers in the Blue Mountains, I used to go every Tuesday and Saturday.
I can trek near Castle Cove every Thursday afternoon with Marshall, who emigrated from Taiwan, and in Lane Cove National Park with Noa, my 15 year old grandson every Saturday.
[Marshal in front of magnolia blossoms, 満開の木蓮の前のマーシャル、만개한 목련 앞에 서 있는 마샬]
Marshall and I meet Thursday at 1:00 pm in front of the Salvation Army center, which is the midpoint between his house and my share house, and walk mainly towards Castle Cove.
Most of the houses in the city have beautiful gardens, and it is fun to see the various flowers that bloom in the gardens. After about 40 to 50 minutes, you will reach at trackhead, where you can see the cove in Sydney Bay.
My favorite course is a trail down a valley called "gully", down to the water's edge of mangroves, down to Tunks Park, where the lawn is beautiful, and to a beautiful bridge called Northbridge.
[A view of Castle Cove, 道路からみたキャッスルコーブ、도로에서 본 캐슬 코브]
If you get on the bus from the bus stop near the bridge and turn back, it will take about two to two and a half hours of exercise.
Unfortunately, we cannot go with our Chinese friend who used to walk with us before the lockdown, due to the current limitation of the number of the group (up to two).
"Trekking in Lane Cove National Park with Noah"
My son's house is in Chatswood West, across from Chatswood Station, opposite our share house.
For the past month, every Saturday, I go to my son's house and walk with my 15-year-old grandson Noah in Lane Cove National Park.
There are various walking courses in the park, but the simplest courses are the "River Walk" and the "Fairy Land Course".
[With Noa at Reid Park, 孫のノアと、レイドパークにて、레이드 파크에서 손자 노아와 함께]
The former is a course that walks downstream along the Lane Cove River at the edge of the Chatswood Golf Course to Mowbrow Park.
There is a course through a bottleneck where the trail is likely to be submerged at high tide, and a trail through the top of a hill. We walked both courses.
[At Lane Cove National Park,レインコーブ国立公園にて、레인코부 국립 공원에서]
If we cross the bridge from Mowbrow Park to Epping Road and walk across the river, we can walk "Fairy Land Track" which goes along the Lane Cove Rever toward the upper stream. And this is a part of The Great North Walk, Section Three.
If you walk this way, you will go back to the original place, which is a total of 3 hours course.
Another track that can be used within 5 kilometers is the "Symon's Track," which is pleasing because the trail is well faciliated with sandstone.
[Noa at Symon's Track, サイモンズ・トラックにて、ノア、시몬스 트랙에서 노아]
Fortunately there are many great tracks within 5km in my neighborhood, in spite of prolonged strickt lockdown.
[New confirmed cases, daily count in NSW, NSW州における新規感染者数の推移、NSW 주에서 신규 감염자 수의 추이]
[Doses by age and sex,年齢及び性別ワクチン接種状況、연령 및 성별 백신 접종 상황]
(1) 地元教会(Chatswood Presbytarian Church) による日曜礼拝(10:45-12:00) 英語
(2) 平塚のESSによる英語チャッティング(毎週日曜日18:20-19:40) 英語
(3) 地元有志によるコーラス(毎週月曜19:30-20:20)英語
(4) 地元教会による聖書研究会(毎週水曜10-12:00)英語
(5) 地元自治体による日本人会太極拳運動(毎週水曜13-14:00)日本語
(6) 鎌倉のESS(Day-KEC)による英語学習(毎週木曜10:30-12:30)英語
(7) 地元自治体による中国語中級クラス(毎週金曜11:30-12:45)英語・中国語
(8) 鎌倉のESS(KEC)による英語学習(隔週19:00-21:40)英語・日本語
[Presentator of Turkmenistan student, トルクメニスタンの学生の発表、투르크 메니스탄 학생의 발표]
[Marshal in Flat Rock Gully, フラットロックガリーにてマーシャル、플랫 락 협곡에서 마샬]
[Looking up The Northbridge, 下から見上げたノースブリッジ、아래에서 올려다 본 노스 브릿지]
[With Noa, my grandson at the trackhead, トラックヘッドにて、등산로 입구에서]
[With Noa at Reid Park, 孫のノアと、レイドパークにて、레이드 파크에서 손자 노아와 함께]
[Noa, passing throgh the narrow neck, 隘路を通るノア、어려운 길을 통과하는 노아]
[At the Symons Track, サイモンズ・トラックにて、시몬스 트랙에서]
I like hiking very much. I used to go hiking with a Korean hiking club named “AhToSan.” This blog introduces mostly my hiking activities in Korea and Japan, and Sydney in Australia. As of January 2020, I live in Sydney suburb. I go Blue Mountains and bush walk in Sydney area. 私は2003年から2014年まで韓国の大田(テジョン)に住んだ日本人である。11年間、週末は主に「アトサン山岳会」に参加した。14年4月に帰国したが、2020年以降はおもにシドニーで暮らし、時折、日本へ帰国する程度である。したがって最近の記事はSR(Sydney Report)としてブルーマウンテンのトレッキングを中心に書いている。
About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서
Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.