SR #39 “Lifting Lockdown” “Resume Blue Mountains Hike: Leura to Katoomba”“Glenbrook and Penrith”
“Lifting Lockdown”
On October 7, the vaccination completion rate for the entire population aged 16 and over in NSW reached 70%. In response to this, NSW state government eased the stay-home order from October 11.
[Vaccination roll-out progress, ワクチン完了進捗状況、백신 완료 진행 상황]
As of October 15, the number of newly infected people in NSW was 400, which is 1/4 of the peak (September 11, 1,603). However, the daily new cases a day in Victoria recorded the highest number of 2,200 cases so that Australia as a whole is still far from converging.
[New cases in NSW and Victoria,NSW州とビクトリア州における新規感染者数の推移、NSW주와 빅토리아주의 신규 감염자 수 추이 ]
Vaccination is rapidly expanding in NSW, reaching 80% of the target population on the 17th of October. It is expected to reach 90% on 7th of November.
[Doses by age and sex, 年齢及び性別ワクチン接種状況、연령 및 성별 백신 접종 상황]
As for me, I am very happy that the restriction within 5 km is lifted so that I can travel to the Blue Mountains with my friends.
Now we can visit our relatives’ home and have home party from now on.
I sincerely hope that we can go to movie theaters and have dinner with our friends from next month.
However, vaccination progress varies from state to state, with the fastest on October 17th in NSW and the last on December 30th in the North Territory in Australia.
Depending on the progress of infection and vaccination around the world, the border between Australia and Japan may be opened next year.
“Re-opening of the Blue Mountains: Leura to Katoomba”
The three-month lockdown regulation was lifted, and on Saturday, October 16th, I headed to the Blue Mountains with three Korean hikers for the first time in 15 weeks. The starting point for trekking is Leura station, just before Katoomba. The temperature on that day was cold below 10 degrees Celsius.
[Cherry trees at Leura Villege, ルーラ駅前の桜並木、룰라 역 앞의 벚꽃길]
The cherry blossoms in front of the Leura station were almost scattered due to the thunderstorm and hails two days ago. We headed to the park upstream of the Leura Cascade, admiring the few remaining cherry blossoms and the garden where the rhododendrons are in full bloom.
[A banch of rhododendran in Leura,ルーラのシャクナゲ、룰라의 석남화]
The maintenance work around the waterfall at the top of the park has been completed and we took commemorative photos in front of the waterfall.
[At Leura Castcade Reserve, ルーラカスケード・リザーブにて、룰라 캐스케이드 리저브에서]
From here we followed a roadway that was still blocked for construction and entered the Prince Henry Cliff Walk.
We entered the Federal Pass, a long trail through the Jamison Valley, in the middle of this cliff walk, followed by steep stairs.
Near the bottom of the stairs is a waterfall called Linda Falls, which leads to a forest under a cliff called the Leura Forest. There is a rotunda with a picnic table, so it's a good place to have lunch.
[Linda Falls,リンダ・フォールズ、린다 폭포]
Then a familiar hiker came from the opposite direction. He was Mr. Lee, whom I guided to Mt. Fuji and the Northern Alps in Japan three years ago, followed by Mr. Kang and Mr. Chung.
[Korean hikers whom I guided in Japan, 私が日本の山へ案内した韓国の友人たち、내가 일본산으로 안내한 한국 친구들]
It was an inspiring reunion, but their direction was opposite to that of the four of us, and they split up hoping for a future reunion.
[A view from Dardanelles Pass, ダーダネルス・パスから見た風景。다다넬스 고개에서 본 풍경 ]
We left the Lula Forest at 12:30. Then we took a break under the Giant Stairs through the Dardanelles Pass.
[At Queen Victoria Lookout, クイーン・ビクトリア・ルックアウトにて、퀸 빅토리아 룩아웃에서]
We then went out to Cooks Crossing, climbed Furber Steps, and took a bus back to the station from Katoomb Falls bus stop.
The walking distance on that day was 14.9km, the number of steps I walked was 22,676, and the number of floors was 99.
“Blue Mountains Hiking Club: Glenbrook and Penrith”
“Blue Mountains Hiking Club” is a large mountaineering society with more than 30 members. Every Tuesday, they walk together with the oldest man, Mr. Min (94 years old) and Chairman Zhu, 92 years old, all of whom are older than me.
The main destination is Glenbrook, which can be said to be the entrance to the Blue Mountains.
The first time after lifting the lockdown was October 19th, with 8 people including myself. The second time, October 26th, was 10 people.
[The members are taking a break along the track, 散策路の脇で休憩中の会員たち、산책로 옆에서 휴식 중인 회원들]
The walking course is always fixed and we pass through a small shopping street in front of the station and enter the reserve across the Great Western Highway.
From this point on, it's a light trek about 3km one way to Elizabeth Lookout.
[A view from Elizabeth Lookout, エリザベス・ルックアウトからの風景、엘리자베스 룩아웃에서 본 풍경]
There is a relatively large rotunda with two sets of tables, each has capability of 8-10 people.
[Members at a table under the rotunda, 東屋のテーブルで休む会員たち、정자 테이블에서 쉬는 회원들]
On 26th of October, there were two people already sitting at one of them. They were a French and Indonesian workers taking a short break from their construction work.
[A rotunda in Elizabeth Lookout,エリザベス・ルックアウトの東屋、엘리자베스 룩아웃의 정자]
My friends introduced themselves as Korean hikers. Then one of them began showing “tekondo” pictures by his smart-phone. I introduced myself as a Japanese hiker. Then the French man said he had visited Osaka and showed admiration for Japanese ladies. He commented that Korean women were too strong for him.
In October and November, I often go to Penrith, on the way back from the hiking with Blue Mountains Hiking Club.
There are about a hundred big mulberry trees along the walking track at Tench Reserve along the Nepean River.
These one hundred mulberry trees bear a great number of mulberries in the spring and early summer.
[A jacaranda tree in Penrith Shopping Mall, ペンリスのショッピングモールのジャカランダ、펜리스 쇼핑몰 자카란다]
I enjoyed picking up mulberries this season. I used to climb mulberry trees but on 26 of October I saw a signs warning “do not climb the trees.” So I tried to reach the ripe berries and picked up as many mulberries as possible.
[A mullberry tree with lots of mulberies, 桑の実がたくさん実った桑の木、오디가 많이 익은 뽕나무]
I carried what I picked up that day and gave them to my wife. She was happy and cooked the berries to make mulberry jams.
The distance between Penrith station to the reserve is about 3 km one way.
[Making mulberry jam, マルベリージャムを作る。멀베리 잼을 만든다.]
So, my total walking distance was 14.5km, 25,045 steps, and 15 floors equivalent a day.
[Vaccination roll-out progress, ワクチン完了進捗状況、백신 완료 진행 상황]
[Number of new infections in NSW and Victoria,NSW州とビクトリア州の感染者数の推移、NSW주와 빅토리아주의 신규 감염자 수 추이 ]
[Confirmed cases by age and sex, 年齢及び性別感染状況、연령 및 성별 감염 상황]
[Progress of roll-out by states in Australia, 州別ワクチン接種進捗状況、주별 백신 접종 진행 상황]
[Cherry blossoms at Leura, ルーラ駅前の八重桜、룰라 역 앞의 야에 벚꽃]
[A banch of rhododendran in Leura,ルーラのシャクナゲ、룰라의 석남화]
[At Leura Castcade Reserve, ルーラカスケード・リザーブにて、룰라 캐스케이드 리저브에서]
[A falls below Linda Falls,リンダ・フォールズの下流の滝、린다 폭포 하류 폭포]
[An Australian Magpie in Leura Forest, ルーラの森の豪州のカササギ、룰라 숲의 호주 까치]
我々はルーラの森を12:30に出発。ダーダネルス・パス(Dardanelles Pass)を通ってジャイアント・ステアーズの下で休憩した。
[A view from Dardanelles Pass, ダーダネルス・パスから見た風景。다다넬스 고개에서 본 풍경 ]
我々はその後、クックス・クロッシング(Cooks Crossing)に出て、ファーバー・ステップスから階段を上がり、カトゥンバ・フォールズ・バス停からバスに乗って駅に戻った。
[A flower in Glenbrook,グレンブルークの森に咲いていた野生花、글렌블루크 숲에 피었던 야생화]
[Members at a table under the rotunda, 東屋のテーブルで休む会員たち、정자 테이블에서 쉬는 회원들]
[A jacaranda tree in Penrith Shopping Mall, ペンリスのショッピングモールのジャカランダ、펜리스 쇼핑몰 자카란다]
[A warning sign on a board, 禁止事項が書かれた看板、금지사항이 적힌 간판]
[Mulberries harvested this day、この日収穫したマルベリー,이날 수확한 오디]
I like hiking very much. I used to go hiking with a Korean hiking club named “AhToSan.” This blog introduces mostly my hiking activities in Korea and Japan, and Sydney in Australia. As of January 2020, I live in Sydney suburb. I go Blue Mountains and bush walk in Sydney area. 私は2003年から2014年まで韓国の大田(テジョン)に住んだ日本人である。11年間、週末は主に「アトサン山岳会」に参加した。14年4月に帰国したが、2020年以降はおもにシドニーで暮らし、時折、日本へ帰国する程度である。したがって最近の記事はSR(Sydney Report)としてブルーマウンテンのトレッキングを中心に書いている。
About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서
Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.