Destination (mountain): Naejangsan National Park (763m)
Hiking course: Churyong – Janggunbong – Yonjabong – Sinseongbong – Kkachibong – Naejangsa Temple – Parking Lot
Partner: About 40 Koreans
I got up at 4:30 a.m. and prepared for the hike. The destination is Naejangsan National Park. This is my 3rd visit. I came to this mountain with EJ in 1997 for the first time. So, these memories with EJ came back to my mind.
I arrived at Expo South Gate Parking Lot at 6:50 and waited for Jaegeun, one of my freshmen at Daejeok College. He did not come to the bus stop even after 7 a.m.
Later, it turned out that he had been sick and could not get up early enough. We did not wait for him, but left there after 7 a.m.
On the way to Naejansan, we had a 50th hike celebration for Chilgapsan who participated AhToSan regular hikes 50 times on the bus.
They prepared a big cake with the letter of 50 on it. Chilgapsan brew the fire off and made a short speech.
We arrived at Churyong at 9:30 a.m. The entrance of the trail was just beside the road, and not only AhToSan, but also other hiking club members started at this point.
We had the first “Makgeolli Time”in the woods along the ridge trail. The trees were all leaf-less, it was like winter.
We arrived at Janggunbong at 10:50 and at the helicopter port near Yongjabong at noon. We had lunch there.
I joined the top group and sat next to Jeongdaun together with Katarina. One of the members who sat the same place, brought “Bulgogi” or cooked beef in a jar. That tasted very good. I brought green papers and shared with other members.
After lunch, I joined the top group and arrived at Sinseonbong at 12:23. That means I had really a short time for lunch.
I took a group picture with self-timer at Sinseonbong. Then we went long the narrow ridge trail and arrived at Kkachibong at 1:18 p.m.
We separated ourselves between A course and B course. I chose an easier course (A course) and went down to the valley. Other members went on to climb more peaks such as Seoraebong, etc.
Autumnal colors were all gone except a big maple tree near Naejangsa Temple. But I saw a lot of persimmons in and around the temple.
It took about one hour from the temple to the parking lot. I walked this pedestrian road with EJ in the winter of 1997 and memories of that time came back to me.
I arrived at the parking lot at 3:50 p.m. So I walked more than 6 hours for this hike.
We had many foods for the wrap-up party because Chilgapsan contributed to AhToSan for his 50th celebration. Even the beverage was not regular “makgeolli” but so called “dondongju”and tasted very good.
I could enjoy the conversation with Innaekkum who is a good hiker. I found out that he works at ETRI, just like Ruchi.
Innaekkum said to me that he saw me at ETRI on Friday. I began attending a lunch time Christian service at ETRI since October.
We finished the wrap-up party before 5 p.m. and came back to Expo South Gate at 7 p.m. It was my 59th hike for this year and my 259th AhToSan regular hike since November 2004.
登山コース:楸嶺(チュリョン추령)-将軍峰(チャングンボン장군봉)-蓮子峰(ヨンジャボン연자봉)-神仙峰(シンソンボン신성봉)-カッチ峰(까치봉) - 内蔵寺 - 駐車場(15km, 6時間)
今回のコースは楸嶺(チュリョン추령)-将軍峰(장군봉)-ヨンジャ峰(연자봉)-神仙峰(신성봉)-カッチ峰(까치봉) -内蔵寺(내장사)-駐車場(15km 6時間)で、出発点のチュリョンには9時半に到着した。
wow! beautiful. nice place with so many friends. awesome!
返信削除Thanks for the comment. Sorry for the delay to your comment. Now I am in Japan for the summer vacation. I visited Australia with my wife and three of her friends. I am updating my blog with my reports about the trip.