Date : May 22, 2012 (Tue) Fine
Place: Daejeon (Company Y and Daedeok University and DongHakSa Temple)
People: 1) Kiyomi Suzuki (A son of my parternal cousin), 2) Mr. Seo (the CEO of Company Y), 3) Prof. Kim of Daedeok University, 4) Seokdae (my student) 5) Mr. Yangun Yun, CEO of G&C (next day)
Kiyomi visited Daejeon this time. He flew in Korea and came to Daejeon on May 21. He stayed at Toyoko-inn in Daejeon and I saw him at the hotel lobby at 9 a.m. that morning.
He established NOVA Enery in 2001 and has been studying the ways of turning water enery into generation of electric energy.
He designed turbines to generate electricity by utilizing “ocean currents” and “tidal currents” (and even the rivers on earth). He visited a shipbuilding yard in Pusan in May (Part 1 as I wrote in this blog.)
This time, he visited Daejeon in order to make a model which shows his revolutional idea of “quasi-perpetual motion machine.”
“Perpetual motion machines” have been thought impossible by scholors and experts so far. But according to Kiyomi, it IS possible. This is beyond my imagination but I agree that he says: People may believe if you show the system which actually works.
Kiyomi and I visited Company Y in Daedeok Ward of Daejeon. Kiyomi showed the draw sheets which he drew by his hand as well as some part of the models he made by himself.
[Kiyomi in the factory of Company Y, Y社の工場内にて、 Y사 공장내에서]
Mr. Seo, the CEO of Company Y, told him to bring the exact drawing sheets drawn by CATIA. So we promised him to bring them by tomorrow morning, and we headed for Daedeok University, where I teach technical Japanese.
I introduced Prof. Kim who taught students how to draw sheets by CATIA. He introduced one of my students who wanted to get a job at a Japaense company. Seokdae is one of the best students among those whom I taught Japanese for the first time at the university in 2007,
We had lunch together at a cafeteria at the university. Then Kiyomi explained his hand-drawn pictures and asked Seokdae to draw them by CATIA by 6 p.m. that evening.
[At the cafeteria of Daedeok Univ., 大徳大学の学内食堂にて、대덕대학 학내식당에서]
While Seokdae was working his task, I took Kiyomi to Donghaksa Temple at the foot mof Mt. Gyeryong in Gongju City.
[Donghaksa Temple and Gyeryong Mountains, 東鶴寺と鶏龍山、동학사와 계룡산.]
It’s a beautiful temple in the beautiful environment. After leisurely walk along the river and sightseeing at the temple, we had “Pajeon” and “Dongdongju” wine at a restaurant there.
[At Donghaksa Temple (votive candles made by LED), 東鶴寺にて(LEDの灯明), 동학사에서 (LED의 등불)]
Then we went back to the university by 6 p.m. Seokdae could not finish his work by then and it became his homework until next morning.
[Kiyomi explaining his idea to Seokdae, ソクテ君に図面を説明する清美さん、석대군에게 도면을 설명하는 기요미씨]
I picked up the drawing sheets Seokdae drew next moring, and we re-visited Company Y with Mr. Yun of Gangju.
[Kiyomi is discussing the matter with Mr. Yun at the hotel lobby, ホテルのロビーで打ち合わせをするユンさんと清美さん、호텔 로비에서 합의를 하는 윤양운 씨와 기요미 씨]
Not to change the subject, the organization I belog is : Korea-Japan Cooperation Organization (KJCO) which is supposed to help any company which coraborates joint venture between a Korean company and a Japanese company.
[At the office of Company Y, Y社の事務室で打ち合わせする三人、 Y사 사무실에서 합의하는 세사람]
I wished to introduce a directore, Mr. LEE of KJCO to Kiyomi and Mr. Yun, but unfortunately, Mr LEE was visiting Japan that day.
I hope NOVA Korea, which Kiyomi and Mr. LEE trying to establish in Shichon this year, will get official supports by KJCO.
[I saw Kiyomi off at the bus stop, 清美さんが乗った空港行きのリムジンバスを見送った、기요미씨가 타고가는 공항행 리무진 버스를 배웅했다.]
Below is the description of the projects/idea of NOVA enery, Kiyomi prepared for the explanation in English.
I sincerely wish the success of his projects.
“Green energy from the deep blue”
From the land it is difficult to comprehend the sheer volume of water that is present on Earth. Viewing from outer space however allows one to appreciate the vastness of this resource. Over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. Of this 97.5 percent is in the oceans with the remaining 2.5 percent made up of fresh water in rivers, lakes, ice-caps, glaciers and underground water.
The amount of energy created by the constant movement of this water is enormous but relatively untapped. Instead for centuries man has focused on utilising relatively small and finite pockets of fossil fuel resources to feed the ever increasing demand for energy.
Now as fossil fuel resources are dwindling, the price of extracting them is increasing. But there is also an environmental price to be paid for the over-exploitation of fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels has caused a great amount of pollution and has upset the delicate balance of the environment by creating massive quantities of greenhouse gasses which is causing global warming and climate change.
The time has come to repair the damage we have caused to the Earth by switching to renewable sources of energy. At Nova Energy we have developed pioneering technology which enables energy generation utilising the water that flows around the Earth.
The Nova Energy turbine is capable of generating electricity in river currents, tidal currents or ocean currents.
“Generating electricity from water currents”
There are three main types of water flow that can be utilised to generate electricity. These are ocean currents, tidal currents and river currents. The density of water means that significant quantities of electricity can be generated using all of these types of flow. Whilst water currents flow relatively slowly compared to wind, the density of water means that water current turbines can outperform wind turbines. Water is 800 times denser than air meaning that a tidal turbine with a diameter of 18m is capable of generating the same amount of energy as a wind turbine with a diameter of 55m.
“Ocean currents”
Ocean currents are areas where water in the ocean flows constantly in one direction often over long distances. This phenomenon is caused by the rotation of the Earth and is dependent on many factors including bathymetry, temperature, salinity and winds.
The major ocean currents occur in the Northern Hemisphere and include the Kuroshio Current which flows west of the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf Stream which flows through the Gulf of Mexico in the western Atlantic Ocean. As long as the Earth keeps on rotating, ocean currents will flow steadily at a constant speed and in one direction 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
“Tidal Currents”
Areas of fast flowing tidal currents occur all over the world. Flow of water usually peaks and dips four times a day (with two high tides and two low tides). The flow changes direction between each peak and dip.
The flow rate also varies throughout the 28 day lunar cycle (with spring and neap tides). Generation of electricity using tidal currents therefore also varies depending on the tidal cycle. The strength of tidal generation over other sources of renewable energy such as wind, wave or solar generation is that it is entirely predictable. At any specific time in the future it is possible to calculate what flow rate will be and therefore what the output of electricity will be.
“River Currents”
Large volumes of water flow from the land, into rivers and to the sea all over the world. This flow is constant and uni-directional although some seasonal variation in flow rate is apparent due to variations in rainfall.
主な面会者:①鈴木清美(父方の再従兄弟でNova Energy CEO)、②ソさん、テジョンの大徳区にある先端技術を持つ中小企業のソ社長、③尹亮云(ユン・ヤンウン、윤양운)、光州、G&C代表、④大徳大学キム教授⑤2007年期生の優等生ソクテ君
[The government complex near the hotel, ホテルの近くの政府庁舎、호텔 근처의 정부청사]
[Kiyomi in the factory of Company Y, Y社の工場内にて、 Y사 공장내에서]
[Kiyomi explaining his pictures to Seokdae, 図面をソクテ君に説明する清美さん、도면을 석대군에게 설명하는 기요미 씨]
[Kiyomi near the bus stop in Donghaksa Temple, 東鶴寺バス停付近にて、동학사 버스 정류장 부근에서]
[At Donghaksa Temple (votive candles made by LED), 東鶴寺にて(LEDの灯明), 동학사에서 (LED의 등불)]
[Kiyomi, receiving an international call at a restaurant in Gyeryongsan, 鶏龍山の食堂で国際電話を受ける清美さん、계룡산 식당에서 국제 전화를 받는 기요미씨]
[In the room of Prof. Kim at Daedeok Univ., 大徳大学のキム教授の研究室にて、대덕대학 김태규 교수님 연구실에서]
[At the office of Company Y, Y社の事務室で打ち合わせする三人、 Y사 사무실에서 합의하는 세사람]
[I saw Kiyomi off at the bus stop, 清美さんが乗った空港行きのリムジンバスを見送った、기요미씨가 타고가는 공항행 리무진 버스를 배웅했다.]
大宇宙で星が生まれるとき、核になる星が大きな渦巻きの中から生まれます。その星に何億個という星が飛び込んで大きくなり、太陽のような星が生まれます。 その核になる星、それがNOVAです。夜空に輝く星々はそうして生まれました。
みなさんご承知のように我が国には天然資源がありません。現在使われているエネルギーの96%が海外からの輸入にたよっております。すなわち、わが国のエネルギーの自給率はたったの4%しかないのです。ちなみに、食料の自給率は39%、我々人間が生きて行く上で欠かせない部分の物が大きく欠落しております。 エネルギー無くして産業の発展はありえず、また、我々の生活も今のままの状態を維持することはできなくなります。石油は40〜50年で枯渇すると言われております。どんなにお金があってもその石油が買えなくなる時期がもうそこまで迫ってきております。また、歴史が示しているとおり、いつの時代も戦争は食料とエネルギー資源の奪いあいで起こってきました。
しかし、化石燃料の使用という固定観念を捨て、見方を自然エネルギーの使用、特に海流に着目すれば、2050年の80%削減目標も夢ではありません。 わが国には黒潮という自然資源が目の前を流れているのです。
発想を変え、固定概念を捨てればそこには新しい物が見えてきます。 わが国は四面を海に囲まれています。海には潮流・海流という水の流れがあります。
また、同時進行で、東シナ海での海流発電装置2,000kw型を800基設置することによる、黒潮発電160万キロワット構想を推進してまいります。 海流発電160万キロワットは現在わが国にある大型原子力発電所135万キロワットを超えるもので、建設費用はその1/3、放射性廃棄物は出さず、海に浮かべるので人体、動物への影響はありません。
この装置を東シナ海に流れる黒潮本流の幅100kmの所ならどこでも設置することができ、海流発電による新エネルギー基地を作ることができます。 これは、東シナ海に新たな油田を発見したものと同じ効果をもたらします。
水の流れに国境はありません、その場所に近い国がそれぞれの海流を利用してエネルギーを生産することができます。 また、当社開発のこの発電方法は、大型河川での発電でもできます。世界の五大陸にはそれぞれ6,000km級の大河が流れています。それに連なる支流は多くの国をまたいで流れています。すなわち、それぞれの国でそれぞれの人々がそれぞれのエネルギーを生産することができます。 エネルギーの自給と食料の自給、それに道徳があれば人はだれも争いを好みません。それが満たされることによって人はお互いに思いやりのある心が生まれ、世界が一つになれるのです。
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