About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130413 MuHakSan(舞鶴山무학산:761m), Masan(馬山마산), GyonNam(慶南경남)

Date: April 13 (Sat) 2013, Fine

Mountain: Mt. Muhaki(舞鶴山무학산:761m), Masan(馬山마산), GyonNam(慶南경남)

Course: “Mannal Pass” – Mt. Daekok – Gaenari Park – Top of Mt. Muhak – Seomajigi – Mt. 703 – Seohaksa Temple – Gwanhaejeong – Seowonkok (About 8 km, 5 hours)

Partner: 24 AhToSan members

Since the mountain was rather far from Daejeon (Masan, GyongNam Province, the southern tip of Korean Peninsula), we left the parking lot at Daejeon at 6 am.

[A map of Muhaksan, 舞鶴山の地図、무학산 지도]

So, I went to the bus-stop by bicycle. It took only 25 minutes.

It was a bit cold early in the morning, but during the day time, it was warm or rather hot.

AhToSan bus arrived at the starting point “Mannal Pass” at 9:40. “Mannal” means “Meeting” and if you come here a certain day of the year, you can find the person you wished to see. (I found the story in the web site, so I will introduce it later.)

[We got off the bus near "Mannal Pass," マンナル峠近くでバスを降りた。만날 고개 근처에서 버스를 내렸다.]

We took a group picture in front of a big Aphananthe aspera tree (푸조나무 in Korean, and “Mukunoki ムクノキ(椋木)” in Japanese. 

[A group picture in front of a big tree, ムクノキの大木の前で集合写真、큰 푸조나무 앞에서 단체 사진]

[Aphananthe aspera tree, designated as a protected tree, 保護樹、椋木(ムクノキ)の樹齢は350年、수령 350 년 보호수]

According to the stone plate in front of the tree, it is a 350 year-old protected tree, the circumference of this tree is 3.5 m, the height is 15 m.

It is quite common that a traditional Korean village has such a big tree in the village. But it may have another importance for people who seeks someone to find after long separation. They can meet in front of this tree at a certain day of the year!

[Two staff members on the ridge, 稜線にて私に同行してくれた二人のスタッフ、능선에서 나를 동행해주었든 두 스태프]

Anyhow, I began dropping back since I could not keep up with AhToSan walking speed. About 40 minutes after we be began hiking, the middle group of AhToSan hikers, under the leadership of Alain Delon, stopped and waited for me. It was “Suzuki Time”the first short break to have fruits which I brought for the fellow hikers.

["Suzuki-Time" as short break, 最初の小休止『スズキタイム』、첫 번째 짧은 휴식 "스즈키 타임"]

This time, I brought two boxes of red and blue foreign grapes. They liked them and my bag became lighter.

Jeongjeong and Kadok, two female staff members kept accompany with me and encouraged me. There were a new couple, who came to AhToSan for the first time near us, at least, to the lunch time.

We arrived at Mt. Daeguk (DaeGukSan) at 10:40. From this peak, it was a ridge hike which was quite pleasant, because the trail was not too steep, and we could enjoy nice views of Dadohaehaesang National Park, as well as many spring flowers such as yellow “violets” and “ Potentilla fragarioides” or “kijimusiroキジムシロ雉莚” in Japanese.

[At the top of Daeguksan, 大谷山頂上にて、대곡산 정상에서]

There are many spring flowers. The best of all is “Jindallae진달래.” The Naver Korean-English dictionary says just “azalea” but “azalea” are “Cheoljjuk철쭉” and 철쭉 is “royal azalea” or “rhododendron” in Naver definition.

[Flowers of violet, スミレの花、제비꽃]

[Yellow "violet," 黄色いスミレの花、노란 제비꽃]

It’s a bit confusing. Just recently, I found clear definitions as below.

In Korean language, there are 1)“Jindallae진달래” 2) “Cheoljjuk철쭉” and just 3) “Jindallae-sok진달래속” (They may call the “Cheoljuk” as well.

The counterparts in Japanese are 1) “Karamurasaki-tsutsujiカラムラサキツツジ”、2) “Kurofune-tsutsujiクロフネツツジ”、and 3)”Tsutsuji, includingツツジ/サツキ).

In English, they are:
1) Korean rhododendron、(Binomial name:Rhododendron mucronulatum)
2) Royal azalea, (Binomial name:Rhododendron schlippenbachii)
3) Azallea in general,

["Jindallae" or "Korean rhododendron",「チンダルレ」すなわち「カラムラサキツツジ」、진달래]

"Cheoljjuk" or "Royal azalea," クロフネツツジ、철쭉]

According to Wiki, Azaleas make up two subgenera of Rhododendron. They are distinguished from "true" rhododendrons by having only five anthers per flower.

Well, seeing is believing. I uploaded many of these pictures I took on the mountain, and you can see them. I like Japanese name of “Jindallae”, “Karamurasaki-tsutsujiカラムラサキツツジ.”

“Kara唐” originally from a historical Chinese country (Tang Dinasty 618 AD – 907 AD) name. In Japan, it means “foreign things from China/Korea). “Murasaki” means “purple” the color of the flower, and “tsutsuji” is just a family of azalea.

["J-Nim" on the "Jindallae" trail, 「カラムラサキツツジ」の登山道にて、"진달래" 등산로에서]

However, besides “Jindallae” I like “Gakshibukkot각시붓꽃” or “Iris rossii Baker” very much. In Japan, it is not common to see these flowers in the nature. The areas are limited to Western part of Japan, and some local government designated as “endangered plant” or “protected species.”

[Iris rossii Baker、エヒメアヤメ(古名タレユエソウ誰故草)、각시붓꽃]

I found these flowers often in hiking in Korea.

[A view of Masan from the ridge, 稜線から見た馬山市とカラムラサキツツジ、능선에서 본 마산 시와 진달래]

While enjoying these beautiful flowers, the trail turned to be a wooden tail, and we could see the top of the mountain over the wooden trail.

[Heading for the top of the mountain on wooden trail, 舞鶴山頂上に近づく、무학산 정상에 접근하고있다.

I arrived at the top of Mt. Muhak just at noon. There were many hikers at the stone monument of the mountain then. So, I had to wait for my turn after other hikers. Jeongjeong took my picture at the stone monument.

[At the top of Mt. Muhak, 舞鶴山頂上にて、무학산 정상에서]

[A map of Mt. Muhak on a wooden board, 舞鶴山頂上案内図、무학 산 정상 안내도 ]

Most of other AhToSan hikers had already gone down to the field where many people were having lunch.

Actually there were many Jindallea plants on this side of the mountain, but they were still in buds, not bloomed yet, that I regret most.

I arrived at the bottom of the hill, and joined the main group of AhToSan at 12:18. I spread my sheet for the lunch and offered “Jokpal족발” or “pig's trotters” which I bought previous day. There are different kind of “Jokpal”, some with good quality and some cheap ones. They say front legs are better than hind legs. I bought front legs.

[They were having lunch at Seomajigi Field, ソマジギ草原にて昼食、소마지기 초원에서 점심 식사]

[Pig trotters (out of front legs)、ソンソク(前足)、"앞다리" 족발]

I made “rice balls” for my own lunch. I made four rice balls, and I ate one at service area, and I ate two for lunch and I left the last one to bring back to my apartment, because other hikers shared their food with me, too.

[After lunch at Seomajigi Field, 昼食後、ソマジギ草原にて、점심 식사 후 소마지기 ​​초원에서]

After the lunch, we continued the gentle ridge hike.

The highlight of the afternoon hike was walking through the "tunnel" of "Jindallae" and the rocky place around Mt. 703. We could see the Dadohae Sea and many islands, as well as the city of Masan.

[J-Nim at "Jindallae Tunnel," チンダルレ道のJニム、진달래 길 J 님]

[Looking down the downtown of Masan city from Mt. 703、70峰付近から馬山市街を見下ろす、703봉 부근에서 마산 시내를 내려다보았다.]

After exiting rocky place, we came down to the place called “Dalmaji Pass.” “Dalmaji” means “Viewing the moon” and it was the name of the restaurant the guide of Busan (Daegil) took my 9 guests including my wife and me for dinner after seeing Gyeongju on April 8.

[AtToSan members resting at Dalmaji Pass, タルマジ峠で小休止、달맞이 고개에서 짧은 휴식]

[Royal azalea at Dalmaji Pass, タルマジ峠のクロフネツツジ、달맞이 고개의 철쭉]

From Dalmaji Pass to the last part of the hike was not too long. It was only 30 minutes of down-walk and then we suddenly came to the street of Masan.
[The exit of the trail at Masan, 馬山市街近くの登山路、마산 시내 근처 등산로]

We could not have “party” at the street of Masan, so when all of us arrived at the bus on the street at 14:10, we left Masan to a nearby Service Area.

We stopped at Chilseo(칠서) Service Area and had “Wrap-up Party” there.

[Wrap-up party at Chilseo SA, チルソ・サービスエリアで打ち上げ、칠서 휴게소에서 뒤풀이]

The menu was “Jokpal족발” or “pig's trotters” but hind legs. There were too many bones and less meat on “hind legs” so it is difficult for me to eat, because I have false teeth. They also provided vegetable such as green chili pepper “오이고추” and cucumbers.

There were many flowering quince trees, and the read flowers were in full bloom at Chilseo Service Area.

[Flowering quince at the SA、ボケ(木瓜)の花、산당화(山棠花)/ 명자나무]

We went back to Daejeon at around 5:30 pm. I went back to my apartment by bicycle. I enjoyed cycling through the tunnels of cherry blossoms along the Dandong River(炭洞川) and went home by 6 pm.

[The Rainbow Bridge at Expo Park in Daejeon,大田のエキスポ公園のレインボーブリッジ、대전 엑스포 공원 무지개 다리]

[The cherry blossoms in front of Currency Museum, 貨幣公園前の桜並木、화폐 공원 앞의 벚꽃길]

It was my 16th hike for this year and my 309th AhToSan regular hike.









[We got off the bus near "Mannal Pass," マンナル峠近くでバスを降りた。만날 고개 근처에서 버스를 내렸다.]


[A group picture in front of a big tree, ムクノキの大木の前で集合写真、큰 푸조나무 앞에서 단체 사진]


[The old story curved on the stone, マンナル峠の由来の石碑、만날 고개 유래 비석]


[A staff member who accompanied with me, ビリの私につきあってくれたカトゥクさん、꼴찌인 나를 동행해주었든 사랑가뜩님.]

[With two staff members on the ridge, 稜線にて二人のスタッフと、능선에서 두 명의 스태프와 함께]


["Suzuki-Time" as short break, 最初の小休止『スズキタイム』、첫 번째 짧은 휴식 "스즈키 타임"]


[At the top of Daeguksan, 大谷山頂上にて、대곡산 정상에서]



[Yellow "violet," 黄色いスミレの花、노란 제비꽃]

[Iris rossii Baker、エヒメアヤメ(古名タレユエソウ誰故草)、각시붓꽃]



[Heading for the top of the mountain on wooden trail, 舞鶴山頂上に近づく、무학산 정상에 접근하고있다.


[At the top of Mt. Muhak, 舞鶴山頂上にて、무학산 정상에서]

[A map of Mt. Muhak on a wooden board, 舞鶴山頂上案内図、무학 산 정상 안내도 ]


[The trail from the top of the mountain to Seomajigi Field, 頂上からソマチギへ下る階段、정상에서 소마지기에 내리는 계단 길]


[The buds of "Jindallae" or "Korean rhododendron"、まだ開花前のカラムラサキツツジ、진달래 꽃 봉오리]


[They were having lunch at Seomajigi Field, ソマジギ草原にて昼食、소마지기 초원에서 점심 식사]



[At "Jindallae Trail"," チンダルレ道にて、진달래 길에서]

[Jeongjeong near the 703-Bong, 703峰付近にて、703봉 부근에서]


[AtToSan members resting at Dalmaji Pass, タルマジ峠で小休止、달맞이 고개에서 짧은 휴식]



[Royal azalea at Dalmaji Pass, タルマジ峠のクロフネツツジ、달맞이 고개의 철쭉]





[Guidepost at the pass, タルマジ峠の里程標にて、달맞이 고개의 이정표에서]


[The exit of the trail at Masan, 馬山市街近くの登山路、마산 시내 근처 등산로]


[Wrap-up party at Chilseo SA, 漆西(チルソ)・サービスエリアで打ち上げ、칠서 휴게소에서 뒤풀이]

[Flowering quince at the SA、ボケ(木瓜)の花、산당화(山棠花)/ 명자나무]


[Wrap-up greeting by the hiking planner, 山行リーダーによる締めの挨拶、산행 대장님이 마무리 인사말]


[The Rainbow Bridge at Expo Park in Daejeon,大田のエキスポ公園のレインボーブリッジ、대전 엑스포 공원 무지개 다리]


[The cherry blossoms in front of Currency Museum, 貨幣公園前の桜並木、화폐 공원 앞의 벚꽃길]

