Mountain: USanBong ((雨傘峰우산봉573m), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
Course: Banseok 7 Apt. – Semire Park – Temple – 1 Gazebo – 2nd Gazebo – UsanBong (Return to Banseok 7 Apt.) [About 6 km, 3 hours]
Partners: From 1 Australian, 2 Koreans, 1 Japanese, 3 Germans, 1 Iresh, 1 Canadian, 1 American (Total: 10)
Tracey is to return to Australia next month, so Taejeon hikers organized “Farewell Hiking” for her. Therefore, I cancelled AhToSan hike to Geojaedo and joined them.
We got together at 10 am at KAIST main gate parking lot. Marta came with Hanna to say hellow. She joined us later at Sugar Pie.
[We got together at 10 am at KAIST, KAIST正門駐車場にて、KAIST 정문 주차장에서]
George Furst and JongMoo came by car. We all went to Banseok Apt #7 by their car. On our way, Mr. Miki and the Sleighs joined us at Banseok Subway Station.
We took the 2nd group picture at the entrance of Semire Park at 10:43 and began hiking USanBong.
It’s early spring, and I could see flowers of “Saenggan Namu” and “Gaenari” in Daejeon, but no flowers on USanBong yet.
[Flowers of lindera obtusiloba, ダンコウバイ(檀香梅), 생강나무]
[Buts of forsythia, レンギョウ(連翹)の蕾、개나리 꽃 봉오리]
I saw Connie after a while. She went back to Germany for several months and returned to Korea. She said she would live in Korea at least for 2 more years.
Mr. Miki told me that he got a job at Tokyo Univ. So he would go back to Japan next month, which means it would be his last hiking with Taejeonhikers.
We began hiking at Semire Park. It is a newly facilitated park. “Se” means new. “Mire” means future. So, it means New Future Park.
[In front of Semire Park, セミレ公園前にて、세미래 공원 앞에서]
The guidepost at the park says it is 3 km to the top. So, we walk 6 km for a round trip.
[The map of the park, セミレ公園総合案内図、세미래 공원 종합 안내도]
[We began hiking, ハイキング開始、하이킹 시작]
There is a newly built temple with Confucianism figures above the park. Then we came to the ridge.
We walked very slowly so it was good for me. Among AhToSan hikers, I am always the last hiker. I can be the first hiker among Taejeonhikers.
When we came to the ridge, we had the 1st short-break. I offered fruits such as grapes and kumquats. While having rest, we talked a lot.
[Short break with fruits, フルーツで小休止、과일을 먹고 짧은 휴식.]
Last time when I climbed this mountain, some people were building this gazebo. So, it’s quite new. They cut bushes around the gazebo, so we could look down the town well. We had the 2nd short rest here.
[2nd short-break at the 1st gazebo, 第1亭子で2度目の休憩、제 1 정자에서 두 번째 휴식]
[Jens and Tracey at the first gazebo, 第一亭子の前で、ジェンツとトレイシー、첫번째 정자 앞에서 젠쓰와 트레이시]
It became noon when we arrived at the 2nd gazebo. We had lunch at the 2nd gazebo again. (Just like last time.) I ate self-made rice balls. Other members ate “kim-pap” or sandwitches.
[After lunch at the 2nd gazebo, 昼食後、第2亭子の前で、점심 식사 후 두번째 정자 앞에서]
It was only about 1 km from the 2nd gazebo to the top, but it took nearly one hour. I arrived at the top with Mr. Miki and Corum at 13:30. The last member arrived at 13:50. So there was about 20 minutes difference.
[Miki-san, Corum and I arrived at the top, 三木さんとコラムと私がまず頂上に到着、미키 씨와 칼럼과 내가 먼저 정상에 도착했다.]
It was a fine day and we could see GyeRyongSan as well as the town of Daejeon, esp. Yuseong area.
[GyeRyongSan from the top of USanBong, 雨傘峰頂上から鶏龍山を展望する、우산봉에서 계룡산을 잘 볼 수 있었다.]
After taking a group picture, we began descending the mountain. It took more than 3 hours to climb, but it took only 90 minutes to go down. We came back to the car by 15:30.
[The backyard of the temple at the foot of the mountain, 麓の寺にて、산기슭 절에서]
George Furst and Ayla went home and the rest of us went to Sugar Pie, a coffee shop with original sweets run by one of former Taejonhikers’ members, HeeSun. There were many people at Sugar Pie. So HeeSun’s business is thriving. She reserved a big table for us. Jim and Marta and some other Stammtisch members were already at the table.
[At Sugar Pie, シュガーパイにて、"슈가 파이"에서]
[A Japanese cooking book at Sugar Pie, 日本の料理の本『笑うフルーツ』、일본 요리 책 "웃음 과일"]
We had a farewell party for Tracey with Stammtisch members.
[Farewell party for Tracey at Sugar Pie, 『シュガーパイ』にてトレイシーの送別会、"슈가 파이"에서 트레이시의 송별회]
HeeSun really likes cooking. Her sweets seem very poplular among customers. We enjoyed casual conversation here. Jong-Moo, the leader of Taejonhikers paid the whole bill there. Thanks, Jong-Moo.
[HeeSun, the owner of Sugar Pie, シュガーパイの店主、ヒソン、슈가 파이 가게 주인, 희선]
After having more than one hour casual talking, we went to the 3rd party for dinner. The restaurant was on the 10-story building close to Banseok Subway Station.
[Heading toward Banseok Subway Station,地下鉄『盤石駅』方面へ向かう、지하철 "반석 역"방면으로 향했다.]
The restaurant is called “Marchera” on the 9th floor of the building. It’s a buffet style well-being food restaurant. Including Tracey, there were 7 people having dinner together.
["Well-being buffet," "Marchera", ウェルビーンビュフェ『マルウェリ』、웰빙 뷰페 "마루쉐리"]
I talked with Amy about “miyeokguk” or “soupe de miyeok.” She seems like a good cook. I wish I had “miyeokguk”made by her.
[Wll-being buffet, "Marchera", ウェルビーンビュフェ『マルウェリ』にて、웰빙 뷰페 "마루쉐리"에서]
Julie, an American young lady came to the restaurant when everyone was finished dinner.
[Julie came to join us at 8 pm, ジュリが午後8時に来た、줄리가 오후 8시에 왔다.]
She came to sing with some other members at karaoke after the dinner! How energetic these ladies were! Jim drove me to Shinseongdong after the dinner. It was relatively long day with Taejonhikers, and it was my 13th hike this year.
分類:登山、Taejonhikers, 春山
月日:2013年3月23日(土) 晴れ
コース:パンソク(반석)7団地~セミレ세미래公園~寺~第1亭子~第2亭子~雨傘峰頂上(往復)、約6km, 3時間
参加者:ハイキングは11人、内訳[韓国2(ジョンム、アエラAyla)、日本2(三木、私)、米国1(GF)、ドイツ3(コニーConnieとスレイSleighとパブロPabro)、カナダ1(ティナTina)、豪州1(Tracey)、アイルランド1(Corum)]+2次会atシュガーパイSugar Pie(Jim, Marta & Hanna, Amy, EY一家) +3次会atマルスェリ[마르쉐리Marchera](Juri)&カラオケ
[Flowers of lindera obtusiloba, ダンコウバイ(檀香梅), 생강나무]
[Buts of forsythia, レンギョウ(連翹)の蕾、개나리 꽃 봉오리]
[Marta with Hanna, マルタとハンナ、말타와 한나]
[We arrived at Banseok Apt at 10:40, 盤石7アパートに到着、반석 7 아파트에 도착]
[We began hiking, ハイキング開始、하이킹 시작]
[JongMoo is explaining his hiking-related functions of smart-phone to Mr. Sleigh, ジョンムがジェンズにスマホの機能を説明している、정무가 젠즈에 스마트 폰의 기능을 설명하고있다.]
[Short break with fruits, フルーツで小休止、과일을 먹고 짧은 휴식.]
[2nd short-break at the 1st gazebo, 第1亭子で2度目の休憩、제 1 정자에서 두 번째 휴식]
[A clock on the 1st gazebo, 第1亭子の壁時計、제 1 정자의 벽시계]
[After lunch at the 2nd gazebo, 昼食後、第2亭子の前で、점심 식사 후 두번째 정자 앞에서]
[At the top of USanBong, 雨傘峰頂上にて、우산봉 정상에서]
[JongMoo resting on the top of the mountain, ジョンムが頂上で休んでいる、정무가 정상에서 쉬고있다.]
[The backyard of the temple at the foot of the mountain, 麓の寺にて、산기슭 절에서]
[At Sugar Pie, シュガーパイにて、"슈가 파이"에서]
[A Japanese cooking book at Sugar Pie, 日本の料理の本『笑うフルーツ』、일본 요리 책 "웃음 과일"]
[Farewell party for Tracey at Sugar Pie, 『シュガーパイ』にてトレイシーの送別会、"슈가 파이"에서 트레이시의 송별회]
[After the party at Sugar Pie, 送別会の後、シュガーパイの前で、송별회 후, 슈가 파이 앞에서]
[At "Marchera", ウェルビーンビュフェ『マルウェリ』、웰빙 뷰페 "마루쉐리"]
[Wll-being buffet, "Marchera", ウェルビーンビュフェ『マルウェリ』にて、웰빙 뷰페 "마루쉐리"에서]
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