[The Marking Stone at the top of MangSan 望山(マンサン)山頂の石標 망산 정상의 돌표]
March 13 (Sat) Fine.
We were blessed by a fine weather.
This time, we headed toward south-east, and went to Gojedo island.
We climbed a series of mountains from NoJaSan(565m), MePaWui, GaRaSan(585m) and MangSan(375m.) Each mountain has several peaks, so we felt like we climbed more than ten mountains. Total hiking distance is about 17 km if you walked “full course.”
We left Daejeon IC at 6:20 a.m. and arrived at the foot of NoJaSan at 9:40 a.m.
Gojedo is the 2nd largest island (400k㎡) after Jejudo. GaRaSan is the highest mountain in the island.
A part of Gojedo belongs Hallyo Marine National Park, therefore the views from GaRaSan and MangSan were excellent. We could see the harbor from where we took a boat to “SoMoMulDo” island last fall and the islands themselves.
[You can see the harbor behind me. 私の後ろに港が見える。 나의 뒤로 항구가 보인다.]
["SoMeMulDo" islands we went last fall 昨秋に登山した小每勿島 작년 가을에 등반했던 소매물도]
The first difficult part of the climbing was called “MeBawi” a huge rock, but handrails were facilitated for climbers, so we could climb it safely.
[A huge rock called "MeBawui" 「メパウィ」と呼ばれる巨石 "뫼바위"라고 불리는 거석]
A Mexican youth, “B” joined this hike, so I could enjoy this hiking with him from the beginning to the end. He works at an astronomical research center at Daedoek Techno-Valley and speaks good English. He came to Korea only 7 months ago, yet he joined AhToSan hike more than 10 times.
[Good view from the trail 登山路から海と島がよく見えた。등산로에서 바다와 섬들이 잘 볼 수 있다.]
We had lunch at landing place for helicopters at GaRaSan. It was also a nice spot for seeing the ocean and many small islands.
We passed through the ruins of old fortress called “Dade Fortress” of Goryeo Dynasty (918 – 1392.)
[Ruins of Dade Fortress 多大山城の跡 다대산성의 흔적]
We could not see many flowers such as “Jindalle” or “Korean azalea” but small white flowers and yellow blossoms of “Sengang Namu.”
We did not go any restaurant for “Tippri” party this time. But we did have delicious Tippri beside our bus after the long hike (7 hour hiking for A-course people.) The menu included oyster “sashimi” and regular kimchi soup and special “Makkori” made from chestnuts.
[Tippri menu; oysters, chestnut wine, kimchi soup ティップリのメニュー:生牡蠣、キムチチゲ、クリマッコリ 뒷풀리 메뉴:숫굴, 김치 찌개, 밤 막걸리]
We came back to Daejeon at 9 p.m.
[From the observation deck near the top of GaRaSan 加羅山山頂付近の展望台から 가라산 정상 부근의 전망대로부터]
[At the entrance of the trail to NoJaSan, "Hakdong Pass" 老子山(ノジャサン)登山路入口(ハクドン峠)にて 노자산 등산로 입구(학동고개)에서]
[Marking Stone of GaRaSan 加羅山の石標 가라산의 돌표]
[Marking Stone of MangSan 望山(マンサン)の石標 망산 돌표]
[At the intrance of MangSan trail 望山への登山路入口にて 망산 등산로 입구에서]
また、加羅山南方には高麗時代(918 – 1392)のものとされる多大山城跡があり、古い石積みが残っていた。
[Oyster "sashimi", speciality of Gojedo 巨済島名物の生牡蠣 거제도 명물 숫굴]
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