Sep. 19, 2010 (Sun) Fine
Leg:Foot of Mt. Tsurugi⇒Lift-Parking Lot⇒Nishijima Station~Mt. Ichinomori~Mt. Ninomori~Mt. Tsurugisan~Ohtsurugi Shirine ~Parking Lot~Ohboke Valley~Niihama⇒Iyo-Saijo~Urban Saijo Hote.
Had breakfast at 7 a.m. Check-outed at 8 a.m. It took only 15 minutes to the parking lot at Tsurugisan Lift. We left our luggage in the car, and started hiking with light bag.
They began operating the life at 8:30. It costed 1,000 yen, but it worth taking it for saving time and energy.
We began hiking at 9 a.m. First we headed for Mt. Ichinomori. The trail was almost holizontal, so it was quite easy hike.
There were lots of “Aconitum”or “devil’s helmet” or “monk’s hood” along the trail. The color of the flower is dark blue and beautiful, but it is poisonus. I noticed also that there were lots of mosses along the trail.
We had great veiw from the top of Mt. Ichinomori. We could see peaks of mountains in Shikoku, and Mt. Tsurugi, of course. We had cheers with beer on the top of the mountain.
We took a short rest in front fo Ichinomori Lodge. Then we walked along the ridges toward Mt. Tsurugi. Bernardo ran toward Mt. Tsurugi on the ridge. It was only 15 minutes from Ichinomori to Ninomori.
We soon reached at the top of Mt. Tsurugi. The trails were all made of woods for the purpose of protecting plants around the peak. It was rather flat and we had good view of neighboring mountain called “Mt. Jirogyu.”
“Gyu” means cow in Japanese. The ridge of the mountain looked like a back of cow. I just wondered that’s why they named this mountain “Jirogyu.” (Later, I found out that the kanji of "Gyu" is not "牛" but "笈" which means the container for Budhist sutrus. And Mt. Tsurugi is also called "TaroGyu."
We walked toward the lift terminal. There was a shine named “Ohtsurugi Shrine.” It was a bit side path from the main trail. Bernardo went to see the shrine while Mr. Matsumoto and I were waiting for him.
The shrine’s speciality is mutch making. Well Bernardo might be necessary for god’s help, but we (Mr. Matsumoto and I) passed such an age, we talked each other.
We walked down the way we had come by the lift. When wen came down to the parking lot, it was 1 p.m. So, it was 4 hour hike.
We had light meals at a small restaurant near the parking lot. We had noodles, and a roasted fish called “Amego”there.
Mr. Matsumogo began driving the car. Again there were full of hairpin curves, so he had to drive carefully.
We stopped at a spectacul view point called “Oboke.”It was a deep valley with fast stream. There were several sightseeing boats in the river.
We tried to reach at “rent-a-car” office at Niihama by 4 p.m., but we could’t. We had to pay “over-time” charge at the office. Anyhow, they drove us to Niihama station. We took a train to Iyo-saijo where our hotel is located. It was only 10 minutes by train.
The business hotel was clean and comfortable. We had three single rooms. The public bath tub was on the 9th floor. We had good views from the bathtub there.
We went out for dinner that night. We entered a Japanese style “zakaya”specialized “yakitori.” Bernardo enjoyed every dish we ordered. He knows how to enjoy trips abroad.
四国・九州旅行第3日目 2010年9月19日(日)快晴
[Lunch at Shinminokoshiso、新見の越荘で昼食、니미의고시소에서 점심]
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