Place: Mt. GyeRyongSan (808m), in GongJu, ChungNam Province
Course: DongHakSa Bus Stop – Seoul Restaurant – MunGol –KeunBaeJae – NamMaeTap – SamBulBong – JayongNeunSong - GwanEumBong – DongHakSa Temple – Seoul Restaurant –Bus Stop
Partners: None
Since it was middle-term exam day, there was no class at school. So I decided to have extra-hiking by myself.
I took a bus at ShinSongDong at 8 p.m. and went to Yusong, first. Then changed buses to DongHakSa. I began hiking at 9 a.m.
This is my 3rd or 4th hike on the same mountain this year. Yet I can enjoy whenever I climb this mountain. I enjoyed autumnal color of leaves this time.
The course from Seoul Restaurant to NamMeTap is gentle and easy trail. Since it was a weekday, I saw only a few hikers during the hike.
It was cloudy and a bit windy in the morning, but while climbing the mountain, the weather turned to be fine. I arrived at NamMaeTap at around 11 a.m., and decided to walk the full course.
I reached at SamBulBong, the first peak at 11:14. A man was selling “Wine on the peak” but it did not look a good day for his business.
From SamBulBong to GwanEumBong, it is a bit thrilling ridge hike. The trail is narrow and sometime, it was a bit sharp slope. I had a lunch at the ridge of a cliff where I could see DongHakSa temple at around 12:30.
I arrived at GwanEumBong at 1:10 p.m. There were some hikers at the stone mark of the peak, so I quickly took the picture of the mark with such hikers, and began decending the mountain.
While climbing the mountain alone, I enjoy listening the radio program called “Morining Special” from 8 to 10 a.m. This is on EBS (Education Broadcasting Station) and all in English (explained in Korean.) Then I enjoyed recorded programs with my MP3 recorders.
I like this kind of alone hiking. I do not need to hurry up but I can walk by my own pace.
I always enjoy beautiful flowers at DongHakSa Temple. This time, I saw some big red and yellow flowers in the garden. I also found gentiana scabra (“rindou” in Japanese.) I saw many of this kind of flower in high Japanese mountains, but it is rare in Korea.
Anyway, I came back to Seoul Restaurant at 2:45 p.m., and took 3 o’clock bus to Yusong. I came back to my studio apartment before 4 p.m. It was my 50th hike for this year.
日時:2010年10月25日(月) 曇りのち晴れ