Place: Mt. DaeChongBong (1708m), in SoRakSan National Park, GangWonDo
Course: OsekYaksu – DaeChongBong – ChungChong Shelter (Breakfast) – SoChong Mountain Cabin – BoJeongAm Temple = GuGuk Valley – SuRyomDong Shelter – BaekDamSa Temple (Shattel-bus) Parking Lot
Partners: 25 AhToSan members (All Koreans)
This time, you may call it as annual event of “no-stay-two-days” hike to Mt. SoRakSan.
“No-stay-two-days” mean, we start Daejeon on the previous evening, to arrive at the entrance of the trail before 3 a.m., to climb the mountain during the dark, using the head-light, and to reach the summit to see the sunrise.
After seeing the sunrise, we keep trekking until 3 to 5 p.m. So, we have to keep walking for more than 12 hours. It is always a hard task for me.
This might be my 5th challenge, yet it was hard for me again this year.
Yet for the first time, I could take a picture of AhToSan members before the start of trekking this time.
We began hiking at 2:50 a.m. Soon, I found myself among slow-hikers. Last year, I was walking with Ken, a German youth, and Yoko, an attractive Japanese lady who was a girlfriend of Ken among slowest members. We were ccompanied by Yoro who were a staff member. This year, again, Yoro accompanied me with walkie-takie.
We did not have so many hikers comparing with last year. It might be due to the bad weather. The weatherman predicted rain in the afternoon on Saturday. That’s why we had only 25 participants for the hike that day. Therefore fewer hikers meant no congestion on the trail. I arrived at the top of Mt. DaeChongBong at 6:40 a.m. (It was 7 a.m. last year.
However, while approaching toward the peak, I got my legs cramped. Moreover, it began raining a little bit on the top of the mountain. I was very much discouraged, and I gave up to challenge “Dragon Ridge” hike again this year.
We had breakfast at ChungChong Shelter just like some previous hikes. This year “ChoRongPem,” the former chairman cooked “oden+ramen” with his gas-burner, while “ChinhanSaram,” the young hiking leader cooked “spicy-chicken” dish and “fried-rice” for us. They tased good, especially in the low temperature circumustances.
When we began decending to the beautiful temple called “BojeongAm,” the weather turned to be much better than before. The clouds were getting cleared, and we could see fantastic scenes of rocky mountains and beautiful fall color of leaves.
After a light sightseeing of the temple, we came to the big rock called “Lion Rock.” When we started to decend after the breakfast, there were more than ten members with me. But most of the people went to this Lion Rock and did not came down for more than 20 minutes.
Since I felt pain in my legs, I dared not to climb this extra hike to Lion Rock, with two other hikers; “Mocchon” and “Shinchun.”
Three of us abandoned to wait for other members, and began decending the mountain.
The course from the BoJongAm Temple BaekDamSa Temple is called “GuGukDam” Valley. It was a beautiful valley with a lot of beautiful waterfall.
We enjoyed the scenery with the river, and rocky moutains of SoRakSan, and arrived at SuRyomDong Shelter at around noon. We had lunch there and waited for other members.
Only 3 members arrived at SuRyomDong Shelter while we were having lunch. Yet some more caught us up while we were walking toward PaekDamSa Temple.
PaekDamSa Temple was build duing the middle of 7th century. It is a famous temple, but the road to the temple from the parking lot is narrow. So no private cars or chartered buses are allowed to enter the road. We all have to ride a shuttle bus between the temple and the parking lot.
When I took the shuttle bus, it was 3 p.m. So I walked for about 12 hours again this year. When I got off the shuttle bus, it began to rain heavily.
We had a tippuri party at a small restaurant called “Halmoni Hwantae-kui” where they serve “grilled dry pollack.” “Halmoni” means “Granma.” I liked this dish with makgeolli.
Those who challenged “Dragon Ridge” course joined the party about one and half hours later. They walked about 4 to 6 kilometers longer with steep up and down trail, and got shower when they decended from the mountain. They are all storng hikers. I wish I could join them in the future.
We finished “Tippuri” party at around 6 p.m. and we came back to Daejeon at around 10 p.m.
I must be satisfied that I completed this 12 hour-hike in one piece.
This was my 46th hike this year, and 213rd hike with AhToSan in the past 5 years.
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