Destination (mountain): GeumByongSan, Daejeon
Hiking course: Parking Lot of SuWoonGyo HQ – GeumByongSan – Closed Entrance – Main Hall of SuWoonGyo – Parking Lot (About 6 km, 3 hours)
Partner: Alan and George Furst (with Pipi, a dog), Jim and Ruby, Sunny, Deborah, her son and daughter, Nelma and Tracey (10 people and a dog)
After Easter Service at Dream Church, I hurried to KAIST Main Gate where Taejonhiers gathered. My parters were 10 people and George Furst’s dog, Pipi.
We headed for JaUnDae where Mt. GeumByongSan located. The mountain is just behind the Headquaters of SuWoonGyo. SuWoonGyo is a Korean religion established in 1929. It is a combination of Buddhism, Confusianism and Daoism.
We began hiking at 1:30 p.m. There were many small white flowers which Koreans call “Byolkkot” or “Star Flowers.”
After climbing for about 30 or 40 minutes on the ridge, we had a short rest. Actually I brought my lunch box and I ate my lunch there.
After having this short rest, we resumed our hike. We soon came to the ridge where Chindallae flowers were blooming. It was a nice hike along the ridge.
We arrived at the top of Mt. GeumByongSan at around 3 p.m. It was a comfortable place with lots of sunshine. There I found bunch of Iris rossii Bakers. Actually, I found the flowers here and there all along the decending trail.
I saw Deborah and her son Corum and her daughter, Eibhlin for the first time. Deborah said she came from Calfornia, but Eibhlin said she was from Ireland, and Corum said he came from China. It seems like a family reunion in Korea. It must be an interesting story how they separated and reunited again.
I saw Nelma before at International Dinner Party some years ago. She even remembered my name. Nelma is from Philipines and she is quite cheerful.
Sunny is from Shanghai. She joined AhToSan hike several times. She is a strong hiker and she walked very fast.
After having a short rest at the top of the mountain, we came down from the mountain. When we came close to SuWoonGyo HQ, we found that the trail came to the dead end by wire-net fense.
But we found a hole in the wire-net. It was a big enough for everyone to go through. So we all went through the hole of the wire-net fense.
It was close to “Cheondan” of SuWoonGyo. So we visited this unique building. It is said that they put 3 figures of different religions: Buddha, Confucius and Lao-tze.
We finished our hike at 4:20 p.m. Jim drove me to KAIST main gate, and I came back to my apartment by bicycle at 5 p.m.
It was my 25thi hike with Taejonhikers.
[注:水雲教天壇(大田広域市 儒城区 秋木洞 山 40:1929年に創建された儒・仏・仙の合一の天道を崇拝する水雲教の本堂。60坪の木造建物に66匹の巨龍と88羽の鳳凰が彫刻されており、内部には仏道の釈迦・仙道の老子・儒道の孔子の位牌が奉安されている。境内には動物をかたどった石鐘があり、叩く部位によってさまざまな金属の音がする。]
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