Date: Sep. 1, 2012 (Sat) Fine
Place: “Today’s” in Goyang-si (the suburb of Seoul)
Participants: Parents and relatives of the couple and about 100 guests.
It was Saturday, but it was the day of wedding ceremony for one of my important friends, so I did not go hiking, in stead, I went to Seoul to attend the ceremony.
[#2 Exit of Gupabal Subway Station where the shuttle-bus was available, 地下鉄3号線「クパバル」駅2番出口、 지하철 3호선 「구파발」역 2번 출구]
I met Chris in the ferry boat from Shimonoseki to Pusan on Feb. 14, 2012. I was on my way back from hiking trip to Mt. Aso with Mr. Matsumoto in Kyushu.
[The wedding ceremony/reception was held at "Today's" at the foot of Bukkansan, 結婚式・披露宴は北漢山麓の『トデイス』で開催された。결혼식·피로연은 북산한 기슭의 『투데이스(Today”s)』에서 개최되었다.]
Chris is one of the most fluent speakers of Korean as Westerners. When I saw him three years ago, he was already a good speaker of Korean.
[The entrance of "Today's",『トデイス(今日農園)』の入り口、『오늘 농원』 입구]
[The garden of "Today's", 『トデイス(今日農園)』の庭、『오늘 농원』정원]
[The receptionist for the bridegroom side, 新郎側の受付、신랑측 접수]
[A "virgin road (Japanese English expression)" or "wedding aisle" (not in church, though), 庭園内に敷かれた『バージンロード』、 정원내에 깔아진 『버진 로드(virgin load)』]
[The newly-wed couple and their friends, 新婚夫婦と新婦の友人たち、신혼부부와 신부의 친구들]
[The bride and her father and Chris, 新郎新婦と新婦の父君、신랑신부와 신부의 아버님]
He said he had a Korean girlfriend and she taught him Korean and he was an eager student of the language. He has been an English teacher at a middle school in Seoul.
DR #193 “Report on my summer vacation in 2012 and recent situation”
DR #193 “Report on my summer vacation in 2012 and recent situation”
The summer vacation of Daedeok University was from the middle of June to the end of August, for 2.5 months. I went to Japan on 7/4 and returned to Korea on 8/9.
During the vacation, I went to Sydney with my wife and three of her friends from July 9 to 17. My wife and one of her friends stayed at my son’s house in Chatswood, and other two stayed nearby B&B during our stay.
My wife and I and 3 guests, flew to Melbourne, rented a car and drove to Great Ocean Road. During this short trip, I had an experience of God’s presence and felt like being forced to confess my sins before them.
[At Rustic Bridge of Taronga Zoo in Sydney, シドニーのタロンガ動物園のルスティック・ブリッジにて、다론가 동물원의 루스틱·브릿지에서]
[At the Lookout in Blue Mountains, ブルーマウンテンの展望台にて、블루 마운틴 전망 대에서]
[At Golden Times Chinese Restaurant in Sydney, シドニーの『ゴールデンタイムズ』中華料理店にて、시드니의 『골든 타임즈』중국요리집에서]
I wrote my experiences in my blog under the category of “Travel Australia” after returning to Japan and then to Korea.
[Near the top of Harbor Bridge, ハーバーブリッジの頂上付近にて、하버 브릿지 정상부근에서]
After coming back to Japan from Australia, I climbed 5 different mountains in Japan in 4 weeks. They were:
- Two mountains in West Tanzawa (Mt. Azegamaru and Mt. Hinokiboramaru),
- Mt. Fuji with a Korean hiker,
- Mt. Yarigatake and Mt. Yatsugatake.
[The ridge between Akadake (2899m) and Yokodake (2829m) in Yatsugatake、八ヶ岳の赤岳・横岳間の稜線、아카다케와 요코다케 사이의 능선]
I uploaded all these hikes in my blog according to the categories.
[At the top of Mt. Yarigatake, 槍ヶ岳山頂(3180m)にて、야리가타케 정상에서]
[At the top of Kengamine in Mt. Fuji, 富士山の剣ヶ峰頂上付近にて、후지산의 겐가미네 정상부근에서.]
Not to change the subject, one of my cousins’ son, Kiyomi Suzuki established a venture business called “Nova Energy” in Kobe, about 10 years ago.
He has been studying the possibility of generating electricity by utilizing the flow of oceans. This year he was interviewed by NHK, “Close-up Gendai” and other TV programs.
He was finding collaborating Korean companies and he often visits Korea.
I met him at Pusan in March after decades since I saw him last. Then he visited Daejeon two times, in order to make a model of “Perpetual motion” by his idea.
When I found that he needed someone to draw his idea by CATIA (Computer graphics Aided Three dimensional Interactive Application), I was introduced one of my students from my colleague teacher at Daedeok University.
Moreover, I introduced him to my organization, “Korea Japan Cooperation Organization for Human and Technology” to get public support in Korea.
[Kiyomi and Mr. S are examining the device, 装置を工夫する清美さんとS社長、장치를 검토하는 기요미씨와 S사장님]
It was just before my summer vacation and I uploaded the information about Nova Energy to my website, too.
Just recently, I got a comment on my web from an Indonesian who was anonymous, as below:
“Му brother suggested I might like this web site. He was entirely right. This post actually made my day. You cannot imagine just how much time I had spent for this information! Thanks!”
I really hope that Kiyomi’s Nova Energy successful. If he realizes “clean and cheap energy production” then it benefits not only Japan but the whole world, starting from South East Asian countries.
My second son, Ryo, has been working for promoting organic agriculture and the world without nuclear power plant.
Recently he was appointed as a staff member of JCN (Japan Civil Network for relief of East Japan Great Disaster) in charge of Fukusima.
I sincerely hope that the works of Kiyomi and Ryo and people like them would be blessed by God and things will be turned to be good in ends.
DR 193号「2012年夏休み及び最近の現状報告」
[At Rustic Bridge of Taronga Zoo in Sydney, シドニーのタロンガ動物園のルスティック・ブリッジにて、다론가 동물원의 루스틱·브릿지에서]
[At the hotel room in Melbourne, メルボルンの宿所にて、멜버른의 숙소에서]
[At the observatory on the seashore of Victoria, ヴィクトリア州沿岸の展望台にて、빅토리아주 연안의 전망 대에서]
[At Lane Cove National Park, レインコーブ国立公園にて、레인코부 국립공원에서]
今年のオーストラリアでの旅行記・体験記はブログの「Travel Australia」にまとめた。
[At the ridge of Yatsugatake, 八ヶ岳の稜線にて、야쓰가타케의 능선에서]
["Queen of Alpine Flora" in Yatsugatake, "Komakursa", 八ヶ岳に咲く高山植物の女王『コマクサ(駒草)』、야쓰가타케 고산 식물의 여왕 『고마쿠사』]
[“The Chestnut Tiger” on "Leopard Plant” in Mt. Hinokiboramaru、檜洞丸の『マルバダケブキ』の花に止まった『アサギマダラ』、히노키보라마루의 『마루바다케부키』 꽃에 멈춘 『아사기마다라(왕나비)』]
[At the top of Mt. Hinokiboramaru (1601m), 檜洞丸頂上にて、 히노키보라마루 정상에서]
企業の名前は「ノヴァエネルギー」で、彼の故郷は昨年の福島原発事故の被害をまともに受けている北茨城市平潟である。 ノヴァエネルギーの目的とするところは再生可能なクリーン・エネルギーによる発電の商用化で、清美さんは韓国の企業とのコラボレーションを目指して日韓を何度も往復している。
[Kiyomi and President S are connecting the devise, 清美さんとS社長が装置を接続している、기요미씨와 S사장님이 장치를 접속하고 있다.]
彼のプランをCATIAを使って図に落とす作業に私の学生の一人が 手伝ったり、韓国企業のコラボレーションには私の属するKJCO(韓日人材・技術協力機構)を紹介したりした。
“Му brother suggested I might like this web site. He was entirely right. This post actually made my day. You cannot imagine just how much time I had spent for this information! Thanks!”
The summer vacation of Daedeok University was from the middle of June to the end of August, for 2.5 months. I went to Japan on 7/4 and returned to Korea on 8/9.
During the vacation, I went to Sydney with my wife and three of her friends from July 9 to 17. My wife and one of her friends stayed at my son’s house in Chatswood, and other two stayed nearby B&B during our stay.
My wife and I and 3 guests, flew to Melbourne, rented a car and drove to Great Ocean Road. During this short trip, I had an experience of God’s presence and felt like being forced to confess my sins before them.
[At Rustic Bridge of Taronga Zoo in Sydney, シドニーのタロンガ動物園のルスティック・ブリッジにて、다론가 동물원의 루스틱·브릿지에서]
[At the Lookout in Blue Mountains, ブルーマウンテンの展望台にて、블루 마운틴 전망 대에서]
[At Golden Times Chinese Restaurant in Sydney, シドニーの『ゴールデンタイムズ』中華料理店にて、시드니의 『골든 타임즈』중국요리집에서]
I wrote my experiences in my blog under the category of “Travel Australia” after returning to Japan and then to Korea.
[Near the top of Harbor Bridge, ハーバーブリッジの頂上付近にて、하버 브릿지 정상부근에서]
After coming back to Japan from Australia, I climbed 5 different mountains in Japan in 4 weeks. They were:
- Two mountains in West Tanzawa (Mt. Azegamaru and Mt. Hinokiboramaru),
- Mt. Fuji with a Korean hiker,
- Mt. Yarigatake and Mt. Yatsugatake.
[The ridge between Akadake (2899m) and Yokodake (2829m) in Yatsugatake、八ヶ岳の赤岳・横岳間の稜線、아카다케와 요코다케 사이의 능선]
I uploaded all these hikes in my blog according to the categories.
[At the top of Mt. Yarigatake, 槍ヶ岳山頂(3180m)にて、야리가타케 정상에서]
[At the top of Kengamine in Mt. Fuji, 富士山の剣ヶ峰頂上付近にて、후지산의 겐가미네 정상부근에서.]
Not to change the subject, one of my cousins’ son, Kiyomi Suzuki established a venture business called “Nova Energy” in Kobe, about 10 years ago.
He has been studying the possibility of generating electricity by utilizing the flow of oceans. This year he was interviewed by NHK, “Close-up Gendai” and other TV programs.
He was finding collaborating Korean companies and he often visits Korea.
I met him at Pusan in March after decades since I saw him last. Then he visited Daejeon two times, in order to make a model of “Perpetual motion” by his idea.
When I found that he needed someone to draw his idea by CATIA (Computer graphics Aided Three dimensional Interactive Application), I was introduced one of my students from my colleague teacher at Daedeok University.
Moreover, I introduced him to my organization, “Korea Japan Cooperation Organization for Human and Technology” to get public support in Korea.
[Kiyomi and Mr. S are examining the device, 装置を工夫する清美さんとS社長、장치를 검토하는 기요미씨와 S사장님]
It was just before my summer vacation and I uploaded the information about Nova Energy to my website, too.
Just recently, I got a comment on my web from an Indonesian who was anonymous, as below:
“Му brother suggested I might like this web site. He was entirely right. This post actually made my day. You cannot imagine just how much time I had spent for this information! Thanks!”
I really hope that Kiyomi’s Nova Energy successful. If he realizes “clean and cheap energy production” then it benefits not only Japan but the whole world, starting from South East Asian countries.
My second son, Ryo, has been working for promoting organic agriculture and the world without nuclear power plant.
Recently he was appointed as a staff member of JCN (Japan Civil Network for relief of East Japan Great Disaster) in charge of Fukusima.
I sincerely hope that the works of Kiyomi and Ryo and people like them would be blessed by God and things will be turned to be good in ends.
DR 193号「2012年夏休み及び最近の現状報告」
[At Rustic Bridge of Taronga Zoo in Sydney, シドニーのタロンガ動物園のルスティック・ブリッジにて、다론가 동물원의 루스틱·브릿지에서]
[At the hotel room in Melbourne, メルボルンの宿所にて、멜버른의 숙소에서]
[At the observatory on the seashore of Victoria, ヴィクトリア州沿岸の展望台にて、빅토리아주 연안의 전망 대에서]
[At Lane Cove National Park, レインコーブ国立公園にて、레인코부 국립공원에서]
今年のオーストラリアでの旅行記・体験記はブログの「Travel Australia」にまとめた。
[At the ridge of Yatsugatake, 八ヶ岳の稜線にて、야쓰가타케의 능선에서]
["Queen of Alpine Flora" in Yatsugatake, "Komakursa", 八ヶ岳に咲く高山植物の女王『コマクサ(駒草)』、야쓰가타케 고산 식물의 여왕 『고마쿠사』]
[“The Chestnut Tiger” on "Leopard Plant” in Mt. Hinokiboramaru、檜洞丸の『マルバダケブキ』の花に止まった『アサギマダラ』、히노키보라마루의 『마루바다케부키』 꽃에 멈춘 『아사기마다라(왕나비)』]
[At the top of Mt. Hinokiboramaru (1601m), 檜洞丸頂上にて、 히노키보라마루 정상에서]
企業の名前は「ノヴァエネルギー」で、彼の故郷は昨年の福島原発事故の被害をまともに受けている北茨城市平潟である。 ノヴァエネルギーの目的とするところは再生可能なクリーン・エネルギーによる発電の商用化で、清美さんは韓国の企業とのコラボレーションを目指して日韓を何度も往復している。
[Kiyomi and President S are connecting the devise, 清美さんとS社長が装置を接続している、기요미씨와 S사장님이 장치를 접속하고 있다.]
彼のプランをCATIAを使って図に落とす作業に私の学生の一人が 手伝ったり、韓国企業のコラボレーションには私の属するKJCO(韓日人材・技術協力機構)を紹介したりした。
“Му brother suggested I might like this web site. He was entirely right. This post actually made my day. You cannot imagine just how much time I had spent for this information! Thanks!”
120831 GyeRyongSan Main Peaks A Day [鶏龍山三峰계룡산(장군봉, 삼불봉, 관음봉)]
Hiking Date: Aug. 31, 2012 (Fri) Fine
Destination (mountain): GyeRyongSan (To hike all major peaks a day)
Hiking course: #2 HakBong Bridge – Byeongsagol Entrance – JangGunBong(500m) – Gatpawi – Keunbaeje – Nammae (Brother-Sister) Tower – SanBulBong(775m) – Jayon-Seongneung(Natural Fort Ridge) – GwabEumBong (816m) – Eunseon Waterfall – Donghaksa Temple – Bus-stop (About 12 km, 7 hours)
Partner: None
Since GyeRongSan is close to my place and really good mountain, I climb this mountain every year, even several times a year. But I neber climbed all major peaks (JangGunBong, SamBul Bong, GwanEumBong) one day. I challenged it this time.
I took a local bus from Shinseongdong to Yusong, then changed bus to Donghaksa Temple. It took only half an hour.
I got off the bus at PakJeongJa Samgeori (Park Gazebo Three Junction) near 2nd HakBongGyo at 7:44, then began walking along Yongsucheon River.
[Park Gazebo Three Junction Bus Stop, 朴亭子三叉路バス停、박정자 삼거리 버스 정류장]
[The sign of Yongsucheon River, 龍水川の標識、용수천 표식]
[Yongsucheon River with much water because of typhoon, 台風のため増水した龍水川、태풍 때문에 물이 많아진 용수천]
It was a fine day after the typhoon. I started climbing this mountain at Byeongsagol Entrance at 8:01.
[At Byeongsagol Entrance, ビョンサ谷入り口にて、병사골 입구에서]
The course from this entrance to JangGunBong is about 1 km, but very steep and rocky. You have to be careful and hold ropes or steel rails facilitated to the rocks.
[A steep trail from Byeongsagol, 傾斜の急な岩場、경사가 갑작스러운 암벽 지대]
I arrived at the top of JangGunBong at 9:11. When I climbed this mountain with AhToSan people was last September. It was my 250th regular hike with AhToSan, but it was raining.
[The first peak, JangBunBong (500m), 最初の峰の将軍峰、첫번째 봉우리인 장군봉]
[At the top of JangGunBong, 将軍峰頂上にて、장군봉 정상에서]
The one of worst memories was that I lost my favorite sticks at JangGunBong. Since it was raining that day, I wore raincoat, and when I took pictures of my companions at this mounitain, I let my sticks and forgot to pick them up!
[On the ridge between JangGunBong and NamMaeTap, 将軍峰と男妹塔の間の稜線にて、장군봉과 남매탑 사이의 능선에서]
[On the ridge between JangGunBong and NamMaeTap, 将軍峰と男妹塔の間の稜線にて、장군봉과 남매탑 사이의 능선에서]
I realized what I had forgotten after one hour later, and I returned to JangGunBong, in spite of the rain and hard trail, yet I could not find what I had lost there!
What I lost were not only sticks, but also hiking time. All my AhToSan friends worried about me and they called me. The time difference was more than two hours to go down to the goal that day.
[A map and guidepost at Keunbaeje, クンペジェの地図と標識、큰배제의 지도와 이정표]
Now I was much better condition, good weather and good health. I could even enjoyed the steep trails of up and down to Nanmaetap, about 5 km trail.
I arrived at Nammaetap at 12:05. I had lunch here and took half an hour rest.
[I arrived at Nammaetap at 12:05, 男妹塔には12:05に到着、남매탑에는 12:05에 도착]
After having lunch, I began climbing the steep steps to SamBulBong. When I arrived at the top of SamBulBong, it was almost 1 pm.
[A trail and steps from Nammaetap to SamBulBong, 男妹塔から三仏峰への登山路と階段、남매탑으로부터 삼불봉에의 등산로와 계단]
Then the highlight of the course of the day, “Jayon-Seongneung” or “Ridge of Natural Fort.” The ridge between SamBulBong and GwanEumBong is 1.6 km. All hikers can enjoy the very good views of GyeRyongSan all the way.
[At“Jayon-Seongneung” or “Ridge of Natural Fort,”「自然城陵」にて、「자연성릉」에서 ]
I arrived at GwanEunBong at 14:05. I asked one of strangers to take my picture with the mark stone.
[At the top of GwanEunBong (755m), 観音峰頂上(755m)にて、관음봉 정상에서]
Then I began descending the mountain. I noticed that there were several trees fallen because of the typhoon.
I arrived at Eunseong Waterfall at 14:49. I could see more water in the fall than usual.
[Eunseong Waterfall, 隠仙滝、은선폭포]
I came down to the temple at 15:18 and the bus-stop before 16:00.
[A part of Donghaksa Temple, 東鶴寺の一部、동학사의 일부]
It was my 45th hike for this year.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 登山月日:2012年8月31日
登山コース:第2鶴峰橋(학봉교)~ビョンサコル(병사골)登山口~将軍峰(장군봉500m)~カッパイ(갑바위)~クンペジェ(큰배재)~男妹塔(남매탑)~三仏峰(삼불봉775m)~自然城陵(자연성능)~観音峰(관음봉816m)~隠仙滝(은선폭포)~東鶴寺(동학사)駐車場 (約12km, 約7時間)
[A steep trail from Byeongsagol, 傾斜の急な岩場、경사가 갑작스러운 암벽 지대]
[The first peak, JangBunBong (500m), 最初の峰の将軍峰、첫번째 봉우리인 장군봉]
[A view from JangGunBong, 将軍峰からの眺め、장군봉부터의 전망]
[On the ridge between JangGunBong and NamMaeTap, 将軍峰と男妹塔の間の稜線にて、장군봉과 남매탑 사이의 능선에서]
[At the top of SamBulBong (775m), 三仏峰頂上にて、삼불봉 정상에서]
[At“Jayon-Seongneung” or “Ridge of Natural Fort,”「自然城陵」にて、「자연성릉」에서 ]
[At the top of GwanEunBong (755m), 観音峰頂上(755m)にて、관음봉 정상에서]
[Eunseong Waterfall, 隠仙滝、은선폭포]
[Near the bus-stop of Donghaksa Temple, 東鶴寺バス停付近、동학사 버스 정류장 부근]
Destination (mountain): GyeRyongSan (To hike all major peaks a day)
Hiking course: #2 HakBong Bridge – Byeongsagol Entrance – JangGunBong(500m) – Gatpawi – Keunbaeje – Nammae (Brother-Sister) Tower – SanBulBong(775m) – Jayon-Seongneung(Natural Fort Ridge) – GwabEumBong (816m) – Eunseon Waterfall – Donghaksa Temple – Bus-stop (About 12 km, 7 hours)
Partner: None
Since GyeRongSan is close to my place and really good mountain, I climb this mountain every year, even several times a year. But I neber climbed all major peaks (JangGunBong, SamBul Bong, GwanEumBong) one day. I challenged it this time.
I took a local bus from Shinseongdong to Yusong, then changed bus to Donghaksa Temple. It took only half an hour.
I got off the bus at PakJeongJa Samgeori (Park Gazebo Three Junction) near 2nd HakBongGyo at 7:44, then began walking along Yongsucheon River.
[Park Gazebo Three Junction Bus Stop, 朴亭子三叉路バス停、박정자 삼거리 버스 정류장]
[The sign of Yongsucheon River, 龍水川の標識、용수천 표식]
[Yongsucheon River with much water because of typhoon, 台風のため増水した龍水川、태풍 때문에 물이 많아진 용수천]
It was a fine day after the typhoon. I started climbing this mountain at Byeongsagol Entrance at 8:01.
[At Byeongsagol Entrance, ビョンサ谷入り口にて、병사골 입구에서]
The course from this entrance to JangGunBong is about 1 km, but very steep and rocky. You have to be careful and hold ropes or steel rails facilitated to the rocks.
[A steep trail from Byeongsagol, 傾斜の急な岩場、경사가 갑작스러운 암벽 지대]
I arrived at the top of JangGunBong at 9:11. When I climbed this mountain with AhToSan people was last September. It was my 250th regular hike with AhToSan, but it was raining.
[The first peak, JangBunBong (500m), 最初の峰の将軍峰、첫번째 봉우리인 장군봉]
[At the top of JangGunBong, 将軍峰頂上にて、장군봉 정상에서]
The one of worst memories was that I lost my favorite sticks at JangGunBong. Since it was raining that day, I wore raincoat, and when I took pictures of my companions at this mounitain, I let my sticks and forgot to pick them up!
[On the ridge between JangGunBong and NamMaeTap, 将軍峰と男妹塔の間の稜線にて、장군봉과 남매탑 사이의 능선에서]
[On the ridge between JangGunBong and NamMaeTap, 将軍峰と男妹塔の間の稜線にて、장군봉과 남매탑 사이의 능선에서]
I realized what I had forgotten after one hour later, and I returned to JangGunBong, in spite of the rain and hard trail, yet I could not find what I had lost there!
What I lost were not only sticks, but also hiking time. All my AhToSan friends worried about me and they called me. The time difference was more than two hours to go down to the goal that day.
[A map and guidepost at Keunbaeje, クンペジェの地図と標識、큰배제의 지도와 이정표]
Now I was much better condition, good weather and good health. I could even enjoyed the steep trails of up and down to Nanmaetap, about 5 km trail.
I arrived at Nammaetap at 12:05. I had lunch here and took half an hour rest.
[I arrived at Nammaetap at 12:05, 男妹塔には12:05に到着、남매탑에는 12:05에 도착]
After having lunch, I began climbing the steep steps to SamBulBong. When I arrived at the top of SamBulBong, it was almost 1 pm.
[A trail and steps from Nammaetap to SamBulBong, 男妹塔から三仏峰への登山路と階段、남매탑으로부터 삼불봉에의 등산로와 계단]
Then the highlight of the course of the day, “Jayon-Seongneung” or “Ridge of Natural Fort.” The ridge between SamBulBong and GwanEumBong is 1.6 km. All hikers can enjoy the very good views of GyeRyongSan all the way.
[At“Jayon-Seongneung” or “Ridge of Natural Fort,”「自然城陵」にて、「자연성릉」에서 ]
I arrived at GwanEunBong at 14:05. I asked one of strangers to take my picture with the mark stone.
[At the top of GwanEunBong (755m), 観音峰頂上(755m)にて、관음봉 정상에서]
Then I began descending the mountain. I noticed that there were several trees fallen because of the typhoon.
I arrived at Eunseong Waterfall at 14:49. I could see more water in the fall than usual.
[Eunseong Waterfall, 隠仙滝、은선폭포]
I came down to the temple at 15:18 and the bus-stop before 16:00.
[A part of Donghaksa Temple, 東鶴寺の一部、동학사의 일부]
It was my 45th hike for this year.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 登山月日:2012年8月31日
登山コース:第2鶴峰橋(학봉교)~ビョンサコル(병사골)登山口~将軍峰(장군봉500m)~カッパイ(갑바위)~クンペジェ(큰배재)~男妹塔(남매탑)~三仏峰(삼불봉775m)~自然城陵(자연성능)~観音峰(관음봉816m)~隠仙滝(은선폭포)~東鶴寺(동학사)駐車場 (約12km, 約7時間)
[A steep trail from Byeongsagol, 傾斜の急な岩場、경사가 갑작스러운 암벽 지대]
[The first peak, JangBunBong (500m), 最初の峰の将軍峰、첫번째 봉우리인 장군봉]
[A view from JangGunBong, 将軍峰からの眺め、장군봉부터의 전망]
[On the ridge between JangGunBong and NamMaeTap, 将軍峰と男妹塔の間の稜線にて、장군봉과 남매탑 사이의 능선에서]
[At the top of SamBulBong (775m), 三仏峰頂上にて、삼불봉 정상에서]
[At“Jayon-Seongneung” or “Ridge of Natural Fort,”「自然城陵」にて、「자연성릉」에서 ]
[At the top of GwanEunBong (755m), 観音峰頂上(755m)にて、관음봉 정상에서]
[Eunseong Waterfall, 隠仙滝、은선폭포]
[Near the bus-stop of Donghaksa Temple, 東鶴寺バス停付近、동학사 버스 정류장 부근]
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