Hiking Date: Aug. 6 (Mon) Rain, then cloudy
Destination (mountain): Yatsugatake/Akadake (2,899m)
Hiking course: Minotoguchi (6:11) – Minoto-Sanso (7:22) – [Kitasawa Rout] – Akadake Kosen (10:25) – Gyojagoya (11;45) – [Jizo Rodge] – Akadake Temboso (13:16) [After having supper (18:00) – Akadake (2,899m) – Temboso (19:00)
Partner: None
Mr. Matsumoto, my pravete hiking instructer, recommended me to climb Yatsugatake. He also recommended to use “Mainichi BusTour”for transportation.
I followed his advice and bought a 6,000 yen ticket from Tokyo (Akihabara) to Minotoguchi (foot of the mountain/entrance of the trail) including 500 yen public bath use next day.
They picked me up at Akihabara rotary in front of JR Akihabara Station at 11 pm on previous night (8/5).
I got bus ticket and public bath ticket at HQ of Mainichi Shimbun at Takebashi, then the bus left the HQ at 11:30 and arrived at Minotoguchi at 2:30 am.
The bus stopped in front of the lodge (Yatsugatake Sanso), and I went into the lodge by following other hikers.
There were two rooms available according to sex and I slept in a man’s room (“Shodoshin”) with two men, while the 2 women slept in a next room (“Daidoshin”).
Other 4 people were two couples and I was the only alone hiker.
It was very comfortable to get stretched in proper “futon” in a room. I got a nice sleep for three hours.
[The map of trails in Yatsugatake, 八ヶ岳登山道案内図、야쓰가타케 등산로 안내도]
I got up at 5:30 am as other people got up. It was raining outside. I had breakfast in the lodge, just like other people and began hiking at 6:10.
[I began walking at 6:10 am, 6時10分に登山開始、6시10분에 등산 시작]
When I began hiking, it had stopped raining, but soon, it began to rain again.
[The information concerning South Yatsugatake, 八ヶ岳(南部)登山情報、야쓰가타케 남부 등산 정보]
[Flowers of wild hydrangea, 山アジサイの花、 야생 수국 꽃]
[When I arrived at Minotosanso, It was raining hard, 美濃戸山荘に着いた時は雨がかなり降っていた、미노토 산장에 도착했을 때는 비가 상당히 내리고 있었다.]
It may be about 4 or 5 km between Minotoguchi and Minoto-sanso. When I arrived at Minoto-sanso at 7:22. It was raining rather heavily. I thought I would be staying at Akadake Kosen (mineral hotspring) if it were raining all day and when it became less raining, I began to hike toward Akadake Kosen.
[When the rain became less sever, I resumed walking, 雨が小降りになってから再出発、보슬비가 되고나서 재출발했다.]
There were two routs available, Kitasawa Route (North River Route) and Minamisawa Route (South River Route). Since Minamisawa Route was underconstruction, I took Kitasawa Roote to Akadake Kosen.
[A warning sign saying "South Route is under-construction, 『南ルートは工事中』という看板、『남루트는 공사중』이라고 하는 간판]
To my great pleasure, it became less rain as I climbed along the river and when I arrived at Akadake Kosen at 10:25, it lit up completely.
There were many different kinds of flowers along the trail. I enjoyed seeing beautiful “Hotarubukuro”or “Spotted Bellflower” or poisonous flower, “Devil's helmet (or blue rocket)” but when I arrived at the Akadake Kosen Lodge, I saw tiny stroberries in cluster.
[“Devil's helmet (or blue rocket, aconite, wolfsbane, monkshood)" トリカブト(鳥兜), 바곳/투구꽃]
[“Hotarubukuro”or “Spotted Bellflower”、ホタルブクロ(蛍袋)、초롱꽃]
["Lagotis glauca" or "Urupso", ウルップソウ(得撫草)、『우룻푸소』]
["Fragrant Columbine" or "Aquilegia fragrans"、キバナミヤマオダマキ(黄花深山苧環)、『기바나미야마오다마키』매발톱꽃의 일종.]
["Adenophora takedae" or "Iwashajan", イワシャジャン(岩沙参)?이와샤쟌、초롱꽃의 일종]
["Hypericum kamtschaticum var. hondoense" or "Iwaotogiri", イワオトギリ(岩弟切)?이와오토기리]
It looked realy like ordinary strawberry, I picked up one of them and ate. I did taste “strowberry!”
["Wild" strawberry, 野生の超小型イチゴ、야생의 초소형 딸기]
[When I arrived at Akadake-Kosen, it lit up! 赤岳鉱泉に着いた時は雨は止んだ。아카다케 광천에 도착했을 때는 비는 그쳤다.]
I took a short break at Akadake Kosen and headed for “Gyoshakoya Lode.” I arrived at “Gyoshakoya” at 11:10 and had an early lunch there. (some “Onigiri”which my wife made for me.)
[“Pyrolaceae” or “Ichiyakuso” in Japanese, イチヤクソウ(一薬草)、 노루발과]
After having a lengthy lunch break, I began hiking toward Akadake at 11:50.
[Gyoshagoya Lodge, 「行者小屋」山荘、『교자고야』산장]
Now the trail became steep and there were several wooden or steel ladders. I also notice “Jizo” with red aprons. The root is called “Jizo Ridge”and I saw many alpine flora along the trail.
[A statute of "Jizo" at Jizo Ridge, 地蔵尾根の地蔵、지장 능선의 지장]
["Geum calthifolium var. nipponicum" or "Miyamadaikonso" in Japanese, ミヤマダイコンソウ(深山大根草)、고산 식물, 미야마다이콘소]
["Campanula lasiocarpa" or "Iwagikyo" in Japanese, イワギキョウ(岩桔梗),고산 식물, 『이와기쿄』]
[A post-guide of the head of Jizo Ridge, 『地蔵の頭』の道標、『지장의 카시라』 이정표]
Fortunately it was not raining, but the fog became sicker and sicker. When I arrived at Akadake Temboso at 13:20, the fog was so thick I could not see much views.
[At last, I arrived at "Akatake-Temboso" at 13:20, ようやく赤岳天望荘に到着、드디어 『아카다케 덴보소』에 도착했다.]
But I noticed very special and beautiful flowers in front of the lodge. They were “Komakusa” the queen of alpine flora in Japan.
Wikipedia describes Komakusa as follows:
Dicentra peregrina (Japanese コマクサ komakusa) is a herbaceous perennial growing from a rhizome, native to Japan, the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin Island, and northeastern Siberia (including Kamchatka).
[The queen of Japanese Alpine Flora, "Dicentra peregrina" or "komakusa" in Japanese, 高山植物の女王、コマクサ(駒草)、고산 식물의 여왕, 『고마쿠사 』]
I checked in Akadake Temboso at 13:30. I paid 9000 yen for a stay with two meals. (Later, I found that a package of bus and Akadake Temboso was 13000 yen! Wow, I could save 2000 yen, if I bought this package!)
The service I liked at the lodge was “free coffee.” The supper and the breakfast was buffet style and guests can drink coffee whenever they like. (The coffee was drip coffee, ot instant coffee.)
After checking-in, I lied down in a sleeping bag at the corner which was allocated to me at the lodge and I had a nap.
Then I awoke with the sound of rain hitting on the roof of the lodge! It was raining hard! How lucky I was that I could check in before the rain!
The supper time was from 5 pm. I had supper with two other alone hikers. One of them, Mr. Sasahara is from Chigasaki, Kanagawa prefecture. We talked about climbing to the top of Akadake next day. But while having supper, the weather became good.
[The supper at "Akadake Temboso", 赤岳天望荘の夕食、산장의 저녁 식사]
I made up my mind to climb Mt. Akadake alone after the supper. There were about 30 or 40 hikers staying at Temboso that night, but it seemed that I was the only one to climb the peak of Akadake that evening.
[The trail to the top of Akadake, 赤岳山頂への登山路、아카다케 정상에의 등산로]
["Akadake Sanchogoya" Lodge, 『赤岳山頂小屋』山荘、『아카다케 산조고야』산장]
[At the top of Mt. Akadake (2,899m), 赤岳の頂上(2,899m)にて、아카다케 정상(2,899m)에서 ]
The standard time for the round trip to the peak from the lodge is one hour. It took exactly one hour for me to make the round trip, but I spent more than 10 minutes to take pictures. It was worth spending the one hour, but the trail was wet and a bit dangeours.
[At the top of Akadake, 赤岳頂上付近にて、아카다케 정상부근에서]
["Peucedanum multivittatum" or known as "wolfsbane"、ハクサンボウフウ(白山防風)、"하쿠산보후" 고산 식물]
["Trollius japonicus" or "Shinanokinbai(信濃金梅)" シナノキンバイ(信濃金梅)、고산 식물 『시나노킨바이』]
[A lighted "Akadake Sanchogoya", 火がともった『赤岳山頂小屋』、밝은 불이 켜진 『아카다케 정상 산장』]
["Cornus canadensis" or Canadian Dwarf Cornel, Canadian Bunchberry, Quatre-temps, or Crackerberry, ゴゼンタチバナ(御前橘)、고산 식물『고젠타치바나』]
[Lake Suwa reflecting the evening sunlight, 夕陽を反射する『諏訪湖』,
석양을 반사하는 『스와호(諏訪湖)』]
[Looking down toward Akadake Temboso from the top of Akadake, 赤岳山頂から赤岳天望荘を見下ろす、아카다케 정상에서 아카다케 덴보소를 내려다보다.]
I saw sunset in clouds and mountain peaks, as well as alpine flora washed by rain that day.
登山コース:美濃戸口八ヶ岳山荘(6:11)~美濃戸山荘(7:22)~[北沢ルート]~赤岳鉱泉(10:25)~中山乗越(11:03)~行者小屋(11:45)~[地蔵尾根]~赤岳天望荘(13:16) チェックイン 17:00~17:30(夕食) 赤岳山頂(2,899m)へピストン(18:00~19:00)
[The sign to the sleeping room at Yatsugatake-sanso, 八ヶ岳山荘の仮眠室への案内、야쓰가타케 산장의 선잠실에의 안내]
[Forest road between Minotoguchi and Minoto-sanso, 美濃戸山荘への林道、미노도 산장에의 임도]
[キバナミヤマオダマキ(黄花深山苧環)とホタルブクロ、『기바나미야마오다마키』매발톱꽃의 일종과 초롱꽃]
[“Hotarubukuro”or “Spotted Bellflower”、ホタルブクロ(蛍袋)、초롱꽃]
[Flowers of wild hydrangea, 山アジサイの花、 야생 수국 꽃]
[When the rain became less sever, I resumed walking, 雨が小降りになってから再出発、보슬비가 되고나서 재출발했다.]
[The guide map of "Yatsugatake" 、八ヶ岳周辺案内図、야쓰가타케 주변안내도]
["Hypericum kamtschaticum var. hondoense" or "Iwaotogiri", イワオトギリ(岩弟切)?이와오토기리]
[“Devil's helmet (or blue rocket, aconite, wolfsbane, monkshood)" トリカブト(鳥兜), 바곳/투구꽃]
[When I arrived at Akadake-Kosen, it lit up! 赤岳鉱泉に着いた時は雨は止んだ。아카다케 광천에 도착했을 때는 비는 그쳤다.]
[The guide map for "Akadake Kosen" and surrounding mountains, 赤岳鉱泉周辺案内図、아카다케 광천 주변 안내도 ]
["Wild" strawberry, 野生の超小型イチゴ、야생의 초소형 딸기]
[Heliport behind Akadake-Kosen Lodge, 赤岳鉱泉小屋の裏のヘリポート、아카다케 광천 산장의 뒤의 헬리포트]
[Ladders at" Jizo Ridge", 地蔵尾根の梯子場、지장 오네(능선)의 사다리]
["Geum calthifolium var. nipponicum" or "Miyamadaikonso" in Japanese, ミヤマダイコンソウ(深山大根草)、고산 식물, 미야마다이콘소]
["Campanula lasiocarpa" or "Iwagikyo" in Japanese, イワギキョウ(岩桔梗),고산 식물, 『이와기쿄』]
[A statute of "Jizo" at Jizo Ridge, 地蔵尾根の地蔵、지장 능선의 지장]
[The queen of Japanese Alpine Flora, "Dicentra peregrina" or "komakusa" in Japanese, 高山植物の女王、コマクサ(駒草)、고산 식물의 여왕, 『고마쿠사 』]
[Sleeping bag allocated to me at Akadake Temboso, 山小屋の寝床、산장 잠자리]
["Cornus canadensis" or Canadian Dwarf Cornel, Canadian Bunchberry, Quatre-temps, or Crackerberry, ゴゼンタチバナ(御前橘)、고산 식물『고젠타치바나』]
[At the top of Akadake, 赤岳頂上付近にて、아카다케 정상부근에서]
[“Geum calthifolium var. nipponicum” or “Miyamadaikonso” in Japanese, ミヤマダイコンソウ(深山大根草)、고산 식물, 미야마다이콘소]
["Hypericum kamtschaticum var. hondoense" or "Iwaotogiri", イワオトギリ(岩弟切)?이와오토기리]
["Peucedanum multivittatum" or known as "wolfsbane"、ハクサンボウフウ(白山防風)、"하쿠산보후" 고산 식물]
[“Vaccinium vitis-idaea” (lingonberry or cowberry)、コケモモ(苔桃)、월귤 (越橘)]
[Looking to Yokodake from the top of Akadake, 赤岳山頂から横岳方面を見る、아카다케 정상에서 요코다케 방면을 본다.]
I like hiking very much. I used to go hiking with a Korean hiking club named “AhToSan.” This blog introduces mostly my hiking activities in Korea and Japan, and Sydney in Australia. As of January 2020, I live in Sydney suburb. I go Blue Mountains and bush walk in Sydney area. 私は2003年から2014年まで韓国の大田(テジョン)に住んだ日本人である。11年間、週末は主に「アトサン山岳会」に参加した。14年4月に帰国したが、2020年以降はおもにシドニーで暮らし、時折、日本へ帰国する程度である。したがって最近の記事はSR(Sydney Report)としてブルーマウンテンのトレッキングを中心に書いている。
About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서
Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
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