About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140516 Mt. Ooyama(大山1,252m) Otokozaka (男坂), Kanagawa^ken, Japan

140516 Mt. Ooyama(大山1,252m) Otokozaka (男坂), Kanagawa-ken, Japan

Destination: Mt. Ooyama (1,252m), Kanagawa-ken

Date: May 16 (Fri), 2014

Transportation Access: Ofuna – Fujisawa (JR) – Sagamioono – Isehara (Odakyu) – Ooyama Cable Station (Bus)

Hiking Course: Ooyama Cable Station – Otokozaka – Shimosha – Mt. Ooyama – Miharashidai – Hinata Lodge – Hinatayakushi (Bus Stop) About 12 km, 5 hours

Since Ooyama is in Kanagawa prefecture, it is close to my house. So, I often climb this mountain, but in the past decade, I climbed only during summer and winter vacation.

[At the foot of Mt. Ooyama、大山参拝道の入口、오오 야마 참배 길의 입구]

So, climbing the mountain in May is rare opportunity for me. It was good esp. the soft green color of the leaves.

[The steps of the trail, 登山路の石階段、등산로의 돌계단]

[Flowers along the trail, 石階段の脇の花、돌 계단 옆의 꽃]

I took the most arthdox route: Bus-stop – Otokozaka – Shimosha – The Summit of Ooyama – Miharashi – Hinatayakushi Bus-stop.

[The river near "Kumoi Bridge" 雲井橋付近の渓谷、구모이바시 부근의 계곡]

[Kumoi Bridge, 雲井橋、구모이바시]

I got off at Ooyama Cable Bus Stop at 8:53. After using the toilet there, I began walking the stone steps toward Ooyama Cable Station.

[Ooyama Cable Station, 大山ケーブル駅、오오 야마 케이블 역]

When I passed the station at 9:17, I saw the red cable car at the station. It must be “Tanzawa-go.”

Tanzawa is famous for its “tops” as a local product, and there were pictures of “tops” on the stone stairs.

Since it was a weekday, not many hikers walking. I like the color of leaves on the mountain in May.

I passed a building claiming “Oriental Fitness School.” I bet it promotes natural healing method by fasting. I experienced the effects of fasting this March in Korea. So, I believe it.

[]"Oriental Fitness School", 健康道場『神仙観』,건강 도장 "신선관"]

After passing this building, soon I came to the fork point of “Otokozaka” and “Onnazaka.”

[The fork point, 『男坂』と『女坂』の分岐点、"오토코자카"와 "온나자가"의 분기점]

[The shrine at the foot of Otokozaka, 男坂出発地点の神社、오토코자카 출발 지점의 신사]

I saw a gourp of young people with some leaders. I bet they were highschool students and their teachers.

[The high school students, 男坂の高校生たち、오토코자카 고등학생들]

Their pace of hiking was almost same as mine, so I saw the all the time, in the trail up to Shimosha.

[The upper part of Otokozaka, 男坂の上部付近、오토코자카의 상단 부근]

There is a memorial statue with unique shape on the top of Otokozaka. It is read as “Bankoku Chureitou” or “Universal monument to the faithful who died in battle.”

["Universal monument to the faithful"、万国忠霊塔,만국 충령탑]

Then there is a bit long steps to Shimosha Shrine. From the observation deck, you can see the Sagami Bay and even Enoshima Island, but that day, there was mist and I could not see it well.

[The last steps to "Shimosha", 下社への最後の階段、시모샤로 이어지는 마지막 계단]

In front of the shrine, there was a incense burner and they were burning some aromatic woods.

[At Shimosha Shrine, 下社にて、시모샤에서]

[At the observation deck at Shimosha Shrine (You can see Enoshima Island), 下社の展望台にて(江ノ島が見える)、시모샤 전망대에서 (에노시마가 보인다)]

[At the observation deck at Shimosha Shrine, 下社の展望台にて、시모샤 전망대에서]

[Homa (ritual), 護摩、호마]

"Homa" or 護摩:

There was a wooden gate contributed by a religious group named “Ohana-ko” in Nihonbashi, Tokyo behind the shrine. All hikers must go through the gate in order to climb Mt. Ooyama.

[The entrance of the trail, 登山道入口、등산로 입구]

Behind the gate, there was an old steep stone stairs. It was the starting point to the summit of Ooyama from Shimosha Shrine.

After climbing the stone steps, there is a big twin huge Japanese cedars. They name the tree “Meoto Sugi” or “The Couple Cedars.”

["Meoto Sugi" 夫婦杉、부부 삼나무]

There were cute blue flowers which I saw for the first time.

[A wild flower, 野生花、야생화]

I arrived at Fujimidai (the place you can see Mt. Fuji) at 11:07, but it was cloudy and I could not see Mt. Fuji at all.

[At "Fujimidai" 、富士見台にて、"후지미다이"에서]

["Mitsuba-tsutsuji" or Rhododendron dilatatum, ミツバツツジ、미쯔바쯔쯔지]

I reached at the top of Ooyama at 11:36. I took my self portrate at my favorite tree and mark stone there. There were beautiful dandelions there.

[At the top of Ooyama, 大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]

[At the top of Ooyama, 大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]

There were a group of 4 male hikers on the top of the mountain. They are all 60s, my generation. They said they climbed mountains together several times a year. How nice.

I ate lunch at the table on the summit at around noon. Then I began descending the mountains, taking Hinatayakushi course.

[The guide at the entrance of descending trail, 下山路入口の里程標、하산로 입구의 이정표]

I arrived at Miharashida before 1 pm. It was a good pace. There was a warning signe against “Yamabiru” or land leech (Haemadipsa zeylanica japonica).

[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]

[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]

It suck blood from animals including human being. It will melt if sprinkled with salt. So, they prepare salt at the foot of the mountain.

[Warning against land leech、ヤマビルの警告、거머리에 대한 경고]

There were flowers with pink or blue colors in front of Hinata Lodge.

[Ninata Lodge, 日向山荘、히나타 산장]

[Flowers near Hinata Lodge, 日向山荘付近にて、히나타 산장 부근에서]

A small bird was “taking bath” in the pool on the paved road.

[A bird taking "bath", 水浴びする小鳥、목욕하는 작은 새]

I arrived at Hinatayakushi Bus Stop before 2 pm and took the bus to Ishehara there.

[The bus to Isehara, 伊勢原駅行きバス、이세하라 역 행 버스]







同行者:なし 昨年までは大徳大学で働いていたため、この時期は帰国することはなく、新緑の時期に大山に登るのは実に久しぶりである。

[I began walking, 大山登山開始、오오야마 등산 시작]


[Inari Shrine, 山麓の稲荷神社、산기슭 이나리 신사]






[The advertisement of "Ooyama Top"、大山コマの広告、"오오 야마 팽이"의 광고]

[The river near "Kumoi Bridge" 雲井橋付近の渓谷、구모이바시 부근의 계곡]

[Ooyama Cable Station, 大山ケーブル駅、오오 야마 케이블 역]

[Flowers along the trail, 石階段の脇の花、돌 계단 옆의 꽃]


[]"Oriental Fitness School", 健康道場『神仙観』,건강 도장 "신선관"]

入り口の上にはOriental Fitness Schoolとあり、「病気は自分で治しましょう」とあるのでコンセプトは韓国の断食修道会と同じだと思われる。

[The fork point, 『男坂』と『女坂』の分岐点、"오토고자가"와 "온나자가"의 분기점]


[The steps of Otokozaka, 男坂出発地点の階段、오토코자카 출발 지점의 계단]

[The high school students, 男坂の高校生たち、오토코자카 고등학생들]


[The upper part of Otokozaka, 男坂の上部付近、오토코자카의 상단 부근]


[Historic place of "Shrine Office", 八大坊上屋敷跡、"하치다이보 카미야시키" 터]

["Universal monument to the faithful"、万国忠霊塔,만국 충령탑]



[At Shimosha Shrine, 下社にて、시모샤에서]


[At the observation deck at Shimosha Shrine (You can see Enoshima Island, 下社の展望台にて(江ノ島が見える)、시모샤 전망대에서 (에노시마가 보인다)]

[At the observation deck at Shimosha Shrine, 下社の展望台にて、시모샤 전망대에서]


[Homa (ritual), 護摩、호마]



[Image of schoolchildren evacuation and Tenmangu Shrine、天満宮と学童疎開の像、텐 만구와 학동 피난 상]


[The steep stone steps, 急な石階段、가파른 돌계단]


["Meoto Sugi" 夫婦杉、부부 삼나무]

[A wild flower, 野生花、야생화]


[At "Fujimidai" 、富士見台にて、"후지미다이"에서]

["Mitsuba-tsutsuji" or Rhododendron dilatatum, ミツバツツジ、미쯔바쯔쯔지]


[At the top of Ooyama, 大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]

[Dandelions on the summit, 大山山頂のタンポポ、오오야마 정상의 민들레]


[At the top of Ooyama, 大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]


[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]

[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]

["Jizo" on the descending trail, 下山路の地蔵、하산로의 지장 보살]


[Warning against land leech、ヤマビルの警告、거머리에 대한 경고]


[Flowers near Hinata Lodge, 日向山荘付近にて、히나타 산장 부근에서]

[A bird taking "bath", 水浴びする小鳥、목욕하는 작은 새]


[The bus to Isehara, 伊勢原駅行きバス、이세하라 역 행 버스]

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