About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


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140526 Jenolan Caves Tours (Chiefley Cave & Imperial Cave), NSW, Australia

140526 Jenolan Caves Tours (Chiefley Cave & Imperial Cave), NSW, Australia

Date: May 26 (Mon) 2014, Fine

Access: Hajime drove from Chattswood to Genolan Caves

Sightseeing Tours: (1) Chiefley Cave, (2) Imperial Cave)

Participants: (1) A dozen of sightseers, (2) 10 sightseers.

Hotel: Jenolan Cave Hotel

My son, Hajime drove Kikko and me all the way from Chatswood to Katoomba, City of Blue Mountains on May 26.

[We arrived at Katoomba, カトゥーンバに到着,카툼바에 도착]

He bought 3 “Foot-long sandwiches” at Subway for breakfast, then we had them at Three Sisters Observation.

[At Subway Sandwich Shop, サブウェイ・サンドウィッチ店にて、서브웨이 샌드위치 가게에서]

Then we visited the police station to borrow an emergency beacon(非常用位置指示無線標識装置) in case I lost my way while taking Six Foot Track trekking, and at danger of life.

[Katoomba Police Station, カトゥーンバ警察署、카툼바 경찰서]

[At Katoomba Police Station, カトゥーンバ警察署にて、카툼바 경찰서에서]

Then he drove about 75 km away to Jenolan Cave where he dropped me and returned to Chatswood with Kikko.

I was to walk back through Six Foot Track to Katoomba from May 27 to May 28.

I like the foot-long sandwiches because it contains a lot of vegetable and ham/beef/meat-boll and relatively reasonable price.

I ate half of it for my breakfast and another half for lunch. Kikko ate half and gave me the rest for my snack.

Hajime borrowed an emergency beacon at the police station, just in case that had problems during my two day trekking for Six Foot Track.

[Blue Mountains National Park, ブルーマウンテン国立公園にて、블루마운틴 국립 공원에서]

[The Three Sisters Rocks, スリーシスターズ、세자매 봉]

Anyway, we enjoyed the marvelous scenes of Three Sisters while having breakfast and a long drive from Katoomba to Jenolan Cave.

The access to Jenolan Cave is a narrow paved road with steep slope.

The access road is closed from 11:45 to 13:15 for up-hill vehicles, so he had to hurry to return. (The time imposed on the pictures is Japan Standard Time, so, Sydney Time is one hour ahead than the time on all pictures.)

[Jenolan Cave Hotel, ジェノラン洞窟ホテル、제노란 케이브 호텔]

[Flowers in front of the hotel, ホテルの前の花、호텔 앞 꽃]

[The entrance of Jenolan Cave, ジェノラン洞窟入口、제놀란 동굴 입구]

[Inside of Chifley Cavem、チーフレイ洞窟内にて、찌후레이 동굴 내에서]

[Inside of Chifley Cavem、チーフレイ洞窟内にて、찌후레이 동굴 내에서]

[Inside of Chifley Cavem、チーフレイ洞窟内にて、찌후레이 동굴 내에서]

[Inside of Chifley Cavem、チーフレイ洞窟内にて、찌후레이 동굴 내에서]

[Inside of Chifley Cavem、チーフレイ洞窟内にて、찌후레이 동굴 내에서]

[Inside of Chifley Cavem、チーフレイ洞窟内にて、찌후레이 동굴 내에서]

After the tour of Chifley Cave, I checked in Jenolan Caves House, then went back to the ticket office and bought another tour ticket for Imperial Cave of Jenolan Cave.

This time, 50 % discount, $16. The tour started at 2:30 pm at Grand Arch, the same place for the tour of Chiefley Cave.

[The entrance of Imperial Cave, インペリアル洞窟の入口、임페리얼 동굴 입구]

This time, there were 8 sightseers including myself. Among 8, there were 5 Singaporeans and a lady from Brazil.

[The guide of Imperial Cave, インペリアル洞窟のガイド、임페리얼 동굴 가이드]

According to the guide’s explanation, Chiefley Cave is in the 3rd layer and Imperial Cave is in the 4th layer, therefore is is blow the Chiefley Cave and water is running in the cave.

[Inside of Imperial Cave,インペリアル洞窟内にて、임페리얼 동굴 내에서]

[Inside of Imperial Cave,インペリアル洞窟内にて、임페리얼 동굴 내에서]

[Inside of Imperial Cave,インペリアル洞窟内にて、임페리얼 동굴 내에서]

It was my 5th experience of 5 different caves, if my memory is correct. The tour ended at 3:40 pm.

Then I noticed a strange animal near the hotel which I never saw before. I took several picture of the animal.

[A strange animal, ホテル前にて奇妙な動物、호텔 앞에서 이상한 동물]

[A strange animal, ホテル前にて奇妙な動物、호텔 앞에서 이상한 동물]

If anyone knew the name of this animal, let me know. After the second tour of the caves, I went to the hotel and had dinner alone.

[The entrance of Six Foot Track, シックスフットトラック入口、식스 풋 트랙 입구]

[At the guest room of the hotel, ホテルの客室にて、호텔 객실에서]

[At the restaurant of the hotel, ホテルの食堂にて、호텔 식당에서]

[]A bottle of wine, 赤ワインを注文した、레드 와인을 주문했다.]

[At the restaurant of the hotel, ホテルの食堂にて、호텔 식당에서]

Since I would go on trekking of over 45 km on Six Foot Track for two days, I had good dinner of steak and pumpkin coup and a bottle of red wine. I had a good night sleep that day.






観光コース:①チーフレイ・ケーブ (Chifley Cave)ツアー、②インペリアル・ケーブ (Imperial Cave)ツアー





[Subway Sandwich Shop, サブウェイ・サンドウィッチ店、서브웨이 샌드위치 가게]


[At Subway Sandwich Shop, サブウェイ・サンドウィッチ店にて、서브웨이 샌드위치 가게에서]


[At Blue Mountains, ブルーマウンテンにて、블루마운틴에서]

[The Three Sisters Rocks, スリーシスターズ、세자매 봉]


[Katoomba Police Station, カトゥーンバ警察署、카툼바 경찰서]

[Bush Walking & Activity Trip Intention Form, ブッシュウォーキング計画書、 부시 워킹 계획서]



[Jenolan Cave Hotel, ジェノラン洞窟ホテル、제노란 케이브 호텔]

[Flowers in front of the hotel, ホテルの前の花、호텔 앞 꽃]

私は12:30からのChifley Cave Tourを警察のデスクに置いてあった雑誌のクーポンを使って10%引きの$28で購入し、14:30からのImperial Cave Tourは5割引きの$16で購入した。

[The entrance of Jenolan Cave, ジェノラン洞窟入口、제놀란 동굴 입구]


[At the entrance of Jenolan Cave, Chifley Course, チーフレイコース入口、찌후레이 동굴 입구]


[Inside of Chifley Cavem、チーフレイ洞窟内にて、찌후레이 동굴 내에서]

[Inside of Chifley Cavem、チーフレイ洞窟内にて、찌후레이 동굴 내에서]

[Inside of Chifley Cavem、チーフレイ洞窟内にて、찌후레이 동굴 내에서]

[Inside of Chifley Cavem、チーフレイ洞窟内にて、찌후레이 동굴 내에서]


[The entrance of Imperial Cave, インペリアル洞窟の入口、임페리얼 동굴 입구]


[Inside of Imperial Cave,インペリアル洞窟内にて、임페리얼 동굴 내에서]


[Inside of Imperial Cave,インペリアル洞窟内にて、임페리얼 동굴 내에서]



[A strange animal, ホテル前にて奇妙な動物、호텔 앞에서 이상한 동물]

[A strange animal, ホテル前にて奇妙な動物、호텔 앞에서 이상한 동물]


[The animal went into the bush, 奇妙な動物は藪の中に入って行った。이상한 동물은 덤불에 들어갔다.]


[The guest room of the hotel, ホテルの客室、호텔 객실]



。 ビールなどを購入しなかったことがやや悔やまれる。バーのビールはグラス一杯が7ドルというのが最安値である。





[]A bottle of wine, 赤ワインを注文した、레드 와인을 주문했다.]


[Bread and soup,スープとパン、수프와 빵]



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