Itinerary: The Naganos (Brookline MA) – Boston – Mineapolis Seattle – (Light Train) – International Squire/China Town - Mercer Island (The Juergens)
Partner: None
I got up at 6:30 and worked on my PC on the 3rd floor. When I went down to the kitchen, Mr. Nagano was already gone to work.
[Family pictures of the Naganos, 長野家の家族写真、나가노 집 가족 사진]
Pat-san fed me the delicious Japanese breakfast (rice and miso-soup based) which Mr. Nagano cooked previous night.
[At the Naganos, 長野家にて、나가노 집에서]
We left their home at 9:15. The airport is quite close to their home. The flight time was 11:25. So I assumed that I had plenty of time.
[George in front of the Naganos, 長野家の玄関の前で、나가노 집 현관 앞에서]
When I passed through the underground hall to the concourse, I found the wall with a lot of colorful pictures. I felt as if I were still in the museum.
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
It was the works of Haitian artists. The exhibition was titled as “ HAITIAN COLORS in TRANSIT.”
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
When I arrived at the boarding gate, I realized that I did not have much time. I could not even start drinking coffee which I bought near the gate.
[Food I bought at the airport, 空港で買った食べ物、공항에서 산 음식]
The plane to Minneapolis was a big one compared to those I used in Tennessee and Rochester. I could put my carry-in language on the self above the heads. To my pleasure I got a window seat, too.
I could see nice views from the sky, and I arrived at Minneapolis Airport on time, 13:45.
[Boston skyline from the window, 窓から見たボストンスカイライン、창문에서 본 보스턴 스카이 라인]
[A view from the light to Minneapolis, ミネアポリス行き飛行機の窓から、미니애폴리스 행 비행기의 창문에서]
The time at the airport was very short. The Mineapolis Airport looked very attractive in terms of beverage service. I found a restaurant with a lot of different kind of Japanese sake and Japanese beer. But I had no time to sip any of them.
[At Minneapolis Airport, ミネアポリス空港にて、미니애폴리스 공항에서]
The plane from Minneapolis to Seattle was even larger. There were 6 seats from A to F and there were more than 50 rows, so there must be more than 300 seats. It must be a jumbo jet.
However, my seat was on aisle side and I had no view from the window at all. A passenger sat next to me as a Catholic lady who had been playing word-game on board.
[A word-game book, ワードゲームの本、워드 게임 책]
The flight was on time and I arrived at Seattle at around 4 pm. I walked along the sign “Light Train Ride” and found the station without any problem.
But when I tried to purchase the ticke (3.5 dollars), my credit card did not work. So I inserted a 20 dollar bill, then I got changes by all coins; 16 one-dollar coins and a 50 cent coin!
[The bending machine for tickets, キップの自動販売機、 승차권 자동 판매기]
Anyhow, this “Light Train” riminded me of “Yurikamome” the Tokyo Waterfront New Transit Waterfront Line. The big difference is that “Yurikamome” is an automated guide-way transit service without driver, but “Light Train” has a driver.
[At the platform of Light Train, ライトトレインのプラットフォームにて、라이트 트레인 플랫폼에서]
After riding for about 30 minutes, I got off at International Squire/China Town, where I met Chris.
[SAFECO Field, the home stadium for Seattle Mariners, シアトル・マリナースのホーム球場である「セーフコ・フィールド」시애틀 마리나스의 홈구장 인 "세이프 코 필드"]
[The Stadium Station, スタジアム駅、야구 경기장 역]
On the same platform where I got off “Light Train” a two-car connected bus came and we took the bus to his parents house on Mercer Island in Lake Washington.
[Arriving at Mercer Island Bus-stop, マーサー島バス停に到着、머서 아일랜드 버스 정류장에 도착]
Chris’ parents, Mr. & Mrs. Juergens had been on vacation in Uta for skiing. So Chris drove his father’s car from the bus stop to his home.
Hegyong was waiting for us at the Juergens house. It was a big house with many rooms. Later, I found out that Mercer Island is the place for rich people.
[Their wedding album in Seoul last September, 昨年9月のソウルでの結婚式のアルバム、지난해 9 월 서울에서 결혼식 앨범]
Chris held a welcoming party for me. Later, her beautiful sister who works at Microsoft joined us.
[Hejeong and Chris, クリス夫妻、크리스 부부]
["Chili con carne" Chris's mother made, クリスのお母さんが作ったチリ、크리스 어머님이 만든 칠리 콘 까르네]
After having dinner Chris and I walked down to the lake where we could see the light of Seattle across the lake.
He provided me with a spacious room in the underground where it is used as the office/bedroom by her mother who is a lawyer.
[At the Naganos, 長野家にて、나가노 집에서]
[Pat-san in front of the Naganos, 玄関の前に立つパットさん、현관 앞에 서있는 퍼트 씨]
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
これは「HAITIAN COLORS in TRANSIT」という展示でハイチのアーチストたちの作品のようだ。
[At Boston Airpor,ボストン空港にて、보스턴 공항에서]
[On the board bound for Minneapolis, ミネアポリス行き機内にて、미니애폴리스 행 기내에서]
[Boston skyline from the window, 窓から見たボストンスカイライン、창문에서 본 보스턴 스카이 라인]
[A view from the light to Minneapolis, ミネアポリス行き飛行機の窓から、미니애폴리스 행 비행기의 창문에서]
[At Minneapolis Airport, ミネアポリス空港にて、미니애폴리스 공항에서]
[A word-game book, ワードゲームの本、워드 게임 책]
[The mark says "Link Light Train"、「ライト・トレイン」乗り場を示す標識、"라이트 트레인"승강장을 나타내는 표지]
[At the platform of Light Train, ライトトレインのプラットフォームにて、라이트 트레인 플랫폼에서]
[A space for bicycles and suitcases at first-come, first-served basis, 先着順に利用できる自転車・大型荷物置き場、선착순으로 이용할 수있는 자전거 · 대형 수하물 보관소]
[SAFECO Field, the home stadium for Seattle Mariners, シアトル・マリナースのホーム球場である「セーフコ・フィールド」시애틀 마리나스의 홈구장 인 "세이프 코 필드"]
バスの乗り換えはライト・トレインとおなじプラットフォームで、レイク・ワシントンにかかる橋を渡ってクリスの両親が住む島(Mercer Island)に着いた。
[Arriving at Mercer Island Bus-stop, マーサー島バス停に到着、머서 아일랜드 버스 정류장에 도착]
[At a parking lot at Mercer Island, マーサー島の駐車場にて、머서 아일랜드의 주차장에서]
[Their wedding album in Seoul last September, 昨年9月のソウルでの結婚式のアルバム、지난해 9 월 서울에서 결혼식 앨범]
[Chris's sister, Chris, and his wife, Hejeong, クリスの妹、クリス、クリスの妻、ヘジョン、크리스의 여동생, 크리스, 크리스의 아내 혜정]
[Hejeong and Chris' sister、ヘジョンとクリスの妹、혜정과 크리스의 여동생]
[With Chris's sister, クリスの妹と、크리스의 여동생과 함께]
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