Hiking Course: Sutonggol Parking Lot – Binggesan (415m) – 3 junction – Geumsubong (531m) – Stonggol Fall – Parking Lot (About 5 km, 3 hours)
Partners: Jim (Australia), Corum Ireland), Eric (China)
March 1st is a national holiday in Korea. It commemorates the day (March 1st, 1919) when Korean people uprised against Japanese imperial rule on the Korean peninsula that day.
I proposed a hike for Teajonhikers’ community, and 3 people joined me; Jim, Corum and Eric.
Jim had a private class in the morning, so we gathered at KAIST Main Gate Parking Lot at 12:00.
[We got together at KAIST at noon, 昼にKAIST正門に集合、정오에 KAIST 정문에 집합]
Jim came by his wife’s car. So we could all go together by his car. (I originally planned to go by bus.)
Jim parked his car just in front of the entrance of the trail to Binggesan. There was a banner for the traversal competition starting that point.
[A banner at the foot of the mountain, 『トルレ山道縦走大会』の横断幕、"둘레산길 종주 대회 '현수막]
We followed the same trail up to the top of Binggesan.
[We began climbing Binggesan, ビンゲ山登山開始、빈계산 등산 시작]
I walked this trail with Taejonhikers’ member before, but the trail was well facilitated with wooden steps this time.
[We could see Mt. Geumsubong from the ridge, 稜線から錦繡峰が見える、능선에서 금수봉이 보였다.]
Korean people, esp. local governments are improving many trails all over the peninsula. Yuseong-gu office is no exception. They are active in making many trails in Yuseong-gu, just the same as Daejeon City Government. (Since Stonggol is a part of GyeRyongSan National Park, it might be a branch of Korean government to facilitate the park.)
[At the top of Binggesan, ビンゲ山山頂(415m)にて、빈계산 정상에서]
Anyway, it was not too difficult to reach the top of the first mountain, Binggesan. We had light lunch there. I shared my sandwiches using “vegemite” with Jim and Eric. (Corum had his own sandwiches.)
Then Jim proposed to hike to Mt. Geumsubong, the main mountain peak in Songgol. We all agreed and headed for Geumsubong.
[The guidepost of the junction, ビンゲ山三叉路の里程標、빈계산 삼거리 이정표]
When we arrived at the observation deck, it became clear in the sky and we could see the town of Daejeon very well.
[At the observatory deck, 展望台にて、전망대에서]
We could even see Geumgang River in the distance. I also noticed Mt. Deokgyusan beyong the river.
There were much snow remained above the observation deck. We walked carefully, not to slip, and arrived at the gazebo at around 2:30.
[The snow covered trail near Geumsubong, 錦繡峰付近の雪道、금수봉 부근의 눈길]
We took a short break at the gazebo. Then we began descending the mountain.
[At the gazebo on Mt. Geumsubong, 錦繡峰の東屋で、금수봉의 정자에서]
[The guidepost showing the descending trail, 下山路を示す里程標、하산길을 나타내는 이정표]
We went down toward the waterfall called Stonggol Fall. It was a bit steep steppes but again well facilitated with wooden stairs.
When we came down to the bottom of the stairs, there was a small river and I used to go into with other members. But I saw a big board warning “No Trans-passing” to protect endangered species such as Korean salamanders.
[We could not go into the river, 渓谷は立ち入り禁止になった、계곡은 출입 금지되었다.]
[We could not go into the river, 渓谷は立ち入り禁止になった、계곡은 출입 금지되었다.]
Well, it cannot be helped and we all have to cooperate such protection movement.
[The Stonggol Fall in the valley, ストンコル滝、수통골 폭포]
We walked along the wooden trail beside the reservoir, then came out to the main gate of Stonggol. It was 3:30 pm.
[A wooden trail along the reservoir, 貯水池の横の木道、저수지 옆의 목도]
It was a bit early for supper, but we dropped in “Stonggol Bongga” Restaurant.
[In front of the restaurant, 『ストンコル本家』の前で、"수통골 본가 '앞에서]
There was no Korean member among us. So, I was in charge of ordering the menu.
[At the restaurant, 『ストンコル本家』にて、"수통골 본가"에서]
We usually order “smoked duck” but this time, I ordered different thing which was on the first on the list. “Yongpuni-Ori-Jumulreok 영풍이 오리 주물럭” was a kind of salad with duck meet with many kind of side-dishes.
[The main-dish "“Ori-jumulreok" メインディッシュの『滋養たっぷりな鴨和え』、메인 요리인 "영풍이 오리 주물럭"]
It was a reasonable price of 33000 won for 4 people (including rice and miso-soup.) We ate all full and satisfied. Jim drove us to KAIST Main Gate at 5:30.
It was the “Samil-Day” hike by Taejeon hikers.
コース:KAIST正門→ストンコル駐車場~ビンゲ山(빈계산)~錦繍峰(クムスボン금수봉531m)~ストン滝~ストンコル位置口~ストンコル本家~駐車場 (約5キロ、約3時間)
[At the entrance of the trail, ビンゲ山登山路入口にて、빈계산 등산로 입구에서]
[The map showing the traversal trails of Daejeon "Dulle" Trail, 大田トルレ山道縦走路を示す標識、대전 둘레산길 종주로를 나타내는 표지]
[On the ridge near Mt. Binggesan, ビンゲ山の稜線にて、빈계산 능선에서]
[We could see the peaks of GyeRyongSan, 稜線から鶏龍山が見えた、능선에서 계룡산이 보였다.]
[At the top of Binggesan, ピンゲ山山頂(415m)にて、빈계산 정상에서]
[The wooden trail to Geumsubong, 錦繡峰へ行く木製階段路、금수봉으로 가는 나무 계단 길]
[The mark of "GyeRyongSan Dulegil", 鶏龍山トルレキルの標識、계룡산 둘레길 표지판]
[At the observatory deck, 展望台にて、전망대에서]
[The snow covered trail near Geumsubong, 錦繡峰付近の雪道、금수봉 부근의 눈길]
[A warning board on the top of Geumsubong, 錦繡峰頂上の警告板、금수봉 정상 경고판]
[We could not go into the river, 渓谷は立ち入り禁止になった、계곡은 출입 금지되었다.]
[A picture of Koran Crevice Salamander, チョウセンサンショウウオの写真、이끼 도롱뇽의 사진]
[The Stonggol Fall in the valley, ストンコル滝、수통골 폭포]
[A wooden trail along the reservoir, 貯水池の横の木道、저수지 옆의 목도]
やや早い時間だったが、ストンコル本家で会食にした。今回は外国人ばかりだったので注文を私が担当した。ジムの提案で3万ウォン程度のメニューで十分といいうことになり、メニュー表の一番上のメニュー「양분이 오리 주물럭(滋養たっぷりな鴨和え)」にした。
[The menu on the wall, 壁にかかった料理のメニュー、벽에 걸려있는 요리 메뉴]
[At the restaurant, 『ストンコル本家』にて、"수통골 본가"에서]
支払いは全部で33,000ウォンでカードで払った。一人当たり8,000 Wonだからずいぶんリーズナブルな料金だと思った。
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