Place: Seattle, Faith Bible Church, Alki Beach, Gas Works Park, the Swansons
Partners: Mr. & Mrs. Swanson (Lois & Craig) in Seattle
I woke up at around 6:30 and had breakfast of brown bread and yogurt at 7 am.
[The personalized calender, スワンソン夫妻のカレンダー、스완손 부부 달력]
Since Craig was the messenger at Faith Bible Church, he left home at 7:30. Lois as the secretary of the church, also left home at 8:30. She came back to pick me up at 9:10. The church is just a five-minute walk distance.
Faith Bible Church in Seattle:
The entrance of Faith Bible Church does not look like a church, but just an ordinary private house. But once you stepped in the inside, it was quite a big size.
[The entrance of the church, 教会の入り口、교회 입구]
Lois took me to the upstairs, first and guided me to her office and Craig’s office. The the number of total congregation is about 150 for English service, which started at 11 am.
[The program for Japanese service, 日本語礼拝の週報、일본어 예배 주보]
They had Japanese service at 9:30 by a Japanese pastor named Pastor Asanuma. The congregation was about 30.
[Praising Time during the Japanese service, 日本語礼拝の賛美時間、일본어 예배 찬양 시간]
The Bible text that morning was John 18:1-11. The title of the message was “Before the cross.” Pastor Asanuma compared the same events written in John and other 3 gospels and analysed the difference. He let us realize what John focused for this event.
[Pastor Asanuma, 浅沼牧師、아사누마 목사님]
The Japanese service ended at 10:45 and there was a short break until 11 am. Mrs. Katsumoto who is from Kamakura, spoke to me during this break since Lois introduced me as a man from Kamakura.
[The MC of English Service, 英語礼拝の司会者、영어 예배의 사회자]
Mr. Katsumoto, her husband was born in Hawaii as a Nissei and he attended only English services, she said.
[A program during the English Service, 英語礼拝のプログラムの1つ、영어 예배 프로그램의 하나]
I also talked with Mr. Ichiro Ohtsu and his wife, Lynne. They were 50s and both knew Ofuna well. Mr. Ohtsu graduated from Eikogakuen and he is a doctor.
Craig was the messenger for English service. His title was “My Way or the High Way” which reminded me of his Japanese message when he spoke at SNCC in Ofuna several decades ago. His message was interesting and many jokes in the message. The Bible text was the same part as the Japanese message: John 18:1-11.
[Craig was the messenger that morning, クレイグがこの日のメッセンジャーだった。크레이그가 설교를 하고있다.]
While Craig was speaking on the theme, Kip, his son and Christine, his daughter-in-law sat close to Lois and me. First, I did not recognize them, but Lois let me realize them. I was happy to see them. Christine for the first time, and Kip after decades of absence!
[Kip and Christine, キップとクリスティーン、킵과 크리스틴]
[Lois, Kip and Christine, ロイスとキップとクリスティーン、로이스와 킵과 크리스틴]
It is very convenient that the church is within the throwing-stone distance. We had lunch of beef-stew and potato salad. Lois gave me brown-rice as well.
[Lunch with Lois and Craig, ロイスとクレイグと昼食、로이스와 크레이그와 함께 점심.]
The weather was not very favorable that afternoon, but we went to Alki Beach Park at Elliott Bay for a walk. According to wikipedia, it has a half-mile (0.8 km) of beachfront, and was the first public salt-water bathing beach on the west coast of the United States.
[Seattle skyline beyond Elliott Bay, エリオット湾とシアトルのスカイライン、엘리엇 베이와 시애틀의 스카이 라인]
[A guidepost for Aliki Beach Park, アルキ海浜公園の標識、알키 해변 공원 표지판]
[With Craig at the seashore in Seattle, クレイグとシアトルの海岸にて、크레이그와 시애틀 해안에서.]
[At Alki Beach Park, アルキ海浜公園にて、알키 해변 공원에서]
When we began walking, it rained a little bit. But soon it cleared and we walked up to Starbucks restaurant near the replica of Statue of Liberty.
[At the replica of Statute of Liberty,自由の女神のレプリカにて、자유의 여신상 의 레플리카에서]
We had a good rest at the Starbucks, and returned to the car. Near the parking lot, I saw a seagull trying to swallow a big starfish. It looked quite difficult to swallow because the starfish was too big. But the bird never gave up, what a appetite she had, I thought.
[An entrance of Starbucks, スターバックスの入り口、스타벅스 입구]
[On the way back to his car, クレイグの車へ戻る途中で、크레이그의 차에 돌아 오는 길에서]
After walking along the beach, Craig drove his car to the park called Gas Works Park.
[A seagull trying to swallow a starfish, ヒトデを飲み込もうとしているカモメ、갈매기 불가사리를 삼키려하고있다.]
There was oil refinery facilities in the park. Craig sait it used to be a private company’s property, but the company contributed the land, together with facilities to the city. So the city made the place as the park and opened to its citizens.
[A guidepost of Gas Works Park, 『ガスワークスパーク』の標識、"가스 웍스 파크"의 표지판]
It was after the sunset, and we could see the skyline of Seattle in the dark.
[Skyline of Seattle at night, シアトルの夜景、시애틀의 야경]
We went back to home at 8:00 pm and had dinner. Lois made me “chicken-katsdong” for me. The taste was a bit sweet and genuine Japanese taste. I envied Crais since his wife was such a good cook.
[Katsudon-taste "Chicken-don"カツ丼風『チキン丼』、"닭고기 덮밥"]
They had applepie as their dinner and I had a piece of apple-pie as my dessert. It also tasted very good.
[Lois made delicious apple-pie, 自家製のアップルパイ、로이스가 맛있는 사과 파이를 만들었다.]
They showed me an album which was a picture-record of “making garden project.” Craig has been a good carpenter. He built several houses when I met him for the first time about more than 3 decades ago. But he was good at civil engineering work.
I thought I could not be a good husband. I could not build a house neither make a garden.
Anyway, Craig and Lois have been one of the sweetest couples in Washington State, just like their parents.
旅行月日:2013年2月17日(日) 曇りのち晴れ
{Lois' office at the church, ロイスの事務室、로이스 사무실]
[The program for Japanese service, 日本語礼拝の週報、일본어 예배 주보]
[The Japanese service at Faith Bible Church, 日本語の礼拝、일본어 예배]
[Pastor Asanuma, 浅沼牧師、아사누마 목사님]
[The MC of English Service, 英語礼拝の司会者、영어 예배의 사회자]
英語の礼拝はクレイグがメッセンジャーでタイトルは「My Way or the High Way」テキストは日本語の礼拝と同じヨハネの18:1-11だった。
[Craig was the messenger that morning, クレイグがこの日のメッセンジャーだった。크레이그가 설교를 하고있다.]
[With Kip and Christine, キップとクリスティーと共に、킵와 크리스틴와 함께]
[The lunch was beef-stew, ランチはビーフシチュー、점심 식사는 비프 스튜]
食後は三人で西シアトルのElliott BayのAlki Beachを歩いた。およそ30分ほど歩いた先に自由の女神のレプリカがあり、その近くにはスターバックスがあった。我々はそこに入って休憩し、コーヒーを飲んで引き返した。
[With Lois at the seashore in Seattle, ロイスとシアトルの海岸にて、로이스와 시애틀 해안에서]
[At Alki Beach Park, アルキ海浜公園にて、알키 해변 공원에서]
[At the replica of Statute of Liberty,自由の女神のレプリカにて、자유의 여신상 의 레플리카에서]
[Lois and Craig in front of Starbucks, スターバックスの前のスワンソン夫妻、스완손 부부가 스타벅스 앞에 서있다.]
[The sunset in Elliot Bay, エリオット湾の日没、엘리엇 베이의 일몰]
車を駐車した近くはLuna Parkと呼ばれる公園で1羽のカモメがくちばし一杯の大きさのヒトデ(スターフィッシュ)を飲み込もうとしていた。たいした食欲だ。いったん飲み込めば消化してしまうのだろう。
[A seagull trying to swallow a starfish, ヒトデを飲み込もうとしているカモメ、갈매기 불가사리를 삼키려하고있다.]
海岸の散歩はほぼ1万歩で、その後車で製油所跡に作られたGas Works Parkへ向かった。公園からは運河をはさんでシアトルの夜景が見えた。
[Gas Works Park in the evening, 『ガスワークパーク』の夕暮れ、"가스 워크 파크"의 황혼]
[Skyline of Seattle at night, シアトルの夜景、시애틀의 야경]
Alki Beachの散歩を始めた時は少し雨が降っていたが、すぐに止み、天気は良くなって、夕暮れ時には空に半月がくっきりと出た。
[Lois made delicious apple-pie, 自家製のアップルパイ、로이스가 맛있는 사과 파이를 만들었다.]
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