Partners: Mr. & Mrs. Walters and Paul in Vancouver and Lois & Craing in Seattle
It seemed that it had rained at dawn. The trees and grasses in their backyard got wet. I adjusted the time in my camera in the Western time. (I should have done earlier.)
[The backyard of the Walters, ウォルター家の庭、월터 집 마당]
Mrs. Walter prepared breakfast of bread and vegitalbe. She looked strong at her age and served her husband quite well. I wish Kikko and I could be as healthy as them at their age in the future.
[Breakfast table with Mr. & Mrs. Walter, ウォルター先生ご夫妻と朝食、월터 선생님 부부와 아침 식사]
After the breakfast, Mr. Walter took me to the downstairs. They have half-underground rooms with some beds. They used to have “guests” from Japan and they provided these rooms for their guests from time to time.
[A view of living room from the dining room, 食堂から居間が見れる、식당에서 거실을 볼 수있다.]
[A picture of their grandson and his sweetheart, 孫とその嫁の写真、손자와 그 아내의 사진]
[Mr. Walter at his study, 書斎のウォルター先生、서재의 월터 선생님]
There were “spa” facilities and a table for ping-pong. I remembered that they used to like Japanese “onsen” or hot-springs very much.
[Special bath-tub in the underground, 地下室の『スパ』、지하실의 "스파"]
Mr. Water took me to his study again. It is on the 2nd floor and he told me again that God blessed him very kindly for his entire life.
While waiting for Paul to pick us up to the station, they told me about severl episodes while they were working in Japan.
As one of these episodes, they mentioned a Japanese woman who was extraordinally kind to them. The profession of the woman was a junk-dealer. Her husband liked gambling and their lives were not easy ones.
Yet, when Mr. & Mrs. Walter came back to Japan after the fund-raising trip to USA, they found a brand new car in their gararge. It was her present for them!
They showed some of her letters to me. The letters were written peculiar way. The contents was about her faith and theological matters and they were written on the rolls. I had never seen such letters before.
Mrs. Walter prepared rice for lunch for me. But she did not have proper containers for rice as a Japanese style. It was served on a flat plate. There was no “miso-soup” but I was glad to have “rice” for my meal.
[Mrs. Walter prepared lunch for me, ミセス・ウォルターはお昼を用意して下さった、사모님은 점심을 준비해 주셨다.]
Paul came to pick us up at 2 pm. He told me that he visited my blog “George in Korea.” He also told me that he ordered “God’s Fingerprints in Japan.”
[Paul came to pick us up at 2 pm, ポールが2時に迎えに来た。폴이 2시에 데리러왔다.]
We arrived at Vancouver Station at 2:20. The train was to leave the station at 3:05, so I had a plenty of time. I could take a lot of pictures at the station and on the railway tracks.
[We arrived at the station 45 minutes earlier, 我々は列車の出発時刻45分前にバンクーバー駅に到着した。우리는 열차의 출발 시간 45 분 전에 밴쿠버 역에 도착했다.]
I saw a big and old “movable” iron bridge to the southern direction. It must be a hundred years old. The bridge became “bridge” only when the trains came.
[The swing bridge over the Colombia River, コロンビア川にかかる旋廻橋、콜럼비아강에 걸려있는 선회교]
So, I could observe they “moved” the bridge, when the Amtrak bounded for south came before my train came. The train I took the previous day was #513 at 2:39 pm. It was on time that day.
[The Southbound Amtrak was pulling in, 南方面へ向かうアムトラックがやって来た、남쪽 방면으로 향하는 암트랙이 왔다.]
[The first car and the bridge, アムトラックの先頭車両と旋廻橋、암트랙 선두 차량과 선회교]
[At the waiting room of the station, 駅の待合室で、밴쿠버역 대합실에서]
[The time table of Amtrak, アムトラックの時刻表、암트랙 시간표]
[A long freight trains passing the station, バンクーバー駅を通過する長い貨物列車、긴화물 열차가 밴쿠버 역을 통과하고있다.]
My train that day was #516 and it was on time, too. Mr. & Mrs. Walter and Paul saw me off at the station. It would be my last chance to see them in this world, I thought.
[At last, the Northbound Amtrak was coming to cross the bridge, ようやく上りのアムトラックが鉄橋を渡って来た。드디어 오르막 암트랙이 선회 다리를 건너왔다.]
[Mr. & Mrs. Walter and Paul were seeing me off, ウォルター先生ご夫妻とポールに見送られた、월터 선생님 부부와 폴이 나를 배웅하고있다.]
[The conductor was blowing the whistle,車掌が汽笛を吹いている、차장이 기적을 불고있다. ]
[The Amtrak began to leave the station, アムトラックがシアトル駅を離れつつある。월터 선생님, 폴, 안녕.]
I could take a window seat and could enjoy the nice views from the window again. I expected to see Mount Hood and/or Mount Rainier on my right side window. But, I could not see them. Just like the previous day, I could see the water-front of the Pacific Ocean on my left side.
[Views from the window, 車窓からみた太平洋側の風景、차창에서 본 태평양 쪽의 풍경]
[Views from the window, 車窓からみた太平洋側の風景、차창에서 본 태평양 쪽의 풍경]
I visited the dining car and bought a bottle of red wine. A lady passenger who sat next to me mentioned that the wine was “strong.” It seemed that she was right, I fell in sleep in the car. But I could wake up before the train arrived at Seattle Station. To my surprise, the train arrived at the station 20 minutes earlier than the schedule!
[The train arrived at Seattle 20 minutes earlier than the schedule, 列車はシアトル駅へ予定より20分早く到着した。기차는 시애틀 역에 예정보다 20 분 일찍 도착했다.]
Lois and Craig came to the station at 6:10 pm. They drove to their home and we had dinner together.
[Small presents from Korea, 韓国のお土産、한국 기념품]
[Lois and Craig at their dining room, 食堂にてロイスとクレイグ夫妻、식당에서 로이스와 크레이그 부부]
Lois prepared the perfect “Japanese style” dinner which consisted of rice in “gohan-jawan” the proper "ceramic-bowl" for cooked-rice, and miso-soup in the wooden bowl. The main dish was “torino-karaage” or “Japanese style fried chicken.” She even used "ohitsu" or wooden cooked rice container which is difficult to find even an average Japanese home. I was very happy to have such a perfect Japanese dinner in one of my American friends' home.
[Cooked brawn rice in the wooden rice-container, 伝統的な木製の米びつに入った玄米、전통적인 나무 밥통에 들어있는 현미]
[A set of perfect Japanese dinner, 完璧な日本食の夕ご飯、완벽한 일식 저녁 식사]
After the dinner, we saw a video which Craig recorded when a Seattle TV featured Mr.& Mrs. Walter as “the longest happy married life (70 years) couple in Washington State.”
[A recorded program which introduced Mr. & Mrs. Walter, ウォルター先生ご夫妻を紹介する番組の録画、월터 선생님 부부를 소개하고있는 프로그램을 녹화]
Craig and Lois may break their record in the future, I thought.
旅行月日:2013年2月16日(土) 曇りのち晴れ
日程:ウォルター家~バンクーバ(WA)発午後3時5分~シアトル着6時(予定は6時20分)~スワンソン家 同行者:バンクーバ駅までウォルター夫妻および彼らの長男ポール、シアトル駅からはスワンソン夫妻
[The backyard of the Walters, ウォルター家の庭、월터 집 마당]
[Breakfast table with Mr. & Mrs. Walter, ウォルター先生ご夫妻と朝食、월터 선생님 부부와 아침 식사]
[Mrs. Walter's room, ミセス・ウォルターの部屋、사모님 방]
[A bird clock, which you can hear different kind of birds' "songs" each time, 正時ごとに異なる鳥の声が聞こえる『鳥時計』、정시마다 다른 새의 울음 소리를 들을 수있는 "새시계"]
[A picture of "Prayer"、『祈り』の絵画、"기도"의 그림]
[Table tennis facilities in the underground, 地下室の卓球台、지하실의 탁구대]
[Mrs. Walter prepared lunch for me, ミセス・ウォルターはお昼を用意して下さった、사모님은 점심을 준비해 주셨다.]
[Paul came to pick us up at 2 pm, ポールが2時に迎えに来た。폴이 2시에 데리러왔다.]
[The Vancouver (WA) Station, バンクーバー駅の建物、밴쿠버 역 건물]
[The swing bridge over the Colombia River, コロンビア川にかかる旋廻橋、콜럼비아강에 걸려있는 선회교]
[The Southbound Amtrak was pulling in, 南方面へ向かうアムトラックがやって来た、남쪽 방면으로 향하는 암트랙이 왔다.]
{The name of the Southbound Amtrak was "Mr. ADAMS",下り列車の名前は『ミスターアダムス』、하행 열차의 이름은 '미스터 아담스 "]
[At the waiting room of the station, 駅の待合室で、밴쿠버역 대합실에서]
[At the waiting room of the station, 駅の待合室で、밴쿠버역 대합실에서]
[The time table of Amtrak, アムトラックの時刻表、암트랙 시간표]
[A long freight trains passing the station, バンクーバー駅を通過する長い貨物列車、긴화물 열차가 밴쿠버 역을 통과하고있다.]
[At last, the Northbound Amtrak was crossing the bridge,ようやく上りのアムトラックが鉄橋を渡ってきた、드디어 오르막 암트랙이 선회 다리를 건너왔다. ]
[Mr. & Mrs. Walter and Paul were seeing me off, ウォルター先生ご夫妻とポールに見送られた、월터 선생님 부부와 폴이 나를 배웅하고있다.]
[Views from the window, 車窓からみた太平洋側の風景、차창에서 본 태평양 쪽의 풍경]
[The train arrived at Seattle 20 minutes earlier than the schedule, 列車はシアトル駅へ予定より20分早く到着した。기차는 시애틀 역에 예정보다 20 분 일찍 도착했다.]
[Lois prepared the perfect "Japanese dishes." ロイスは完璧な日本料理を準備してくれた。로이스는 완벽한 일본 요리를 준비해 주었다.]
[Lois and Craig at their dinner table, 日本食の夕食とロイスとクレイグ夫妻、일식 저녁 식사와 로이스와 크레이그 부부]
[A set of perfect Japanese dinner, 完璧な日本食の夕ご飯、완벽한 일식 저녁 식사]
[A set of mortar and pestle and sesame, すり鉢とすりこぎとゴマ、 깨갈이 절구와 절구공과 참깨. ]
[With Lois and Craig at the dinner table, 夕食のテーブルで、スワンソン夫妻と、저녁 식사에서, 스완손 부부와 함께]
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