About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120922 Maisan (馬耳山마이산685m), JinAn(鎮安진안), JeonBuk (全北전북)

Hiking Date: Sep. 22 (Sat) Fine

Destination (mountain): Maisan (472m), Jin-An, JeonBuk Province

Hiking course: GangJeongDae – GwangDaeBong – GoGeumDang – BiRyongDae – BongDuBong –Am-Maibong (673m) - Tapsa – Parking Lot

Partner: 44 AhToSan members (including 44 Taejonhikers)

During the week, I got a nice e-mail from a total strainger about my blog. It was as follows:

<Dear George 鈴木 先生, こんにちは。あなたのブログはすごくたのしいです,この山岳会はいいな。 私は中国人留学生です,大田に住む,日本文化が大好き。 I am terribly sorry for disturbing you, and my Japanese is poor, please let me introduce myself in English. I came to Daejeon a month ago for my Master's courses and I like hiking, too. I become so excited when I find your blog and I can't help writing you an e-mail. Japanese culture and language are quite attractive to me, I always try to find a Japanese friend. If it is convenient, could you please contact me when you go hiking in weekends and holidays, I will deeply appreciate if you can give me a response. >

This mail made me a day! I invited him to the hike. I went to the main gate of KAIST at 6:20 and we went to the bus-stop of AhToSan at Expo South Gate by 6:50.

His name is SU Jiulong, and later, I found out that his nick name as “Eric.”

[A map showing all trails of Maisan, 馬耳山登山路案内図、마이산 등산로 안내도]

We sat together on the bus and enjoed talking all the way to the destination.

My physical condition was not good that day. I had been suffering from bad case of the trots. But I had no idea of cancelling the hike, because of the pleasure to seeing him.

We arrived at the starting point at around 9 am. It was relativey easy access to the ridge. Yet for me, it was difficult and I walked rather slowly.

[A group picture at the starting point, 登山開始地点にて集合写真、등산 시작 지점에서 단체 사진]

["Impatiens textorii" or "Mul BongSeon(Water-jewelweed)" in Korean, 『水鳳仙花』、물봉선]

[Strangely shaped mushroom, 奇妙な形のキノコ、이상한 모양의 버섯]

[Edible mushrooms and AhToSan members, 食用キノコを見つけたアトサン会員、식용 버섯을 찾아낸 아토산 회원들]

After walking for about an hour, we had “Suzuki Time”to take a rest ahd share fruits which I brought.

[At "Suzuki Time" for a short rest, 『スズキタイム』にて、"스즈키 타임"에서]

At about 10:45, we came to the foot of GwangDaeBong (609m). It is a rocky mountain, and the steel rails were facilitated on the sharp slope.

[On the way to "GwangDaeBong", 広大峰へ行く途中の里程標の前で、광대봉으로 가는 길의 이정표 앞에서]

I hesitated to climb the mountain, but one of the AhToSan members, “Billy” urged me to climb this peak.

[On the top of GangDaeBong, 広大峰の頂上にて、광대봉 정상에서]

I felt week in my legs, but my arms are all right. So I climbed this peak using my arm strength.

Billy was right! It was a nice felling to come up on the peak and I enjoyed the nice views of many mountains, esp. Maisan.

[On the top of GangDaeBong, 広大峰の頂上にて、광대봉 정상에서]

[Looking at Mt. Maisan from GwangDaeBong, 広大峰から馬耳山を望む、광대봉에서 마이산을 바라본다.]

[On the GwangDaeBong with Eric, 広大峰にて『エリック』と、광대봉에서 "에릭"과 함께]

[A member is descending from GwangDaeBong, 広大峰から下る会員、광대 봉에서 내려오고있는 회원]

After climbing GwangDaeBong, we continued ridge walking. When we faced a bit steep slope, I became slow and Eric pushed my back to help me. At around noon, we had lunch together with AhToSan people in the woods. By that time, I decided not to go farther and had a shortcut because of my bad physical condition.

[Lunch in the wood, 林の中で昼食、숲 속에서 점심]

After lunch, “Billy” kept accompany with us, speaking to Eric in English.

[A group picture after the lunch, 昼食後の集合写真、점심 식사 후 단체 사진]

When I compained about my pains in my legs, he took “Mentholatum lotion”and put it to my legs. To my surprise, I felt that my pains disappeared! I felt very good after that.

When we came to the branching point between the ridge trail and decending trail, I took the latter one, and Eric followed me.

[Billy and Eric at the branching point, コグンダンの里程標にて、고금단의 이정표에서]

It was really a short-cut to the flat road. Eric and I enjoyed leisurely walk on the flat road to “GeumDangSa” temple, then to “TapSa.”

[At GeumDangSa Temple, 金堂寺にて、금당사에세]

[Lotus flower in a pond at GeumDangSa,金堂寺の池の蓮の花、금당사 연못 연꽃]

We took time for the sightseeing of this beautiful temple called “GeumDanSa.” Which means Golden Temple. Litterally, many constructions were covered with gold.

[A reservoir between GeumDangSa and TapSa, 金堂寺と塔寺間の貯水池、금당사와 탑사 사이의 저수지]

Then we walked toward “TapSa”Temple. TapSa means a temple of “Tap” or stone towers. There are many stone towers in the temple.

[Near the entrance of TapSa Temple, 塔寺の入り口付近にて、탑사 입구 부근에서]

[Eric in front of "Tap" at KapSa Temple, 『塔寺』の『塔』の前で、"탑사"의 "탑"앞에서]

[At the highest point of "KapSa", 『塔寺』の最も高い場所から見下ろした風景、"탑사"가장 높은 곳에서 내려다 본 풍경]

On the way, we saw many “fast hikers” of AhToSan, who climbed several more peaks and came down. Among them, we saw Ayela and Connie, female members of Taejonhikers. They are really good hikers.

We had “wrap-up party” at the parking lot of TapSa. The main manu were roasted duck meat and “DeoDeok Makgeolli,”Korean wine with “DeoDeok”a strong flaver root vegitable.

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げパーティの席で、뒤풀이에서]

We finished the party at 4 pm and came back to Expo South Gate at 6 pm.

When Eric and I went back to our home, we toticed that some big event were going on at Expo South Gate Squire.

It was a performance of tight-rope balancing walk. I saw similar performance at Folk Villege in Suwon when I came to Korea with my wife about 20 years ago.

[A tight-rope performance at Expo South Gate Squire, 南門広場で綱渡りの演技、남문 광장에서 줄타기 연기]

My 48th hike for this year and 289th hike of AhToSan regular hike was a bit hard for me, yet very fruitful hike despite of my bad condition.



登山地:全北(チョンブク전북)鎮安(진안) の馬耳山(マイサン마이산)登山

登山コース:カンジョンデ(강정대) - 広大峰(광대봉) -コグンダン(고금당) – 飛龍台(비룡대) – 鳳頭峰(봉두봉) – 雄馬耳峰(암마이봉) - 塔寺(탑사) - 南部駐車場






[A group picture at the starting point, 登山開始地点にて集合写真、등산 시작 지점에서 단체 사진]


["Impatiens textorii" or "Mul BongSeon(Water-jewelweed)" in Korean, 『水鳳仙花』、물봉선]

[Strangely shaped mushroom, 奇妙な形のキノコ、이상한 모양의 버섯]





[At the top of GwangDaeBong, 広大峰頂上にて、광대봉 정상에서]

[Looking at Mt. Maisan from GwangDaeBong, 広大峰から馬耳山を望む、광대봉에서 마이산을 바라본다.]

[A member is descending from GwangDaeBong, 広大峰から下る会員、광대 봉에서 내려오고있는 회원]


[Lunch in the wood, 林の中で昼食、숲 속에서 점심]





[At the branching point of GoGeumDang, コグンダンの三叉路にて、고금당의 이정표에서]



[At GeumDangSa Temple, 金堂寺にて、금당사에세]

[Lotus flower in a pond at GeumDangSa,金堂寺の池の蓮の花、금당사 연못 연꽃]


[A reservoir between GeumDangSa and TapSa, 金堂寺と塔寺間の貯水池、금당사와 탑사 사이의 저수지]


[Near the entrance of TapSa Temple, 塔寺の入り口付近にて、탑사 입구 부근에서]


[George in front of "Tap" at KapSa Temple, 『塔寺』の『塔』の前で、"탑사"의 "탑"앞에서]

[At the highest point of "KapSa", 『塔寺』の最も高い場所から見下ろした風景、"탑사"가장 높은 곳에서 내려다 본 풍경]



[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げパーティの席で、뒤풀이에서]


[A tight-rope performance at Expo South Gate Squire, 南門広場で綱渡りの演技、남문 광장에서 줄타기 연기]



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