About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


121006 YongNam Alps 嶺南アルプス(영남알프스) SinBulSan(神仏山 신불산) – GanWolSan (胆月山 간월산) :Silver Grass-Dinosaur Ridge(すすき恐竜稜線)

Hiking Date:Oct. 6, 2012 (Sat) fine

Destination (mountain): YongNam Alps SinBulSan(1159m) – GanWolSan(1083m)

Hiking course: Jasujeong Donggulnara – SinBul C – GanWolJae – GanWolSan – GanWol GongRyong – GanWol Lodge Partner: 44 AhToSan members (including 4 Taejonhikers)

I got up at 3:45, cooked rice and prepared for lunch. Left my studio apartment and arrived at the South Gate Bus Stop at 5:50.

Ayla called me and saying she and Connie would be late by 5 minutes, but no problem. Besides them, Wonjeong and Eric joined us.

Eric sat by me, so we could enjoy talking each other for more than 3 hours for one way.

We arrived at Jasujeong Donggulnara at 9:35. We had stretch exercise before the hike.

[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전 단체 사진]

["Let's go mountains on Saturday!" 『土曜日は山へ行こう!』『아! 토요일은 산에 가쟈!』]

I felt fine that day. I used new sticks and they were helpful. I could walk with the top group up to the first break (“Suzuki Time”).

[The first short break, "Suzuki Time," 最初の小休止、『スズキタイム』첫 번째 짧은 휴식 "스즈키 타임"]

After the short break, we came to SinBul GongRyong Ridge. It was up and down of the rocky ridge.

[George at the SinBul GongRyong Ridge, 神仏恐竜稜線にて、신불 공룡 능선에서]

[Eric on the SinBul GongRong Ridge, 神仏恐竜稜線に立つエリック、신불 공룡 능선에 서있는 에릭]

Eric and I avoided the dangerous ridge, yet the detour was still steep and difficult. When we came to the ridge trail, we could enjoy nice views of the mountains.

[AhToSan members walking on the SinBul GongRyong Ridge, 神仏恐竜稜線を歩く会員たち、신불 공룡 능선을 걷고있는 회원들]

We could also see many hang gliders floating in the sky. It was really nice views.

[A hang glider floating in the sky, 空に漂うハンググライダー、하늘에 떠 다니는 행글라이더]

When we came close to the top of SinBulSan, there was a young man selling ice pops. I heard that the prime cost of each pop was 600 – 700 won, but he was selling one at 2000 won!

[Eric and an ice pop peddler, エリックとアイスキャンディー売り、에릭과 아이스 케이그 판매원]

When I was alone, I never bought but I felt like having them with Eric, so I bought two ice pops. When I began eating it, it was too cold, and when I tried to lick it, the stick was broken and the pop dropped on the ground! Too bad.

Then one of middle-aged hiker began accusing the youth who was selling ice pops., saying “SinBulSan is a sacred mountain. How come you make the place to earn money!”

Actually “Sin” means “God” and “Bul” means “Buddha”therefore “SinBulSan” means “God and Buddha” Mountain. I thought that the unit cost of ice pot was too expensive, but making money at the mountain was nothing wrong. Hikers have choice whether they buy them or not. I did think it was a lucrative business if the weather was good. Eric and I arrived at the top of SinBulSan at 12:27. There were two groups already having lunch. We joined Jeong Daun’s group and had lunch with them.

[Lunch at the top of SinBulSan, 神仏山山頂で昼食、신불산 정상에서 점심]

“Mancha” a wife of “Gongja”is a woman of consideration. She fed me food and drinks a lot. She also fed Eric with a lot of side-dishes.

[Eric at the stone mark of SinBulSan,神仏山山頂にて、신불산 정상에서]

Eric and I began afternoon hike with Jeong Daun’s group at 13:08.

[At the ridge near the top of SinBulSan, 神仏山付近の稜線にて、신불산 부근의 능선에서]

We walked well-facilitated trail from SinBulSan to GanWolJe. It was a broard and gentle downroad facilitated with woods. There were many hang gliders in the sky.

[The trail from SinBulSan to GanWolJae, 神仏山から胆月材へ下る登山路、신불 산에서 간월재에 내리는 등산로]

[George in the silver grass field, ススキの原の中にて、참억새밭 속에서]

Among another lunch group, there were Taejonhikers, such as Ayla and Connie. While walking, I talked with Connie.

[Silver grasses on Mt. GanWolSan, 胆月山のススキ、간월산 참억새]

[A grounded hang glider, ハンググライダーが着陸している、행글라이더가 착륙하고있다.]

She is from Germany and teaching German at Baeje University. She complained that her students did not ask any questions at all. She said that there was no urgent needs to learn German in Korea, so students were not eager to learn the language at all.

I understand her complaints. I sometimes feel the same thing: the lack of enthusiasm among students.

[Eric at GanWolJae, 胆月材(カンウォルジェ)にて、간월재에서]

After passing GanWalJae, we climbed a gentle step up to the observatory near the top of GanWolSan.

[GanWolJa Lodge in front of GanWolSan, 胆月山の前の胆月材山荘、간월산 앞의 간월재 휴게소]

[Gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian), リンドウ(竜胆), 용담]

Then we went down to the cliff-like trail using ropes. It was a steep trail. The ridge was called “GanWol GongRyong” which means “GangWol Dinosaure.” So we must be very careful to go down.

[At the observatory near the top of GanWolSan,胆月山山頂近くの展望台にて、간월산 정상 부근의 전망대에서]

[At GanWol GongRyong Ridge, 胆月恐竜稜線にて、간월 공룡 능선에서]

[At GanWol GongRyong Ridge, 胆月恐竜稜線にて、간월 공룡 능선에서]

We came to a forest road, then we walked in the forest. When we passed through the forest, there was a village, and people were selling products to hikers.

[Villagers are selling their products, 村人が土産物を売っている、마을 사람들이 토산품을 팔고있다]

All Taejonhikers: Ayla, Connie, Wonjeong, Eric and myself, walked toghether to the destination: parking lot. It was 4:10 when we arrived at the AhToSan bus.

The top group hikers were already enjoying having a wrap-up party with Dotoriimuk or acorn jello, pig trotters and makgeolli. We all joined them as soon as we arrived.

[Wrap-up party at the parking lot, 駐車場で打ち上げパーティ、주차장에서 뒤풀이 파티]

A group of hikers who came from Yosu, the southern tip of the peninsula, came to exchange food and drinks with us.

[Taejonhikers at the end of the party, パーティの後のテジョンハイカーズ、파티 후 대전 하이 카즈]

They liked our side-dish, esp, dotori-muk or acorn jello. They gave us their pig trotters which were better quality than ours.

This is a Korean cluture, difficult to find the similar things in Japan.

We rounded up the party at 6 pm and came back to South Gate at 9 pm. It was my 51st hike for this year and 290th of AhToSan regular hike.




登山コース: 紫水晶洞窟国 (자수정동굴나라) - 神仏恐竜(신불공룡) - 肝月材(간월재) - 肝月山(간월산) - 展望台 - 肝月恐竜(간월공룡) - 肝月山荘(간월산장)









["Let's go mountains on Saturday!" 『土曜日は山へ行こう!』『아! 토요일은 산에 가쟈!』]

[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전 단체 사진]


[The first short break, "Suzuki Time," 最初の小休止、『スズキタイム』첫 번째 짧은 휴식 "스즈키 타임"]



[At SinBul GongRyong Ridge, 神仏恐竜稜線にて、신불 공룡 능선에서]


[AhToSan members walking on the SinBul GongRyong Ridge, 神仏恐竜稜線を歩く会員たち、신불 공룡 능선을 걷고있는 회원들]




[Lunch at the top of SinBulSan, 神仏山山頂で昼食、신불산 정상에서 점심]


[George at the stone mark of SinBulSan,神仏山山頂にて、신불산 정상에서]


[At the ridge near the top of SinBulSan, 神仏山付近の稜線にて、신불산 부근의 능선에서]





[The trail from SinBulSan to GanWolJae, 神仏山から胆月材へ下る登山路、신불산에서 간월재에 내리는 등산로]

[At the trail from SinBulSan to GanWolJae, 神仏山から胆月材へ下る登山路にて、신불산에서 간월재에 내리는 등산로에서]

[George in the silver grass field, ススキの原の中にて、참억새밭 속에서]

[A grounded hang glider, ハンググライダーが着陸している、행글라이더가 착륙하고있다.]

[George at GanWolJae, 胆月材(カンウォルジェ)にて、간월재에서]

[GanWolJa Lodge in front of GanWolSan, 胆月山の前の胆月材山荘、간월산 앞의 간월재 휴게소]


[At the observatory near the top of GanWolSan,胆月山山頂近くの展望台にて、간월산 정상 부근의 전망대에서]

[At GanWol GongRyong Ridge, 胆月恐竜稜線にて、간월 공룡 능선에서]

[At GanWol GongRyong Ridge, 胆月恐竜稜線にて、간월 공룡 능선에서]

[At GanWol GongRyong Ridge, 胆月恐竜稜線にて、간월 공룡 능선에서]


[Villagers are selling their products, 村人が土産物を売っている、마을 사람들이 토산품을 팔고있다]



[Wrap-up party at the parking lot, 駐車場で打ち上げパーティ、주차장에서 뒤풀이 파티]


[Taejonhikers at the end of the party, パーティの後のテジョンハイカーズ、파티 후 대전 하이 카즈]




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