About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


121208 GapHaSan(甲下山갑하산468m)– WooSanBong, Daejeon(雨傘山우산봉573n), Daejeon(大田,대전)

Hiking Date: Dec. 8, 2012, Fine & Snow

Destination (mountain): GapHaSan(甲下山갑하산468m)– WooSanBong, Daejeon(雨傘山우산봉573n)

Hiking course: Gap-dong – GapHaSan – WooSanBong – BanSeok #6 Apt.

Partner: 18 AhToSan members

AhToSan originally planned to go to SongNiSan National Park, but because of the heavy snow on previous night, the area was banned to enter.

So they changed the destination to local mountains in Daejeon. It is much safer than climbing any other mountains.

We got together at GyeRyong Service Area at 9 am. I took #911 bus from ShinSeongDong and changed buses at YuSeong. The second bus ride is free if you use the credit card in Daejeon. I like this system, although the charge for a bus ride costs only 1100 won (about 1 US dollar.)

19 AhToSan members came to the service area, including myself. I could take several group pictures successfully this time.

[A group picture at GyeRyong Service Area, 鶏龍サービスエリアにて集合写真、계룡 휴게소에서 단체 사진]

[We began hiking at GyeRyong Service Area, 鶏龍サービスエリアを出発、계룡 휴게소를 출발]

We began walking at 9:15. The trail to GapHaSan is familier to me because Teajeonhikers came to this mountain several times.

[With Jeongdaun, the president at the entrance of the trail, チョンダウン会長と登山口にて、정다운 회장님과 등산로 입구에서]

[We began climbing GapHaSan, 甲下山登山開始、갑하산 등산 시작]

Yet, the sceneries were completely different from what I knew because of the heavy snow. I noticed that we could see GyeRyong mountains from the ridge very well for the first time.

[Views from ridge trails, 稜線からの眺め、능선에서의 전망]

It is always difficult for me to climb the first peak. I became the last hiker as usual. But many of the members took time to take picutures on the ridge. So I could catch up with them.

We had “Suzuki Time” on the ridge after one hour hike. This time, I brought two boxes of strawberries and imported grapes and mini-tomatoes with me, and they ate them all at once.

[A group picture after "Suzuki Time",『スズキタイム』の後で集合写真、"스즈키 타임"후에 단체 사진]

They I joined the fun of taking pictures for a while, but when they began ridge walking, I soon became the last hiker.

I arrived at the top of GapHaSan as the last hiker at 10:45. They we came to the steep downtrail for about 15 minute-walk.

[I arrived at the top of GapHaSan as the last hiker, 甲下山頂上へビリで到着。갑하산 정상에 꼴찌로 도착.]

It was dangerous if we did not wear climbing irons. Mt. Jo, a friend of Jeongdaun was not wearing climbing irons, nor spats, yet he walked well with Jeongdaun and other hikers.

AhToSan people decided to have lunch on the ridge between GapHaSan and WooSanBong. It was still 11:40.

It was fine in the morning, and it was rather hot when we were climbing up to the ridge. But when we stopped for lunch, it began snowing.

[It began snowing while having lunch, 昼食中に雪が降りだした。점심 중에 눈이 내리기 시작했다.]

So, it was cold when we had lunch. Therefore, hot ramen was popular among the members. I also brought hot water in the thermos bottle and put it on my rice and madi it “Ochazuke.”

Mr. Jo did not bring any bag with him. Therefore he did not bring any lunch. So I shared my “Ochazuke” with him. Jeongdaun also shared her lunch with him. After having lunch, Jeongdaun and Mr. Jo and some more, went first, and I followed them.

[At the guidepost between ShinSeonBong and WooSanBong, 神仙峰と雨傘峰の間の道標にて、신선봉와 우산봉 사이의 이정표에서]

But soon, I was left alone and the second group of hikers caught me up. So, I enjoyed hiking with the 2nd group of hikers.

[With the 2nd group of members, 第2グループの会員と稜線にて、제2그룹의 회원과 능선에서]

Among them, there were Grace Lee and a newly-married couple. (They joined AhToSan for the first time.)

[The new members (newly-married) of AhToSan, アトサン新会員(新婚夫婦)、아토산 신입 회원 (신혼 부부)]

[It began snowing heavily, 稜線にて雪が激しく降り始めた、능선에서 눈이 많이 내리기 시작했다.]

When I arrived at the top of WooSanBong, it was 1:15. I was the first hiker among the 2nd group. While taking pictures of myself and other members, it stopped snowing and weather turned to be good again.

[With Grace at the top of Mt. WooSanBong, 雨傘峰頂上でグレイスと、그레이스와 함께 우산봉 정상에서]

I came to WooSanBong only two months ago with Taejeonhikers. So I knew the trail well. I had the confidence of this downhill trail.

I went down with Grace Lee and the newly-married couple. It was not hard for me any more.

[On the way down to Banseok Apartment, 下山路にて、하산길에서]

[Grace Lee on the downhill trail, 下山路でポーズをとるグレイス、하산로에서 포즈하는 그레이스님]

We reached at the bottom of the mountain before 3 pm. While walking toward the group of apartment houses, I noticed a restaurant beside the trail.

[George near the exit, 盤石アパート近くにて、반석 아파트 근처에서]

[The explanation of "folk story" 民話の説明版、 전설의 설명판]

[BanSeok #6 Apartment Houses, 盤石6団地のアパート群、반석 6 단지 아파트 군]

Jeongdaun and the first group people were taking rest at this restaurant. She decided to have a wrap-up party at this restaurant. She already ordered “Kimchi-chige” set dishes.

[The restaurant where we had wrap-up party, 打ち上げパーティ会場となった食堂、뒤풀이 회장이 된 식당]

One after another, AhToSan members joined us and we enjoyed nice hot meal of “Kimchi-chige” and plenty of side dishes.

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げパーティにて、뒤풀이 파티에서]

When Jeongdaun began collecting money (each 10,000 won), her friend Mr. Jo stopped her, and offered to pay all by himself alone.

I think this kind of things rarely happen in Japan, but in Korea, it happens from time to time.

I remember when AhToSan people had “bonge”hike at GyeRyongSan a couple years ago, one member paid for the whole price and I was amazed at that time.

So, Mr. Jo must be a rich and generous man. We all thanked him and it was my 299th AhToSan regular hike.

After the party, we walked to the subway station called “Banseok” and got off at National Cemetary station. We took a bus to GyeRyong Service Area. Agan the bus fee was free, if you use a card. I really like Daejeon public transportation system.

A member called “Love” took me by his car to ShingSeongDong on his way home.

I came back to my apartment at around 5 pm.

It was my 61st hike for this year.













[At GyeRyong Service Area, 鶏龍サービスエリアにて、계룡 휴게소에서]


[At GyeRyong Service Area, 鶏龍サービスエリアにて、계룡 휴게소에서]

[We began hiking at GyeRyong Service Area, 鶏龍サーブすエリアを出発、계룡 서브 할 영역을 출발]


[On the way to GapHaSan, 甲下山への登山路にて、갑하산을 오르는 등산로에서.]

[AhToSan members enjoy the snow mountain,雪山を楽しむ会員たち、설산을 즐기는 회원들]


[We could see GyeRyongSan mountains very well, 稜線から鶏龍山の峰々がよく見えた。능선에서 계룡산 봉우리가 잘 보였다.]


[A group picture after "Suzuki Time",『スズキタイム』の後で集合写真、"스즈키 타임"후에 단체 사진]





[I arrived at the top of GapHaSan as the last hiker, 甲下山頂上へビリで到着。갑하산 정상에 꼴찌로 도착.]





[It began snowing while having lunch, 昼食中に雪が降りだした。점심 중에 눈이 내리기 시작했다.]


[We had lunch at ShinSeonBong, 神仙峰にて昼食、신선봉에서 점심]




[It began snowing heavily, 稜線にて雪が激しく降り始めた、능선에서 눈이 많이 내리기 시작했다.]


[I arrived at WooSanBong as the first of the 2nd group, 私は第2グループの先頭]として雨傘峰に到着した、나는 제 2 그룹의 선두로 우산 봉에 도착했다.]



[With the 2nd group of members, 第2グループの会員と稜線にて、제2그룹의 회원과 능선에서]


[Grace Lee on the way to BanSeok Exit, 下山路の『グレイス・リー』、하산길의 "그레이스 리"]


[The new gazebo and the newly married couple, 新しい亭子と新会員夫婦、새로운 정자와 신입 회원 부부]


[BanSeok #6 Apart and the restaurant, 盤石6団地アパートと食堂、반석 6 단지 아파트와 식당]

[Grace in front of the restaurant where we had wrap-up party, 打ち上げパーティ会場となった食堂の前のグレイス、그레이스가 뒤풀이 파티 회장이 된 식당 앞에 서있다.]



[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げパーティにて、뒤풀이 파티에서]






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