Date: Jan. 6, 2013 (Sun) fine
Place: Nepal & Indian Restaurant “Happy”(tel: 046-323-7531)
Participants: Mika, Mihoko, Kazuko, Mr. Tsuchida, Ms. Kondo, George
After attending SNCC service on the first Sunday of the year, Mihoko and I hurried to Hiratsuka station where Mika, Kazuko and Mr. Tsuchida were waiting for us.
[At the ticket gate of JR Hiratsuka Station, JR平塚駅の改札口にて、JR 히라츠카 역 개찰구에서]
In the past several years, we always had a New Year meeting somewhere in Shonan area. This time, we had the meeting at Nepal & Indian Restaurant “Happy” in Hiratsuka.
It is just 5 minutes from West Exit of JR Hiratsuka station. We arrived at the restaurant at 12:15.
[Waling in front of JR Hiratsuka Station, JR平塚駅前を歩く、JR 히라츠카 역 앞을 걷고있다.]
Kazuko, one of our members, is good at finding a nice restaurant. So she found it and recommended us all.
[Lunch Time Menu of Happy, ハッピーのランチタイムメニュー、해피의 점심 메뉴]
The cooks and the waitstaff of the restaurant are all Nepalese, and the taste of curry was really good.
[Mr. Tsuchida ordered a Nepal beer, ツチダさんはネパールのビールを注文、쯔찌다 씨는 네팔 맥주를 주문했다.]
[Nepal style naan and curry, ネパール式カレーと『ナン』、네팔 식 카레와 "난"]
There were several grades for the spiciness for their curry and I chose the spiciest curry. It was spicy and tasted very good! And, most importantly, the price was reasonable! If you buy “take-out” it costs only 500 yen.
[A group picture after the meeting, 昼食後の集合写真、점심 식사 후 단체 사진]
OCCED/Japan is a group for supporting an orphanage in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Mika Asai, who is a professional tour guide specialized for rarely-visited resions, is the leader of this group.
She happened to see a Nepalese girl whose name is “Anita.” Anita was supporting her mother and her brothers and had a dream of becoming registered nurse in Nepal.
Mika formed a group to support Anita financially and we had been supporting Anita until she realized her dream several years ago.
Now we changed the flow of the fund to a broader purpose of OCCED from a private support.
OCCED/Japan has meetings several times a year, and exchange information concerning Nepal and esp. orphanage support among members.
[After the meeting in front of "Happy" ミーティングの後でハッピーの店の前で、회의가 끝난 후 『해피』 앞에서]
[At the ticket gate of JR Hiratsuka Station, JR平塚駅の改札口にて、JR 히라츠카 역 개찰구에서]
[Curry and naan which Ms. Kondo ordered, コンドーさんが注文したカレーと『ナン』、콘도 씨가 주문한 카레와 "난"]
[Special kinds of curry at Happy, ハッピーの特選カレーメニュー、해피의 특선 카레 메뉴]
[Mr. Tsuchida ordered a Nepal beer, ツチダさんはネパールのビールを注文、쯔찌다 씨는 네팔 맥주를 주문했다.]
[We enjoyed Nepal curry and naan, 我々は ネパール式カレーと『ナン』を楽しんだ。우리는 네팔 식 카레와 "난"을 즐겼다.]
[A group picture after the meeting, 昼食後の集合写真、점심 식사 후 단체 사진]
[After the meeting in front of "Happy" ミーティングの後でハッピーの店の前で、회의가 끝난 후 『해피』 앞에서]
I like hiking very much. I used to go hiking with a Korean hiking club named “AhToSan.” This blog introduces mostly my hiking activities in Korea and Japan, and Sydney in Australia. As of January 2020, I live in Sydney suburb. I go Blue Mountains and bush walk in Sydney area. 私は2003年から2014年まで韓国の大田(テジョン)に住んだ日本人である。11年間、週末は主に「アトサン山岳会」に参加した。14年4月に帰国したが、2020年以降はおもにシドニーで暮らし、時折、日本へ帰国する程度である。したがって最近の記事はSR(Sydney Report)としてブルーマウンテンのトレッキングを中心に書いている。
About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서
Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
SNCC News 13-01 (2013/1/6)
SNCC News 13-01 (2013/1/6)
Dear SNCC News Readers,
A Happy New Year, May Peace in the world in 2013. This is the first report of SNCC activities in the calendar year of 2013.
I attend the morning service of SNCC on Jan. 6. Pastor Yamanaka gave the message based on Genesis 46: 28-34. The message title for kids “What is the things you have to do” or “Anatano subeki kotoha nandesukaあなたのすべきことは何ですか。
” The title for the message for the adult service was “What is your occupation?” or “Anatano shokugyoha nandesukaあなたの職業は何か。”
[Pastor Yamanaka is speaking to kids, 山中牧師が子供たちに話をしている。목사님이 아이들에게 이야기를하고있다.]
God spoke to me through various channels. One of them is through the messages at church. I have to listen to Him carefully.
[Pator Yamanaka is speaking to the adults, 山中牧師が会衆に話をしている。목사님이 회중에게 이야기를하고있다.]
[Members of SNCC are singing hymns, 会衆が讃美歌を歌っている。회원들이 찬송가를 부르고있다.]
SNCC held “Lord’s Supper” ceremony during the service since it was the 1st week of the month. It was the precious opportunity to attend the ceremony for me.
[Pastor Yamanaka is sharing bread, 山中牧師が聖餐式のパンを配っている、목사님이 성찬식의 빵을 나눠주고있다.]
[Pastor Yamanaka is sharing grape juice, 山中牧師が聖餐式のぶどう液を配っている、목사님이 성찬식의 포도주를 나눠주고있다.]
I had to leave the church soon after taking the group picture of SNCC after the service because I had another appointment with OCCED members at 12:00 at Hiratsuka.
OCCED(Organization for community child and environment:
SNCC held “Members’ Meeting” or “Shintokai 信徒会” after the CS/Prayers’ Meeting.
The activities of SNCC on Jan. 6th, 2013 were as below;
1. Morning Service on Jan. 6th, 2013.
a. Messenger: Pastor Yamanaka
b. MC: Mr. Odagawa
c. Bible: Genesis 46:28-34
d. Message Title:“What is your occupation?"
e. Piano: Ms. Shizuko Odagawa/Ms. Minori Tachibana
2. Congregation for this week: About 30 adults and 8 kids.
3. Prayer requests.
3-1 For a quest of new pastor for SNCC from April 2013. Pastor Yamanaka is to work as a researcher at “Shinnihon Seisho Kankoukai新日本聖書刊行会.” Therefore, SNCC members are praying God to send his successor. Please join our prayers for this quest. (* Atsugi Midorigaoka Christ Church, Matsumigaoka Christ Church and ShiginumaChrist Church are also in need to have pastors.)
3-2. For the victems of the earthquakes and tsunami, and those who were fighting to prevent nuclear disaster at Fukushima right now, and their families. Expastor of SNCC, Mr. Barkman and his wife are working for the mission work in Tagajo, Miyagi Prefecture (Tohoku area.) Thanks for your concerns and prayers for the safety of them on the big earthquake last week. They were protected by God and they are safe now.
3-3. For the seekers for their salvation, esp. for those who are studying Bible at SNCC (including Saffraan-kai), and those families of church members who have not accepted Jesus as their indivisual savior. May many of them be led to our Lord and have a chance to know Jesus Christ as their savior.
3-4 For those who are in difficult situations physically as well as spiritually including members of SNCC and their families, such as Ms. Yuko Ohga and her mother (Ms. Fumie Ohga*, being 81, hospitalized), the bereaved family of Ms. Aya Chiba and Mr. Tsuneo Funabashi, Ms. Yuko Ohishi, Ms. Toshiko Takeoka(94) who has been hospitalized in Kichijoji since last May, Aunt of Mr. Tachibana (80s, cancer in her large intestine), Ms. Hisae Mita, Ms. Kaoruko Yamamoto, Koki Yamanaka (son of Pastor Yamanaka) for the recovery of his broken rist, Mr. Yukio Matsumoto (home healthcare) and Mr. Mr. Keizo Sudo
3-5 Unspoken prayer request for Reito Odagawa
Thank you for your kind attention.
In Jesus,
George Suzuki@Kamakura, Japan
[A group picture after the service, 礼拝後の集合写真、예배 후 단체 사진]
Dear SNCC News Readers,
A Happy New Year, May Peace in the world in 2013. This is the first report of SNCC activities in the calendar year of 2013.
I attend the morning service of SNCC on Jan. 6. Pastor Yamanaka gave the message based on Genesis 46: 28-34. The message title for kids “What is the things you have to do” or “Anatano subeki kotoha nandesukaあなたのすべきことは何ですか。
” The title for the message for the adult service was “What is your occupation?” or “Anatano shokugyoha nandesukaあなたの職業は何か。”
[Pastor Yamanaka is speaking to kids, 山中牧師が子供たちに話をしている。목사님이 아이들에게 이야기를하고있다.]
God spoke to me through various channels. One of them is through the messages at church. I have to listen to Him carefully.
[Pator Yamanaka is speaking to the adults, 山中牧師が会衆に話をしている。목사님이 회중에게 이야기를하고있다.]
[Members of SNCC are singing hymns, 会衆が讃美歌を歌っている。회원들이 찬송가를 부르고있다.]
SNCC held “Lord’s Supper” ceremony during the service since it was the 1st week of the month. It was the precious opportunity to attend the ceremony for me.
[Pastor Yamanaka is sharing bread, 山中牧師が聖餐式のパンを配っている、목사님이 성찬식의 빵을 나눠주고있다.]
[Pastor Yamanaka is sharing grape juice, 山中牧師が聖餐式のぶどう液を配っている、목사님이 성찬식의 포도주를 나눠주고있다.]
I had to leave the church soon after taking the group picture of SNCC after the service because I had another appointment with OCCED members at 12:00 at Hiratsuka.
OCCED(Organization for community child and environment:
SNCC held “Members’ Meeting” or “Shintokai 信徒会” after the CS/Prayers’ Meeting.
The activities of SNCC on Jan. 6th, 2013 were as below;
1. Morning Service on Jan. 6th, 2013.
a. Messenger: Pastor Yamanaka
b. MC: Mr. Odagawa
c. Bible: Genesis 46:28-34
d. Message Title:“What is your occupation?"
e. Piano: Ms. Shizuko Odagawa/Ms. Minori Tachibana
2. Congregation for this week: About 30 adults and 8 kids.
3. Prayer requests.
3-1 For a quest of new pastor for SNCC from April 2013. Pastor Yamanaka is to work as a researcher at “Shinnihon Seisho Kankoukai新日本聖書刊行会.” Therefore, SNCC members are praying God to send his successor. Please join our prayers for this quest. (* Atsugi Midorigaoka Christ Church, Matsumigaoka Christ Church and ShiginumaChrist Church are also in need to have pastors.)
3-2. For the victems of the earthquakes and tsunami, and those who were fighting to prevent nuclear disaster at Fukushima right now, and their families. Expastor of SNCC, Mr. Barkman and his wife are working for the mission work in Tagajo, Miyagi Prefecture (Tohoku area.) Thanks for your concerns and prayers for the safety of them on the big earthquake last week. They were protected by God and they are safe now.
3-3. For the seekers for their salvation, esp. for those who are studying Bible at SNCC (including Saffraan-kai), and those families of church members who have not accepted Jesus as their indivisual savior. May many of them be led to our Lord and have a chance to know Jesus Christ as their savior.
3-4 For those who are in difficult situations physically as well as spiritually including members of SNCC and their families, such as Ms. Yuko Ohga and her mother (Ms. Fumie Ohga*, being 81, hospitalized), the bereaved family of Ms. Aya Chiba and Mr. Tsuneo Funabashi, Ms. Yuko Ohishi, Ms. Toshiko Takeoka(94) who has been hospitalized in Kichijoji since last May, Aunt of Mr. Tachibana (80s, cancer in her large intestine), Ms. Hisae Mita, Ms. Kaoruko Yamamoto, Koki Yamanaka (son of Pastor Yamanaka) for the recovery of his broken rist, Mr. Yukio Matsumoto (home healthcare) and Mr. Mr. Keizo Sudo
3-5 Unspoken prayer request for Reito Odagawa
Thank you for your kind attention.
In Jesus,
George Suzuki@Kamakura, Japan
[A group picture after the service, 礼拝後の集合写真、예배 후 단체 사진]
130104 Haneda (Anamori Inar穴守稲荷i) & Kamakura (Daibutsu大仏 and Hase-Kannon長谷観音)
Date: Jan. 4th 2013
Course: Anamori-Inari穴守稲荷 – Daibutu大仏 – Hase-Kannon長谷観音 – Ofuna大船
Guest: Tracey from Australia
We [Susumu, Kikko’s younger brother, the driver, Kikko, Tracey and I] left Hodashi (Tsuruoka, Yamagata prefecture) at 1 am and headed for Kasumigaura-shi, Ibaraki prefecture, via Tohoku Highway.
When we left Hodashi, it was snow-storming. But Tohoku Highway was well managed, so we could drive confortablly to Ibaraki prefecture.
We arrived at Susumu’s home in Kasumigaseki city at around 8:15 am. Susumu’s wife served us nice breakfast. Tomoko, Susumu’s wife, teaches flower-arrangement, so she decorated beautiful flowers for New Year decoration.
[Breakfast at the Satos in Kasumigaura city, かすみがうら市の義弟の家で朝食、가스 미가 우라시의 동생 집에서 아침 식사]
[The flower arrangement which Tomoko made, 正月用の生け花、정월 용 꽃꽂이]
[The pictures of a son and daughters of Susumu when they celebrated "coming-of-age" ceremony, 義弟の子供たちの成人式の写真、동생 아이들의 성인식 사진]
We changed cars and Kikko drove her car to Kamakura, via Haneda, where her elder sister lives.
[As we came close to Tokyo, we could see the Tokyo Sky Tree, 都心に近づくにつれ東京スカイツリーが見えてきた。도심에 가까워지면서 도쿄 스카이 트리가 보이기 시작했다.]
We arrived at the Odagawas in Haneda at around 11 am. We had lunch at the Odagawas. Their son, Yoshio, guided Tracey and I to “Anamori-Inari” Shrine in Haneda.
[Lunch at the Odagawas in Haneda, 羽田の小田川家の昼食、하네다의 오다가와 집에서 점심 식사]
“Inari” is one of many popular gods in Japan. “Anamori-Inari” is a local god which is said to protect “hole” in the dike of Edo Bay.
[Keihin-kyuko Train running near the Odagawas, 小田川家の近くを走る京浜急行、오다가와 집 근처를 달리는 게이 힌 급행 전철]
“Inari” shrines have many red toriis (shrine gates) and statutes of “fox.” Foxes, especially white foxes are believed to be messengers of Inari god.
[The entrance of Anamori Inari, 穴守稲荷神社の入り口、아나모리 신사의 입구]
They sell “aburaage” or “deep-fried bean curd” at the shops in front of Inari shrine, because they are foxes’ favorite food.
[They are selling "Aburaage" or "deep-fried bean curd" and eggs which foxes' favorite food, キツネの好きな『油揚げ』と玉子、여우가 좋아하는 "튀김"와 계란]
“Anamori-Inari” used to be located at the ground where now Haneda Airport is. Then they constructed the airport, they moved the shrine to the current location.
[The statute of fox in front of the shrine, 神社前のキツネの像、신사 앞의 여우 상]
[The red shrine gates in front of the shrine, 神社前の赤い鳥居、신사 앞의 붉은 도리이]
[The group picture with the Odagawas and my 2nd son, Ryo, 小田川家の人々と集合写真、 오다가와 집 사람들과 단체 사진]
My second son, Ryo, joined us at the Odagawas to have lunch there. He has been appointed as a staff member of JCN (Japan Civil Network) in charge of Fukushima.
JCN(Japan Civil Network)
So he joined us from Fukushima and was accompanied until Kamakura.
Kikko drove us to Kamakura. Tracey and I got off at Daibutsu Zaka and visited Daibutsu in Hase. We visited Kotokuin temple where the Great Buddha was.
The statute of Great Buddha was said to be build in 1252, together with the housing building, but the wooden building was washed away by Tsunami in 1498.
[With Tracey in front of the statute of Great Buddha, 大仏の前でトレイシーと、대불 앞에서 트레이시와 함께]
After seeing the Great Buddha, we visited Hase-dera nearby.
[At the entrance of Hasedera, 長谷寺の入り口にて、하세대라의 입구에서]
There are many sightseeing spots in Hasedera, therefore I like Hasedera better than Kotoku-in.
[At the Manji(Buddhist cross) Pond, 卍池にて、만자 연못에서]
["Amida-do" or Hall for the statute of Amida, 阿弥陀堂、아미타불당]
The main hall is called “Kannon-do” where the wooden statute of “Kannon Bosatsu” or “Guanyin” is located. (It was prohibited to take a photograph.)
There is a nature trail behind the temple where you can see the city of Kamakura and Kamakura beaches of Zaimokuza and Yuigahama.
After taking a rest at a restaurant in the temple, we had a brief sightseeing walk in the cave, then left the temple to go back to my home.
It was Tracey’s last night in Japan this time. We had a little party with a bottle of wine at home.
分類:観光案内(Sightseeing Guide)
ゲスト:トレイシー(オーストラリア) 鶴岡を午前1時頃出発。強風のため地嵐と雪でホワイト・アウトするような状況の中を走行。途中、最初のトイレ休憩では雪が少なくなった。
[Breakfast at the Satos in Kasumigaura city, かすみがうら市の義弟の家で朝食、가스 미가 우라시의 동생 집에서 아침 식사]
[The flower arrangement which Tomoko made, 正月用の生け花、정월 용 꽃꽂이]
[The pictures of a son and daughters of Susumu when they celebrated "coming-of-age" ceremony, 義弟の子供たちの成人式の写真、동생 아이들의 성인식 사진]
[As we came close to Tokyo, we could see the Tokyo Sky Tree, 都心に近づくにつれ東京スカイツリーが見えてきた。도심에 가까워지면서 도쿄 스카이 트리가 보이기 시작했다.]
[Lunch at the Odagawas in Haneda, 羽田の小田川家の昼食、하네다의 오다가와 집에서 점심 식사]
[Tracey and Yoshio, a nephew of my wife, トレイシーと妻の甥、트레이시와 아내의 조카]
[The entrance of Anamori Inari, 穴守稲荷神社の入り口、아나모리 신사의 입구]
[They are selling "Aburaage" or "deep-fried bean curd" and eggs which foxes' favorite food, キツネの好きな『油揚げ』と玉子、여우가 좋아하는 "튀김"와 계란]
[The statute of fox in front of the shrine, 神社前のキツネの像、신사 앞의 여우 상]
[The red shrine gates in front of the shrine, 神社前の赤い鳥居、신사 앞의 붉은 도리이]
[The statutes of foxes in front of the shrine, 神社前のキツネの像たち、신사 앞의 여우 상들]
[The group picture with the Odagawas and my 2nd son, Ryo, 小田川家の人々と集合写真、 오다가와 집 사람들과 단체 사진]
[With Tracey in front of the statute of Great Buddha, 大仏の前でトレイシーと、대불 앞에서 트레이시와 함께]
[The entrance of the hall of "Hase-Kannon", 長谷観音堂入口、하세 관음당 입구]
[At the entrance of Hasedera, 長谷寺の入り口にて、하세대라의 입구에서]
["Jizo Bosatsu" or "Ksitigarbha" for Mizuko kuyō (水子供養) or "fetus memorial service" 水子供養の地蔵菩薩、태아 공양을위한 지장 보살]
Course: Anamori-Inari穴守稲荷 – Daibutu大仏 – Hase-Kannon長谷観音 – Ofuna大船
Guest: Tracey from Australia
We [Susumu, Kikko’s younger brother, the driver, Kikko, Tracey and I] left Hodashi (Tsuruoka, Yamagata prefecture) at 1 am and headed for Kasumigaura-shi, Ibaraki prefecture, via Tohoku Highway.
When we left Hodashi, it was snow-storming. But Tohoku Highway was well managed, so we could drive confortablly to Ibaraki prefecture.
We arrived at Susumu’s home in Kasumigaseki city at around 8:15 am. Susumu’s wife served us nice breakfast. Tomoko, Susumu’s wife, teaches flower-arrangement, so she decorated beautiful flowers for New Year decoration.
[Breakfast at the Satos in Kasumigaura city, かすみがうら市の義弟の家で朝食、가스 미가 우라시의 동생 집에서 아침 식사]
[The flower arrangement which Tomoko made, 正月用の生け花、정월 용 꽃꽂이]
[The pictures of a son and daughters of Susumu when they celebrated "coming-of-age" ceremony, 義弟の子供たちの成人式の写真、동생 아이들의 성인식 사진]
We changed cars and Kikko drove her car to Kamakura, via Haneda, where her elder sister lives.
[As we came close to Tokyo, we could see the Tokyo Sky Tree, 都心に近づくにつれ東京スカイツリーが見えてきた。도심에 가까워지면서 도쿄 스카이 트리가 보이기 시작했다.]
We arrived at the Odagawas in Haneda at around 11 am. We had lunch at the Odagawas. Their son, Yoshio, guided Tracey and I to “Anamori-Inari” Shrine in Haneda.
[Lunch at the Odagawas in Haneda, 羽田の小田川家の昼食、하네다의 오다가와 집에서 점심 식사]
“Inari” is one of many popular gods in Japan. “Anamori-Inari” is a local god which is said to protect “hole” in the dike of Edo Bay.
[Keihin-kyuko Train running near the Odagawas, 小田川家の近くを走る京浜急行、오다가와 집 근처를 달리는 게이 힌 급행 전철]
“Inari” shrines have many red toriis (shrine gates) and statutes of “fox.” Foxes, especially white foxes are believed to be messengers of Inari god.
[The entrance of Anamori Inari, 穴守稲荷神社の入り口、아나모리 신사의 입구]
They sell “aburaage” or “deep-fried bean curd” at the shops in front of Inari shrine, because they are foxes’ favorite food.
[They are selling "Aburaage" or "deep-fried bean curd" and eggs which foxes' favorite food, キツネの好きな『油揚げ』と玉子、여우가 좋아하는 "튀김"와 계란]
“Anamori-Inari” used to be located at the ground where now Haneda Airport is. Then they constructed the airport, they moved the shrine to the current location.
[The statute of fox in front of the shrine, 神社前のキツネの像、신사 앞의 여우 상]
[The red shrine gates in front of the shrine, 神社前の赤い鳥居、신사 앞의 붉은 도리이]
[The group picture with the Odagawas and my 2nd son, Ryo, 小田川家の人々と集合写真、 오다가와 집 사람들과 단체 사진]
My second son, Ryo, joined us at the Odagawas to have lunch there. He has been appointed as a staff member of JCN (Japan Civil Network) in charge of Fukushima.
JCN(Japan Civil Network)
So he joined us from Fukushima and was accompanied until Kamakura.
Kikko drove us to Kamakura. Tracey and I got off at Daibutsu Zaka and visited Daibutsu in Hase. We visited Kotokuin temple where the Great Buddha was.
The statute of Great Buddha was said to be build in 1252, together with the housing building, but the wooden building was washed away by Tsunami in 1498.
[With Tracey in front of the statute of Great Buddha, 大仏の前でトレイシーと、대불 앞에서 트레이시와 함께]
After seeing the Great Buddha, we visited Hase-dera nearby.
[At the entrance of Hasedera, 長谷寺の入り口にて、하세대라의 입구에서]
There are many sightseeing spots in Hasedera, therefore I like Hasedera better than Kotoku-in.
[At the Manji(Buddhist cross) Pond, 卍池にて、만자 연못에서]
["Amida-do" or Hall for the statute of Amida, 阿弥陀堂、아미타불당]
The main hall is called “Kannon-do” where the wooden statute of “Kannon Bosatsu” or “Guanyin” is located. (It was prohibited to take a photograph.)
There is a nature trail behind the temple where you can see the city of Kamakura and Kamakura beaches of Zaimokuza and Yuigahama.
After taking a rest at a restaurant in the temple, we had a brief sightseeing walk in the cave, then left the temple to go back to my home.
It was Tracey’s last night in Japan this time. We had a little party with a bottle of wine at home.
分類:観光案内(Sightseeing Guide)
ゲスト:トレイシー(オーストラリア) 鶴岡を午前1時頃出発。強風のため地嵐と雪でホワイト・アウトするような状況の中を走行。途中、最初のトイレ休憩では雪が少なくなった。
[Breakfast at the Satos in Kasumigaura city, かすみがうら市の義弟の家で朝食、가스 미가 우라시의 동생 집에서 아침 식사]
[The flower arrangement which Tomoko made, 正月用の生け花、정월 용 꽃꽂이]
[The pictures of a son and daughters of Susumu when they celebrated "coming-of-age" ceremony, 義弟の子供たちの成人式の写真、동생 아이들의 성인식 사진]
[As we came close to Tokyo, we could see the Tokyo Sky Tree, 都心に近づくにつれ東京スカイツリーが見えてきた。도심에 가까워지면서 도쿄 스카이 트리가 보이기 시작했다.]
[Lunch at the Odagawas in Haneda, 羽田の小田川家の昼食、하네다의 오다가와 집에서 점심 식사]
[Tracey and Yoshio, a nephew of my wife, トレイシーと妻の甥、트레이시와 아내의 조카]
[The entrance of Anamori Inari, 穴守稲荷神社の入り口、아나모리 신사의 입구]
[They are selling "Aburaage" or "deep-fried bean curd" and eggs which foxes' favorite food, キツネの好きな『油揚げ』と玉子、여우가 좋아하는 "튀김"와 계란]
[The statute of fox in front of the shrine, 神社前のキツネの像、신사 앞의 여우 상]
[The red shrine gates in front of the shrine, 神社前の赤い鳥居、신사 앞의 붉은 도리이]
[The statutes of foxes in front of the shrine, 神社前のキツネの像たち、신사 앞의 여우 상들]
[The group picture with the Odagawas and my 2nd son, Ryo, 小田川家の人々と集合写真、 오다가와 집 사람들과 단체 사진]
[With Tracey in front of the statute of Great Buddha, 大仏の前でトレイシーと、대불 앞에서 트레이시와 함께]
[The entrance of the hall of "Hase-Kannon", 長谷観音堂入口、하세 관음당 입구]
[At the entrance of Hasedera, 長谷寺の入り口にて、하세대라의 입구에서]
["Jizo Bosatsu" or "Ksitigarbha" for Mizuko kuyō (水子供養) or "fetus memorial service" 水子供養の地蔵菩薩、태아 공양을위한 지장 보살]
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