About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130106 OCCED’s New Year Party at Happy in Hiratsuka

Date: Jan. 6, 2013 (Sun) fine

Place: Nepal & Indian Restaurant “Happy”(tel: 046-323-7531)

Participants: Mika, Mihoko, Kazuko, Mr. Tsuchida, Ms. Kondo, George

After attending SNCC service on the first Sunday of the year, Mihoko and I hurried to Hiratsuka station where Mika, Kazuko and Mr. Tsuchida were waiting for us.

[At the ticket gate of JR Hiratsuka Station, JR平塚駅の改札口にて、JR 히라츠카 역 개찰구에서]

In the past several years, we always had a New Year meeting somewhere in Shonan area. This time, we had the meeting at Nepal & Indian Restaurant “Happy” in Hiratsuka.

It is just 5 minutes from West Exit of JR Hiratsuka station. We arrived at the restaurant at 12:15.

[Waling in front of JR Hiratsuka Station, JR平塚駅前を歩く、JR 히라츠카 역 앞을 걷고있다.]

Kazuko, one of our members, is good at finding a nice restaurant. So she found it and recommended us all.

[Lunch Time Menu of Happy, ハッピーのランチタイムメニュー、해피의 점심 메뉴]

The cooks and the waitstaff of the restaurant are all Nepalese, and the taste of curry was really good.

[Mr. Tsuchida ordered a Nepal beer, ツチダさんはネパールのビールを注文、쯔찌다 씨는 네팔 맥주를 주문했다.]

[Nepal style naan and curry, ネパール式カレーと『ナン』、네팔 식 카레와 "난"]

There were several grades for the spiciness for their curry and I chose the spiciest curry. It was spicy and tasted very good! And, most importantly, the price was reasonable! If you buy “take-out” it costs only 500 yen.

[A group picture after the meeting, 昼食後の集合写真、점심 식사 후 단체 사진]

OCCED/Japan is a group for supporting an orphanage in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Mika Asai, who is a professional tour guide specialized for rarely-visited resions, is the leader of this group.

She happened to see a Nepalese girl whose name is “Anita.” Anita was supporting her mother and her brothers and had a dream of becoming registered nurse in Nepal.

Mika formed a group to support Anita financially and we had been supporting Anita until she realized her dream several years ago.

Now we changed the flow of the fund to a broader purpose of OCCED from a private support.

OCCED/Japan has meetings several times a year, and exchange information concerning Nepal and esp. orphanage support among members.

[After the meeting in front of "Happy" ミーティングの後でハッピーの店の前で、회의가 끝난 후 『해피』 앞에서]










[At the ticket gate of JR Hiratsuka Station, JR平塚駅の改札口にて、JR 히라츠카 역 개찰구에서]




[Curry and naan which Ms. Kondo ordered, コンドーさんが注文したカレーと『ナン』、콘도 씨가 주문한 카레와 "난"]



[Special kinds of curry at Happy, ハッピーの特選カレーメニュー、해피의 특선 카레 메뉴]


[Mr. Tsuchida ordered a Nepal beer, ツチダさんはネパールのビールを注文、쯔찌다 씨는 네팔 맥주를 주문했다.]


[We enjoyed Nepal curry and naan, 我々は ネパール式カレーと『ナン』を楽しんだ。우리는 네팔 식 카레와 "난"을 즐겼다.]

[A group picture after the meeting, 昼食後の集合写真、점심 식사 후 단체 사진]

[After the meeting in front of "Happy" ミーティングの後でハッピーの店の前で、회의가 끝난 후 『해피』 앞에서]

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