About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130102 Mt. Haguro (羽黒山414m), Tsuruoka(鶴岡), Yamangata Prefecture (山形県)

Hiking Date: Jan. 2nd, 2013 (Wed), Snow

Destination (mountain): Mt. Haguro (414m), Tsuruoka, Yamanaga Prefecture

Hiking course: Zuishin Gate – Shinkyou Bridge (Suga Fall) The Five Story Pagoda (National Treasure: round trip) – The First Hill –The 3rd Hill – Sanjin Gosaiden Shrine – Bus Terminal (Uphill trail: 2 km+1 km)

Partner: Up to the Five-story Pagoda; Tracey, then alone-hike.

Susumu, my brother-in-law, drove his travelling van from his home in Kasumigaura city to Tsuruoka city, more than 500 km, alone all night. It was snowing heavilily while driving inland part of Yamagata prefecture. I prayed the safety of the drive to my God seriously.

[My brother-in-law drove all the way from Kasumigaura city in Ibaraki to Tsuruoka city in Yamagata in snow storm, 義弟が茨城県霞ケ浦市から山形県鶴岡市まで吹雪の中を運転した、아내 동생이 이바라키 현 가스미가우라시에서 야마가타 현 츠루오카시까지 눈보라 속을 운전했다.]

When we came close to Shonai Plain, the snow changed into sleet, so it was warmer than mountainous area.

We arrived at their mother’s home in Hodashi, Tsuruoka city, at 8:45 am in one piece.

[Breakfast table at Hodashi, 妻の実家にて朝食、처갓집에서 아침 식사]

After having breakfast at Hodashi, my wife drove Tracey and I to the foot of Mt. Haguro. I thought it was too hard for Tracey to walk all the way up to the top of Mt. Haguro. So I asked her to wait at the big shrine gate near Zuishinmon.

["Torii" in front of Zuishin Gate, 随身門の前の鳥居、즈이신문(随身門)앞의 도리이]

[Tracey coming down in steep slope, 随身門の下の急坂を下るトレイシー、트레이시가 가파른 언덕을 내리고있다.]

[Suga Waterfall seen from Shinkyo Bridge, 神橋から見た須賀の滝、신교에서 본 스가 폭포]

I took Tracey to the five-story wooden pagoda (Gojuno-tou) which is about 650 years old, and a national treasure.

[Tracey between "Jijii Sugi" or "Granpa Cedar" and the five-story pagoda,『爺杉』と国宝五重塔の間に立つトレイシー、트레이시가 "할아버지 삼나무"와 국보 오층탑 사이에 서있다.]

There is a 1000-year old Japanese cedar called “Jijii Sugi” or “Grandpa Cedar.” So I took some pictures of her at the cedar and the pagoda, then I took her back to my wife’s car.

[The national treasure, Five-Story Pagoda of Hagurosan (built in 1372, 国宝『羽黒山五重塔』,국보 "하구로산 오층탑"]

[After seeing the five-story pagoda, I took Tracey back to the car, 五重塔へ案内してから、トレイシーを車まで見送った、오층탑으로 안내한 후, 트레이시를 차까지 배웅했다]

After I saw them off at the shrine gate, I had my lunch at a small traditional restaurant nearby. An old lady at the shop showed me a big shell-horn which is used for the festival.

[I ate Japanese style noodle for lunch, 近くの蕎麦屋でそばを食べた、소바 가게에서 메밀 국수를 먹었다.]

[Woman waitstaff and a trumpet shell, 店番のおばあさんとほら貝、가게를 보는 할머니와 소라 고둥]

After having lunch, I began climbing the steep trail to the top of Mt. Haguro.

It was sleeting when I began walking, then it became snowing in the middle of the mountain.

The trail is among the forest of giant Japanese cedars which are mostly 300-500 years old.

When I arrived at the main shrine of Mt. Haguro on the top of the mountain, it was almost snow-storming.

[It was snow-storming at the top of the mountain, 羽黒山山頂付近は吹雪だった。하구로산 정상 부근은 눈보라이었다.]

[The Hagurosan Shrine on the top of the mountain, 山頂の羽黒山神社、산정의 하구로산 신사]

[Snow-berried belfry, 雪に埋もれた鐘楼、눈에 파묻힌 종루]

But comparing with the coldness in Korea, I felt much warmer there. I took a rest at the restaurant at the bus stop of the shrine, then went back to S-Mall in Tsuruoka by bus.

[I took a bus from "Sancho-eki山頂駅" 山頂駅からバスに乗車した。산정 역에서 버스를 탔다.]

Just same as the previous year, I dropped in a spa called “Yupoka.” Since it was in the 2nd day of New Year holidays, the spa was very crowded.

[I got off at "Yupoka" Spa, 私は『湯ぽか』温泉で降りた。나는 "유포 카"온천에서 내렸다.]

When I came to S-Mall, to change the bus to Hodashi, it was after the final bus gone!

I took a taxi from S-Mall to Hodashi Village. When I arrived at my wife’s old house, they were about to start a big party.

[Dinner at the Satos in Hodashi, 佐藤家での夕食、사토 가정에서 저녁 식사]

After having dinner, they began “Karaoke” party. My mother-in-law, who is 91 years old, began singing “Ganpekino-haha” or “Mother at Pier.”

[Grandma (Kikko's mother) singing a song, おばあさん(妻の母91)がカラオケ中、할머니 (장모 91)이 가라오케 중]





登山コース:随神門~神橋/須賀の滝~国宝五重塔(ここまで往復)~一の坂~二の坂~三の坂~三神合祭殿~鐘楼~バスターミナル (上り坂2キロ+1キロ)



[At the service area of Sagae, Yamagata prefecture, 寒河江のサービスエリアにて、사가에(寒河江)휴게소에서]



[We arrived at Hodashi in one piece, 無事、文下(ほうだし)の妻の実家に到着した。무사히 호우다시(文下)의 처갓집에 도착했다.]


[After breakfast at Hodashi, 朝食後、妻の実家にて、아침 식사 후 처갓집에서]


[Zuishin Gate buried in snow、雪に埋もれた随身門、눈에 파묻힌 즈이신문(随身門)]


[Tracey at the steep slope, 急坂に立つトレイシー、트레이시가 가파른 언덕에 서있다.]

[Suga Waterfall seen from Shinkyo Bridge, 神橋から見た須賀の滝、신교에서 본 스가 폭포]

[Tracey between "Jijii Sugi" or "Granpa Cedar" and the five-story pagoda,『爺杉』と国宝五重塔の間に立つトレイシー、트레이시가 "할아버지 삼나무"와 국보 오층탑 사이에 서있다.]


[The national treasure, Five-Story Pagoda of Hagurosan (built in 1372, 国宝『羽黒山五重塔』,국보 "하구로산 오층탑"]


[Woman waitstaff and a trumpet shell, 店番のおばあさんとほら貝、가게를 보는 할머니와 소라 고둥]


[It was a sleeting rain at the foot of the mountain, 麓ではみぞれだった。산기슭에서는 진눈깨비이었다.]




[It was snow-storming at the top of the mountain, 羽黒山山頂付近は吹雪だった。하구로산 정상 부근은 눈보라이었다.]


[The Hagurosan Shrine on the top of the mountain, 山頂の羽黒山神社、산정의 하구로산 신사]



[I took a bus from "Sancho-eki山頂駅" 山頂駅からバスに乗車した。산정 역에서 버스를 탔다.]


[I got off at "Yupoka" Spa, 私は『湯ぽか』温泉で降りた。나는 "유포 카"온천에서 내렸다.]



[Grandma (Kikko's mother) singing a song, おばあさん(妻の母91)がカラオケ中、할머니 (장모 91)이 가라오케 중]

It was amazing that she sang many songs, including some folk songs she sang a ccapella.

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