About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120723 Mt. Yarigatake (槍ヶ岳 야리가타케, 3180m) 1st day

Hiking Date: July 23 (Mon) Fine

Destination (mountain): Mt. Yarigatake (3,180m), North Alps in Japan

Hiking course: Kamikochi Bus Terminal – Kappabashi – Myojin – Tokusawa – Yoko-o – Ichinomata – Yarisawa (Lunch) – Babadaira – Yarisawa-O-omagari – Tenguhara – Banryu Cave – Sessho Branch – Yarigatake Branch – Yarigatake Sanso (Lodge)

It's totally 22 km hiking distance. Yoko-o is about the middle point. From the bus terminal to Yoko-o (11km) it took me about 3 hours, but the rest of 11 km, it took me more than 8 hours!

Partner: None

I climbed Mt. Yari with one of my best hiking friends, Philip, in 2008. (Philip is now in Belgium and I miss him very much.)

It took us two days from the bus terminal to the Yarigatake-sanso (22km), but this time, I walked the same distance for a day.

I used the same direct bus from Shinjuku called “Sawayaka Shinshu-go”again. The bus arrived at the bus terminal in Kamikochi at 5:17. (6000 yen + peak time charge 1000 yen)

[I arrived at Kamikochi Bus Terminal at 5:17, 上高地バスターミナルへ5:17到着、가미코치 버스 터미널에 5:17도착]

After having breakfast, I began trekking at 5:40. It took me one hour to Myojin and another one hour to Tokusawa.

[I began trekking at 5:40、5:40にトレッキング開始、 5:40에 트레킹 시작]

[Aconitum or devil's helmet or blue rocket、トリカブト(鳥兜)の花、바곳/투구꽃]

[I arrived at Kappabashi, 河童橋に到着、갓파바시에게 도착]

It took me about one hour from Tokusawa to Yoko-o. That’s about half of the whole distance of the day.

I saw a group of monkeys while walking toward Yoko-o. It must be a family. I saw small monkeys as well as some big ones. The big monkey was walking along the trail for people while small monkeys went in the woods and bamboo bush.

[An adult Japanese monkey, 野生のニホンザルの成体、야생 일본원숭이의 성체]

It was an easy trekking trails from the bus terminal to Yoko-o (11km). The real trail starts from Yoko-o.

I passed Ichino-mata and Nino-mata, joint part of the rivers and arrived at Yarisawa Lodge at 11 am. Philip and I stayed overnight at this lodge in 2008. It was raining hard that time.

[The flow of river near Ichinomata, 一の俣付近の渓流、"이치노마타"부근의 계곡물]

["Gozentachibana" or "Cornus canadense" (Canadian Dwarf Cornel), ゴゼンタチバナ(御前橘)、"고젠 타치바나"]

I had lunch in front of the lodge. It was a clear day and I noticed that there was a telescope near the lodge. We could see the peak of Mt. Yari by the telescope well.

[I arrived at Yarisawa Lodge at 11:00, 槍沢ロッジに11時に到着、야리사와 로지에 11시에 도착]

[The top of Yarigatake seen from Yarisawa Lodge, 槍沢ロッジからみた『槍』の穂先、야리사와 로지에서 본 『창』의 정상]

I started at Yarisawa Lodge at 11:30. Soon, I came to Babadaira camping area. It used to be a lodge before, but snow avalanche crashed the lodge. Now it remains stone walls there.

[Flower of Hemerocallidoideae, キスゲの花、원추리과 꽃]

[Alpine flora, "Hakusan-furo" or "Geranium yesoemse var. nipponicum", 高山植物ハクサンフウロ(白山風露)、고산 식물"하쿠산후로"]

Yet there is a toilet, and water supply there, so it is a poplular place for campers.

[Babadaira Camping Place, ババ平野営場、바바다이라 야영장]

From Babadaira, the trail went to the U-shaped valley, typical landscape formed by glaciers.

["Yarisawa Cirque" seen from Babadaira, ババ平からみた槍沢カール、"바바다이라"로부터 본 야리사와 컬(Kar)]

[An alpine flora, "Miyamakinbai" or "Potentilla matsumurae", 高山植物のミヤマキンバイ(深山金梅)、고산 식물인 "미야마킨바이" ]

[The snow piled up near Yarisawa Omagari, 槍沢大曲付近の残雪、야리사와 오마가리 부근의 잔설 ]

The more I climbed toward Yarigatake, the more difficult the trail became. The trail became steep and steep, and sometimes difficult to distinguish.

[Snowy gorge near Tenguhara, 天狗原付近の雪渓、"탠구하라"부근의 눈 계곡]

[Now I could see the peak of Yarigatake beyond the snowy gorge,ようやく雪渓の背後に槍ヶ岳の頂上が見えた。드디어 설계의 배후에 야리가타케 정상이 보였다.]

["Iwakagami" or "Schizocodon soldanelloides" and Mt. Yarigatake, イワカガミ(岩鏡)と槍ヶ岳、"이와카가미"(바위거울)과 야리가타케]

["Kibana-shakunage" or "Rhododendron aureum", 高山植物のキバナシャクナゲ(黄花石楠花),석남화의 일종, 고산 식물]

There were marks of while circle on rocks. They are right path. But there are X-marks as well, which means no good or do not go to that direction.

[A signal for the trail, 岩に描かれた登山路の印、바위에 그려진 등산로 표시]

A man and his son, having huge bags on their backs, walked ahead of me, then I passed them while they were having rest. They were a father and his son, having camp at Sessho Lodge, near Yatsugatake Sanso.

[Near "Bozuiwa" in which a monk trained more than 170 years ago, 坊主岩の下で、"스님"바위 아래에서]

["Banryukutsu" or a Cave where Banryu trained himself about 170 years ago, 「播隆窟」(播隆が1834年に53日間修行した)、 「반류굴」 (반류가 1834년에 53일간 수행했다)]

[Snowy gorge near the top of Mt. Yarigatake, 槍ヶ岳頂上付近の雪渓、야리가타케 정상부근의 눈 계곡]

[槍ヶ岳山荘直下から槍ヶ岳の頂上を見上げる、야리가타케 산장 아래에서 야리가타케 정상을 우러러 본다.]

I finally arrived at Yarigatake Sanso at 5:17. After filling in the check sheet and paid 9,000 for a stay with 2 meals (6000 yen for a stay+2000 yen for two meals), I left my bag there and hurried to climb Mt. Yari.

[At last, I arrived at Yarigatake-Sanso, ようやく槍ヶ岳山荘に到着した。드디어 야리가타케 산장에 도착했다.]

Since the clerk at the lodge told me to return by 6 pm for supper, I climbed the last peak of Mt. Yari by 5:40 pm then came down to the lodge.

[I climbed at "spearhead" of Yarigatake, 槍ヶ岳の『槍』に挑戦、야리가타케의 『창』에 도전]

["Tsugazakura" or "Phyllodoce nipponica Makino" which I saw at "spearhead" of Yarigatake、槍ヶ岳の『槍』部分で見つけた日本固有の高山植物『ツガザクラ(栂桜)』、야리가타케의 『창』부분애서 찾은 일본 고유 고산 식물 『쯔가자쿠라』]

I had my supper at 6 pm and went to the bed of the lodge after the supper. I was so exhausted and went to sleep soon, without getting out of the lodge at night to see the beautiful sky with full of stars.

[The supper at the lodge, 槍ヶ岳山荘の夕食、야리가타케 산장의 저녁 식사]










[I arrived at Kamikochi Bus Terminal at 5:17, 上高地バスターミナルへ5:17到着、가미코치 버스 터미널에 5:17도착]


[I arrived at Kappabashi, 河童橋に到着、갓파바시에게 도착]

[Near Myojin Lodge, 明神山荘付近にて、묘진 산장부근에서]


[An adult Japanese monkey, 野生のニホンザルの成体、야생 일본원숭이의 성체]


[The flow of river near Ichinomata, 一の俣付近の渓流、"이치노마타"부근의 계곡물]


["Gozentachibana" or "Cornus canadense" (Canadian Dwarf Cornel, ゴゼンタチバナ(御前橘)、"고젠 타치바나"]


[The top of Yarigatake seen from Yarisawa Lodge, 槍沢ロッジからみた『槍』の穂先、야리사와 로지에서 본 『창』의 정상]

[I started Yarisawa Lodge at 11:30, 槍沢ロッジを11時半に出発、야리사와 로지를 11시반에 출발]


[Flower of Hemerocallidoideae, キスゲの花、원추리과 꽃]

[Alpine flora, "Hakusan-furo" or "Geranium yesoemse var. nipponicum", 高山植物ハクサンフウロ(白山風露)、고산 식물"하쿠산후로"]


[The remains of the old lodge and "Yarisawa Cirque", 旧山小屋の跡と槍沢カール、구산장의 자국과 야리사와 컬(Kar) ]

["Yarisawa Cirque" seen from Babadaira, ババ平からみた槍沢カール、"바바다이라"로부터 본 야리사와 컬(Kar)]

[An alpine flora, "Miyamakinbai" or "Potentilla matsumurae", 高山植物のミヤマキンバイ(深山金梅)、고산 식물인 "미야마킨바이" ]


[Snowy gorge near Tenguhara, 天狗原付近の雪渓、"탠구하라"부근의 설계]


[On the rock from which I saw a group of monkeys in 2008, 2008年にサルのグループを見た岩、2008년에 원숭이 그룹을 본 바위]

[Now I could see the peak of Yarigatake beyond the snowy gorge,ようやく雪渓の背後に槍ヶ岳の頂上が見えた。드디어 눈 계곡의 배후에 야리가타케 정상이 보였다.]

[An alpine flora, "Iwakagami" or "Schizocodon soldanelloides"、高山植物、イワカガミ(岩鏡),고산 식물인 "이와카가미"(바위거울)]

["Kibana-shakunage" or "Rhododendron aureum", 高山植物のキバナシャクナゲ(黄花石楠花),석남화의 일종, 고산 식물]


["Banryukutsu" or a Cave where Banryu trained himself about 170 years ago, 「播隆窟」(播隆が1834年に53日間修行した)、 「반류굴」 (반류가 1834년에 53일간 수행했다)]

注:播隆(ばんりゅう、1786年(天明6年) - 1840年11月14日(天保11年10月21日)は、江戸時代後半の浄土宗の僧。槍ヶ岳の開山、笠ヶ岳の再興者。(出典ウィキペディア)


[Looking down the Sessho Hutte (Lodge) from "Shoulder" of Yarigatake, 槍ヶ岳頂上付近から殺生ヒュッテを見下ろす、야리가타케 정상부근에서 "살생 휘테"을 내려다본다]


[At last, I arrived at Yarigatake-Sanso, ようやく槍ヶ岳山荘に到着した。드디어 야리가타케 산장에 도착했다.]


[I climbed at "spearhead" of Yarigatake, 槍ヶ岳の『槍』に挑戦、야리가타케의 『창』에 도전]

[『槍』の頂上付近から穂高方面を見る、『창』의 정상부근에서 호타카 방면을 본다]


[I returned to the lodge before 6 pm, 6時前に小屋へ戻った、6시전에 산장에 되돌아왔다.]



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