About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130113 Study Meeting about “Present status of Fukusima Restration” and “Organic Farming”

Date: Jan. 13 (Sun), 2013

Place: “Hakuoso(柏桜荘)” in Totsuka Ward, Yokohama

Course: “Study Meeting” at Hauoso – Fork Restaurant “Benibana”

Participants: 26 for “Study Meeting” and 10 for the wrap-up meeting at Benibana

My 2nd son, Ryo is working as a staff member of 3 different NGOs as below:

1) Japan Civil Network (in charge of Fukushima)

2) ASEED Japan

3) National Association for Promoting Organic Agriculture (全国有機農業推進協議会)
(In Japanese)

He organized a study meeting with the help of my wife on Sunday January 17, 2013.

The meeting was held at “Hakuoso” in Totsuka. “Hakuoso” is a public facility for aged people in the local community. She teaches English and Bowlroom Dance several times a week here.

[The entrance of "Hauoso", 老人福祉センター『柏桜荘』入口、노인 복지 센터 "하구오 장"문]

The study meeting started at noon, so I hurried to the place after the morning service of SNCC in Ofuna.

I arrived at Hakuoso about noon. Ryo and Kikko were preparing for the meeing when I arrived there.

[My wife was assisting her son, 妻が次男を支援した。아내가 둘째 아들을 지원했다.]

The participants were mostly the students of my wife, mostly senior people. Ryo seemed to be the youngest among all people.

[The audience were mostly senior citizens, 聴衆は妻の関係者が大部分、경청자는 아내의 관계자가 대부분.]

[Ryo began the meeting, 次男が勉強会を開始した。둘째 아들이 회의를 시작했다.]

He handed a piece of paper to everyone and asked them to write their names, questions concerning this great disaster and the status of reconstruction work, etc.

[Ryo handed a piece of paper to everyone, 次男は質問用紙を配布した、둘째 아들은 먼저 설문지를 배포했다.]

Each participant was asked to introduce himself/herself and their questions.

[A participant is introducing herself and her questions, 参加者が自己紹介と質問をしている。참가자가 자기 소개와 질문을하고있다.]

It’s a good method to break ice and he began speaking about the problem by answering to each question.

Some participant talked about her experiences during World War Ⅱbeing bombed by B29, and others talked about the relations between Hiroshima and Fukushima.

While answering to participants’ questions, Ryo introduced the current status of reconstructions of farming, esp. organic farming in Fukushima.

[Ryo is explaining the current statues of Fukushima, using the map. 次男が福島の地図を使って説明している。둘째 아들이 후쿠시마의지도를 사용하여 설명하고있다.]

He talked about the big potentiality of organic farming which effectively prevent farm products from nuclear contamination.

[The map shows "Hirakata" where my father was born. 私の父の生まれ故郷『平潟』を示す地図、나의 아버지의 고향 "히라 카타"를 나타내는지도]

During the meeting, he introduced a video by youtube. It was a speech by Mr. Seiji Sugeno.

Message video by Mr. Seiji Sugeno

Hearing my son’s and Mr. Sugeno’s presentation, I saw big hope in the future of Fukushima/Japan.

Nuclear contamination on land could be solved by introducing and spreading organic farming. And I see a great potentiality of organic farming in the future.

My biggest concern is the contamination of the water and esp. the sea.

Comparing the situation of land, the situation of the sea in Fukushima was difficult to measure.

My son honestly confessed that he was not sure about the contamination of the sea very well.

The study meeting was over at around 2:30 pm. My wife and Ryo and I headed for the folk restaurant “Benibana”together with some other participants to have a wrap-up party.

[After the study meeting at the hall of Hakuoso, 勉強会の後で柏桜荘の掲示板にて、회의 후에 하구오장 게시판에서]

[Introduction of my wife's classes, 妻のクラブの案内、아내의 클럽 안내]

The owner of Benibana comes from Yamagata prefecture. He called us VIP. So he closed the restaurant that day and served only for us.

[My wife at the entrance of Benibana, 郷土料理店『べにばな』入口、향토 요리점 "홍화"입구]

[At the wrap-up party at Benibana, 『べにばな』にて打ち上げパーティ、"홍화"에서 파티

He cut big “sashimi” as VIP “sashimi.” We enjoyed his dishes as well as “Karaoke.”

[Large slices of tuna for "VIP", VIP級マグロの刺身、VIP 급 참치 회]

Again, I was amazed by Roy’s filksongs for NGOs.








[The entrance of "Hauoso", 老人福祉センター『柏桜荘』入口、노인 복지 센터 "하구오 장" 입구]


[Ryo is preparing for the meeting, 次男が会議の準備をしている。둘째 아들이 회의 준비를하고있다.]

1) 東日本大震災支援全国ネットワーク(JCN):

2) ASEED Japan:

3) 全国有機農業推進協議会(全有協)


[Ryo began the meeting, 次男が勉強会を開始した。둘째 아들이 회의를 시작했다.]




[Ryo handed a piece of paper to everyone, 次男は質問用紙を配布した、둘째 아들은 먼저 설문지를 배포했다.]



[A participant is introducing herself and her questions, 参加者が自己紹介と質問をしている。참가자가 자기 소개와 질문을하고있다.]






[Advertising literature for "New Fukushima Brand",『ふくしま新ブランド』のチラシ、"후쿠시마 신 브랜드"전단지]

[Ryo is explaining "New Fukusima Brand"次男が『ふくしま新ブランド』の説明をしている。 둘째 아들이 "후쿠시마 신 브랜드"에 대한 설명을하고있다.]





[Ryo recommended Two books, 次男は2冊の本を推薦した。둘째 아들은 2 권의 책을 추천했다.]

「福島と生きる」: 国際NGOと市民運動の新たな挑戦 [単行本] 藤岡美恵子, 中野憲志 2625円

放射能に克つ農の営み―ふくしまから希望の復興へ [単行本]菅野 正寿, 長谷川 浩1995円



[Large slices of tuna for "VIP", VIP級マグロの刺身、VIP 급 참치 회]

[Delicious Japanese dishes, おいしい日本料理、맛있는 일본 요리들]


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