About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


Tasmania Tour (Winglass Bay & Mt. Amos)タスマニア・ツアー

Jan. 14, 2010.

I joined an organized Tasmania Tour named “Under Down Under Tours.” There are several courses, and I took the shortest, therefore cheapest tour named “Extreme East” with my friend, Kaz. The tour started at Hobart on 1/13 and ended at Launceston on 1/15 (2 nights 3 days.)

There were about 20 people from 11 countries (Japan, Korea, Germany, UK, HK, Italy, Netherland, Switzerland, Taiwan, Belgium and Australia.)

The first day, we went to the beautiful historical village named Richmond, then Port Arthur Historic Site and walked through the ruins of “Hell on Earth” for convicts. Then we came back to Hobart and stayed at a hostel.

The second day, we continued our tour with a micro-bus driven by a driver-guide named Rob. We went through the inland part of East Tasmania, and reached at Freycinet National Park. There were several rocky mountains at the seashore. We climbed to the middle of Mt. Amos. The lookout point was “Wineglass Bay Lookout.” The bay was really looked like “Wineglass” and worth coming up to the point. We stayed at a backpackers’ hostel at Bicheno where we took an optional tour for watching the parade of Little Penguin at night. We were very much impressed the cute penguins, but also the beauty of the night sky filled with countless stars.

山の友人のカズとタスマニアのツアーに参加した。タスマニアは北海道をやや小さくしたような島でオーストラリアの南に位置している。ツアーは日本でインターネットのサイトを通じて申し込んだ最も短い(2泊3日)もので「Extreme East」というツアー(飛行機代を含まず、現地の宿泊と朝食、ランチ込みで約460ドル)。1/13に南に位置する州都ホバードを出発し、美しいリッチモンド橋のある村を振り出しに開拓時代をほうふつとさせる「ポート・アーサー」を見学してからホバートへ戻った。初日の参加者は13名でうち日本人が5人だった。


さて、2日目は旅行のハイライトで、Mt. AmosのあるFreycinet国立公園を訪れた。海岸の砂浜はまるで一面塩のように細かな白い砂。また、海岸近くにそびえる岩山はなかなか立派だ。そのうちの一つ、アモス山の中腹の展望台まで往復1時間半の軽いハイキングをした。展望台は「ワイングラス湾」展望台で、実際、ここからみるWineglass Bayはきれいなワイングラスのように見えた。この日の宿泊はBichenoのホステルで、夜9時40分に出発する25ドルのオプション・ペンギン・ツアーに参加した。このツアーは10分おきに満員の大型バスが出るほどの人気で、事前予約が必要。夜になって海から上がってくるペンギンが、雛に餌をやるところがまじかに見えてよかったが、さらに感動したのは夜空の美しさだった。雲がまったく無い晴れた空では、富士山の夜間登山で見た星よりも多くの星々と天の川が見えた。


2010/1/9 Mt. Tounotake, 神奈川県・丹沢表尾根(塔の岳:1491m)

Destination: Mt. Tounotake, Course: Yabitsu Pass~Fujimibashi~Ninotou~Sannotou~Shindainichi~Tounotake~Miharashi~Ohkura, Hiking hours: 7 hours, Taking a bus which left Hadano (Odakyu) at 8:15 a.m. Arrived at Yabitsu at 9 a.m. It was a fine day. The bus was crammed with hikers, but the trail to Tounotake was not so crowded. Spotted some animal-droppings. They must be of deer’s. Could see Mt. Fuji well, but with some clouds. Had lunch at Shindainichi. It began cloudy and became very cold. It was only between there to Mt. Tounotake. Arrived at Tounotake at 2 p.m. Saw two male deer on the peak. Saw a helicopter hovering at Miharashi. I wonder if it was a rescue activity. Arrived at Ohkura at 4:30 p.m.

(A deer appeared in front of the lodge尊仏山荘の前に現れた鹿)



2010/01/05 Mt. Ohyama, Kanagawa, Japan(神奈川県、大山)

10/01/05, Mt. Ohyama (1252m)

Got off at Isehara of Odakyu Line. Took a bus for Ohyama Cable Station at 10:15. Arrived at the destination (terminal station) at 10:30 (300 yen.) Walked through a traditional shopping moll up to the Cable-Car Station for about 15 minutes. Then came to the fork in the trail. Took "On-na Zaka" trail, and walked for about one hour along the steps. Reached at Ohyama Temple at about 11:30. There are many interesting objects at the temple, including the place to throw "kawarake" or brown ware plete. If you pay 300 yen, they will give you a brown ware plete. They you are supposed to brake it, and throw it to the valley, thus you got rid of "bad luck."

About 15 minutes more walk along the steep stone steps, then you reach a big shrine called "Shimosha" which means a shrine at the down stage. From this stage, it begins the real mountain hiking. From Shimosha to the top of Mt. Ohyama, it takes about 90 minutes. From some spot, you can see Kanto Plane and on the other side, Mt. Fuji and Sagami Bay. I reached at the top of the mountain at 13:30. There were more hikers than I expected. They seemed junior or high school students, or young people of 20s, or retired people as well. Had lunch on the wooden table on the top of the mountain. There is a nice facilitated toilet there.

After taking about 30 minute rest, I began walking down toward "Miharashi" and "Hinatadaishi." The trail was muddy, but the view was very nice. I could see even the skyscrapers in Yokohama including Landmark Tower, and clear view of Mt. Tanzawa along the trail. Arrived at Miharashi at about 3 p.m. and "Hinatadaishi" at 4:20 p.m. Took 4:45 bus to Isehara (270 yen.)



2010/1/4 Mt. Haguro, Tsuruoka (山形県鶴岡市・羽黒山)

Mt. Haguro (羽黒山:414m), Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata Prefecture (山形県・鶴岡市)

Taking 9:20 bus to Haguro-san from S-moll, Tsuruoka. Got off at Haguro-Center at 10:00 (800 yen). The trail from the entrance to Haguro Shrine were completely buried with snow.

It was snowing a little at the entrance, but when I arrived at the top of the mountain, it was really snowed hard.

The statue of a crow, simbol of the shrine was also completely buried with snow.

The most of the trail is steep stone steps, but it is completely covered with snow, it is like a snow hill. It took about one hour and half, and I took 11:50 bus bound to S-moll (1430 yen.)

This is my first hike in the year 2010.





