About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140713 The 2nd visit on Korea: The 4th day "Church/Sutonggol(Geumsubong錦繡峰)" in Daejeon, Korea

Date: July 13 (Sun) Rain, then cloudy

Mountain: Geumsubong

Trekking Course: Parking Lot - Reservoir – Fork Point of Sutonggol – Soigoljae – Geumsubong – Sutonggol – Parking Lot Participants : 13 (USA, France, UK, Thai, Hong Kong, Ukraine, Canada, Germany, Korea and Japan)

It was raining in the morning, but it lit up by 9 am. I ate brown rice porridge which I brought from Japan. Marta cooked sunny side up for me, too.

After having breakfast, BJ sent me to the church in Shinseongdong by car. BJ and Marta and her mother-in-law went to a Catholic Church.

The morning service at Dream Church in Shinseongdong starts at 11 am. So, I arrived at the church a bit early.

[Luncheon at Dream Church, 『夢ある教会』の愛餐会、꿈있는 교회의 "애찬회"]

[At luncheon of Dream Church, 『夢ある教会』の愛餐会にて、꿈있는 교회의 "애찬회"에서]

The congregation was 10 including myself. Pastor Han’s message is always powerful.

After the service, we had fellowship luncheon. They cooked curry and rice, which is one of my favorite dishes.

After the luncheon, a couple of church member drove me to the main gate of KAIST.

[Hiking with Taejeon hikers at Sutonggol]

[Calystegia (bindweed), ヒルガオ、메꽃]

Marta came to the meeting place with her mother-in-law. Anna from Kazakhstan was busy that day but she came to say hello to us.

[At KAIST Main Gate, KAIST正門駐車場にて、KAIST 정문 주차장에서]

Michael from France came after long time absence. He married a Korean lady. They invited some of Taejonhikers because they met each other at Taejonhikers’ hike for the first time. They are having their first baby soon.

[At Sutonggol, ストンコルにて、수통골에서]

Ms. Yun and Mr. Cho of DJS (Dunsan Japanese Study) came for the hike.

[At Sutonggol reservoir、ストンコル貯水池にて、수통골 저수지에서]

Two students from Hong Kong and Thai Land joined us, too.

[At Sutonggol, ストンコルにて、수통골에서]

An international family of Canada and Germany and UK, Tina’s family joined us at Sutonggol.

[Stag beetle, クワガタムシ、사슴벌레]

George Furst of USA came a bit late. Mario from Germany came at 1:30 pm.

Total number of hikers was 13 and there were 4 drivers. We went to Sutonggol Parking Lot and began hiking at 2 pm.

We all began hiking after taking group pictures. The course was a simple loop, going to Small Sutonggol to Geumsubong, then coming down through Sutonggol to the parking lot.

Marta and her mother-in-law went up to the foot of the mountain, then returned to the parking lot.

[A group picture at Soigoljae, スェゴルジェにて、쇠골재에서]

Others kept going to Soigoljae. We had a short break there, then went to Geumsubong through observatory. We had a short break at the observatory, and arrived at the gazebo on the summit of Geumsubong at 4 pm.

[A group picture at the observatory, 展望台にて、전망대에서]

[A group picture at the observatory, 展望台にて、전망대에서]

[Cosmos on the summit, 頂上付近のコスモス、정상 부근의 코스모스]

[Pablo & Mario on the summit, 頂上付近にてパブロとマリオ、정상 부근에서 파블로와 마리오]

[Tina at the summit, 頂上にてティナ、정상에서 티나]

[At the gazebo, 頂上の東屋にて、정상의 정자에서]

Having a bit longer rest there, then we began descending the mountain.

[On the down trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]

On the way down, I walked mostly with Mario from Germany. He was to visit Japan to climb Mt. Fuji in August. We were the top among all.

[On the down trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]

[On the down trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]

The 2nd group hikers were KAIST students and DJS members. Then Tina and her family members. George Furst was the last hiker.

[Sparrows at the restaurant, 食堂の庭の雀たち、식당 정원에 참새들]

[At the garden of the restaurant, 식당 뒤뜰에서]

[Albizia julibrissin (pink silk tree),合歓の木、자귀나무]

We arrived at the restaurant for the wrap-up party at 5 pm. Marta and her mother-in-law were waiting for us there.

[After the hike, 登山後食堂の前で、등산 후 식당 앞에서]

[After the hike, 登山後食堂の前で、등산 후 식당 앞에서]

[At the restaurant, 食堂にて、식당에서]

[Pablo at the restaurant, 食堂にてパブロ、식당에서 파블로]

["Suiton", スイトン、수제비]

[George taking "Suiton"ジョージがスイトンを掬っている、조지가 수제비를 뜨고 있다]

Mr. Min of DJS came to join the party by car. So there were 14 members for the party.

[A group picture after the party, パーティ後の集合写真、뒤풀이 후 단체 사진]

We enjoyed duck meat dish and makgeolli and beer. We enjoyed the party for about 2 hours, and finished the party at around 7 pm.


分類:Travel、Korea, 登山、韓国、Taejonhikers







[夢教会(꿈이있는 교회)]

午前中、彼ら(BJ&Marta&シオモニ)は天主教のミサへ出席するため10時にアパートを出た。先に新城洞へ送ってもらったため、新城洞の夢教会(꿈이있는 교회)に早くついた。




[Luncheon at Dream Church, 『夢ある教会』の愛餐会、꿈있는 교회의 "애찬회"]


[At luncheon of Dream Church, 『夢ある教会』の愛餐会にて、꿈있는 교회의 "애찬회"에서]

[At luncheon of Dream Church, 『夢ある教会』の愛餐会にて、꿈있는 교회의 "애찬회"에서]



[At KAIST Main Gate, KAIST正門駐車場にて、KAIST 정문 주차장에서]


[At Sutonggol, ストンコルにて、수통골에서]

[At the entrance Sutonggol, ストンコル入口にて、수통골 입구에서]


[At Sutonggol reservoir、ストンコル貯水池にて、수통골 저수지에서]


[At Sutonggol, ストンコルにて、수통골에서]


[Pablo holds a big slug, 大ナメクジ、큰 민달팽이]


[A group picture at Soigoljae, スェゴルジェにて、쇠골재에서]

マリオとジェインツはドイツ人同士で先頭を. 行き、KAISTのケンとパチャヤも年齢・体格も似ているからか、彼らも一緒に中間を仲良く歩いた。

[A group picture at the observatory, 展望台にて、전망대에서]


[At the gazebo, 東屋にて、정자에서]


[Cosmos on the summit, 頂上付近のコスモス、정상 부근의 코스모스]

[Pablo & Tina near the summit, 頂上付近にてパブロとティナ、정상 부근에서 파블로와 티나]

[At the gazebo, 頂上の東屋にて、정상의 정자에서]

[At the gazebo, 頂上の東屋にて、정상의 정자에서]


[On the down trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]


[On the down trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]


[At the garden of the restaurant, 식당 뒤뜰에서]


[Albizia julibrissin (pink silk tree), 合歓の木、자귀나무]

[After the hike, 登山後食堂の前で、등산 후 식당 앞에서]


[At the restaurant, 食堂にて、식당에서]

[At the restaurant, 食堂にて、식당에서]


[George taking "Suiton"ジョージがスイトンを掬っている、조지가 수제비를 뜨고 있다]

[Two Germans, 二人のドイツ人、독일 사람들]


[A group picture after the party, パーティ後の集合写真、뒤풀이 후 단체 사진]