About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


111105 GangCheonSan (剛泉山강천산584m), Sunchang, JeonBuk Province全北(전북) 淳昌(순창)

Hiking Date: Nov. 5 (Sat) 2011

Destination (mountain): GangCheonSan (584m), Sunchang, JeonBuk Province

Hiking course: Parking Lot of GangCheon Temple – GangCheon Temple – Gureum Bridge (suspention bridge) – Gujanggun Waterfalls – Bukbawi – Fortrest Mountain – North Gate – West Gate – South Gate – Geumseong Fortrest Parking Lot

Partner: 30 AhToSan members

The weatherman said it would be rain all day. Some members chancelled because of rain predicted. But fortunately, it stopped in the dawn.

Since it was a bad weather, I tried to take a taxi from Shinsongdong to Expo South Gate. But no taxi came! I waited for more than 5 minutes, then gave up and switched to my bicycle, hoping that they would wait for my arrival.

The chairman of AhToSan called me at 7:05 when I was near the rainbow bridge of Expo. I arrived at the bus at 7:08 a.m., eight minute delay! But there was another person who came even after me! We left the bus stop at 7:12 a.m.

We arrived at the destination at 9:45. We were really lucky, that we had no rain there, and all day during the hiking.

[A group picture before the hike、出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체 사진]

The autumnal colors were just wonderful. We enjoyed seeing the colors all the way in the valley from the temple to the mountain.

         [The first waterfall, 第一の滝、제일 폭포]

[Beautiful autumnal color along the trail, 美しい紅葉の登山路、아름다운 단풍의 등산로]

First we saw a big waterfall. Water was plenty because of the rain on previous night. Then we climbed up to the suspension bridge.

[Beautiful autumnal color along the trail, 美しい紅葉の登山路、아름다운 단풍의 등산로]

When we came several years ago, we lost one of foreigners. I forgot his name but he was an Indian. We had a hard time to locate him. Then the leader of AhToSan asked several Korean hikers to help the foreigner to join us. I amazed their way to find the lost sheep. But the foreigner never joined us again afterward.

[Looking down the valley from the suspension bridge, 「クルムタリ」吊橋から渓谷を見下ろす、현수교에서 계곡을 내려다본다.][In the valley under the suspension bridge, 吊橋の下の渓谷にて、현수교아래 계곡에서]

When we came to the observation deck, we had the first rest time. Then we walked through the squire with several sculputers, and arrived at the foot of the mountain.

[At the observation deck in front of waterfalls, 複数の滝が見える展望台にて、여러개의 폭포가 보이는 전망대에서]

We climbed the mountain along the river. On the way, we had the 2nd rest with “makgeolli” and “ginger tea.”

Then we came to the steep up-ward hill and climbed “Bukpawi” which means “North Rock.”

[Climbing up to the North Rock, 北岩に登る、북바위를 오르고 있다.]     [On the "North Rock" 「北岩」の上で、북바위 위에서]

From the north rock, we walked along the old fortress. We could see the valley we had come clearly from the fortress.

At around 12:30, we had lunch on the ridge from where we had good views of mountains. Then we kept walking along the fortress wall.

[After lunch on the ridge, 稜線にて昼食後、능선에서 점심식사후]

We had a short break at North Gate of the fortress, then went down among the woods. When wen came to the old house with several benches, we had the 3rd break.

         [At North Gate, 北門にて、북문에서]

Then we went to the small house with “stage” where the family performed “martial arts.”Last time when I visited there, a father and two sons performed the martial arts, but not this time. The house looked empty. Anyway, we had the 4th break there.

Then we went to the south gate where it has “YongChungMun”plate under the roof. We had the 5th break there and took many pictures.

[YongChungMun of Geumseong Fortress, 金城山城の「勇忠門」、금성산성의 용충문][The map of Geumseong Fortress, 金城山城の地図、금성산성의 지도]

Finally we went down from there on paved road to the parking lot.

I took the easy course, without climbing the peak of GangCheonSan. But some other members went to climb these peaks.

We had “wrap-up” party not at the parking lot, but after moving to the appropriate place for about 10 minutes, we enjoyed the party.

[The chairman of AhToSan gives toast, アトサン会長が乾杯の音頭をとる。뒤풀이에서 아토산 회장님이 건배를 외치고 있다.]

Then we went to the place with big trees of metasequoia. It was a fantastic place to take pictures.

[At the street of Metasequoia, メタセコイアの並木道にて、메타세콰이아의 가로숫길에서]

We came back to Daejeon Expo South Gate before 8 p.m. It was a nice hike with variety of scenes.

It was my 58th hike for this year and my 258th hike of AhToSan regular hike.



登山コース:剛泉寺駐車場~剛泉寺~「クルムタリ(구름다리)」吊り橋(현수교) ~クジャングン瀑布(구장군폭포)~北岩(북바위)~山城山(サンソンサン산성산)~北門~西門~報国寺跡(보국사터)~南門~金城山城駐車場(10km,5時間)







[Shouting "Let's go mountains on Saturday,ア!土曜日は山へ行こう!아! 토요일은 산에 가자!]



[In front of the first bridge. 最初の滝の前で、제일 폭포 앞에서 ]

[Beautiful autumnal color along the trail, 美しい紅葉の登山路、아름다운 단풍의 등산로]



[At the observation deck in front of waterfalls, 複数の滝が見える展望台にて、여러개의 폭포가 보이는 전망대에서]



[At the North Rock, 北岩にて、북바위에서]
[Having lunch on the ridge, 稜線上で昼食をとる。능선에서 점심식사]


[At North Gate, 北門にて、북문에서]



[The pictures of Martial Arts performed by the family, 家族の少年たちが武術公演を披露している写真、소년들이 무술공연을 보여 주고 있는 사진]


[YongChungMun of Geumseong Fortress, 金城山城の「勇忠門」、금성산성의 용충문]

[A stone monument for Donghak Peasant Revolution, 東学農民革命軍の戦跡地であることを説明する石碑、동학농민혁명군 전직지의 석비]



[The chairman of AhToSan gives toast, アトサン会長が乾杯の音頭をとる。뒤풀이에서 아토산 회장님이 건배를 외치고 있다.]


帰路の途中、落葉樹の巨木[メタセコイア(学名:Metasequoia glyptostroboides)]の並木で撮影のための散歩。写真家たちが腕をふるい、モデルもあちこちでポーズをとった。

[At the street of Metasequoia, メタセコイアの並木道にて、메타세콰이아의 가로숫길에서]




111029 Mt. Jiri (智異山지리산), Nogodan(老姑壇노고단), Piagol(ピアコル피아골)

Hiking Date: Oct. 29 (Sat) Cloudy then fine

Destination (mountain): Mt. Jiri, Nogodan, Piagol

Hiking course: SeongSamJae – Nogodan – Dwejiryong – Piagol Shelter – Samheungso – Jikjeong Villege (15 km, 6 hours)

Partner: 33 AhToSan members (including my student, Jaegeun)

The destination of the 339th AhToSan Regular Hike was Mt. Jiri/Nogodan, Piagol Valley. The planner of this hike estimated as a 5 hour hike, but it actually took us 6 hours.

Jaegeun, one of my freshmen, could not find the proper meeting place last week, came to the meeting place at 6:50 a.m. this time. But the other 3 students, who joined me 2 weeks before, did not turn up at 7 a.m.

Jaegeun and I tried to reach them by calling them, but nobody answered our calls. One of them answered to Jaegeun at 7:08. He said he wake up then. All of them overslept! I could not believe the story! We immediately left the stop and headed for the destination.

On the bus, we had award-ceremonies. One for Kaizer who became “Best Member” since he joined the regular hike for 10 times.

[Kaizer was awarded as a "Best Member",カイザーは「ベスト・メンバー」になった。카이저는 「베스트 멤버」가 되었다.]

Another award went to Tempi, who joined the regular hike for 50 times! The stuff members prepared a kind of “cake”and put fired on a candle. She looked very happy.

[Tempi was awarded for her 50th hike with AhToSan, 「テンピ」の50回目登山記念、땡삐님의 50번째 등산 기년]

We arrived at the starting point at a little before 10 a.m. Jaegeun and I began walking together. He was wearing a warm sweater, but it looked too warm. So, several female members suggested to take off the sweater. They even helped him to put the sweater into his bag. I guess Jaegeun stimulated their maternal instinct because he looked very “cute.”

[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체사진]

We arrived at Nogodan Shelter at 10:38 and at Nogodan at 11 a.m. Jaejeun and I were actually in the top group!

[In front of Nogodan Shelter, 老姑壇退避所前で、노고단 대피소앞에서][At Nogodan, 老姑壇にて、노고단에서]

After taking pictures there, we went down to the foot of Nogodan. There we had fruits and makgeolli while taking the first “rest” time.

Then we began walking the ridge trail. While taking several pictures here and there, we arrived at Dwejiryong (literally means “Pig Pass”) at noon. It was a nice spot to have lunch because of the space and view of Mt. Jiri.

[On the trail along the ridge, 稜線の登山路にて、능선의 등산로]

I spread my sheet to have lunch with other members. Thus we could share our meals.

[Lunch at "Pig Pass"、「テジリョン」にて昼食、돼지령에서 점심식사]

After having lunch, some members suggested to take group pictures. It was nice to take group pictures, but unfortunately some member stepped on the sticks of other’s. The top of the sticks were broken. It was an embarrassing moment for both of them.

After taking group pictures, we continued the ridge walk, then went down to Piagol Valley. When we came down to the valley, we could see beautiful autumnal colors here and there. We enjoy seeing and taking pictures of these beautiful leaves.

[A group picture after the lunch, 昼食後の集合写真、점심식사후의 단체사진][On the way to go down to Piagol, ピアコルへ下る登山路にて、피아골에서 내리오는 도중에서]

It’s a bit rocky trail but Jaegeun did a good job. When he run out of his two bottles of water, we arrived at Piagol Shelter, where we could have drinking water. The autumnal colors around the shelter were beautiful, too.

[At Piagol Shelter, ピアコル待避所にて、피아골 대피소에서]

We kept walking after the shelter along the river. Then we could hear big sound of music over the woods. It was a kind of attraction event for sightseers. A female singer was singing some melancholic songs. Two young guys painted their whole bodies white, were performing pantmime.

[Near the bridge in Piagol Valley, ピアコルの橋のたもとで、피아골 다리 옆으로][With Jaegeun in Piagol near the exit, 栽根とピアコルにて、재근과 함께 피아골에서][Two "white" pantomimists, 二人の「白い」パントマイニスト、"흰" 판토마이니스토들] [A singer was singing in the woods, 歌手が林の中で歌っていた、가수가 숲속에서 노래하고 있었다.]

We arrived at the parking lot at 3:45 p.m, so it was almost 6 hour hike. The menue for the wrap-up party was called “Daeji-kogi (pork) kimchi turu-chige(soup)”and makgeolli. Jaegeun and I enjoyed them a lot.

[A wildflower near the parking lot,駐車場付近で見かけた野生の花、주차장부근에서 본 야생화][At the wrap-up party at a parking lot, 駐車場で「打ち上げ」、주차장에서 뒤풀이]

This was my 57th hike for this year and my 257th as AhToSan regular hike.







行きのバスの中ではカイザーとテンピ[땡삐(땅벌’의 방언:강원, 경상, 충북)]の表彰式があった。カイザーは10回なので「優秀メンバーカード」の授与だが、テンピは50回で、テンピには途中のサービスエリアで購入した饅頭の山に点灯式も演出された。

[Tempi was awarded for her 50th hike with AhToSan, 「テンピ」の50回目登山記念、땡삐님의 50번째 등산 기년]




[In front of Nogodan Shelter, 老姑壇退避所前で、노고단 대피소앞에서][At Nogodan, 老姑壇にて、노고단에서]




[On the trail along the ridge, 稜線の登山路にて、능선의 등산로]

[Lunch at "Pig Pass"、「テジリョン」にて昼食、돼지령에서 점심식사]


[A group picture after the lunch, 昼食後の集合写真、점심식사후의 단체사진]


[On the way to go down to Piagol, ピアコルへ下る登山路にて、피아골에서 내리오는 도중에서]


[At Piagol Shelter, ピアコル待避所にて、피아골 대피소에서]


[With Jaegeun in Piagol near the exit, 栽根とピアコルにて、재근과 함께 피아골에서]



[Two pantominists and AhTo members, パントマイニストとアトサン会員、판토마이니스토와 아토님들]


ティップリの準備のため、先を急いだ5、6人に続いて到着した。この日のティップリメニューは「豚肉キムチ・トクルチギ(되지고기 김치 투루치기)だった。

[A wildflower near the parking lot,駐車場付近で見かけた野生の花、주차장부근에서 본 야생화][At the wrap-up party at a parking lot, 駐車場で「打ち上げ」、주차장에서 뒤풀이]
