About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


SR # 37 "Status quo of COVIT-19 infection in NSW and extension of lockdown" "Wentworth Falls trek before strengthening lockdown" "Trekking alone in Lane Cove National Park"SR #37号「NSW州における新型コロナの感染状況とロックダウンの延長」「ロックダウン強化前のウェントワース・フォールズ・トラック」「レインコーブ国立公園単独トレッキング」SR # 37 호 "NSW 주에서 신종 코로나의 감염 상황과 봉쇄 의 연장" "봉쇄 강화 이전 웬트워스 폭포 트랙" "레인코부 국립 공원 단독 트레킹"

SR # 37 "Status quo of COVIT-19 infection in NSW and extension of lockdown" "Wentworth Falls trek before strengthening lockdown" "Trekking alone in Lane Cove National Park"

"Status quo of COVIT-19 infection in NSW and extension of lockdown"

As of July 30, 2021, the cumulative number of infected people in Australia is 33,730 and the death toll is 923. The problem is that the number of newly infected people has not decreased at all even though the lockdown is strengthened, but rather the day before yesterday recorded the peak of 247 people. (Of which, NSW has 239 people, accounting for 96.7%.)

[Cumulative number of infected people in Australia、豪州における累計感染者数、호주의 누적 감염자 수]

Moreover, vaccination is currently only about 40% of the total population over the age of 18 (those who completed the second vaccination is18%.)

[Number of new infections,(last 2 weeks),豪州における新規感染者数(過去2週間),호주의 신규 감염자 (지난 2 주)]

Under these circumstances, I finished the second vaccination with the AZ vaccine on the 9th of July, and my wife also finished the first vaccination on the 21 of July.
[COVID-19 digital certificate,新型コロナ・デジタル認証証、신종 코로나 디지털 인증 증]

The lockdown this time is quite thorough, and not only restaurants/eateries but also shops other than those which deal with daily necessities are closed. We can not go beyount 5 km no matter the purpose is, and even for exercise, only up to two people can go together, unless you are the same family members.

I live in a share house, but the weekly cleaning service is also disallowed.

The last group trekking I participated in was the Wentworth Falls trek on July 3rd, the day the lockdown was strengthened, and group activities and travel over 5km were banned from 12:00 pm that day.

From the next week until today, I cannot go trekking with my friends and this situation seems to go on one more month. It is hard for me.

"Wentworth Falls trek before strengthening lockdown"

Lockdown had already begun before Saturday, July 3, but the number of people who could go together was up to 10. And we could go to the Blue Mountains area then. So, Joe Song, a member of Saturday Hikers, called for the trek to Wentworth Falls that day.

[My Korean trekking friends at Weeping Rock, ウィーピング・ロックの前にて、슬피 록 앞에서]

In addition to Joe, the participants of the day were Mr. Lim, Korean missionary Rev. Kim, and Joe's friend Mr. Lee, who joined for the first time on the day, and myself. Another regular member, Isaac, was absent.

[At the 2nd bottom of Wentworth Falls,ウェントワース・フォールズの2番底にて、웬트워스 폭포의 두번째 바닥에서]

Wentworth Falls is the largest of the three major Blue Mountain Falls, Katoomba Falls and Leura Cascade, and is the largest of its size. Wentworth Falls has 3 stages; the first, second and third tiers.

We went down the steep stone stairs to the second stage frist. Then we went on National Track and went down through the slacks stairs, to the bottom of the third stage.

[Rev. Kim at the slacks stairs, スラックス・ステアーズにてキム牧師、바지 스테아즈에서 김 목사님]

From there, we took a track at the bottom of the valley called "Wentworth Pass" toward Emperes Falls, crossed several creeks downstream of the waterfalls, and had lunch near Emperes Falls.

At Emperes Falls, young people use robes to descend the waterfalls. It will be cold at 5 degrees Celsius or less at this time of year, but it will be okay if they wear wet suits.

[Near the Empress Falls, エンペレス・フォールズ付近にて、엔뻬레스 폭포 부근에서]

The trail from Emperes Falls to Conservation Hut has recently undergone a major refurbishment, making it a pleasing track.

Conservation Hut is a restaurant with a panoramic view of the valley, but we have never used it because we always have our own lunch box.

The trail from Conservation Hat to Wentworth Falls Station is rather flat and about a 30-minute walk. My daily walking distance on this day was 15.6km, the number of steps was 24,530, and the number of floors was 69.

"Trekking alone in Lane Cove National Park"

Lane Cove National Park is on the Chatswood West side, where my eldest son's family lives, less than 2km from the national park. So when I was living with them, I used to go there many times a week.

After that, when I got to know The Great North Walk, I became to know that the third to fifth sections of this 260km track were in this national park.

The share house I currently live in is on the east side of Chatswood Station and takes about an hour to access.

On Saturday, July 10th, when lockdown regulations were tightened, I walked alone on the fourth section of the Great North Walk, and on my way back, I walked on the riverside walk across the Lane Cove River.

Along the way, I met many people walking and running in the park for exercise. All follow the regulations and walk alone or with two people, but in the case of a family, three or more people are allowed.

On this day, after leaving the share-house in the Chatswood East, I crossed the Pacific Highway via Chatswood Station and headed for the trackhead at Ferndale Park.

This track is "Rail to River" track from Chatswood Station to the Lane Cove River, the trail I walk almost every morning.

Upon arriving at the Lane Cove River, I entered the "The Great North Walk" track. At the entrance to the park is a guide post of The Great North Walk. "It is 18km from Sydney Cove and 3.2km to Magdala Park (the end of the 2nd section)".

[Guide Post of the Great North Walk, ザ・グレート・ノース・ウォークの標識、그레이트 노스 워크 표지판]

When you enter the park, there is a gentle hill, and above that there is a park office and a cafe. Before the lockdown, the Bilbe study group which I belong, used to hold Bible every Wednesday morning.

When you pass this cafe, you will find the entrance to the bushwalk track and another guide guide post, which shows the distance to the destinations of the course in the park as below.

- Fiddens Walf Oval 1.7 km
- Blue Hole 4 km
- DeBurghs Bridge 4.2 km
- Thornleigh Oval 11 km
- Lane Cove River weir via GNW/Riverside Walk 9.3 km
[The Lane Cove River, レインコーブ・リバー、레인코부 리버]

This solo trekking was a course that took GNW # 4 to the DeBurghs Bridge, crossed the bridge to the opposite bank of the Lane Cove River, and went along Riverside Walk to the weir (dam.)

[At DeBurghs Bridge, ディバーグ・ブリッジにて、디바구 브리지에서]

The total walking distance per day was 24.1km, the total number of steps was 34,186, and the total number of floors was 44. The horizontal direction was long and the vertical direction was less momentum than regular Blue Mountains trekking.

In any case, I hope the pandemic will be settled sooner and the day of free trekking with friends on the Blue Mountains will return as soon as possible.


SR #37号「NSW州における新型コロナの感染状況とロックダウンの延長」「ロックダウン強化前のウェントワース・フォールズ・トラック」「レインコーブ国立公園単独トレッキング」



[Cumulative number of infected people in Australia、豪州における累計感染者数、호주의 누적 감염자 수]


[Trends in NSW Infections (Last 2 Weeks),NSW州の新規感染者数の推移(過去2週間)、NSW 주 신규 감염자 수의 추이 (지난 2 주)]


[COVID-19 digital certificate,新型コロナ・デジタル認証証、신종 코로나 디지털 인증 증]







[A distant view of Wentworth Falls,ウェントワース・フォールズの遠景、멀리서 본 웬트워스 폭포]


[At the bottom of Wentworth Falls,ウェントワース・フォールズの三段底にて、웬트워스 폭포의 삼단 바닥에서]



[Mr. Lee at the slacks stairs,スラックス・ステアーズにて李さん、바지 스테아즈에서 이씨]



[Near the Empress Falls, エンペレス・フォールズ付近にて、엔뻬레스 폭포 부근에서]













[At the Lane Cove Natioanl Park,レインコーブ国立公園、레인코부 국립 공원]



[Guide Post of the Great North Walk, ザ・グレート・ノース・ウォークの標識、그레이트 노스 워크 표지판]

- フィッデンズ・ワーフ・オバールまで 1.7 km

- ブルーホールまで4km

- ディバーグ橋まで4.2km

- ソーンレイ・オバールまで11km

- GNWを経由してリバーサイドウォークにはいりレインコーブ・リバーのダムまで9.5km


