About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


Sydney Report No. 11 "Mt. Fuji and Mt. Yari” Mountain Guide" # 6 "Coming Down from Mt. Yari” SR 第11号 「富士山と槍ヶ岳 山岳ガイド」#6 (Final) 「槍ヶ岳下山」"후지산과 야리가타케 산악 가이드」# 6 (마지막)"야리가타케 하산 "

Sydney Report No. 11 "Mt. Fuji and Mt. Yari” Mountains Guide" # 6 "Coming Down from Mt. Yari”

It was my last day to be a conductor/guide for 10 guests from Sydney to Japan this summer. We were lucky that we had fine weather for most of the days. But for the last day, it was raining in the morning.

[Morning on Mt. Yari on July 18, 槍ヶ岳の夜明け、야리가타케의 새벽]

The weather influences hiking plan a lot. It is really difficult to take good pictures if the weather is bad.

[Near the top of Mt. Yari, 槍ヶ岳頂上付近にて、야리가타케 정상 부근에서]

In order to be a good guide, I came to Mt. Yari before they came. I enjoyed the good weather very much then. I could climb the top of Mt. Yari and also I could take pictures of alpine flowers as well as magnificent views of the mountains.

[A view from the top of Mt. Yari, 槍ヶ岳頂上からの展望、야리가타케 정상에서의 전망]

However, it was raining on the day I came with my guests, and my biggest concern was “safety” of my guests.

[Mt. Yari when I came alone, 一人で来た時の槍ヶ岳、혼자 왔을 때의 야리가타케]

When I came down to the scree-covered slope (between "Bozuiwa and Baba-daira" where I mistook the direction previous day, I witnessed a man being treated by his companies. He must have slipped and hurt his head. His head was wrapped by bandaging.

I did not have “first aid kit” so I worried a bit. In case that someone among my guests got hurt, I could not give sufficient support to them.

Fortunately, no one slipped, or got hurt in our group, only got sopping wet. When we arrived at “Yokoo Lodge” I could feel easy and relaxed.

[In front of Yokoo Lodge, 横尾ロッジの前にて、요코오 로지 앞에서]

The trail was flat and easy from Yokoo to Kamikochi Bus Terminal. And on the way to the bus terminal, near Myojinike, we came across a group of wild monkeys.

[In front of Yokoo Lodge, 横尾ロッジの前にて、요코오 로지 앞에서]

I saw several mother monkeys with their kids. They were up on trees. Some strong monkeys were walking on the trail. Some young monkeys jumped into the water. It was fun watching them.

[A mother monkey with a kid, 母ザルと子ザル、어머니 원숭이와 새끼 원숭이]

[A monkey walking on the trail, 登山路を堂々と歩くサル、등산로를 당당히 걷는 원숭이]

[A monkey swimming in the river, 川で泳ぐサル、강에서 원숭이가 헤엄 치고있다]

We came down to the bus terminal at around noon. I suggested my guests to visit one of the hotels in Kamikochi where they offered bathing service. The name of the hotel is Kamikochi Alpine Hotel. It costs 600 yen for each, but it is worth paying it. We could bathe and wash our soaked bodies and we could change our clothes.

After changing clothes, we went to a restaurant near Kappabashi and had late lunch with beer.

I had reserved the seats of high way bus to Shibuya. The bus left at 15:50 and arrived at Shibuya bus terminal at 20:35.

I guided them all to JR Shibuya Station and said good-bye to them on the platform. I hope they all enjoyed the trip and hike to Mt. Fuji and Mt. Yari.


シドニーレポート 第11号 「富士山と槍ヶ岳 山岳ガイド」#6 (Final) 「槍ヶ岳下山」


[A view from Mt. Yari on July 18, 槍ヶ岳からの展望、야리가타케에서의 전망]


[Near the top of Mt. Yari, 槍ヶ岳頂上付近にて、야리가타케 정상 부근에서]


[A view from the top of Mt. Yari, 槍ヶ岳頂上からの展望、야리가타케 정상에서의 전망]


[Mt. Yari when I came alone, 一人で来た時の槍ヶ岳、혼자 왔을 때의 야리가타케]

そもそも足場が悪いうえ、雨に濡れて岩場が滑りやすい。坊主岩から前日道迷いした天狗原分岐点までの間で足を滑らせての転倒によるものか、頭部を負傷して手当てを受けている男性の横を通った。 私は6人を案内している立場だが、この男性を介護している人たちが使っている介護用のキッドなどを持っていないことに気づき、さらに下りの歩みが慎重になった。 転倒を防ぐには、慎重な足取りとスティックの使用が不可欠だ。幸い、何事もなく、ババ平、槍沢ロッジ、横尾と無事に下った。

[In front of Yokoo Lodge, 横尾ロッジの前にて、요코오 로지 앞에서]




[A mother monkey with a kid, 母ザルと子ザル、어머니 원숭이와 새끼 원숭이]


[Monkeies walking on the trail, 登山路を堂々と歩くサル、등산로를 당당히 걷는 원숭이]

[A monkey swimming in the river, 川で泳ぐサル、강에서 원숭이가 헤엄 치고있다]




