About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110301 GappaSan (469m), Daejeon 甲下山(カッパサン)・大田

Date: March 1, 2011 (Tuesday)

Place: GappaSan (469m), Daejeon

Course: Gyeryong Service Area – Gapdong Daesagol – 380.6bong – Mt. GappaSan – Return to Gyeryong Service Area (About 4 km, 3 hours)

Partners: Alan and 8 Taejeonhikers members

March 1 is a national holiday in Korea. They commemorate March 1st for the first day of Korean resistance during the Japanese occupation in 1919.

It happened to be Alan’s birthday. I still remember the day when we celebrated his birthday at an inn at foot of Mt. Jiri, in 2004.

Anyway, he planned an easy hike to Mt. GappaSan in the suburbs of Daejeon on March 1, 2011.

10 of Taejeonhikers got together at the main gate of KAIST in the afternoon. We headed for Gyeryong Service Area by 3 cars.

Participants were: 3 Americans including Alan, 3 Japaneses including myself, 2 Koreans (mother and her daughter), 1 Rumanian and 1 Canadian.

[At Gyeryong Service Area, 鶏龍休憩所にて、계룡휴계소에서]

We parked our cars at the service area and began walking toward Gapdong, at the foot of the mountain. I climbed this mountain 3 times before, but the last time was about 5 years ago and I was not sure the exact location of the trail.

[Alan explained the hike, 地図でコースを説明するアラン、지도로 코스를 설명하는 앨런]

We asked some local people and found out that the entrance of the trail was along the highway between Daejeon and Gongju.

[The small brook at the entrance of the trail, 登山路入口の小川、등산로 입구의 시냇물]

It was well facilitated with new ropes for handlines. All hikers except Alan and I went fast climbing the mountain.

Alan and I needed to rest while climbing on the steep slope, so we went on rather slowly.

[Walking along the ridge,尾根伝いに頂上へ、산등성이를 따라서 정상에]

When we reached at 308.6-bong, it began snowing a little bit. We could see snow remained along the trail and tree leaves.

[Looking at GyeryongSan from the ridge, 尾根から鶏龍山を望む、산등성이로에서 계룡산을 본다]

Alan and I arrived at the top of Gappasan at 3:30 p.m. The rest of the hikers were waiting for us.

[甲下山頂上のヘリポート、갑하산 정상의 헬기장]
[At the top of Mt. GappaSan, 甲下山頂上にて、갑하산 정상에서]

We just returned from Gappasan simply taking the same trail to the service area. Then we decided to have dinner together.

[Coming down from the top, 同じ道を下る、같은 등산로를 내려간다]

The Korean lady (or her daughter) suggested to go to a unique restaurant near Mt. GyeryongSan. The name of the restaurant is “Geureume Dal Gadeusi” or “Just like a moon with clouds.”

They have a big furnace in which they burn firewoods. There were many lanterns hanging from the ceiling. We ordered Korean dishes such as “pajong”“bibingpap”etc.

We all enjoyed having nice food and casual conversation. After the dinner, the Japanese couple took me to Shinseong-dong, where we live.

It was my 14th hike for this year, and the lightest hike so far.









[At Gyeryong Service Area, 鶏龍休憩所にて、계룡휴계소에서]




[Taking a short rest while climbing up to the top, 頂上への途中で一休み、정상에의 도중에 휴식]


[At the top of Mt. GappaSan, 甲下山頂上にて、갑하산 정상에서]




その後鶏龍山の近くの「그름에 달 가듯이(雲が月にかかるように)」という変わった名前のレストランへ行った。

[At the restaurant near GyeRyongSan, 鶏龍山近くのユニークなレストラン、계룡산 가까운 식당 "구름에 달 가듯이" 에서






110226 Mt, MakJangBong (887m) and Mt. JangSeongBong (917m), Gyongbuk and Chungbuk (幕場山と長城山、慶北・忠北)

Date: Feb. 26 (Sat) Fine, but strong wind at the mountain

Place: MakJangBong (887m) and JangSeongBong (917m), in Gyongbuk & Chungbuk Province

Course: Jesuri – MakJangBong – JangSeongBong – Shimyosal Valley – Ssangguk Parking Lot (About 12 km, 6 hours.)

Partner: 40 AhToSan Members (Including 4 foreingers: Japan, Mexico, China and India.)

The weatherman predicted rain, but it began raining late at night. We could enjoy this hike without getting wet. Only complain was the strong wind. It blew so strongly that my tripot stand was almost falling down when I was taking a group picture.

We left at South Gate at 7 a.m. and arrived at Jesuri at 9:15.

In spite of the cold weather, Soumen came with light wears. Someone recommended him to buy climbing irons. It was good for him to follow the advice. He needed the gear when he decended the mountain.

[A group picture at Jesuri, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체사진]

Also, some members lent him a scarf and a pair of gloves. So he could enjoy the hiking without freezing.

We had warming up exercise before hiking. During the whole hiking, we did not see any other hikers besides AhToSan members. So, it must be not so popular course. Yet the moutain was good, and the hiking course was really nice.

[Warming up exercise, 出発前の準備体操、출발전의 준비 체조]

They were rather rocky mountains. We had to climb on the rocks, one after another. During the first one hour, I was in the last group.

[On the ridge,稜線の岩場で、능선의 정망대에서]

We had a couple of rest time. They call it “Suzuki Time” because I bring fruits such a s grape tomatoes, kumquat or “kinkan” in Japanese. When we arrived on the ridge, we had the 1st Suzuki Time. When we came to the observation point, we ahd the 2nd Suzuki Time.

I arrived at MakJangBong at noon, together with SanSalang (president of AhToSan) and JeongDaUn (vice president).

[At MakJangBone, 幕場峰にて、막장봉에서]

From MakJangBong to JangSeongBong, we had to make a round trip using the same trail. The last group of the people were too late to make this round trip. They decided to skip JangSeongBong. However, I did head for JangSeongBong.

It was 1:40 p.m. when I arrived at JangSeongBong. Most of the members were having lunch already. Since I arrived there rather late, I did not have much time for lunch.

[At JangSeongBong, 長城峰にて、장성봉에서」

“JangSeong” means Great Wall in China. The view of the mountain looked like “Great Wall”that’s why they named the peak “JangSeongBong.” Anyway, the view from JangSeongBong was good.

We walked the same trail back to MakJangBong. Then we began decending the mountain. Since the slope was steep and frozen, it was absolutely necessary to wear climbing irons. I saw him wear the gears there.

After decending for a while we saw waterfalls beautifully frozen. The first frozen waterfall was just besides of the trail. The 2nd one was in the valley, a bit far from the trail. The three foreigners were strong enough to walk extra and they went close to the frozen waterfall.

[In front of the frozen water fall, 凍った滝の前で、언 폭포 앞에서][Three foreigners went close to the frozen waterfall in the valley, 渓谷の凍った滝の前で、계곡에 있는 언 폭포 앞에서]

When I came to the trail with few snow, I took off my climbing irons. Then I came to the river completely frozen. It was fun to walk on the ice, but I must walk very carefully.

[Walked on the frozen river, 凍った川の氷の上を歩く。언 강 위를 걸었다][Support Center which I saw before, 見覚えのある支援センター、본 기억이 있는 지원센터]

Then we came to the open area which I remember that I came before. We came to the parking lot where our bus had been waiting for us at 3:30 p.m.

[At the wrap-up party, スユクともち米マッコリでティップリ、수육과 찹쌀막걸리로 뒤풀이]

When all AhToSan members came to the bus, we moved to the suitable place for Tippuri (Wrap-up) Party. The menu of the party were: Suyuk (boilded pork), tofu, kimchi and “Chapsal Makgeolli.”It was my first time to drink “Chapsal Makgeolli” and it tasted really good. The color of regular makgeolli is while, but this makgeolli is brawn.

We ended the party at 4:15 p.m. and went back to Daejeon.

This was our last “winter-hike” in Korea, and it was my 13th hike for this year and my 230th AhToSan regular hike as total number.

登山月日:2011年2月26日(土) 晴れ、ただし、山では強烈な風。

登山地:慶北(キョンブク경북)、聞慶(ムンギョン문경)/忠北(チュンブク춘북)、槐山(クェサン과산)にまたがる幕場峰(マクチャンボン막장봉 887m)と長城峰(チャンソンボン장성봉 916m)

ジェスリ(제수리) – 幕場峰(막장봉) ←-→ 長城峰(장성봉) – シミョサリ渓谷(시묘살이계곡) - 双谷(쌍곡) 12 km (6時間)




[We arrive at Jesuri at 9:15,ジェスリへ9時13分に到着、제수리에 9시13분에 도착]



["The Chair Rock" 椅子の岩、의자 바위]




「At MakJangBone,幕長峰にて、막장봉에서]





[In front of the frozen water fall, 凍った滝の前で、언 폭포 앞에서]


[Walked on the frozen river, 凍った川の氷の上を歩く。언 강 위를 걸었다]


[Support Center which I saw before, 見覚えのある支援センター、본 기억이 있는 지원센터]



[At the wrap-up party, スユクともち米マッコリでティップリ、수육과 찹쌀막걸리로 뒤풀이]




110219 Mt. BangJangSan, JeonBuk & JeonNam 方丈山(743m)、全北の高敞郡と井邑市、および全南の長城郡

Date: Feb. 19 (Sat) Fine

Place: Mt. BangJangSan, JeonBuk & JeonNam

Event: Shisanje (To-begin-hiking Ceremony)

Course: JangSeongGalJae – Mt. Sseuri (734m) – Mt. SeoDaeBong – Mt. BangJangSan (743m) - GoChangGoGe – Mt. ByongOBong (640m) – YangGoSalJae (About 10 km, 5 hours.)

Partner: 40 AhToSan Members (No foreigners except myself.)

A lot of snow still remins in the moutains, yet I felt much warmer than before. We left the Expo South Gate at 7 as usual and arrived at JangSeongGalJae before 9:30 a.m. We began walking snow-covered trail after taking group pictures.

[A group picture at JangSeongGalJae, 『長城峠』にて団体写真、장성갈재에서 단체사진]

These days, it seems that I am always left behind most of members. This day, too, I was one of the last hikers until the first peak called “Peak 515.” I caught up with other people while “Chinan-Saram” was providing “Jangsu Makgeolli” from Seoul.
I followed suit of “Chinan-Saram” that is to offer “Chestnut Maggeolli” and “Chon-ha”(warm sake) to other people. But the thermo was not good enough to keep sake warm. It was a bit lukewarm or cold.

We arrived at “Sseuri-bong” a bit before 11 a.m. They we walked along the ridge. We passed two more peaks and had lunch at helicopter pad. It was wide enough to have lunch with all members together.

[The snowcovered trail,雪に覆われた登山路、눈이 쌓인 등산로]

“Yoreji” brought “Ogok-pup” or “Five grain dishes” and “Namul” or seasoned vegitables for other members, while Chinan-Saram cooked “Samgyopsal” or “pork belly” which most of Koreas liked very much.

To my surprise, a newcomer named “Gakchi” brought 40 cups of Chinese wine named “回春神酒”in Chinese characters (special wine to regain man’s power.) It tasted very good. The visce president,“Jeongdaun,”also provided “ume” liqueur. So we enjoyed various kind of wine during the lunch time.

After the lunch, I tried to keep up with the top group, and before we arrived at “Gochang Pass” I shared my jinsen candies and small chocolates with other members.
We repeated climbing up and down, one peak after another. The last peak was called “Byogobong” then we began decinding the mountain.

[On the ridge, snow began melting,稜線では雪が解け始めていた。능선에서는 눈이 녹가 시작하고 있었다.][On the way down,下山途中にて、하산 도중에서]

We finally arrived at “Yanggo Salje” at 3 p.m. So it took 2 hours to climb and 3 hours to decend, totally 5 hour-hike.

We moved from the parking lot of “Yanggo Salije” to another parking lot of “Gochang Upseong” for Tippuri Party. Gochang Upseong was build during the Japanese invation to the penisula duing the 16th century. The fortress was rebuilt recent days and some members (including me) sneaked into the sightseeing spot without paying fee. (I did not notice the ticket selling both.)

[In front of "Gochang Upseong, 高敞邑城(コチャンウプソン)の前で、고창읍성앞에서][At "Gochang Upseong,高敞邑城内にて、고창읍성내에서]

The menu of Tippuri was Tubu-chige soup and soju. Again, “Yoreji” provided home-made wine called “SulSunJu” which also tasted good.

[At Tippuri (Wrap-up) Party, ティップリパーティにて、뒤풀이에서]

It was my 12 hike this year and my 229th hike with AhToSan as total.

登山月日:2011年2月19日(土) 晴れ


長城峠(장성갈재)~スリ峰(쓰리봉734m) ~西大峰(서대봉)~方丈山(방장산743m)~高敞峠(고창고개)~ビョゴ峰(벽오봉640m)-ヤンゴ峠(양고살재)(約10km, 5時間)



[A stone monument for reunification of Korea,祖国統一を願う記念碑、조국통일 기원 비][A group picture before the hike, 出発前の団体写真、출발전, 단체사진][On the trail to the first peak, 最初の峰へ登る途中で、첫 번째 봉우리에 오르는 도중에서]


[The snow-covered trail, 雪に覆われた登山路、눈이 쌓인 등산로]



[Lunch at the heli-pad, 山頂のヘリポートにて昼食、정상의 헬리기장에서]


[On the ridge, snow began melting,稜線では雪が解け始めていた。능선에서는 눈이 녹아 시작하고 있었다.]


[At "Gochang Upseong,高敞邑城内にて、고창읍성내에서]


[At Tippuri (Wrap-up) Party, ティップリパーティにて、뒤풀이에서]
