About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


Tomio_Twitter 110203 - 110215

#140: 2月15日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO Happy to see my twitter followers' list longer each day. Just found a DayKEC member having started following my twitters. Thanks, Hirolin!

#139: 2月12日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO p.s. Pls go, see her speech at: http://bit.ly/hNskl1 RT @GLOCALHIRATSUKA: Michelle Obama's speech about soliving American kids' obesity.

#138: 2月12日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO よじ登る?穴あけて通り抜ける?もっとよい方法は、「壁」を忘れることでは?難関を越える以外に解決策はあるはず!何もかも忘れて、自分がしたいことに没頭しては、いかが?ツイッターを連射することも、その一つでは? RT @hatsuming: 目の前に大きな壁があったらどうするか?どう

#137: 2月12日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 本者と偽者の見分け方、お見事!でも、こちらも本者でないとできない業ですね。。 RT @ssscoldluckocnn: さっきお坊さんの格好してお布施をくださいと事務所の玄関に立っているので 般若心経を読んだらお布施を出すよと言ったら帰って行きました。 皆さん偽坊主にご注意を!

アメリカで日本の評価が低くなったのは、日本がオンリーワンである分野が広がっていないからでは?日本の起業家の国際化が停滞しているからでは?起業家への政府の支援が少なすぎるからではないでしょうか? RT @konotarogomame: 再送 ブログ更新:小さくなる日本 http:

#135: 2月12日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO IT の歴史は常にDigital Natives によって拓かれます。 DG の元祖は Steve Jobs や Bill Gates でしょう。1970 - 1980 年代、20 歳前後で今の PC を開発、産業化しました。今の IT の元祖です。RT @hatsuming

#134: 2月12日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO US first lady Michelle Obama's speech is and persuasive. She's talking about solving American kids' obesity. Why not go and hear it online?

#133: 2月12日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO Please tell more about the movie next time. RT @hatsuming: I'm watching a soap opera, "Sex and the city". Is is funny and foolish. And I

#132: 2月12日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 追伸 -- 英語(外国語)の習得には、「集中」と「定期的な継続」が不可欠です。今日 5 時間勉強して、明日はゼロでは上達しません。最低1日30分勉強する、これを毎日続けることです。RT @GLOCALHIRATSUKA: 今、英語を使って一番やってみたいことは何ですか?海外旅行

#131: 2月3日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 今、英語を使って一番やってみたいことは何ですか?海外旅行?友人作り?ビジネスの国際化?海外の自動車事情?禅宗の海外普及?自分が最も関心のある活動を英語でやってみること -- これが、英語力向上の近道です。RT @ssscoldluckocnn: @Georgeinkorea

DR #190 “Report on my summer vacation 2011”「2011年夏休みの総括」

DR #190 “Report on my summer vacation 2011”

Just like last year, I got 2 month summer vacation this year, too.

I went back to Japan on July 5, after climbing Mt. Jungwonsan with AhToSan friends on July 2nd.

My wife and I visited our son’s family in Sydney from Aug. 8 to 17, and I came back to Korea on August 19, so I stayed in Japan for a little over a month.

During my stay in Japan, I climbed 5 different mountains including Mt. Fuji (Mt. Hiuchi, Mt. Shibutsu, Mt. Tounodake, Mt. Chokai), and I also visit Tsuruoka, Yamagata prefecture to attend a memorial service for my father-in-law.

Beside these activities, I also visited my relatives in Fukushima and Ibaragi prefectures where the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami hit. When I visited them before was more than 20 years ago. If there were no such disaster, I would never visit them. Because of this disaster, we could reestablish the old relationship.

I could also reestablish the old relationship with my neighbors by attending “radio gymnastic exercise.” I used to attend this kind of activities during the summer vacation during my elementary school days. My wife and I happened to be board members of “neighborhood association.” It was a duty to join this exercise every morning, but I enjoyed this exercise every morning. This activity helped me think of importance of daily exercise.

[Radio gymnastic exercise, ラジオ体操、라디오 아침 체조,早操]

The visit my son’s family in Sydney strengthened 3-genearation ties starting from ourselves. My wife and I enjoyed the stay with my son and his wife and 3 of our grandchildren there.

I could also enjoy the sightseeing tour into one of Jenolan Cave courses in Blue Mountain with my son. It was my 3rd visit on the cave and 2nd endeavor to walk inside of the cave. There are at least 5 different routes.

As a mountain climb lover, it had been my wish to climb Ayers Rock (Uluru) for a long time. Now my dream came true this time. I could climb Ayers Rock this time.

The only regret for this summer vacation was the fact that one of my best friends, and my mentor, Mr. Uchida passed away.

He had been suffering from kidney failure and having dialysis treatment 3 times a week since the year 2000.

In spite of physical difficulties and limits, Mr. Uchida had been encouraging and teaching English many people. I was one of such beneficiaries.

When I decided to come to Korea, he encouraged me. He was the one who encouraged me to start writing DR.

Recently he began twittering (actually he started last December) and left 316 twitters until June 2011.

Getting permission from Mrs. Uchida, I began uploading his all twitters to my blog so that many people can read them.


As he wrote his own twitter (#77), “memories may disappear or banish, but records may stay,” I will also keep recording what I did/thought in my blog.

Best regards,

George Suzuki








[Radio gymnastic exercise, ラジオ体操、라디오 아침 체조,早操]










110718 Mt. Tounodake, Tanzawa, Kanagawa (神奈川県丹沢、塔ノ岳)

Hiking Date: July 18 (Mon) 2011, (Marine Day)

Destination (mountain): Tounodake (1491m) Tanzawa, Kanagawa Prefecture

Hiking course: Yabitsu Pass – Ninotou – Sannotou – Karasuoyama – Gyoshagatake – Shindainichi – Tounodake – Ohkura Bus Stop

Partner: None

[Mt. Fuji from Tanzawa, 丹沢表尾根から見た富士山、단자와 등성이로부터 본 후지산]

It was a national holiday, Marine Day in Japan.
So, there were many hikers in the mountain. The weather was cloudy influenced by Tyhoon 6. Though it was in the middle of July, it was not sizzling hot, but rather cool day and good for hiking.

The bus bounding for Yabitsu from Hadano left at 7:35. It was full with hikers. The bus arrived at the pass at 8:10. I started walking after using the toilet there. I arrived at Fujimi Lodge at 8:40 from which the uphill trail began.

[Fujimi Lodge, 富士見山荘、후지미산장][Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima or Arisaema urashima、ウラシマソウ、"우라시마초"]

I arrived at Ninotou at 9:45, so it took about one hour from Fujimi Lodge. From Ninoto, I walked along the ridge trail, it was quite comfortable.

[Campanula punctata (Spotted Bellflower),ホタルブクロ(蛍袋),초롱꽃]

[Rosa multiflora (Multiflora Rose, Baby Rose, Rambler Rose)、ノイバラ(野茨)の花、찔레꽃]

I arrived at Sannotou at 10:10. There I took a short rest and ate one rice ball which my wife made. Then I arrived at Karasuoyama at 10:45 and Gyoshagatake at 11:06. The hardest spot was Gyoshagatake along the ridge trail, but I experienced much harder slope in Korea. I arrived at Shindainichi at 11:49 and reached at the top of Tounodake at 12:40.

[The statue of Ksitigarbha near Sannotou, 三ノ塔付近の地蔵像、산노토우부근의 지장보살상][Karasuo Lodge, 烏尾山荘、카라스오 산장][At the top of Tounodake, 塔ノ岳頂上にて、토우노다케 정상에서]

So, it took me for 4 hours and 20 minutes from Yabitsu Pass to Tounodake. I had lunch there.

While having lunch, I noticed that there were two male deer (stags) browsing on the grasses near the top of the mountain. I could take nice pictures of stags and Mt. Fuji there. Soon after I took pictures, the clouds covered the mountain and I could not see Mt. Fuji any more.

[A stag near the top of Tounodake, 頂上付近で草を食む牡鹿、정상부근에서 풀을 먹는 숫사슴]

When I finished lunch, and began decending the mountain, I noticed that there were two female deer (does) with a small deerlet. So there were many deer in the mountain.

[A doe and its deerlet, 牝鹿と子鹿、암컷사슴과 아기사슴]

I began decending the mountain at 1 p.m. and arrived at Ohkura Bus Stop at 3:20 p.m. So, it took me 2 hours and 20 minutes for 6.8 km.

When I came down to the road, I noticed that beautiful "mountain lily" was blooming. This wild lily is the flower of Kanagawa prefecture. It has strong fragrance.

[Lilium auratum (山百合 yamayuri; literally "mountain lily"、神奈川県の花「山百合」、가나가와 현의 꽃, 산나리)[Ohkura Visitor Center, 大倉ビジターセンター、오쿠라 비지터 센터]

On the bus to Shibusawa from Ohkura, I noticed a middle-aged couple whom I saw on the bus from Hadano to Yabitsu. So, I talked to them.

They said they were from Setagaya, Tokyo. Both of them enjoy hiking as a common hobby. How nice it is to have a common hobby, I thought.

I went back to Ofuna via Yokohama using Sotetsu Line. It was 5:30 p.m. when I came back to Ofuna. I missed seeing Sumo on TV that day.

By seeing TV news, I became to know that Nadeshiko Japan won World Cup of Women Soccer that day.

It was my 41st hike for this year.




[Sagami Bay from a window of the bus, バスの窓から見た相模平野と相模湾、버스 창문으로부터 본 사가미 평야와 사가미만]


[Yabitsu Pass, ヤビツ峠、야비쯔 고개]


[Hikers climbing up to Sannoto, 三ノ塔に登る登山客たち、산노토우에 오르는 등산객들] [Campanula punctata (Spotted Bellflower),ホタルブクロ(蛍袋),초롱꽃]


[Aquilegia (Columbine; from Latin columba "dove"),オダマキ(苧環),매발톱꽃]

[Looking down Karasuo Ridge from Mt. Sannotou, 三の塔から烏尾尾根を望む、산노토우부터 카라수오 산등성이를 바라다보다.]



[A stag near the top of Tounodake, 頂上付近で草を食む牡鹿、정상부근에서 풀을 먹는 숫사슴]




[A doe and its deerlet, 牝鹿と子鹿、암컷사슴과 아기사슴]



[Lilium auratum (山百合 yamayuri; literally "mountain lily"、神奈川県の花「山百合」、가나가와 현의 꽃, 산나리)[Ohkura Visitor Center, 大倉ビジターセンター、오쿠라 비지터 센터]






Tomio_Twitter 110125-110203

#130: 2月3日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 英語を使って何をしたいか?その目的意識が明確、確固であれば、英語は必ず上手くなります。なぜか?英語の上達が楽しくなり、英語学習が挫折しないからです。RT @Georgeinkorea: @GLOCALHIRATSUKA @hatsuming 「中断せずに続けよ」ですね。好奇心

#129: 2月3日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO Editorials differ. Read more than one paper, and read between the lines. RT @jtben: He's right, y'know RT @TeMaSaCi: Really? RT @kenmogi:

#128: 2月3日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO はい、正確には、「慣れるまで習え(い続けよ)」です。これが、"Practice Makes Perfect" の真意です。 RT @hatsuming: やはり、習うより慣れよ!ですね。頑張りますo(^-^)o RT @GLOCALHIRATSUKA: 動詞を単語としてだけで見

#127: 2月1日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 昔、ある人が言いました。「人は、40歳までは<未来>をむさぼり食って生き、それ以降は<過去>をかじりながら生きる」と。今は、インターネットで時空を超えて、過去、現在、未来を学ぶことができる時代だ。年齢(老若)が問題ではなく、このツールを活用する意志と能力が問われる時代になった。

#126: 2月1日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 動詞を単語としてだけで見ることは止めましょう。必ず、文章の一部として読むことを習慣にしてください。動詞が文章でどう使われているか、即ち、自動詞と他動詞の区別がわかるようになります。RT @hatsuming: なるほど!勉強になります。では、更にもう一つアドバイスを頂けますか

#125: 2月1日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 5W1H を覚えましょう。出だしは Who (主語)。What (動詞)。目的語があれば他動詞です。I'm reading your twitter now. I'm twittering, too. 前者は他動詞、後者は自動詞です。 RT @hatsuming: 【質問です

#124: 1月31日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 今、「甘えの構造」に浸かっている人が大勢います。「誰も、私に、何もしてくれない」と愚痴をこぼしている人たちです。例えば、政治や医療に対して。これは明らかに「してくれない症候群」です。RT @ssscoldluckocnn: @GLOCALHIRATSUKA 同感です。何か私が

#123: 1月25日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 世の中には、人に慰めてもらいたいと願っている人がいます。この人たちは、自分で苦しむことが足りない人であり、他の人を慰めてあげられない人なのではないでしょうか。RT @ssscoldluckocnn: 知人に悩みを聞かされたけど、自分のことは自分で苦しむしかないと思うけど、、。

#122: 1月25日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 大賛成!先ず、中学高校の英語の先生に、英語教師資格として、 TOEIC 800 点以上を取ってもらいたいですね。RT @konotarogomame: TOEFLのほうがいいかと。でも賛成です!RT @ikedanob 大学も語学の入試はやめてTOEICにすれば、高校以下の

#121: 1月25日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 観ました。家族、それも、祖母と孫を軸に、今主流のコミュニケーション・ツールを啓蒙!さすがパナソニックのコマーシャルですね。孫4人の顔が浮かびました。 RT @s_nagaya_: さっきのCMありました。パナソニックの2007年くらいのCMです。「天国のおばあちゃんからのメール


Tomio_Twitter 110118-110125

#120: 1月25日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 「ピーターの法則」という本をご存知ですか?人は、組織の昇進途中で、必ずいつかは無能になる、という法則。著者は「創造的無能者」になれ、と説く。一番有能でいられる地位を得たら、自ら意図的に無能を演じ、その段階で昇進を止めてしまえ、という教えです。あなたに、そんな生き方がきますか?

#119: 1月22日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 切実な必要を感じなければ、外国語を習得しようとする確固たる意識を持つことはできません。「外国語が大切」程度の認識では、使える外国語は、なかなか身につかないでしょう。RT @masatokanzaki: その人にとってなぜその外国語を勉強する必要があるのかが曖昧だからではないで

#118: 1月20日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 敵と味方の区別ができない?誰のこと、言ってるんだい?お前のことだよ。以下英文の私流の意訳です。RT @GLOCALHIRATSUKA: If you're a person who can't distinguish between the subject and the

If you're a person who can't distinguish between the subject and the object, ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee. 出典:某英文法書。

#116: 1月20日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 自分の仕事(職業)を、自分の言葉で紹介できるようにしたい。「私の仕事は、見守るのではなく、看護(みまも)ることです。」今日、通院している病院の看護師さんが、こう語ってくれた。日頃世話になっている、すばらしい看護師さんです。患者として、いつも、感謝です。

#115: 1月20日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 物事は正確に覚えなくてはいけない。うろ覚えではいけない。新聞や本やツイッターで名言や名文を読んだら、最低3回は暗誦してみよう。そうすれば、その言葉や文章は、自分の財産になる。これは、いろいろな試験の受験生にも言える。正確に覚えれば、試験は、必ず、合格する(高得点が得られる)。

#114: 1月20日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO Steve Jobs がいなかったら、今の 21 世紀はない。この記事の筆者とまったく同感!記事中のジョブズの写真がキリストに見えませんか?この記事必見です。RT @Newsweek_JAPAN: ジョブズはアップルに戻らない - http://bit.ly/hUliOo

#113: 1月18日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 今は、専らメールで、もう少し前はFAXか電話で、もっと昔はテレックスで、さらにその前はエアメールで。アメリカとのビジネスコレスポンデンス媒体の変遷です。これからは、メディアは、ツイッターとその個人 DM になるかも。今は昔!真に時空を超えるコミュニケーション時代到来ですね。

#112: 1月18日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO ツイッターの世界を暗示する記事ですね。もう、匿名は隠れ蓑にならないかも。だから、実名を名乗るツイッターを尊敬し信用し、拝聴、拝読している。RT @Newsweek_JAPAN: プライバシーは死んでいる -http://bit.ly/gdfDGZ

#111: 1月18日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO すばらしいオバマ大統領の言葉!英語の勉強にも最適。ぜひ、暗誦してください!RT @BarackObama: We must face the challenges of today with the strength, persistence, and determination.


Tomio_Twitter 110114-11-118

#110: 1月18日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO The artist, if genuine, looks at his heart & mind, NEVER at photos. RT @kenmogi: Francis Bacon painted his works looking at photos.

#109: 1月18日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 人は、顔を合わせたり、目に見える所にいる相手から声が掛ると返事をします。壁やドアなどで隔てられると、「ハイ!」という返事をしないようです。だから、病院では、医師、看護師、事務員からマイクで名前を呼ばれても返事をしない人がいるのでしょう。RT @ssscoldluckocnn:

#108: 1月18日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 早くワクチンを打ってもらってください。若いからといって免疫性があるわけではありません。寒さ対策もお忘れなく。RT @hatsuming: 不調を訴えていた上司のインフルエンザ感染発覚( ̄□ ̄;)!!私も菌の保有者かも?!背中と頭が痛い( -_-)

#107: 1月18日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO ブログの〆の言葉、同感です:「センター試験の点数では差がつかないかもしれないが、高校生の時の様々な活動や論文や面接で、最もとりたい高校生をとるほうが大学にとってもよいのではないか」RT @konotarogomame: ブログ更新: http://bit.ly/hHpaUAセンター試験の点数では差がつかないかもしれないが、高校生の時の様々な活動や論文や面接で、最もとりたい高校生をとるほうが大学にとってもよいのではないか。

#106: 1月17日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO ツイッター開始おめでとうございます。これで未知の世界がどんどん拓けていきますよ。ツイッターで、得意の人生論をじゃんじゃん語ってください。楽しみにしています。RT @ssscoldluckocnn: やっと繋がりました。 こんなに大変だとは、思いませんでした。

#105: 1月17日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 柔道家山下泰裕さんの恩師佐藤宣践先生の言葉: (1) ちやほやされて天狗になるな。練習がおろそかになる、(2) 素質があっても怪我をしては何もならない。体調管理は万全に!(3) 若さは永遠には続かない。今、目の前に来たチャンスを逃すな。山下さん、神奈川新聞に「わが人生」を連載中。

#104: 1月17日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO JapanTimesをツイッターで読み始めました。今朝の記事(下記)など、センター試験の受験生向けに格好な記事!英語学習もツイッター時代に突入!RT @japantimes: More snow, rough weather on wayhttp://ow.ly/3EQtc

#103: 1月17日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 私の経験では、英語でのコミュニケーション力に比例して、日本語も上達してきたと思っています。「これ、英語だったらなんと言うかな?」「これ、日本語では何と言うかな?」と、常に頭の中で<通訳>してきたからだと思います。習慣は優れた師です。 RT @masatokanzaki: 語学の語学の才能は全員が持っていると思います。もし持っていなければ、母国語でコミュニケーションを取ることができないからです。

#102: 1月17日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 自分の言動を客観視する「もう一人の自分」がいますか?もう一人の自分は、早合点や暴走に急ブレーキをかけてくれる助っ人です。不要な発言をしてしまうと、修復に時間がかかります。余裕を持て!焦るな、急がば回れ。もう一人の自分を持ちましょう。自分自身に向かってツイッターしています、なう。

#101: 1月16日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 今日、英文和訳講座で受講生に伝えました。「たくましい想像力がないと、優れた翻訳はできません。想像力とは、好奇心と探求力のことです。他の創作活動と同様、翻訳にも、たゆまぬ検索と検証の努力が不可欠です。」

#100: 1月15日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO 「多忙は怠惰の隠れ蓑」 --- 現代(都会)人は、毎日、忙しい、忙しいと言いながら、人生の大事な仕事をサボってやしませんか?この30年、自戒の言葉です。

#99: 1月14日 GLOCALHIRATSUKA UCHIDA TOMIO すべての躾は、「九つ言葉 と十二文」になって表れると思います。言葉と文章に人格が表れる、ということですね。日本語でも英語でも他の外国語でも、そしてツイッターでも ..... RT @hatsuming: 江戸の躾「三つ心、六つしつけ、九つ言葉、十二文、十五理」日本人の品格形成

110711 Trip to Hisanohama, Iwaki-shi, and HIrakata, Kitaibaragi-shi

The 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tohoku, also known as the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake, or the Great East Japan Earthquake,(Japanese: "Eastern Japan Great Earthquake Disaster" (東日本大震災 Higashi Nihon Daishinsai) was a magnitude 9.0 (Mw) undersea megathrust earthquake off the coast of Japan that occurred at 14:46 JST (05:46 UTC) on Friday, 11 March 2011, with the epicenter approximately 70 kilometres (43 mi) east of the Oshika Peninsula of Tōhoku and the hypocenter at an underwater depth of approximately 32 km (20 mi).

It was the most powerful known earthquake to have hit Japan, and one of the five most powerful earthquakes in the world overall since modern record-keeping began in 1900. It was so powerful the island of Honshu was moved 8 feet eastward. The earthquake triggered extremely destructive tsunami waves of up to 40.5 metres (133 ft) in Miyako, Iwate, Tōhoku. In some cases traveling up to 10 km (6 mi) inland. In addition to loss of life and destruction of infrastructure, the tsunami caused a number of nuclear accidents, primarily the ongoing level 7 meltdowns at three reactors in the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant complex, and the associated evacuation zones affecting hundreds of thousands of residents.

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said, "In the 65 years after the end of World War II, this is the toughest and the most difficult crisis for Japan." The Japanese National Police Agency has confirmed 15,729 deaths, 5,719 injured, and 4,539 people missing across eighteen prefectures, as well as over 125,000 buildings damaged or destroyed. The earthquake and tsunami caused extensive and severe structural damage in Japan, including heavy damage to roads and railways as well as fires in many areas, and a dam collapse.Around 4.4 million households in northeastern Japan were left without electricity and 1.5 million without water.Many electrical generators were taken down, and at least three nuclear reactors suffered explosions due to hydrogen gas that had built up within their outer containment buildings after cooling system failure. Residents within a 20 km (12 mi) radius of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant and a 10 km (6.2 mi) radius of the Fukushima II Nuclear Power Plant were evacuated. In addition, the U.S. recommended that its citizens evacuate up to 80 km (50 mi) of the plant.

Early estimates placed insured losses from the earthquake alone at US$14.5 to $34.6 billion. The Bank of Japan offered ¥15 trillion (US$183 billion) to the banking system on 14 March in an effort to normalize market conditions. The overall cost could exceed US$300 billion, making it the most expensive natural disaster on record.
The earthquake moved Honshu 2.4 m (8 ft) east and shifted the Earth on its axis by estimates of between 10 cm (4 in) and 25 cm (10 in).

(From Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_T%C5%8Dhoku_earthquake_and_tsunam

According to the description of Wikipedia, the three prefectures in Tohoku (Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima) were hit by the disaster most seriously, yet the 4th worst prefecture was Ibaragi prefecture.

My fater, Shinichiro Suzuki was born in Hirakata Harbor, Kitaibaragi city, as the 4th son of my grandfather. Now my father’s big brother’s grandson, Takashi Suzuki and his family live in Hirakata Harbor as fishermen.

One of my cousin, Yoshihisa Hajimoto and his wife, Keiko live in Hisanohama, Iwaki-shi, Fukushima, where is 31 km south from the crippled nuclear reactors of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

Last time when I visited Takashi with my family was about 30 years ago. Last time when I visited Yoshihisa was about 20 years ago. But I decided to visit both Hirakata Harbar and Hisanohama to see my relatives during my vacation.

Monday, July 11, fine. I got up at 4 a.m. and prepared for the visit and went to Tokyo Station at 6:15.

I bought a ticket of express bus named “Iwaki” at Haesu Exit (I reserved my seat by Internet, but I needed to pay at the window 30 minutes before the departure.)

The bus left Tokyo at 7 a.m. and arrived at Iwaki at 10:20, 20 minutes delayed because of the underconstraction caused by the disaster.

Yoshihisa and Keiko were waiting for me at the bus-top, and they took us to their home by their car. Yoshihisa got tanned and looked very healthy. He said he played tennis often these days.

Their house is located in front of an elementary school, but there were no kids there because of radioactivities. All of the school kids had been evacuated since the disaster. They were building shopping center at the schoolyard for old people who decided to stay there.

[A model ship made by one of my uncles, Kinjiro, 錦次郎叔父が造った釣り船の模型、킨지로 숙부가 만든 낚시배의 모형]
[The elementary school in front of Yoshihisa's home, 義久さんの家の前の小学校の建物、요시히사씨 집 앞에 있는 초등학교 건물][Yoshihisa and his wife, Keiko、義久さんご夫婦、요시히사와 아내][Keiko prepared a delicious lunch for me, 恵子さんはおいしい昼食を用意してくれた。게이코씨는 맛있는 점심을 준비해 주었다.]

I wanted to give him “sympathy money” but Yoshihisa never accepted because they had no damage, except a clack on the brick wall.

[Keiko shows the crack on the brick walk, ブロック塀に生じた割れ目を示す恵子さん、블록 담에 생긴 갈라진 금을 가리키는 게이코]

Keiko prepared special meal called “Uni-gohan” a bowl of rice cooked with sea-urchin roe. It was delicious.

Yoshihisa made a family tree according to the olf family register which Takashi found when he was taking care of the tsunami-washed 1st floor of his house in Hirakata Harbor. Yoshihisa gave a copy of the family tree, because we had the common grandparents.

After luch, Yoshihisa took me to the other side of Hisanohama where the damage of the great earthquake was devastating.

A man on the loading shovel was working with wreckage and rubbles of the buildings and I noticed a sign which says “Please do not get rid of the garden, because my mother made it.” The mother of the writer of this sign must have carried away by the powerful tsunami.

[A man on the loading shovel was working with wreckage. ショベルカーが瓦礫を片づけていた、포크레인이 와륵을 정리하고 있었다.]
[The newly built house was also hit by tsunami, この白い綺麗な建物も津波に破壊されていた、이 흰 예쁜 건물도 해일에 파괴되어 있었다.]

Yoshihisa and Keiko took me to drive to Takeshi’s home which might be apart from their home for about 100 km. It took about 2 hours to arrive at Hirakata. I saw the ruins of many towns and villages along the sea coast.

Tadashi’s house is standing just in front of the port. The houses next to his were severely damaged. But his three-story house was strongly build with cement. According to Takeshi, the tsunami washed the 1st floor of his house, but the 2nd and the 3rd floor were safe from the wave.

[The rightest house is Takashi's house, 右手前が隆志さんの家、오른쪽 앞이 다카시씨의 집]

When the earthquake hit Hirakata, he was on the land, taking care of fishing goods, after sending off his customers (amature fishermen from the cities.) He and two of his sons, immediately jumped into their 3 fishing boats, and headed toward offshores, before the tsunami came. Therefore all of his boats were safe, but in stead, the three vehicles were washed by the tsunami. (For fishermen, the boats are more precious than vehicles.)

[The fish market at Hirakatnow, 現在の平潟港の魚市場、히라카타항의 현 선어시장][The fish market when the tsunami came, 津波来襲時の市場、해일이 들어왔을때 시장] [Takashi and his boat, 釣り船の前に立つ隆志さん、낚싯거루 앞에 서는 다카시씨]

Tadashi, Yoshihisa and I drank beer with some sea-products such as octopus and talked about various things. Yoshihisa and Keiko left home in the evening, but Tadashi reserved a hotel called “Bushikan” and we continued talking about our relatives and the story of the great earthquate and the tsunami.

Whike talking about our relatives, I found out that his younger brother, who had been a captain of big ships in ocean service, began a company which dealed with power generation by periodic currency. His name is Kiyomi, and I talked with him over the phone.

[With Takashi at Takeshikan, 隆志さんと武士館にて、다카시와 함께 무사관에서]

Kiyomi is now preparing for the presentation of his business in Korea. So, I may see him in Korea in the near future.

The next day, June 12, Junko, Takashi’s wife, took me to the family grave of the Suzukis. There, I found their grave was untouched while most of tomb stones were down because of the great earthquake.

[The tomb stone of the Suzukis,鈴木家の墓石、스즈키가의 묘석

Junko also took me to a nearby tomb stone where one of my uncles and his wife’s bones were buried.

My father was the 8th child of my grandparents (having 3 elder brothers and 4 sisiters.) Yet he had 4 younger brothers. So, my grandparents had 12 kids!

Anyhow, I visited the two tombs of his siblings and thought of my blood streams from ancent times.

JFYI: I was born on Nev. 4, 1947 as the 6th child of Shin-ichiro and Kuni Suzuki.
My father, Shin-ichiro was born on Oct. 30, 1904 as the 8th child of Jinnosuke Ajiro and Hatsu Suzuki.

My grandfather was brought into the Suzuki family by marriage with Hatsu Suzuki. He was a ship-carpenter from “Awa-no-kuni” (nowadays Chiba precectre) and was born in 1860 (Edo period!)
My grandmother Hatsu Suzuki was an only daughter of “Amimoto” or villege master. She was born on Jan. 1, 1870. So, only three generations back, I can trace my family line to Edo Period!


















[A model ship made by one of my uncles, Kinjiro, 錦次郎叔父が造った釣り船の模型、킨지로 숙부가 만든 낚시배의 모형][Yoshihisa's house,義久さんの家、요시히사씨의 집]



[A bowl of rice cooked with roes of sea-urchin, ウニご飯、성게 알로 요리한 밥]



[The town close to the beach was destroyed completely, 海岸沿いの街は完全に破壊された、해안가의 거리는 완전히 파괴되었다]


[The sign at the garden saying "Please leave this garden as it is, since my mother made it.",「花壇を壊さないで下さい」と言う書置き、「화단을 부수지 말아 주십시오」라고 하는 표시]




[The three-story house is Takashi's, 三階建ての家が隆志さんの家、중앙 3층 건물 건물이 다카시씨의 집][The fish market when the tsunami came, 津波来襲時の市場、해일이 들어왔을때의 시장] [The fish market at Hirakatnow, 現在の平潟港の魚市場、히라카타항의 현 선어시장][Takashi and his boat, 釣り船の前に立つ隆志さん、낚싯거루 앞에 서는 다카시씨]


[The Pension Takeshikan, ペンション・武士館、펜션·타케시관][At the Takeshi-kan, 武士館にて、타케시관에서]










[The tomb stone of the Suzukis,鈴木家の墓石、스즈키가의 묘석]


[The bus stop from which I took on the way back to Tokyo, いわき・なこそバス停留所(帰りはここから乗車した), 동경에 돌아갈 버스를 타는 정류장]

