About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110403 DoDeokBong (534m), SutongGol, Daejeon, 道徳峰(トドクボン도덕봉)大田広域市ストンコル(수통골)

Hiking Date: April 3 (Sun) 2011, Cloudy

Destination (mountain): Mt. DoDeokBong (534m), SuTongGol, Daejeon

Hiking course: SuTongGol Parking Lot – Ridge Course – DoDeokBong – Valley Side Course – Parking Lot

Partner: 6 Taejonhikers Members (4 Americans and 2 Australians)

It was Suday. After attending the church service and fellowship luncheon, I joined Taejonhikers’ hiking that Alan planned for Juli.

Juli is the founder of Taejonhikers and she was to go home in California for good. She left her car for Alan, so Alan has a nicer car now. That day, Jim came by car, so we headed for SuTongGol, a part of GyeRyongSan National Park by two cars.

We came to SuTongGol on May 21 last year. That time I climbed GunSuBong with 19 Taejonhikers. Anyway, we took a group picture at the same place as before and began hiking just like last year.

[A group picture before hiking, 登山開始前に団体写真、등산 시작전에 단체사진]

We climbed Mt. DoDeokBong this time. We turned right soon after the entrance. We headed for the ridge by climbing a bit steep slope.

[Alan explaining the hiking course, コースを説明するアラン、등산 코스를 설명하는 앨런(Alan)]

Then Julie, a young American lady, was left behind because her condition was not good. We waited for her at the ridge from where we could see Hanpat University below.

Julie had to decide whether she would give up the hiking and return to the car, or challenge the more difficulty, but slowly and steadly. She chose the latter choice.

[Juli and Julie on the ridge,尾根道で休む二人のジュリ、능선길에서 쉬는 쥬리 두명]

So, we began walking even slower, and challenged the last steep iron stairs leading to the top of Mt. DoDeokbong.

It was a bit hard, but at the same time, we could enjoy good command of nice views of the town of Daejeon while climbing.

[We took a short rest at the stair landing、鉄階段の途中で小休止、철계단 도중에 조금 휴식했다]

We reached on the top of the slope at 4:21, then the ladies began talking about something earnestly. Alan, Jim and I took a rest at the observation, while waiting for ladies.

They had a long talk, but it seemed good for Julie. She became revived and refreshed and had no problem after the long chatting.

We took a group picture at the top of Mt. DoDeokBong. It was 4:49 p.m. Then we began decending the mountain.

[At the top of DoDeokBong, 道徳峰頂上にて、도덕봉 정상에서]

Now 2 Australians walked ahead, and 4 Americans were behind. I was just between the two groups.

I noticed twitters of some birds on the way. It was some great tits we can commonly see in the mountains.

Anyhow, the two Australians, Jim and Tracey went down first, and waiting for others at the side of dam at SuTongGol. When others joined the two, we began discussing where we should eat for dinner.

[Taejonhikers at SuTongGol Riservoir, ストンコル貯水池にて、수통골 저수지에서]

Juli, who was to leave Korea soon, first requested a restaurant where they serve “Tofu” but Tracey did not like Tofu. So Jim suggested a duck meat restaurant and we all agreed the idea.

We dropped in a restaurant named “SuTongGol Bong-Ga”and found out the course dishs with duck meat were great.

I liked all meals but among all different kind of dishes, “Sujebi Soup” was excellent. In Japan, we call this soup “Suiton” but it is difficult to find any restaurant where they serve “Suiton” nowadays. Their soup was really good, and I had several “refill” for the soup.

[gorgeous dinner with duck meat, 鴨料理の豪華な夕食、저녁 식사는 호화스러운 오리요리]

We enjoyed the dinner for an hour. It costed 10,000 won for each (except “soju” which cost additional 3000 won for each bottle.)

Juli told us that she would go home by cargo ship. It takes 2 weeks from Korea to California and it costs 1500 dollars. I imagined it would be a nice voyage in the Pacific Ocean.

It was my 20th hike for the year of 2011.

登山月日:2011年4月3日(日) 曇り






[We got together at KAIST at 2 p.m.KAIST正門裏に集まったTaejonhikersたち、KAIST정문뒤로 모인 Taejonhikers 6명]


[Alan explaining the hiking course, コースを説明するアラン、등산 코스를 설명하는 앨런(Alan)]


[Julie was wondering whether she should climb further, ジュリは登山を続けるかどうか迷った。쥬리는 등산을 계속할 것인가 아닌가 헤맸다.]


[We took a short rest on the steel stairs、鉄階段の途中で小休止、철계단 도중에 조금 휴식했다][We finished the hard climbing,全員が厳しい階段を登りきった。모두가 험한 계단을 끝까지 올랐다.]




[Short break at the observation, 展望台にて小休止、전망 대에서 잠시동안 휴식]


[Julie on the top of DoDeokBong, 道徳峰頂上にて、도덕봉 정상에서]

下山路では韓国語でパクセ(박새:日本名シジュウカラ)を見かけ、アランに英語名のGreat Titだと教えた。



[Jim and Tracey were waiting for others,ジムとトレーシーが他のハイカーを待っている。짐과 트레이시가 다른 하이커를 기다리고 있다.]



[Alan sitting on a stool,アランは小型のスツールに座った。소형 의자에 앉은 앨런 박사]


[gorgeous dinner with duck meat, 鴨料理の豪華な夕食、저녁 식사는 호화스러운 오리요리]


["sujebi" or "suiton" soup, スイトン、수제비]




110402 BaekASan (810m), HwaSun, JeonNam Province 全南(チョンナム)、和順(ファスン화순)白鵝山(ペクアサン백아산810m)

Hiking Date: April 2, 2011 (Sat) Cloudy

Destination (mountain): BaekASan (810m), HwaSun, JeonNam Province

Hiking course: DeokGoGae – CeonBulBong – AekASan – MunBaWi – PalGakJeong Gazebo – Parking Lot (8 km, 4 hours)

Partner: About 30 AhToSan members including 4 foreingers: Chris, Bernardo,Soumen, George)

I got up at 4 a.m. and prepared for the hike as usual. Went to Expo South Gate by 6:45 a.m., then I found Chris already there waiting for others. He took 5:30 KTX in Seoul, arriving at Daejeon before 6:30 and changed to subway, and took a taxi. Wow, it requires great efforts to join us from Seoul.

This time, not so many members joined, only about 30, but besides Chris, Bernardo and Soumen joined us. Both of them have been working at KASI for 2 years. It is my great regret that they may leave Korea, soon.

Recently I realized that Bernardo was studying galaxiwa while Soumen was studying black hole. These were my favorite subjects when I was in the elementary school. So, I am a bit the envy of them.

The destination of the hike was BaekAkSan, which means the mountain of white goose. Since it is in JeonNam Province, it took more than 3 hours to reach there. I utilized the time by learning how to send e-mail in Hangul by cellphone, by Chris on the way.

But when we approaching to the destination, our bus was hit by a bulldozer at Osan-myeon. The bulldozer was moving with its big shovel up and the shovel hit the windows of right side of the bus.

[The windows were broken, バスの窓が割れた、버스 창문이 깨졌다][The bulldozer, 事故を起こしたブルドーザー、사고를 일으킨 불도저]

Chris was sitting on the window seat and he got a slight cut in his right palm, not seriously, thought. But Boram, who was sitting two seats back on window sit, also got an injury on her forehead by broken glasses. Her injury was not serious at all, but she was carried away to a hospital by ambulance. As long as I know, this is the first traffic accident AhToSan was ever involved.

[An ambulance has arrived, 救急車が到着した、앰블런스가 도착했다]

Anyhow, after the police officers took pictures, and examined the situation, we went to the destination. We arrived at the starting point of DeokGoGe at 10:35 a.m.

There was a fantastic wheet field at the entrance of the trail. So we took a group picture there, then we began hiking.

[At a wheat field, 麦畑にて、보리밭에서][Lindera obtusiloba, ダンコウバイ(檀香梅), 생강나무꽃]

My condition must be not so good, so I was behind the other members and walking alone while walking up to the ridge.

At the ridge, some of them were having a short break, while enjoying makgeolli and pajeon. One of the members, Yoreji cooked the pajeon with red pepper. It was spicy, but tasted good. I also offered the grape and grape tomatoes as usual, and “chest-nut makgeolli” for them. Bernardo and Soumen were already gone, but Chris was waiting for me and he enjoyed makgeolli with me.

[A model and a cameraman on the ridge,絶壁の上のモデルと写真家、절벽 위 모델과 사진가]

We arrived at the top of BaekABong at 12:20 and had lunch on the rock. Bernardo brought Chili wine and it tasted very good. We began afternoon hike at past 1 p.m.

[At the top of the mountain with Chris and Yoraeji, 白鵞山山頂にてクリスおよび「ヨレジ」と、백아산 정상에서 크리스 와 여래지님 과 함께][Lunch at BaekASan, 山頂付近で昼食、정상 부근에서 점심][After the lunch, 昼食後、점심식사 후]

One of the highlights for decending rout was “PalGakJeong Gazebo.” It looked nice, but the wooden materials were partially rotten, and accessing the building has been prohibited.

[PalGakJeong on the decending trail, 下山路の八角亭、하산로의 팔각정]

The last magnificent viewpoint was another rocky peaks on the row. When we passed the point, there was a cave.

[At a veiw point on decending trail, 下山路の展望台にて、하산로의 전망 대에서]

We arrived at the parking lot at around 3 p.m. There were cherry blossoms in full bloom there. I found our bus, and the windows were covered with gummed tapes.

[The gummed tapes were put on the windows,窓にガムテープが貼られたバス、창문에 검 테이프가 붙여진 버스]

Boram, who had been carried to the hospital, and her friend, Hongjin, came to the parking lot by taxi from the hospital. So they could enjoy “Wrap-up” party with us. But, since her injury was not serious at all, I thought she should have refused to be carried to the hospital, just like Chris. He refused to go to hospital, and enjoyed the hike fully to the end.

["Wrap-up Party" with rice-cake soup and makgeolli, トッククとマッコリでティップリ, 떡국과 막걸리로 뒤풀이]

The menu for wrap-up party were: “Tok-kuk soup” and ordinary makgeolli. We left the parking lot at 4 p.m. and returned to Expo South Gate in Daejeon at 7:30 p.m.

On our way back to Daejeon, when I was reviewing what I learned from Chris in the morning, one of Korean members told me”Hak-i-si-seup-ji, Bul-yok—yol-ho: 학이시습지 불역열호.” It was a Chinese sentence and another member wrote学而時習之不亦説乎 in Chinese. Later, I asked my daughter in law in Sydney, she wrote to me “"revise what you have learnt, is enjoyable" that exactly what my friend meant. She also let me know how to pronounce the sentence in Chinese, “Xue er shi xi zhi, bu yi yue hu.”

It was my 19th hike for this year, and my 234 hike with AhToSan in total.



登山コース:トク峠(덕고개) - 千仏峰(천불봉)-白鵝山(810m)-門岩(문바위)-山火事監視警戒所-展望台-八角亭(パルガクチョン팔각정)-白鵝山駐車場(8km、4時間)





バスが目的地近くの오산면 [梧山面, Osan-myeon] に差し掛かった時、突然側面にドーンと衝撃があり、バスの大きな窓ガラスに網の目のようなひびが入った。なんとブルドーザーがシャベルを高く上げていてそのシャベルにバスの側面がぶつかったらしい。





[At a wheat field, 麦畑にて、보리밭에서]


[A bottle of makgeolli, Pajeon and fruits, マッコリとパジョンとフルーツ、막걸리와 파전과 과일]


[Near the top of the mountain, 白鵞山山頂付近にて、백아산 정상 부근에서]


[Lunch at BaekASan, 山頂付近で昼食、정상 부근에서 점심]
[After the lunch, 昼食後、점심식사 후]


[The gazebo named "PalGakJeong, 「八角亭」、팔각정]


[At a veiw point on decending trail, 下山路の展望台にて、하산로의 전망 대에서] [A cave by the trail, 下山路の洞窟、하산로의 동굴]


[The gummed tapes were put on the windows,窓にガムテープが貼られたバス、창문에 검 테이프가 붙여진 버스]



帰りのバスの中で、寒溪嶺らとクリスからケータイメールの作成方法などを学んだ話をしていたらKSが「학이시습지 불역열호」と言い、アランドロンが漢字で「学而時習之不亦説乎」と書いてくれた。論語の一節で、この後に「有朋自遠方来不亦楽乎人不知而不不亦君子乎」と続く。





110326 Mt. UnAkSan (937.5m). Pocheon, Gyonggido 京義道・抱川の雲岳山(ウナクサン운악산937.5m)

Hiking Date: March 26 (Sat) Fine

Destination (mountain): Mt. UnAkSan (937.5m). Pocheon, Gyonggido

Hiking course: Hapalli – ByongBungBawi – DongBong - Child Rock - ShinSonDae – UnAkSan Parking Lot (8km, 5 hours)

Partner: About 40 (4 foreingers including myself: India, USA, and 2 Japanese)

[At Hapalli Entrance, ハパリ登山口にて、하팔리 등산구에서]

Mt. UnAkSan is one of the best 100 Korean mountains. It is also one of Five-Gyongi-AkSans. “AkSan” means rocky mountain. Therefore we could enjoy rocky sceneries, just like famous Seoraksan or Kumgansan.

[Nice view of Mt UnAkSan, 雲岳山の景観、운악산(雲岳山)의 아름다운 모습]

The mountain is relatively close to Daejeon, but in order to avoid traffic jam, we started at Expo South Gate in Daejeon at 6 a.m., one hour earlier than usual.

We arrived at the entrance of the trail in HaPalli at 9:20 a.m.

I climbed this mountain with AhToSan in July 2006, but this time, it was completely the otherway around. So, we began climbing where I came down last time.

We arrived at the first view point called “HongPok” which means “Scarlet Waterfall” at 9:40. The next view point which was under the cliff at 10:00 p.m. We had a short rest-time, they call “Suzuki Time” there. I provided Chili grapes and Chinese oranges, while the other members provided makgeolli, the Korean rice wine.

[Makgeolli, Chili grapes and Chinese oranges, マッコリと青ブドウとキンカン、막걸리와 청포도와 금귤]

Up to this moment, I walked with Masashi, who is a colleague of Bernardo and Soumen. These three foreigners are working at KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute.) Masashi worked for KASI for about one year, and will soon return to Japan within a month. Actually it was his last hike with AhToSan.

After “Suzuki Time,” we soon came to the really rocky area, and then we came to the ridge where we could have a great command of views.

We enjoyed taking pictures of the views and portraits, then we came to the northen part of the mountain. It was rather a steep slope covered with snow and ice. So, some members began wearing climbing irons. I had these gears, but I climbed this icy slope without wearing climbing irons. I used my hands and to hold one tree to another, just like some other members.

[Srop covered with snow and ice, 雪と氷の斜面、눈과 얼음의 경사면]

Then we came to another ridge with some snow remained. It was close to the West Peak of UnAkSan. We arrived at the peak at 11:15. Then to the East Peak of UnAkSan at 11:25. We had lunch at the East Peak of UnAkSan.

[At the East Peak of UnAkSan, 雲岳山の東峰にて、운악산 동봉에서]

UnAkSan is close to Seoul. Therefore, 6 people including Chris and his girlfriend, came from Seoul. They arrived at the same peak at around noon. So, we all got together, and took several pictures. They joined a part of AhToSan members who arrived at the peak, last.

[Lunch on the top of the mountain, 山頂にて昼食、정상에서 점심식사]

I joined the top group and began decending the mountain first. The decending course was also nice. We enjoyed beautiful sceneries with nice rocks here and there. The magnificent rock called “Mirok Rock” was especially nice.

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서][Mirok Rock on the way to decend, 下山路の弥勒岩、하산길의 미륵바위]

I walked with Masashi and Soumen until the goal via an old temple named “HyonDeungSa.” There were a lot of restaurant on the both sides of the road which leaded to the temple. Many hikers as well as sightseers may enjoy eating and drinking traditional Korean foods/drinks at such restaurants.

[With Masashi and Soumen on the decending trail, 下山路にてマサシおよびソーメンと、하간길에서 마사시와 서우멘]
[The mountain gate of HyonDeungSa, 懸燈寺の山門にて、현등사 산문앞에서]

Anyway, I arrived at the bus in the parking lot at 2:30 p.m. The last hiker arrived at 3 p.m. We enjoyed “Wrap-up” party with “Chokpal” or “pork hock” and “Deodeok Makgeolli” or “Korean traditional rice wine.”

[Chris and his girlfriend at "Wrap-up Party," クリスとGFもティップリに参加した。크리스와 여자친구도 뒤풀이에 참가했다.]

Soumen did not like makgeolli, but all other foreingers enjoyed the drink. After the party, 6 people from Seoul went back to Seoul, while the rest of us headed for Daejeon. We arrived at Expo South Gate at 7:30 and it was my 18th hike for this year (also my 233rd hike with AhToSan.)



登山コース:下板里(ハパルリ하판리)-屏風岩(병풍바위)-雲岳山[西峰(ソボン) - 東峰(トンボン)]-子供岩(エギパウィ)-神仙台(シンソンデ)-雲岳山(ウナクサン)サービスエリア(約8km, 5時間)




[Nice view of Mt UnAkSan, 雲岳山の景観、운악산(雲岳山)의 아름다운 모습]




[A short break under the cliff, 崖の下で小休止、절벽 아래에서 짧은 휴식]




[Srop covered with snow and ice, 雪と氷の斜面、눈과 얼음의 비탈진 면]


[At the West Peak of Mt. UnAkSan, 雲岳山の西峰にて、운악산 서봉에서]


[Lunch on the top of the mountain, 山頂にて昼食、정상에서 점심식사]



["Eyebrow Rock" on the decending trail, 下山路のヌンソプパウィ(眉毛岩)、하산로에서 본 눈썹바위]


["Wrap-up party" at a parking lot, 駐車場でティップリ、주차장에서 뒤풀이]


