About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


SR #30 "Summing up of 2020" シドニーレポート 30号 「2020年を振り返って」

SR #30 Summing up of 2020

“Extension of Parent Visa and COVIT-19 Pandemic”

My wife and I got “Parent Visa” in August 2015. In order to keep this visa status, we need to stay 24 months in 5 years. We completed this condition in July this year and renewed the visa for another 5 years.

Originally we planned to go back to Japan in September to enjoy living in Japan, our home country.

Unfortunately the pandemic of COVIT-19 changed the situation completely. It seems quite difficult to go back and forth between the two countries.

Japan seems to have more difficulties to control the spread of the virus while Australian government seems to be successful in controlling it so far.

We hope the early normalization of the world so that we can visit any countries freely if we wish.

Wherever we live, we hope we are healthy enough to take care of ourselves. Nobody is free from aging. But we should make efforts to keep our health (physical and mental) as much as and as long as possible.

There is a sign on which words of Hippocrates are written, “Walking is the best medicine for all mankind” near the pedestrian bridge over the Nepean River in Penrith.

[The sign board at the river,ネピアン川の畔の標識、네피안강 기슭 표지판]

Hippocrates (c. 460 – c. 370 BC) was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles (Classical Greece), who is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.

I believe his words and try to walk constantly every day.

I walk with my trekking friends three times a week.

1) On Tuesday with Blue Mountains Club. (The members are senior Koreans)

2) On Thursday with Thursday Hikers. (Leader is a Taiwanese who speaks English and Chinese)

3) On Saturday with Saturday Hikers. (The members are 6 or 7 Koreans,)

“Motto of Blue Mountains Club is ‘Baek Tu San(백두산)’”

[A view fro Sydney Olympic Park,シドニーオリンピック公園からみた風景、시드니 올림픽 공원에서 본 풍경]

On 9th of December, Blue Mountains Club held Year End Party at Wentworth Common in Sydney Olympic Park in Sydney.

[A group picture of Blue Mountains Club, 青山会の忘年会の集合写真、청산회 송년회 단체 사진]

We Japanese say “Bonenkai(忘年会)” for “Year End Party.” ”Bonenkai” literally means “Forgetting The Year Party” while in Korean, “Songnyenhoe송년회/送年会” means “Seeing The Year Off” Party.”

[Af the Year-end Party table, 忘年会のテーブルにて、망년회 테이블에서]

Sydney Olympic Park was developed after Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The area is 6.63 sq km including many ponds and hills and trekking courses.

My trekking mentor Chang and his wife live near the park, so they secured the big picnic table for the party at Wentworth Common in the park very early in the morning.

[My trekking mentor, Chang and his wife,私のトレッキングの師であるチャン、내 트레킹의 스승 인 장 선생님과 사모님]

There were about 30 members got together and we enjoyed picnic there.

The president of the group is Mr. Chu Seongjong who was born in 1929 in Northen Part of Korean Peninsula. He was a Japanese soldier when the war ended 15 August 1945.

Then he became a soldier of North Korea. He said he became a lieutenant but he defected from North to South before Korean War in 25 June 1950. He joined South Korean Army.

When he was discharged, he worked in Vietnam and Thailand as an engineer, and he finally immigrated to Australia from Thailand.

[President Chu giving a ward to a member, 朱会長が会員を表彰している。추 회장이 회원들을 표창하고있다]

His daughter married a Japanese from Hokkaido and he spoke Japanese to me when I saw him for the first time 4 years ago.

He always walks as the top of the senior group almost every Tuesday in Glenbrook.

I learned the motto of this Blue Mountains Club this time.

It is “BaekTuSan.백두산”

“Baektusan (백두산2,744m)” is the highest mountain in Korean Peninsula. It locates on the border of North Korea and China.

Their motto of “Baek-Tu-San.백두산” is an acronym of the following sentences.

백 살까지(“Baek Sal Kkaji” Until 100 years old)

두 발로(“Tu Bal-Ro” with two feet)

산에 가자(“San-e-Kaja” go to mountains).;

[The eldest member Mr. Min (93), 最高齢の会員の閔さん(93)、최고령 회원 인 민씨 (93)]

Therefore it means, “Until when we become 100 years old, let’s go to mountains by our own feet!”

I cannot agree more than this motto from the bottom of my heart.

Before the party, I joined the small group who climbed up to the top of hill near Wentworth Common.

[Some of us climbed the observation hill,青山会有志で展望台に上った、청산회 유지들과 전망대에 올랐다]

While we were walking toward the top of the hill, we saw Chang on his bicycle. He went up with us and we took some group pictures.

After the party, he guided me around the park, including tracks along Homebush Bay,

a big sanctuary for migratory birds, tracks among mangroves.

[Chang is walking among mangroves, マングローブの林を歩くチャン、맹그로브 숲을 걷는 장 선생님]

I saw some abandoned ships with mangroves in the bay.

[An abandond ship with mangroves,マングローブが茂った廃船、맹그로브가 우거진 폐선]

He takes me for bush-walks not in the Blue Mountains but in the extended Sydney area once a month (in the afternoon of the 1st Friday every month.)

“Thursday Hikers Group”

I happened to see Marshall on the train platform of Katoomba about 2 years ago. He comes from Taiwan and he is a fluent speaker of English.

I found that he is my neighbor in the same suburb and an expert of trekking in our neighborhood. So I proposed to walk our neighborhood together constantly every Thursday.

[Marshall walking along Dee Why Beech,ディ・ワイ・ビーチを歩くマーシャル、디 와이 비치를 걷는 마샬]

Several months ago when Chang and I were walking a new track I found in Lane Cove National Park, a stranger shouting us at the trackhead.

At first, we could not understand what he was speaking. He was asking the way to Chatswood station in Chinese. He is a Chinese from Guangzhou, mainland China.

Since he lives near my shared house, I invited him to join Thursday Hikers Group. Besides, Marshall understand Mandarin Chinese as well as Cantonese.

[With Mr. Lu from Guangzhou,広州からきた盧さんと、광저우에서 온 노 씨와 함께]

Later I found that he got lung cancer operation two years ago, and he had his 1/3 of lung off by operation. He walks every day to strengthen his immunity as a part of rehabilitation program.

About a couple of months ago, one of Saturday group hikers, Mr. Yu joined us on Thursday Hikers Group. And he brought his friend, Mr. Yun to this group. So our group became 5 of us all together.

[At "Two Creek Track", 「トゥ・クリーク・トラック」にて、"투 크릭 트랙"에서]

“Saturday Hikers Group”

The members of this group are all Koreans except me. They are a little bit younger than me, but over 60s. They are strong hikers than me.

I met Mt. Kim Guangson for the first time in 2016. He introduced me to this group. I did not know much about bush-walking in Australia then and I just followed them.

[With the original members of Saturday Hikers,土曜ハイカーズのオリジナル・メンバーたちと、토요일 하이카즈의 오리지널 멤버들과 함께]

They are original members of Saturday Hikers. Some of them returned to Korea and this pandemic made us impossible to get together and go to the Blue Mountains for several months.

When the lock down was lifted in the latter half of the year, the members are changed and current members are mostly new members.

Nowadays, I choose trekking courses and lead them for hiking. I sometimes go to check the new tracks alone before Saturday.

I explored trekking courses in Mt. Victoria, Blackheath, Springwood and some sections of the Great North Walk.

[At the obelisk of GNW #1. ザ・グレート・ノース・ウォークの出発点のオベリスクの前で、그레이트 노스 워크의 출발점 인 오벨리스크 앞에서]

The members of this group are my good friends who spent much time together this year

Among them, I thank Isaac who mostly earnest to walk together.

He even joined me for extra walks such as the Great North Walk, and he even went to the Snowy Mountains with me (and Chang.) Isaac is the one who drove a round trip of over-1000 km to Jindabyne and the Snowy Mountains.

PS; This year on 28th of June, my wife and I celebrated 50th anniversary. We did not have a big feast, but a small dinner at our room, but thanked God for our health.

[On our golden wedding anniversary,金婚式の日に記念撮影、금혼식 날 기념 촬영]、

In addition, my wife and I received a diploma of the 24-form Tai Chi class from Mr. Hosaka of the Japanese Tai Chi group. (Given to everyone who participated in the weekly practice every time.)

[George got piploma from Mr. Hosaka, 保坂師範から証書を受け取る、호사카 사범에게 증서를 받는다]

There were many encounters in 2020, and there were new experiences.

[Diploma of Taichi 24, 24式太極拳の修了証書、24 식 태극권의 수료증]

Above all, I would like to thank my Lord for his protection of my family, friends as far as I know, in Japan and Australia and friends in the world.


SR 30号 2020年を振り返って






ペンリスのネピアン川のほとりには川辺を歩くGreat River Walkという散策路があり、そこの歩行者用の橋のたもとには「 Walking is the best medicine for the mankind.(歩くことは人類最高の薬である)」というヒポクラテス (紀元前460年ごろ - 紀元前370年ごろ)の言葉が掲げられている。私はこの言葉の信奉者である。




[A group picture of Blue Mountains Club, 青山会の忘年会の集合写真、청산회 송년회 단체 사진]

シドニーオリンピック公園は2000年のシドニーオリンピックを記念して作られた広大な公園で、近所に住む私のトレッキングのメンターでもあるチャンがWentworth Commonの大テーブルを確保してくれた。

[Af the Year-end Party table, 忘年会のテーブルにて、망년회 테이블에서]



[President Chu is greeting, 開会の挨拶をする朱会長、개회사를하는 추 회장]



ところでこの会のモットーは「ペク・トゥ・サン」である。「ペクトゥン」とは朝鮮半島の最高峰の白頭山(2744m)のことであるが、会のモットーの「ペク・トゥ・サン」は「百歳まで(백 살까지ペクサルカジ)、2つの足で(トゥパルロ두 발로)、山へ行こう(サネカジャ산에 가자)」の頭文字の「ペク・トゥ・サン」である。


[On the overvation Hill, 展望台の丘の上で、전망대 언덕에서]


[Mangrove forest in Olympic Park,オリンピック公園内のマングローブの林、올림픽 공원의 맹그로브 숲]





[Marshall walking in the neighborhood track, 近隣の散策路を案内してくれるマーシャル、인근 산책로를 안내해주는 마샬]


[With Mr. Lu from Guangzhou,広州からきた盧さんと、광저우에서 온 노 씨와 함께]



[Members of Thursday Hikers Group,木曜ハイカーズの仲間たち、목요일 하이카즈 친구들]




[With the original members of Saturday Hikers,土曜ハイカーズのオリジナル・メンバーたちと、토요일 하이카즈의 오리지널 멤버들과 함께]



[On the Fort Rock in Blackheath, ブラックヒースのフォートロックにて、블랙 히스 포트 락에서]







[On our golden wedding anniversary,金婚式の日に記念撮影、금혼식 날 기념 촬영]、


[Kikko got piploma from Mr. Hosaka, 保坂師範から証書を受け取る、호사카 사사범에게 증서를 받는다]




SR #29 “Jindabyne & Mountains,” “From Wondabyne to Somersby (GNW #14/15)” SR #29 「ジンダバイとスノーイーマウンテンズ」「ウォンダバイからサマーズビーへ(GNW#14/15)」

SR #29 “Jindabyne & Mountains,” “From Wondabyne to Somersby (GNW #14/15)”

“Jindabyne and Snowy Mountains”

If you like trekking in Australia, you might like to visit the Snowy Mountains. The highest mountain in Australia is Mount Kosciuszko (2,228 m,) one of the peaks in the Snowy Mountains.

The range also contains the five highest peaks on the Australian mainland (including Mount Kosciuszko), all of which are above 2,100 m. They are located in southern New South Wales and are part of the larger Australian Alps and Great Dividing Range, experiencing large natural snowfalls every winter.

It takes about 6 hours from Sydney by car. It is economical if you go through Canberra and stay at a small town called Jindabyne.

I got a chance to visit the Snowy Mountains with my trekking friend, Isaac and my trekking mentor in Australia, Chang Kim from Oct. 16 – 18 by Isaac’s drive.

We met in front of Strathfield station at 6 am and headed for south by Isaac’s car. Isaac is a law-abiding driver and careful not to exceeding the speed. After driving 2 hours we stopped at a rest area along the road.

It is not like “Service Area” in Japan, nor like “휴게소(Rest Area)” in Korea. There is no toilet, nor eateries, but only parking space and a gazebo and two garbage bins. But the rest area is named as “Peter Badcoe VC Rest Area.”

[A view from Peter Badcoe VC Rest Area,ピーター・バドコウ休憩所からみた風景、피터 바도코우 휴게소에서 본 풍경]

[the rest area commemorates Peter Badcoe who was awarded the Victoria Cross (V.C.) during the Vietnam War.]


[Peter Badcoe VC Rest Area,ピーター・バドコウ休憩所、피터 바도코우 휴게소]

I saw a big difference of naming “Rest Area” in Japan/Korea and in Australia.

We took the 2nd “rest” after driving two more hours at a small town called Cooma. We stopped at a McDonald's shop there and had “quoter pound” mac for our lunch.

Cooma is on the Snowy Mountains Highway, connecting Bega with the Riverina. Its population is about 7,000 ( At the 2016 census, Cooma had a population of 6,742.) Chang spoke to an elderly couple and we found out that they were born at this town and spent all their lives there.

[We walked around Lake Jindabyne, 我々はジンダバイ湖畔を歩いた。우리는 진다바이 호반을 걸었다.]

We arrived at Lake Jindabyne Hotel at around 12:30. It was a motel facing Lake Jindabyne. After checking in, we explored the town then walked around the lake.

[In front of Lake Jidabyne Hotel, レイク・ジンダバイ・ホテル前にて、레이크 진다바이 호텔 앞에서]

First, we visited Information Center of the town and got free leaflets. Chang bought a local map which was helpful for driving in the region.

[At Jindabyne Information Center, ジンダバイ情報センターにて、진다바이 정보 센터에서]

There was a double bed and bank-bed in the room. I used the double bed and Isaac used the lower bank while Chang used the upper bank.

There was an electric kettle, but cooking was prohibited. We bought alcohol beverage nearby bottle shop and had a little party on the first night. On the 2nd day (Oct 17), we had hot breakfast at a dining room at 7 am. It was raining a bit when we left the hotel before 8 am.

At the gate of Kosciuszko National Park, Isaac showed his pension card then it was free of charge. We headed for Charlotte Pass but as we were going higher altitude, the weather was getting bad, more rain and wind as we go higher.

[Mount Kosciuszko from car window, 車窓からみたコジオスコ山、차창에서 본 코지우스코 산]

At around 8:40, we arrived at Charlotte Pass. Isaac parked his car but did not get out of the car. Chang and I got out of the car and began walking. It was raining and wind was strong. It might be the bad weather condition, I had pain in my chest. I was delaying behind Chang. When I could not see Chang in my front, I called him to stop. We returned back to Isaac’s car.

[At Charlotte Pass, シャーロット峠にて、샬롯 고개에서]

[Mountain plum-pine trees near Charlotte Pass, シャーロット峠付近の針葉樹、샬롯 고개 부근의 침엽수]

However, I could see extraordinary scenes of nature. I saw many huge trees on the rocky ground. The trunks were twisted and branches grew low.

[Mountain plum-pine trees near Charlotte Pass, シャーロット峠付近の針葉樹、샬롯 고개 부근의 침엽수]

We stayed less than one hour in Charlotte Pass area. Then we decended to the lower part of the Snowy Mountains. When we came to Perisher Valley, it stopped raining. So Chang and I walked along Perisher Valley.

[Chang at Perisher Valley, ペリッシャー渓谷にて、페리셔 밸리에서]

However we gave up farther trekking that day and returned to Lake Jindabyne. It was not raining that area. We had free time at afternoon. We just walked around the lake individually.

Next day (Oct. 18) after having breakfast and more walk around the lake, we left Jindabyne at around 9 am and returned to Sydney by Isaac’s drive.

[The sunrise at Jidabyne,ジンダバイの夜明け、진다바이의 새벽]

“From Wondabyne to Somersby (GNW #14/15)”

Isaac and I still continue the Great North Walk. We ended the 13th section of the walk from Patonga to Wondabyne on September 15 (SR#27)

The 14th section starts from Wondabyne. It is the railway station and no problem for access. But the problem is the ending place: Moony Moony Creek. There is no public transportation to the place. If we walk the 15th section together, its destionation is Somersby and there is a bus service between Somersby to Gosford, a city between Sydney and Newcastle.

[Wondabyne Station in the morning, 朝のウォンダバイン駅、아침 원다바인 역]

The problem is the bus service frequency. According to the guide book, it is only a couple times a day, early in the morning and late in the afternoon. Therefore, we reserved a hotel in Somersby so that we can afford the late arrival of Somersby on November 9.

Isaac and I took the train which arrived at Wondabyne at 8:55 on Nov. 9. This is a small station which only the last carriage of train open its doors.

Wondabye Station is near the shore. We climbed steep track on the opposite side of the station.

Then we walked on the plateau-like track toward Moony Moony Creek. There are some strange shaped trees, and suspension bridge, and we arrived at the middle point of #14 and #15 section; Moony Moony Creek at around noon.

[Fanny shaped tree along the track, 登山路脇の面白い樹木、등산로 옆의 재미있는 나무]

[At a suspention bridge over the creek, クリークに架かるつり橋にて、크릭에 걸려있는 현수교에서]

[By the Moony Moony Creek with Isaac,ムーニィ・ムーニィ・クリークのほとりにて、무니 무니 크릭 강가에서]

We walked along Moony Moony Creek and tried to find a suitable place for lunch. We found a camping cite along the creek but there were many mosquitoes there. I was bitten several times in my left arm. Isaac provided some topical cream and it helped me well.

After having lunch, we came to Lower Moony Dam where I could see some lotus flowers in a distance.

We also walked throw large plants with large flowers. Australian flora is quite different from those of Japan and Korea. These grasses are gigantic and amazing things for me.

[Giantic grass field, 巨大な草の群落、거대한 잔디 군락]

When we came out of the forest, it began shining. Then we heard loud buzzing of cicadas. They must enjoy the heat and sunshine.

When we come close to the hotel: Somersby Garden, a white sedan stopped near us. The driver asked us if we were heading for Somersby Garden. When we answered yes. He offered a lift and drove us to the hotel.

[Inside of Somersby Garden Hotel, サマーズビィ・ガーデン・ホテルの内部、사마즈비 가든 호텔 내부]

It was a flat building on a pasture. Our dinner and breakfast were put on the kitchen. Our dinner was a whole chicken and potato salad. Our breakfast was cereals, bread, milk and juice.

My pedometer showed 50, 158 steps, and walking distance was 32.3 km. It was a good walk and we had a sound sleep.

Next day (Nov. 10) was a fine day. The sun rise on the pasture was quiet and impressive. We had early breakfast and checked out at 7 am.

[The sunrise at Somersby Garden、サマーズビィ・ガーデンの夜明け、사마즈비 가든의 새벽]

The bus stop is about 4 km away. We arrived at the bus stop at 8 am. The bus came to stop at 8:15 but it was a school bus. We did not take the bus but later we found that school bus is the only possible way to the station. 30 minutes later, another school bus came from opposite direction. I asked the driver if the bus goes to the station. He said yes and we took the bus. The bus service twice a day means school bus! The guide book should mention this fact for readers.

We arrived at Gosford Station at 9:15, It took 1.5 hours from Gosford to Chatswood. It was a nice experience of trekking over 30 km a day and staying overnight at a hotel in pasture in my life.


SR #29 「ジンダバイとスノーイーマウンテンズ」「ウォンダバイからサマーズビーへ(GNW#14/15)」








[A view from Peter Badcoe VC Rest Area,ピーター・バドコウ休憩所からみた風景、피터 바도코우 휴게소에서 본 풍경]

ただし、この場所には「Peter Badcoe VC Rest Area」と表記されたボードがあった。VCとはVictoria Cross(ビクトリア十字章)という意味で、イギリスおよび英連邦王国構成国の軍人に対し授与される最高の戦功章である。

[AtPeter Badcoe VC Rest Area,ピーター・バドコウ休憩所にて、피터 바도코우 휴게소에서]

ここはベトナム戦争に従軍したオーストラリアの英雄「ピーター・バドコウ少佐(Major Peter Badcoe)の名を冠したレスト・エリアということである。彼は勇敢な戦功をあげた末、1967年4月7日にベトナムで戦死している。



[Lake Jindabyne, ジンダバイ湖、진다바이 호수]

レイク・ジンダバイ・ホテルには12時半ごろ到着した。ここはモーテルであり、チェックインしてから町の中央のInformation Centerを訪ね、情報をインプットしてから周辺を散策した。

[At the Lake Jindabyne, ジンダバイ湖畔にて、진다바이 호반에서]

[At Jindabyne Information Center, ジンダバイ情報センターにて、진다바이 정보 센터에서]





[Mount Kosciuszko from car window, 車窓からみたコジオスコ山、차창에서 본 코지우스코 산]


[On the track to Mt. Kosciuszko, コジオスコ山頂へ続く登山路にて、코지우스코 산 정상으로가는 등산로에서]


[Mountain plum-pine trees near Charlotte Pass, シャーロット峠付近の針葉樹、샬롯 고개 부근의 침엽수]


[On the track to Mt. Kosciuszko, コジオスコ山頂へ続く登山路にて、코지우스코 산 정상으로가는 등산로에서]

[Mountain plum-pine trees near Charlotte Pass, シャーロット峠付近の針葉樹、샬롯 고개 부근의 침엽수]

シャーロット峠には、散歩した時間も含めて30分ほど滞在しただけでUターンしてスキー場のあるペリッシャー渓谷(Perisher Valley)まで下山した。


[Chang at Perisher Valley, ペリッシャー渓谷にて、페리셔 밸리에서]

[The Lake Jindabybe, ジンダバイ湖、진다바이 호수]


[The sunrise at Jidabyne,ジンダバイの夜明け、진다바이의 새벽]










[Fanny shaped tree along the track, 登山路脇の面白い樹木、등산로 옆의 재미있는 나무]

[A pink spider flower, ピンク・スパイダー・フラワー、핑크 스파이더 플라워]

[A suspention bridge over the river, クリークに架かる吊り橋、크릭에 걸려있는 현수교]


[The Moony Moony Creek, ムーニィ・ムーニィ・クリーク、무니 무니 크릭]

[By the Moony Moony Creek with Isaac,ムーニィ・ムーニィ・クリークのほとりにて、무니 무니 크릭 강가에서]





[Giantic grass field, 巨大な草の群落、거대한 잔디 군락]



[Inside of Somersby Garden Hotel, サマーズビィ・ガーデン・ホテルの内部、사마즈비 가든 호텔 내부]



[A pasture in Somersby District, サマーズビィ地区の牧場、사마즈비 지역의 목장]

