About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


DR #179 “Kkosaem-Chuwi” vs. “Hanabie” 「コッセムチュイ(花を妬む寒さ)」と「花冷え」

DR #179 “Kkosaem-Chuwi” vs. “Hanabie”

In Korea, people call the sudden cold weather at the time when flowers bloom, “Kkosaem-Chuwi.”

“KKosaem” means to be jealous of flowers and “Chuwi” means coldness, or cold weather. So it means “Cold weather which is jealous of flowers.”

I saw yellow flowers began blooming on March 3, for the first time this year.

[The first flowers this year, この春最初の花、올해봄 처음으로 본 꽃]

The flowers are like “rengyo” in Japanese, or forsythia in English(a bush that has small bright yellow flowers in the early spring).

Just one week later (3/10), it snowed much so that the snow remained for a couple of days in Daejeon.

[Then it snowed a week later, 一週間後に雪が降った、일주일후에 눈이 내렸다]

That day, I went to ETRI to attend the Bible Class, so I carried my camera, and took several beautiful pictures with snow.

[Inside of ETRI、ETRI内の雪景色、ETRI내의 설경]

The next day (3/11) when I went to the college where I work, I also brought my camera and took pictures with the flowers and snow.

I thought it was the last snow this year, but alas, just one week later(3/17), it snowed again!

[The view from the college window, 大学の窓から見た大徳テクノバリーの雪景色 대학 창문으로부터 본 대덕 테크노 밸리의 설경]

I went to Mt. Gyeryong on March 19, the 3 days later, and I found the trail all covered with snow! (I wrote about his story on my hiking blog before.)

Now it will soon be in April. Every year about this season, I remember “Ohanami” party I enjoyed with KEC (Kamakura English Club).

Before coming to Korea, I kept attending this “Ohanami” party early April every year (maybe 30 times from 1974 to 2003.) We used to go to Genjiyama Park in Kamakura where you can enjoy viewing a lot of cherry blossoms at this time.

Sometime, we felt very cold even we could see cherry blossoms. We call such cold weather as “Hanabie” or “Flower-coldness.”

According to the Korean web dictionary, “KKosaem-Chuwi꽃샘추위” is “Hanabie 花冷え” in Japanese, and “the last cold snap” in English.

I like Korean expression because it impersonate the weather. Japanese expression simply explains the situation, and English expression sounds like it happens only once.

I feel nostalgic for “Ohanami” party with KEC members.

DR#179 「コッセムチュイ(꽃샘추위)」と「花冷え」



[The first flowers this year, この春最初の花、올해봄 처음으로 본 꽃]



[Then it snowed a week later, 一週間後に雪が降った、일주일후에 눈이 내렸다]


[Inside of ETRI、ETRI内の雪景色、ETRI내의 설경]



[Snow covered statue of the college-founder, 大学創始者の像にも雪、대학창시자의 동상에도 눈]






韓国語の辞書を引くと「コッセムチュイ」は日本語では「花冷え」英語では「the last cold snap」とある(Daum総合ウェブ辞書)。




100327 Black Stone Mountain, HaeNam, JeonNam 黒石山、海南、全南

March 27 (Sat) 2010. Cloudy. AhToSan’s 260th Hiking. Destination: HeukSeokSan(650m) in HaeNam, JeonNam Province. “HeukSeokSan” means “Black Stone Mountain.” It is said that when the rocks contain water (after rain), the color of rocks becomes black.

The hiking course: Bamjae – ByolMoeSan(Star Mountain: 465m) – GaHakSan (577m) – HeukSoekSan (Black Stone Mountain 650m) – Baramjae – EunGol (Silver Cave) – Parking Lot. Hiking distance was about 10 km, It took 5.5 hours.

Since we went southern tips of peninsula, we left 6 a.m., one hour earlier than usual, again. My good hiking pal, “B” from Mexico, brought his friend from San Diego, “M” this time. They talked each other in Spanish.

“Black Stone Mountain” locates in the south-west part of the peninsula, so it took nearly 4 hours from Daejeon by bus. On the way to the mountain, B was awarded as the 319th “Best Member of AhToSan.” (If you attend 10 times of AhToSan hiking, you are qualified to be “Best Member.”)

We arrived at Bamjae at 9:50 a.m., and after taking the group picture, we began climbing the mountain. The first part of the hike was hard, climbing steep slope and it seemed especially hard for M, since she ware not proper shoes for such hiking.

[The first part of the hiking, 登り始めの急坂、처음의 가파른 언덕길]

When we came to the ridge, she looked exhausted. She walked well along the ridge, however, and she even climbed rocky part well.

We could see pink flowers of “jindalle” and yellow flower of “sengangnamu” along the trail.

The 2nd peak of the mountain is called “GaHakSan” which means the shape of a crane with its wing spread. It looked like a big rocket to me, though. We had lunch before reaching GaHakSan.

["GaHakSan" カハク山 가학산]

One of side dishes which Korea members enjoyed was “Minari” or dropwort salad with “Cho-kochujang” “Kochujang” is explained as thick soypaste mixed with red pepper, and “Cho” means vinegar. It is simple and delicious side dish.

B usually eats sandwiches, but he brought cup-noodle rebelled “JJangpong” which is spicy noodle. As a Mexican, he likes spicy foods, so he generally enjoys Korean foods.

After lunch, we enjoyed ridge walking, climbing up and down, sometimes rather steep rocks, and reached at the peak of Black Stone Mountain (650m) at 2:50 p.m.

Then it was 2 km download to the final goal of the parking lot. Along the trail, I found a small entrance of the cave. The big sign says it is called “Eun-Gul” which means “Silver Cave.”

[The entrance of "Silver Cave" 「ウングル(銀窟)」の入口 은굴 입구]

During Japanese colonial period (1910-1945), about 80 people worked as minors to dig “silver” from this mountain.

[Explanation of Silver Cave, ウングルの説明、은골의 설명]

There was a small zoo near the parking lot. There were monkeys and peacocks in the cages there. We had spicy meals after the hike. B and M enjoyed having the meals with Korean hikers.

[There were Japanese monkeys in the zoo.ニホンザルの母子 일본 원숭이 모자 ]

This was my 15th hike of this year, and 195th hike with AhToSan since November 2004.

3月27日(土)、曇り。アトサンは260回目の企画で目的地は全南・海南の「黒石山(650m)」コースはパムジェ(밤재) – ピョルメ山(별뫼산星山:465m) – カハク山(가학산:577m) -黒石山(흑석산)キッテ峰(깃대봉)650m) – パラムジェ(바람재) - 銀窟(은굴)- 休養林駐車場で約10キロ、所要時間:5時間半。登録者は34名。




[A Mexican hiker got "Best Member" メキシコ青年B、ベストメンバーとなる。멕시코 청년 우수회원이 됬다.]


["Let's go mountains!"「土曜日は山へ行こう!」아! 토요일은 산에 가자!] 




["GaHakSan" カハク山 가학산]





[Jindalle flowers チンダルレの花 진달래 꽅]


[Explanation about Silver Cave, ウングルの説明、은골의 설명]


[Explanation of "Japanese monkeys" カハク山野生猿展示中の看板 가학산 야생 원숭이 전시중의 간판]


[Wild orchid, 野生の蘭、야생 난꽃]




100323 "Jukkumi" Party under the bridge, 橋のたもとの「ツクミ」パーティ

March 23, 2010 (Tuesday)

Last week, I got a cell-phone message from a AhToSan stuff member. It says they were going to have “Jukkumi” party under Dusan Bridge along Gapchon River.

Gapchon originates at Mt. Daedun and Mt. Gyeryong and interflows into Geum River.

[Rainbow Bridge accross Gapchon River, 甲川にかかる虹橋(レインボー・ブリッジ)갑천에 걸려있는 무지개다리]

The riverbed of Gapchon is well facilitated with walking trails and roads for bicycles. Some part of the riverbed are used as free parking-lots. The space under the bridge is also a parking lot. So we had a party at the parking lot.

“Jukkumi” is a small type of octopus. It is called “iidako” in Japanese. Fishermen catch “jukkumi” along seashores near the peninsula.

["Jukkumi” is a small type of octopus、「ツクミ」はイイダコ、주꾸미는 일본어로 "이이다코"]

Korea people eat “jukkumi” as a kind of “sashimi” called “san-nachi” and also cook with soup. We enjoyed “jukkumi” soup with lots of vegetable cooked together.

It happened to be a birthday of a member. They bought a birthday cake, and we sang “Happy Birthday” in Korean version. I left the party at 9 p.m. But the party went on until 10 p.m.

[Also, Birthday Party for A member, 会員の一人の誕生日パーティを兼ねる 한 회원의 생일 파티를 겸]



[Under the Dunsan Bridge, 屯山大橋の下で、둔산대교 아래에서]








DR #178 “English Head” and “Think in English”「ヨンオモリ(英語の頭)」と「Think in Englsih(英語で考える)」

DR #178 “English Head” and “Think in English” 

I got a feedback about my previous DR #177 “Program change for EBS
for new academic year” from one of my Russian friends from Russia. He
commented as below. (I uploaded his comments on my blog archive
below.) http://georgesuzuki.blogspot.com/

“It is craze that they extend the broadcasting time to 24:40 or even 25:20.
But I can understand why Koreans are so enthusiastic to study English.

If you can speak Japanese, you can talk with Japanese people (both
educated and non-educated.) But if you can speak English you can
communicated with people from which English is their mother tongue,
such as UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Not only that,
but also you can talk with educated people from all over the world.

On the other hand, if you can speak Russian, you can talk with
Russians (both educated and non-educated) and those who were once
under Soviet Union but not with other people.

If you can speak Korean, you can talk with both North and South
Koreans (both educated and non-educated) but not with other people.

In the future, such status of English might be replace by Chinese, as
China is increasing its influence, but “international” language should
have cultural influence which many people feel attractive. For this
point, the dominance of English seems not to be changed or replaced by
any other languages for some more decades.”

(My summary might not be so accurate. Hope you can check his original comment.)

I guess he is right.

President Lee Myung-bak proposed a drastic change on English
education. He proposed to develop “English Head” for every student by
so-called “English immersion” classes, esp. at high school when he was
elected as 17th President of Korea 2 years ago.

He proposed all subjects, except Korean, should be taught in English.
Most of all, English should be taught in English, and the government
should train English teachers who can do so, or hire such capable

According to the newspaper, about 60% of the teachers opposed his idea
when he proposed this, so, once he withdrew this proposal.

But recently, I heard from the radio news that his government proposed
more use of EBS so that people can learn and acquire practical English
ability more economically.

As I have been watching Korean society in the past two decades, high
class people try to send their kids to study abroad where English is
spoken. Those who cannot send their kids abroad, send their kids to
private English schools. Therefore, those who do not have enough
money, cannot provide proper English education to their kids.

I think this is why my beloved Japanese and Chinese programs of EBS
have been pushed away in the frame of 24 hours of broadcasting

In my 20s, when I began learning English through NHK #2 radio, I was
deeply charmed by Dr. Toru Matsumoto’s English and his program. I
listened to his lectures and read his books. He proposed to “think in
English” and to immerse you with English.

Sometimes I feel that President Lee is realizing the ideal which Dr.
Matsumoto proposed 40 years ago. Unfortunately there was no such
politician has appeared in Japan in the past forty years.

President Lee and his education policy

George's hiking blog including past DR: http://georgesuzuki.blogspot.com/

DR #178 「英語の頭」教育と「Think in English」

前回のDRで触れた「EBSの番組改編」について、韓国からロシアへ帰った友人から以下のようなコメントをもらった。(原文はブログhttp://georgesuzuki.blogspot.com/のアーカイブDR"177 に掲載)


















100320 SaRayngDo (BulMoSan and OkNyoBong)蛇梁島(仏母山・玉女峰)

March 20 (Sat), Cloudy, occasionally small rain, very strong wind around noon. This is my 14th hike for this year, and my 194th hike with AhToSan.

[Before boarding the ferry、フェリー乗船前に페리 승선전에]

The destination is SaRangDo. SaRangDo consists of 8 islands; 3 habited islands and 5 uninhabited islets. SaRangDo locates in the middle of Hallyo Maritime National Park, in the south east part of Korea Peninsula.

[Map of SaRangDo, 蛇梁島の地図、사량도 지도]

Among these islands, there are a set of two big islands, each called Sangdo (Upper island) and Hado (Lower island.) I climbed ChilHongBong with AhToSan people just 2 years ago (08/3/15). This time, we headed for JiriMangSan – BulMoSan – OkNyoBong in Sangdo.

The weather was not favorable for us since a powerful low pressure was passing the peninsula from west to east. The rain all day, and strong wind/high turf were predicted in the previous day.

So AhToSan prepared an alternative hiking to MiReukSan (461m) in Tongyeong city in case of no ferry service.

[AhToSan stuff members prepared two maps, just in case、アトサンは万一に備え2枚の地図を用意した。아토산은 만일에 대비하여 지도 2장을 준비했다.]

Fortunately the real weather was not so bad as predicted. It was not raining when we left Daejeon and when we arrived at a part near Tongyeong, the wind was not too strong.

The ferry boat company decided to operate the boats, but just in case, AhToSan decided to make the whole trip short by abandoning JiriMangSan.

“Mang” means “view” and JiriMangSan means a mountain from where you can view the famous Mt. Jiri (1915m) in Jeollado Province. It was cloudy and foggy day, so there is no use to climb that mountain.

BulMoSan (400m) and OkNyoBong (261m) are rocky mountains, and it must be fun, just for climbing rocks and cliffs.

[A rocky ridge to OkNyoBong、玉女峰への稜線、옥녀붕의 능선]

This time, two of my Stammtisch* friends joined this hiking; H is the owner of the restaurant where Stammtisch people meet. T is an English teacher who comes from Australia. There are not necessary strong hikers. Therefore it was a bit hard hike for them.

(Stammtisch is a casual English meeting place where anyone who want to speak English and exchange ideas in English can join. They regularly meet at a restaurant called "Pasta House" near KAIST every Wednesday evening.)

When we arrived at Naeji Port in Upper Island, it was still 10 a.m. We went through Naeji Village to the entrance of the steep trail. Naeji Village however is very unique and beautiful village. Wall of each house and concrete fences are all painted with colorful pictures and poems. They are fantastic!

[Pictures and poems on the wall in the village, 村の家々の壁には童話のような絵と詩が描かれていた。마을 집집의 벽에는 동화와 같은 그림과 시가 그려져 있었다.]

But we hurried to BulMoSan because we were informed that the ferry shall leave the port at 2 p.m. The first part of this hiking was difficult for my friends, because it was steep, and only up and up slope. They were the last two among 40 hikers.

We had early lunch on the ride of BulMoSan at 11: a.m. Then the wind was really strong and even a little rain began to fall. The mountain was covered with deep fog, and I was afraid of any accident. Be had lunch in the woods, so we could avoid the strong wind.

[Early lunch in the woods, 林の中で早い昼食、 숲 속에서 이른 점심]

When we began walking along the ridge, the strong wind stopped, and we could relatively easy to walk forward.

There are several steep parts of the trail, but such cases, there is an alternative trail for beginners. So 3 of us chose easier course, and arrived the fork of trails; one leads to GaMaBong (303m) and OkNyoBong (with another rock climbing) and the other leads to descend to the port.

[AhToSam members climbing up using the ropes, ロープを使って崖を登るアトサン会員、로프를 사용해서 벼랑을 오르는 아토회원들]

I recommended H and T to go down, not going to GaMaBong/OkNyoBong and they followed my advice. There was another guy who also chose this easy course.
So, four of us went down from the fork to the port.

When we looked up to the mountain, we could see AhToSan people climbing up to the steep ridge. We enjoyed talking and the nature while going down to the beach.

[AhToSan members climbing up the mountain, 濃霧の中、登山を続けるアトサン会員たち、농무 속 등산을 계속하는 아토 회원들]

We saw several groups of Jindalle flowers and blossoms of plum trees and etc., the sign of springs.

["Jindalle" or Korean azalea were in full bloom, 麓ではチンダルレが咲いていた。기슭에서는 진달래가 피어 있었다.]

We arrived at the port at 12:30 and had to kill time for one and half hours. The rest of hikers arrived at the port just in time at 2 p.m.

By this time, there was almost no wind, and weather became much better. There was a beautiful cruise ship in the harbor and a maritime police ship. When hikers arrived at the port, they enjoyed taking photos with such scenes.

[A cruiser ship at anchor, クルーザーが停泊していた。 크루즈가 정박하고 있었다.]

We returned to the port in Tongyeong, and had “after the hike” party with spicy soup called “Bude Jige” and some special wine called “Gugija” wine. We enjoyed the food and drinks very much. We came back to Daejeon at 7 p.m.






[In side of the ferry boat, フェリーの内部、페리 내부]






[Pictures and poems on the wall in the village, 村の家々の壁には童話のような絵と詩が描かれていた。마을 집집의 벽에는 동화와 같은 그림과 시가 그려져 있었다.]



[Strong wind on the ridge, 尾根は強風、능선이는 강풍이 불고 있었다.]


[At the fork, 分かれ道にて 갈림길에서]


[OkNyoBong appears as the fog getting cleared、霧が晴れて玉女峰が姿を現してきた。안개가 개서 옥여봉이 모습을 나타내 왔다.]




[Return ferry was larger than going ferry, 帰りのフェリーは大型だった。귀로의 페리는 대형이었다.]


[Tipurri Menu: Bude Soup & GuGiJa(Chinese matrimony vine) wine, ティップリは部隊チゲと枸杞子酒]、됫풀이는 부대찌개와 구기자주]


100319 GeRyongSan/JangGunBong (500m) 鶏龍山・将軍峰

March 20 (Friday), 2010. Fine. Alone-hiking.

Since it was not a group, but “alone” hiking, I took a bus (#107) from Yuseong Hotspring Station. The course: HakBongGyo – ByongSaGol Entrance – JangGunBong (500m) – GatBawui – SinSongBong – KeunPeJe – DongHakSa Bus Stop.

[The map which shows the course, 今回の登山コースを示す地図、이번 등산 코스를 나타내는 지도]

I started walking at HakBongGyo (Gyo means bridge) before 8 a.m. Walked along YongSuCheon (Cheon means river) after turning right at the 2nd HakBongGyo for 400m until the entrance of GeRyongSan National Park called ByongSaGol.

[JangGunBong which I looked up from the bank of YongSuCheon), 龍水川(ヨンスチョン)の川岸から見上げた将軍峰,용수천 강가로부터 우러러 본 장군봉]

The trail leads to a steep rocky part with several ropes for the sake of hikers. It is so steep that you can earn altitude easily. I could see good view of lower mountains such as “SuTongGol” while climbing the mountain.

[A view from the steep slope near JangGunBong、将軍峰付近からの展望、장군봉부근에서의 전망]

This time, I felt like I came to the winter-mountain again because the trail had been covered with snow and ice. Actually the whole trails on the ridge were covered with snow. I should have brought climbing irons because I slipped once at the ridge. Fortunately I did not fall from the ridge, but I was a little bit scared, and thanked God for not falling from the cliff.

[The peaks of GeRyongSan,鶏龍山の峰々、계룡산 봉우리들]

I reached at JangGunBong (500m) at 9:20 and had a hot coffee there. While walking the ridge from JangGunBong to SinSongBong, it became noon and I had lunch between GatBaWui and SinSongBong.

[At the tope of JangGunBong, 将軍峰頂上にて、장군봉 정상에서]

Down walk from SinSongBong to DongHakSa parking lot was pleasant and easy “promenade.” It was a gentle descend with wide trail. I saw a couple of beautiful little birds with black wings and orange and while skin feathers. They seem not afraid me so I could take pictures of them.

[A bird which came close to me, 私に近づいてきた小鳥 나에게 근접해 온 작은 새]

When I arrived at the bus stop at DongHakSa Parking Lot, it was 2 p.m., so it was about 10 km-6 hour hike. It was my 13th hike for this year.




[I got a good view soon after the start of rock climbing.岩登りを始めるとすぐに展望が開ける。바위오름을 시작하면 곧 전망이 열린다.]


[The trails were covered with snow.登山路は雪に覆われていた。등산로는 눈에 덮혀져 있었다.]



[The first part of the rock climbing with rope, 将軍峰への最初の難所、장군봉에의 최초의 험한 곳]


[You can see the peaks of GeRyongSan on my bak, 鶏龍山の峰々をバックに 계룡산(鷄龍山)의 봉우리들을 배경으로]


[A bird which came close to me, 私に近づいてきた小鳥 나에게 근접해 온 작은 새]
