About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


Sydney Report # 14 "Midsummer Christmas" 「真夏のクリスマス」"한여름의 크리스마스"

Sydney Report # 14 "Midsummer Christmas and Cultural Activity"

December is the Christmas season, and it is celebrated in Australia located in the Southern Hemisphere, the season is the opposite of Europe / Asia / North America.

Upon arrival in Sydney, I visited a local cultural center called MOSAIC and registered two cultural classes. 1) ukulele lessons in English (every Monday, 100 minutes), 2) beginner Chinese (every Thursday, 100 minutes), each fee is A $ 31 (about 2500 yen) in 16 weeks.

MOSAIC stands for Multi-culture One Stop Assistance Information Center located near Chatswood station (5 minutes on foot). Literally multicultural classes are held throughout the year (except during the holiday seasons).

My wife and I also participated in a cultural activity group called "Japanese social organization (JSG)" at MOSAIC. The members of JSG are Japanese only. They are doing a few activities like "Cooking class" and "Tai Chi practice", and we participated in "Tai Chi" and practiced Tai Chi for one hour every Wednesday every afternoon.

[Japanese Tai Chi Group, 日本人の「太極拳」学習グループ、일본인의 '태극권'학습 그룹]

Besides the activity of MOSAIC, my wife and I also participate in a local choir called "Come and Sing Community Choir" and practice every Monday night.

All these cultural activities are aimed at "Christmas performance", after that there is "summer vacation."

The first Christmas event was a Christmas party held on November 30th by MOSAIC and City of Willoughby.

The party held over 350 participants and was held in Chatswood Concourse. There are 33 tables, each with 10 chairs. My wife and I helped for "table setting" just like last year.

[Opening Greet by Mayor of Willoughby, ウィロビー市長の挨拶、인사를 하는 위러비 시장님]

There were Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Malaysian, Singaporean, Hong Kong, Iranian, Filipino, Italian and other tables. It is just like "mosaic" itself.

There were "Tai Chi" and "Japanese folk dance" tables. People at each table should bring their own dishes. Among the JGP members, there were excellent cooks and offered delicious Japanese cuisine. I thought that our table was one of the best tables with lots of delicious foods.

[Japanese Group Table, 日本人グループのテーブル、일본인 그룹 테이블]

The party started with an opening speech by Mayor of Willoughby, Pat Reilly. She is a good-looking woman and is said to have received more than 90% supports among voters.

There were five major performances including our (JSG) performance.

1) Indonesian folk music by traditional Indonesian musical instruments.

[Indonesians' performance, インドネシアの伝統音楽、인도네시아 전통 음악]

2) Japanese Ninja Tai Chi by JSG. Leader Hosaka and eight outstanding students performed the "Ninja style" Tai Chi with BG M of "Tsugaru Shamisen".

[Japanese Ninja Tai Chi, 「忍者太極拳」のパフォーマンス、"닌자 태극권"]

3) Chinese Tai Chi using Chinese Tai Chi or fans. They opened and closed the fans well.

[Tai Chi by Chinese performers, 中国人による「太極拳」、중국인의 '태극권']

4) Folk dance of "Ohara-bushi" by Japanese Fold Dance Group.

[Japanese Folk Dance "Oharabushi", 日本民謡「小原節」、일본 민요 '오하라 부시]

5) Christmas Carols by Korean choir. They sang in English so the audience joined their singing.

[Xmas Carols by Korean Choirs,韓国人合唱団によるキャロル合唱、한국인 합창단에 의한 캐롤 합창]

After the "quiz prize awarding time" and the closing speech, a kind of disco dance began with music of "Sway". This first Christmas party was over merrily with caotic dancing by many participants.

[Disco dance by all participants, 最後のディスコダンス、마지막 디스코 댄스]

The next Christmas event was singing at the candle service of St. Stephen's Church. My wife and I were members of 34 local choirs named "Come and Sing Community Choir (CSCC)".

[At St. Stephen Anglican Church, 聖スティーブンス教会にて、세인트 스티븐스 교회에서]

St. Stephen Anglican Church must be the biggest church in City of Willoughby. We practiced a lot of Christmas carols, and on December 16, we did performances in front of 400 congregations.

CSCC's leader is Vanessa South. She is a niece of our best friend, Ian Francis, the ophthalmologist. Ian is also a member of CSCC.

On that day there was an hour's rehearsal and there was "real" or "real" at 19:30. We sang all Carol well, but the overhead lighting was too strong and it was too hot. I sweat everywhere when the service was over.

[At St. Stephen Anglican Church, 聖スティーブンス教会にて、세인트 스티븐스 교회에서]

The last cultural event for me was the ukulele's performance. It was held in the Chatswood Market on 17th December.

In addition to MOSAIC 's ukulele lesson, I participated in a ukulele lesson once a week with Pennant Hill.

"Music for Bonzer" held at the Dougherty Center once a month.

Actually this time it was "Music for Bonzer" which was performing a street performance. We played 34 songs, including the famous Chinese song "Mind representation", and the legendary Japanese song "Sukiyaki".

[Ukulele performance at Market Place, 商店街にてウクレレ演奏、상가에서 우쿨렐레 연주]

Among the students in the ukulele class, there was a woman who was truly beautiful. She first sang this song in Chinese, then we all sang in English.

Regarding "Sukiyaki", there were Japanese female singers in "Music for Bonzer". She sang every song with a sharp voice, but she is very fine. She first sang this song in Japanese, then we all also sang in English.

[Ukulele performance at Market Place, 商店街にてウクレレ演奏、상가에서 우쿨렐레 연주]

By the way, Aussie Christmas is quite different from ordinary Christmas for people in the Northern Hemisphere. It is hot and it is healthy. There is "Aussie Jingle Bells", one of 34 songs played by ukulele. The lyrics of this song represents the atmosphere of Christmas in Australia.

So, if you are interested please click on the website below.

YouTube: Aussie Jingle Bell




Now everyone, Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!


シドニーレポート14号 「真夏のクリスマスと文化活動」



場所はチャッツウッド駅のすぐそばのMOSAIC Centerで、期間は16週間、料金は1講座当たり31豪ドル(約2500円)である。

ちなみにMOSAIC(モザイク)とはMulticultural One Stop Assistance Information Center(マルチカルチャー・ワンストップ支援センター)の頭辞語(アクロニム)で、この市に住む様々な文化を持つ住民の文化活動を支援するところという意味である。


夫婦で出席しているのはこのほかに毎週月曜日の夜、この地域の住民が集う市民合唱団(Come and Sing Community Choir) の合唱訓練である。


[With Mayor of Willoughby City, ウィロビー市長と記念撮影、위러비 시장님과 기념 촬영]


[Opening Greet by Mayor of Willoughby, ウィロビー市長の挨拶、인사를 하는 위러비 시장님]





[Japanese Group Table, 日本人グループのテーブル、일본인 그룹 테이블]

パーティでは女性市長Pat Reillyさんの開会のあいさつに続き、以下の5つの出し物があった。



[Indonesians' performance, インドネシアの伝統音楽、인도네시아 전통 음악]


[Japanese Ninja Tai Chi, 「忍者太極拳」のパフォーマンス、"닌자 태극권"]


[Tai Chi by Chinese performers, 中国人による「太極拳」、중국인의 '태극권']


[Japanese Folk Dance "Oharabushi", 日本民謡「小原節」、일본 민요 '오하라 부시]


[Xmas Carols by Korean Choirs,韓国人合唱団によるキャロル合唱、한국인 합창단에 의한 캐롤 합창]


[Disco dance by all participants, 最後のディスコダンス、마지막 디스코 댄스]



[At St. Stephen Anglican Church, 聖スティーブンス教会にて、세인트 스티븐스 교회에서]



[At St. Stephen Anglican Church, 聖スティーブンス教会にて、세인트 스티븐스 교회에서]



ウクレレは昨年の訪豪時(2017/9-12)に始めたが、今年はこのMOSAICのウクレレ教室のほかにも、少し離れたペナント・ヒルで月1回開催されるウクレレ教室や、ウィロビー・コミュニティセンターで同じく月1回開催される同好の集い(Music for Bonzer)にも参加しはじめた。

実際、今回のストリート・パフォーマンスはMusic for Bonzerの主催である。このグループはMOSAICとは関係なく、だれでもウクレレさえあれば参加でき、曲目と楽譜は事前にメールで送付される。

[Ukulele performance at Market Place, 商店街にてウクレレ演奏、상가에서 우쿨렐레 연주]


「月亮代表我的心」はMOSAICの同じクラスの中国人が美しい歌声を披露し、「上を向いて歩こう」はMusic for Bonzerの常連の日本人女性がハスキーボイスで歌い、どちらも観衆に受けた。

[Ukulele performance at Market Place, 商店街にてウクレレ演奏、상가에서 우쿨렐레 연주]




