About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120316 Kiyomi of Nova Energy and I (ノヴァエネルギーの清美さんと私)

Kiyomi of "Nova Energy" and I

Date: March 16 (Fri) 2012, Rain

Place: Busan, GyongNam Province

Peple I met: 1)Kiyomi Suzuki (One of my cousin’s sons), CEO of NOVA ENERGY Co. LTD, 2) Prof. Young Saeng Kim, Advisory Professor, School of Mechanical & Automotive Engineeringnje Kim, 3) Mt. Yangun Yun, CEO of G&C, 4) Mr. Dongon Gang, the vice president of Yactt R&D& Dep.of Gwanndon FRP Industry.

Shinichiro Suzuki, my father was born in 1904 in Hirakata, Kitaibaraki-shi, Ibarki Prefecture. He was born as the 4th son ofn Jin-nosuke Suzuki who was born in 1860, before Meiji Restration.

Jin-nosuke was a ship carpenter of Tateyama in “Boshu” which is the old name of Chiba Prefecture. His name was Jin-nosuke Ajiro and he married Hatsu Suzuki, who was the daughter of “Amimoto,” the boss of fishermen in Hirakata, and took the family name of “Suzuki” after the marriage.

[My relatives names were curved on the epitaph, 墓誌に刻まれた私の親戚の名前、묘지에 새겨진 나의 친척들의 이름]

My grandparents, Jin-nosuke and Hatsu had 11 kids (8 boys and 3 daughters) and my father was their 7th child and 4th son. He followed my granpa’s occupation, ship-carpenter, but he left his hometown, and finally settled in Kamakura, where I was born. (My father was also a ship carpenter.)

[A model of fishery boat which one of my uncles made, 私の叔父が造った漁船の模型、나의 작은 아버지가 만든 어선 모형]

My parents, Shinichiro and Kuni, had 6 kids including myself, 5 daughters and one son. I used to have 5 elder sisters. (Now two of them passed away.)

[My cousin in Hisanohama is looking at the collapsed hill by the earthquake and the tsunami, 久ノ浜の従兄弟が地震と津波で崩れた山を見ている。 히사노하마의 사촌형제가 지진과 해일로 무너진 산을 보고 있다.]

Kiyomi also have many siblings, (3 brothers and 2 sisters), and his great-grandfater is my grandfather. He is one of my cousins’ son.

We met each other several times, and when I visited his elder brother, Takashi who was a fisherman at my father’s home town, Hirakata, last summer, I heard of Kiyomi from Takashi.

Hirakata, my father’s hometown, was badly hit by the big earthquake and tsumami on March 11, 2011. Many houses were crashed, and washed away, but worst came after these disasters. It was Fukusima nuclear plants’ accident. The water was contaminated and there was no way to slove this contamination problem even after one year.

[The terrifying scene of "Hisanohama" after the disaster of 311 last year, 私の従兄弟が住むいわき市久ノ浜の津波に襲われた後の惨状、나의 사촌형제가 사는 이와키시 히사노하마(久浜)의 해일에 습격 당한 후의 참상]

Takashi’s business as fisherman and the owner of the boats of amature anglars is out of business now. But I heard a good news about his younger brother, Kiyomi, then.

[Takashi and I, 隆志さんと私、다카시(隆志)씨와 나]

Kiyomi had been a captain of big ships for dicades and about 10 years ago, he quit his job as a captain and began his won project: generating electricity by utilizing tidal power in Kobe.

Now since Japan experienced 311 disasters, she is eager to find effective alternative enegy. I think this project is worth being successful.

Anyway, he has been seeking coraboration with Korean companies and he already visited Korea more than 40 times!

I took KTX at Daejeon at 7:59 and arrived at Busan at 9:43.(Actual arrival time was delayed for 15 minutes.) I hurried to Toyoko-in Busan Station #2 and met Kiyomi and Prof. Kim and Mr. Yun there.

[George, Kiyomi, Prof. Kim and Mr. Yun, ジョージと清美さん、金教授とユンさん、조지와 기요미, 김영생교수와 윤양운 씨]

We went to a coffee shop near Busan Hotel and they had business talk there. Both Mr. Yun and Prof. Kim spoke Japanese fluently, so all of the business talks were carried in Japanese.

We also had lunch at Korean restaurant called “YongBinGwan” and headed for Kwang Dong FRP Industriral Co. which was located in Songjeong-dong, Gangseo-gu, Busan by Mr. Yun’s car.

[Korean traditional dishes, 迎賓館の韓定食、영빈관 한정식]

Kwang Dong FRP is a ship-building company and Kiyomi has ordered to modify the main turbine which they called “Tuna.”

[A turbine underdevelopment, 開発中のマグロ・タービン、개발중인 다랑어·터빈]

It was necessary to adjust the shape of propellers, and Kiyomi talked with Mr. Gang who was the leader of his project. Both Kiyomi and Mr. Gang spoke English, but complicated matter, they spoke their own language and Mr. Yun interpreted between their conversations.

After the discussion and business talk at Gwang Dong FRP, we went back to “YongBinGwan” for dinner.

Kiyomi is actually working to establish a joint-stock company in Korea now.

If it were successful, he wishes to establish another jointstock company in Singarpore to sell electricity to countries in South East Asia.

I think he is doing “right” job, esp. after the 311 disastor last year.

After dinner, Mr. Yun drove me to Busan station before 7 p.m., but to my surprise, all KTX up to 9 p.m. were sold out. I had to use “Saemaul” which left Busan at 7:30 and arrived at Daejon at 11 p.m.

Nova Energy Home Page (In Japanese, but you can watch the video by youtube)






主な面会者:①鈴木清美(父方の再従兄弟でNova Energy CEO)、②金永生(キム・ヨンセン김영생)、釜山、諮問教授、③尹亮云(ユン・ヤンウン、윤양운)、光州、G&C代表、④姜棟堰(カン・ドンオン강동온)、クァンドンFRP産業、産業ヨットR&D次長




[A model of fishery boat which one of my uncles made, 私の叔父が造った漁船の模型、나의 작은 아버지가 만든 어선 모형]

[The tomb stone of my uncle and aunt, 私の叔父と叔母の墓石、나의 백부모의 묘석]





[The tsunami hit the port of Hirakata, 津波に襲われた平潟港、해일에 습격 당한 히라카타(平潟)항]

[We went to see the broken storehouse (being hit by tsumami) in Hirakata Port, 津波に襲われた平潟港の倉庫を見に行く従兄弟夫妻と隆志さん、해일에 습격 당한 히라카타(平潟)항 창고를 보러 가는 사촌형제부처와 다카시(隆志)씨]









[Prof. Kim and Mr. Yun, they speak good Japanese, 金教授とユンさん、どちらも日本語を流暢に話す、김영생교수와 윤양운씨, 두분 다 일본어를 유창하게 말한다.]

[Korean traditional dishes, 迎賓館の韓定食、영빈관 한정식]



[A turbine underdevelopment, 開発中のマグロ・タービン、개발중인 다랑어·터빈]  








120310 Gyeryongsan(鶏龍山계룡산) and Seonjasan(扇子山선자산) in Geojedo(巨済島)

Hiking Date: March 10 (Sat) Cloudy

Destination (mountain): Gyeryongsan and Seonjasan in Geojedo

Hiking course: Parking lot – Gimsil Pass – Peak 434 – Gyeryongsan – Ruin of Communication Facilities –Seonjasan – Heliport - Wondeokgol

Partner: 44 AhToSan members including Ayela of Taejeonhikers

[The group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체사진]

Ayla of Taejeonhikers joined this hike to Gyeryongsan in Geojedo after climbing Gyeryongsan in Gongju.

Geojedo locates south-eastern tip of Korean peninsula, but we planed the light hike, so we left Daejeon at 7 a.m. as usual.

On the way, we celebrated the 100th hike for the couple of Chomwa and Ttowa.

[The 100th hike of "Chomwa" and "Ttowa," チョムワとトワの100回目記念ケーキ、첨와와 또와의 100번째 기념 케이크]

We arrived at the parking lot of the starting point at 10:30 a.m. We lost 5 minutes or so by walking the wrong way. The leader of the hike took the “short-cut”and we followed him.

[We went the wrong way, and came back after a while. 直進したが、すぐに引き返した。직진했지만, 곧 되돌아왔다.]

We walked along the highway and went through the bridge under the highway. Then we came to the tail-like trails.

[We walked under the concrete bridge, コンクリートの橋梁の下を通って鶏龍山に向かった。콘크리트 교량 아래를 지나서 계룡산을 향했다.]

We had the first short break at 11:20. Ayela was with me by this time. But it was the last moment I saw her during the hike. She went on with the top group while I was in the last group.

[The first "makgeolli break, 1回目のマッコリ休憩、첫번째 막걸리 타임]

When we went on for another 30 minutes, we had the 2nd break. Ayla called me by cellphone but I encouraged her to go on with the top group, so it was after the hike when I saw her again.

[Ayla called me from the top group, 先頭グループからアエラが電話をかけてきた。선두 그룹으로부터 아에라가 전화를 걸었다.]

While climbing up to Gyeryongsan, we saw a big group of elementary school students. They greeted us with big voice. They were picking up rubbish and litter and putting into big prastic bags.

[A school teacher and her students with a plastic bag, 小学校の先生と生徒たち、 초등학교 선생님과 학생들]

When we came up to the ridge, we could see the sea and the dock of Geojedo. There are a lot of high-rise apartments near the sea.

[A view from the ridge, 稜線からの眺め、능선으로부터의 조망]

[アトサン100回目カップルのツーショット、아토산 100번째 커플의 "단 둘이"사진]

It pasted noon when we reached at 434 Peak. So we decided to have lunch before reaching the top of Gyeryongsan.

I enjoyed eating my lunch with other members. One of female members brought vinegar-seasoned ascidian and it tasted very good.

[Vinegar-seasoned ascidian, ホヤの和え物、멍게 무친 요리]

After having lunch, I offered soju which I bought in Japan.

The amount of soju was not much, so everyone had only a sip, and they liked it very much. (Japanese soju is different from Korean’s. )

[A group picture after the lunch, 昼食後の集合写真、점심후의 단체사진]

We arrived at the top of Gyeryongsan at 12:52. There was a big nice stone on which “Gyeryongsan” was written in Hangul.

[At the top of Gyeryongsan, 鶏龍山山頂にて、계룡산 정상에서]

After Gyeryongsan, we walked on the ridge of the mountains. The trail was rocky and we walked carefully.

[At the communication tower, 通信塔にて、통신탑에서]

Then we came to the grass field. There was a ruin of building which was used as communication facilities during Korean War. (It is said that there were more than 100,000 POW during the Korean War.)

[We came down to the ruins of communications facilities, 朝鮮戦争時の通信隊遺跡、6.25시의 통신대 유적] Anyhow, we passed through the ruins of the facilities, then we came to the pass and gentle field.

We had the first break of afternoon on the field. Some members provided makgeolli and some side-dishes. I was amazed at their well-preparedness of such a break.

[Ahto members on the field, ススキ原にて、참억새밭에서]

Then we came to a gazebo, where we had the 2nd break of afternoon hike. From the gazebo, we could see the ridges of Gyeryongsan well.

[There was a gazebo on the hill, 扇子山近くの亭子、선자산 부근의 정자]

Soon after the gazebo, we came to the last peak called “Seonjabong.” “Seonja” means “Fan” so “Seongjabong” means “Fan Mountain.”

[At the top of Seonjasan, 扇子山山頂にて、선자산 정상에서]

After taking a group picture, we went down from the mountain. It was an easy downhill and we came to the paved road at 3:57.

Our bus came to pick us up on the road. I was in the last group and we all joined the rest of the AhToSan members at a small park beside “Gucheon Dam.”

There was a big memorial stone on which three Chinese characters “望郷碑” written. There were 18 houses sunken under the dam. So the residents of such sunken houses built this monument thinking of old-days.

[The president giving toast in front of the monument, 望郷碑の前で乾杯するアトサン会長、망향비 앞에서 건배하는 아토(atto) 회장님]

We had plenty of food “Suyuk” or “boild pork” and kimchi beause the couple sponsored the wrap-up party.

We ended the party at 4:40 and went back to Daejeon.

It was my 13th hike for this year and my 271st hike of total AhToSan hikes.




登山コース:公設運動場(공설운동장)-キムシル嶺峠(김실령고개)-434峰-鶏龍山(계룡산)-通信塔(통신탑)-扇子山(ソンジャサン선자산)- ヘリポート(헬기장)-ウォンドクコル(원덕골)(九川ダム上流望郷碑)




[The 100th hike speech by Ttowa, トワとチョムワの100回目のハイキング、또와와 첨와의 100뻔째 하이킹]


[We went the wrong way, and came back after a while. 直進したが、すぐに引き返した。직진했지만, 곧 되돌아왔다.]


[We walked along the highway, 高速道路脇を歩いた、고속 도로 옆을 걸었다.]




[Local elementary school students, 地元の小学校の生徒たち、그 고장의 초등학교 학생들]


[A view from the ridge, 稜線からの眺め、능선으로부터의 조망]



[Vinegar-seasoned ascidian and mountain vegetable, ホヤの和え物と山菜、멍게 무친 요리와 산나물]




[At the top of Gyeryongsan, 鶏龍山山頂にて、계룡산 정상에서]



[A view from the ridge, 稜線からの眺め、능선으로부터의 조망]



[At the first break after the lunch, 昼食後最初の休憩、점심후 첫번째 휴식]



[At the top of Seonjasan, 扇子山山頂にて、선자산 정상에서]



[Members waiting for the chartered bus, 道路脇でアトサンのバスを待つ会員、도로옆으로 아토 버스를 기다리는 회원]




[In front of the monument, 望郷碑の前で、망향비 앞에서]


[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げパーティにて、뒤풀이에서]





120303 Yonhwasan(蓮華山연화산524.8m, Goseong (固城고성) (GyongNam)

Hiking Date: March 3, 2012 (Sat) Cloudy

Destination (mountain): Yonhwasan, Goseong (GyongNam)

Hiking course: Parking lot – Ambyokswimto – #1 Yonhwa – Hwangsae Pass – Yonhwasan – Namsan – Okcheonsa Temple – Parking lot (9 km, 4.5 hours)

Partner: 45 Ahtosan members

The location of the mountain was a bit far, in Goseong, Gyongnam Province, yet it was a light hiking, so we left Daejeon as usual.

There were 46 participants including myself. So there was no vacant seat at all.

We celebrated Ttenpi’s birthday and Alain Delon’s 250th hike on the bus. Alain is the 2nd most frequent hike next to me.

br />[The birthday cake and 250th hike cake, 誕生祝いケーキと250回記念ケーキ、생일 축하 케이크와 250번째 기념 케이크]

Everyone had a piece of the cake in the bus on the way to Yonhwasan.

We arrived at the parking lot of Yonhwasan Park at 10:08. There is a beautiful temple called “Okcheonsa” at the foot of the mountain. There were some ichnite (foot print fossils) of dinosaur, too.

[The explanation about track ways of sauropods, 恐竜の足跡の説明、공룡발자국의 설명]
[The track ways of sauropods, 恐竜の足跡、공룡발자국]

We took group pictures in front of the big stone monument and at the entrance of the trails with models of dinosaurs.

[The group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체사진]

We began walking at 10:12. The first approach was a gentle slope, but I felt hot and took off my outer clothes.

We had a short break at around 10:30. I brought only grapes, but they were good with makgeolli.

We soon arrived at Yonhwa il-bong at 11:15. We had early lunch there. The top group went on to climb Yonhwa #2, but about 30 members had lunch together.

[At the first Yonhwabong, 蓮華1峰にて、연화1봉에서]

[We had an early lunch at Yonhwa il-bong,蓮華1峰にて早い昼食、연화1봉에서 빠른 점심]

We left Yonhwa il-bong at 11:45 and went on to Yonhwasan, the main peak of the mountain.

I felt no pain in my back, so I could walk with the main group. The trails up to Yonhwasan were mostly gentle ridge so it was easy to walk.

But as we came close to the Yonhwasan, the slope became steep and difficult.

There was a bit stone monument, just like the one on Yonhwa il-bong. There was also a pile of stones with funny set of curvings. They were a pair of man and woman shapes. They are common in Korean mountains, but I never saw such things in Japan. There are shrines in the most of nice mountains in Japan.

Anyway, the trails became suddenly difficult from Yonhwa san. It was tough especially from Yonhwasan to Namsan. The slopes were steep and muddy.

When we came down from Namsan, the trails became gentle again and we came out to the beautiful temple called “Okcheonsa.”

[The main hall of "Okcheonsa" Temple, 玉泉寺(オクチョンサ)の本堂、옥천사]

There is a small temple near my house in Japan. The name of the temple in Chinese characters were exactly same. “Ok” means jewel and “Cheon” means spring. So, “Okchensa” means “Jewel spring temple.” According to the explanation, it was founded in 670 AD.

[The building for a big bell, 梵鐘閣、범종각]

Anyway, it was around 2 p.m.when I came down to the parking lot.

This time, we used a local restaurant for the wrap-up party.

The restaurant was at an entrance of a small village. The specialities of the restaurant were “Taktoritang” and “Bungo Meuntang.” “Taktoritang” is a spicy chicken soup and “Bungo Meuntang” is a spicy fish soup.

As usual of Korean food, these soup were accompanied with a plenty side-dishes.

[The restaurant for wrap-up party, 打ち上げパーティの会場となった食堂、뒤풀이 회장이 된 식당]

We all had enough foods and makgeolli as usual. Then we went out for looking aound the restaurant.

[After the dinner near the restaurant, 食事の後で、식사후]

Some members spoke to me in Japanese. One of them called “Haessal” had lived in Tokyo for two years about 20 years ago.

He still remembers Japanese and spoke to me in Japanese.

One of the topics was the shareowners of Shinhan Bank. Some of the members said that Japanese “yakuza” or gangsters, now own more than 50% of the shares of bank now.

Well, it was beyong my knowledge and I could not talk about it at all.

We left the restaurant at 3:30 and arrived at Daejeon at 6 p.m. It was my 12th hike for this year and 271st time for AhToSan total.




登山コース:駐車場 – 岸壁休憩場(암벽쉼터) – 蓮華1峰(연화1봉) – コウノトリ峠(황새고개) – 蓮華山(연화산) – 남산(南山)- 玉泉寺(オクチョンサ옥천사) – 駐車場 (9km, 4.5時間)





[The 250th hike cake for Alain Delon, アラン顧問の250回記念ケーキ、앨런 고문의 250번째 기념 케이크]




[The group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체사진]




[At the first Yonhwabong, 蓮華1峰にて、연화1봉에서]

[We had an early lunch at Yonhwa il-bong,蓮華1峰にて早い昼食、연화1봉에서 빠른 점심]





[At the top of Yonhwasan, 蓮華山山頂にて、연화산 정상에서]




[The mountain gate of "Okcheonsa" 玉泉寺(オクチョンサ)の山門、옥천사 산문]


[In front of the restaurant,食堂の前で、식당 앞에서]



[The main dish of Taktoritang, メインディッシュの『タクトリタン』、『닭도리탕』]

[Sea weed dish, ひじきのあえもの、톳 무침]






