About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120221 Mt. Kaimondake (924m), Kagoshima-ken, Kyushu, Japan (九州・鹿児島県・開聞岳규슈•가고시마현•가이몬다케)

Hiking Date: Feb. 21 (Tus) fine

Destination (mountain): Mt. Kaimondake (924m), Kagoshima-ken, Kyushu, Japan

Hiking course: Fureai Park (The 2nd Station) – Entrance of the trail – Top of the mountain – Fureai Park

Partner: Mt. Matsumoto

Mt. Kaimondake has a relation with “Kamikaze.” Those young pilots took of the bases like “Chiran,” then flew around the mountain, salute to the mountain, saying “Good-bye my country” then turned to the south.

The first part of the Japanese phrase, “Good-bye my country (Kuniyo-saraba)”is “Kuniyo”happened to be the same sound of “924”which is the altitude of Mt. Kaimondake.

Anyway, we arrived at the "Fureai"Park and left the rent-a-car there, and began hiking at 10:30.

<[At the park in front of Kaimondake, 開聞岳をバックにふれあい広場で、가이몬다케를 배경으로 만남 광장에서]

The road between the parking lot and the entrance of the trail was paved, and there were cherry trees on both sides.

[The cherry trees on the both sides of the road, 道路の両側に桜並木、도로 양측에 벚나무가 있었다.]

To our surprise, the cherry blossoms were already blooming! It might be a kind of “Kanhizakura” or “Taiwan cherry,”therefore, the color was a little bit redish than those we could see in Japan or Korea.

[The cherry blossoms were begun to bloom, 桜の花が咲き始めていた。벚꽃이 피기 시작하고 있었다.]

We arrived at the entrance of the trail at the 2nd station of Kaimondake at 10:10 a.m.

[At the entrance of the trail at the 2nd station, 二合目の登山口にて、이합목(2/10높이)의 등산구에서]

Since it was a weekday, not so many hikers we met. The first hiker was a runer who ran up and down the mountain.

Then we saw alone hiker who came down at around the 4th station. And we met a father and a daughter with their pet dog at around the 6th station.

The trail became really steep from the 7th point. There were some points facilitated with ropes and stairs.

[The wooden stairs with ropes, ロープ付の木製階段、로프가 붙어 있는 목제계단]

Finally we saw a man having lunch at the top of the mountain.

Since Kaimondake stands from the Kagoshima Bay, the views from the mountain were very good. We could see Kagoshima Peninsula and Kagoshima Bay; the land and the sea at the same time.

I found “Nagasakibana” quite unique and interesting. It looks like a nose of an elephant, or a snout of a marlin ("Kajiki" in Japanese.)

["Nagasakibana" point from the 5th station, 五合目から長崎鼻を見下ろす、오합목으로부터 나가사키바나를 내려다보다.]

We arrived at the top of the mountain at around 1 p.m. We had “Cheers!”with Ebisu can beer and had lunch there.

[Gave a toast with "Ebisu" beer at the top of the mountain, 頂上にて恵比寿ビールで乾杯、정상에서 에비스 맥주로 건배]

It took about 2 hours to go down to the parking lot.

[At the top of Kaimondake, 開聞岳頂上にて、가이몬다케 정상에서]

More pedals of cherry blossoms seemed open then those in the morning.

It was a pleasant 4.5 hour hiking.

They say that the altitude of the most of the best 100 mountains is over 1500 meters. Kaimondake is only 924 m. Yet they chose this mountain as one of 100 best mountains of Japan because of its beautiy. (Mt. Tsukuba which I climbed in January this year is only 877m, yet it is alos one of the best 100 mountains for the same reason.

I climbed two of 100 best moutains in Japan this year!

It was my 9th hike this year. (My target is 60.)


分類:ポイント 日本百名山99番目開聞岳登山






<知覧を飛び立った若者たちは開聞岳に向かい、そして上空を一周して「国よさらば」と敬礼して戦地に赴いた。「国よ」とは924Mの開聞岳そのものでもある。 だから、開聞岳の標高は924でなければだめなんだという民意を汲んで国土地理院が922から924に訂正した。>という話をネットで見つけた。なるほど標高は「国よ(九二四)」と覚えれば忘れない。


[The cherry trees on the both sides of the road, 道路の両側に桜並木、도로 양측에 벚나무가 있었다.]

[The cherry blossoms were begun to bloom, 桜の花が咲き始めていた。벚꽃이 피기 시작하고 있었다.]




[At the 4th Emergency Point at the 5th station, 五合目の第四救助ポイントにて、오합목의 제4구조 포인트에서]



[At the top of Kaimondake, 開聞岳の頂上にて、가이몬다케 정상에서]


[頂上から池田湖を見下ろす、정상에서 이케다호를 내려다보다]


[Memorial Plate of Crown Prince Akihito's hike on July 20, 1988,皇太子登山記念碑、황태자 등산 기념비]






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